GraphEditorView { flex-direction: column; background: #f00; flex: 1; } GraphEditorView #TitleBar { } GraphEditorView > #content { flex: 1; flex-direction: row; } GraphEditorView > #content > #GraphView { flex: 1; } GraphEditorView > #content > #inspector { width: 400; } MaterialGraphView { background-color: rgb(20, 21, 21); } MaterialNodeView.graphElement.node.MaterialNode { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } MaterialNodeView #previewContainer, MaterialNodeView #controls { background-color: rgba(63, 63, 63, 0.8); } MaterialNodeView #controls.notEmpty { padding-top: 4; padding-bottom: 4; } MaterialNodeView #previewContainer > #preview { width: 200; height: 200; align-items:center; } MaterialNodeView #previewContainer > #preview > #collapse { background-color: #000; border-color: #F0F0F0; width: 0; height: 0; opacity: 0; border-radius: 1; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1; border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; margin-top: 4; align-items:center; justify-content:center; } MaterialNodeView #previewContainer:hover > #preview > #collapse { width: 20; height: 20; opacity: 0.6; } MaterialNodeView #previewContainer > #preview > #collapse > #icon { background-image : resource("GraphView/Nodes/PreviewCollapse.png"); width: 16; height: 16; } MaterialNodeView #previewContainer > #preview > #collapse:hover { opacity: 1.0; } MaterialNodeView #previewContainer.collapsed > #preview > #collapse { height: 0; } MaterialNodeView #previewContainer > #expand { align-self: center; width: 56; height: 16; flex-direction: row; justify-content:center; } MaterialNodeView #previewContainer > #expand > #icon { align-self: center; background-image : resource("GraphView/Nodes/PreviewExpand.png"); width: 16; height: 16; } MaterialNodeView #previewContainer.collapsed > #expand:hover { background-color: #2B2B2B; } MaterialNodeView #previewContainer.expanded > #expand { height: 0; } MaterialNodeView > #resize { background-image : resource("GraphView/Nodes/NodeChevronLeft.png"); position-type: absolute; position-right: 5; position-bottom: 5; width: 10; height: 10; cursor: resize-up-left; } PortInputView { width: 212; height: 22; padding-top: 1; flex-direction: row; justify-content: flex-end; } PortInputView > #container { background-color: rgba(63, 63, 63, 0.8); flex-direction: row; align-items: center; padding-left: 8; margin-right: 12; border-left-width: 1; border-top-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1; border-color: rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.8); border-radius: 2; } PortInputView > #container > #slot { width: 8; height: 8; background-color: #2B2B2B; border-color: #232323; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1; border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-radius: 4; margin-left: 6; margin-right: 6; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } PortInputView > #edge { position-type: absolute; position-right: 0; position-top: 10.5; height: 2; width: 20; background-color: #ff0000; } PortInputView > #container > #slot > #dot { width: 4; height: 4; background-color: #ff0000; border-radius: 4; } PortInputView.typeMatrix4 > #container > #slot > #dot, PortInputView.typeMatrix3 > #container > #slot > #dot, PortInputView.typeMatrix2 > #container > #slot > #dot { background-color: #8FC1DF; } PortInputView.typeMatrix4, PortInputView.typeMatrix3, PortInputView.typeMatrix2 { edge-color: #8FC1DF; } PortInputView.typeTexture2D > #container > #slot > #dot { background-color: #FF8B8B; } PortInputView.typeTexture2D { edge-color: #FF8B8B; } PortInputView.typeVector4 > #container > #slot > #dot { background-color: #FBCBF4; } PortInputView.typeVector4 { edge-color: #FBCBF4; } PortInputView.typeVector3 > #container > #slot > #dot { background-color: #F6FF9A; } PortInputView.typeVector3 { edge-color: #F6FF9A; } PortInputView.typeVector2 > #container > #slot > #dot { background-color: #9AEF92; } PortInputView.typeVector2 { edge-color: #9AEF92; } PortInputView.typeVector1 > #container > #slot > #dot { background-color: #84E4E7; } PortInputView.typeVector1 { edge-color: #84E4E7; } TextureSlotControlView { flex-direction: row; align-items: center; } TextureSlotControlView > ObjectField { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; width: 100; } MultiFloatSlotControlView { flex-direction: row; align-items: center; } MultiFloatSlotControlView > #dummy > Label { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; cursor: slide-arrow; } MultiFloatSlotControlView > FloatField { width: 30; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } UVSlotControlView > EnumField { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; width: 40; } ColorRGBASlotControlView { flex-direction: row; align-items: center; } ColorRGBASlotControlView > ColorField { width: 50; } ColorRGBSlotControlView { flex-direction: row; align-items: center; } ColorRGBSlotControlView > ColorField { width: 50; } .edge.fromMatrix4, .edge.fromMatrix3, .edge.fromMatrix2 { edge-output-color: #8FC1DF; } .edge.toMatrix4, .edge.toMatrix3, .edge.toMatrix2 { edge-input-color: #8FC1DF; } .edge.fromTexture2D { edge-output-color: #FF8B8B; } .edge.toTexture2D { edge-input-color: #FF8B8B; } .edge.fromVector4 { edge-output-color: #FBCBF4; } .edge.toVector4 { edge-input-color: #FBCBF4; } .edge.fromVector3 { edge-output-color: #F6FF9A; } .edge.toVector3 { edge-input-color: #F6FF9A; } .edge.fromVector2 { edge-output-color: #9AEF92; } .edge.toVector2 { edge-input-color: #9AEF92; } .edge.fromVector1 { edge-output-color: #84E4E7; } .edge.toVector1 { edge-input-color: #84E4E7; } GraphInspectorView { background-color: rgb(56, 56, 56); flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; position-type: absolute; position-right: 0; position-top: 0; width: 600; height: 800; } GraphInspectorView * { font-size: 11; } GraphInspectorView > #top > #header { background-color: rgb(64, 64, 64); border-color: rgb(79, 79, 79); border-bottom-width: 1; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-between; } GraphInspectorView > #top > #header > #title { text-color: rgb(180, 180, 180); font-style: bold; padding-left: 16; padding-right: 16; padding-top: 10; padding-bottom: 10; } GraphInspectorView > #top > #content > #selectionCount { text-color: rgb(180, 180, 180); padding-left: 16; padding-right: 16; padding-top: 10; padding-bottom: 10; } GraphInspectorView > #bottom { margin-bottom: 20; } GraphInspectorView > #bottom > #preview { max-height: 400; background-color: rgb(79, 79, 79); } GraphInspectorView > #top > #properties { border-color: rgb(41, 41, 41); border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1; border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; margin-top: 8; margin-bottom: 8; margin-left: 8; margin-right: 8; } GraphInspectorView > #top > #properties > #header { border-color: rgb(41, 41, 41); border-bottom-width: 1; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; } GraphInspectorView > #top > #properties > #header > #title { text-color: rgb(180, 180, 180); font-style: bold; padding-top: 8; padding-bottom: 8; padding-left: 8; padding-right: 8; } GraphInspectorView > #top > #properties > #header > #addButton { height: 24; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 8; } GraphInspectorView > #top > #properties > #items { padding-bottom: 4; } GraphInspectorView > .resize { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); position-type: absolute; } GraphInspectorView > .resize.vertical { cursor: resize-vertical; height: 10; position-left: 10; position-right: 10; padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } GraphInspectorView > .resize.horizontal { cursor: resize-horizontal; width: 10; position-top: 10; position-bottom: 10; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } GraphInspectorView > .resize.diagonal { width: 10; height: 10; } GraphInspectorView > { cursor: resize-up-left; position-top: 0; position-left: 0; } GraphInspectorView > { cursor: resize-up-right; position-top: 0; position-right: 0; } GraphInspectorView > .resize.diagonal.bottom-left { cursor: resize-up-right; position-bottom: 0; position-left: 0; } GraphInspectorView > .resize.diagonal.bottom-right { cursor: resize-up-left; position-bottom: 0; position-right: 0; } GraphInspectorView > { position-top: 0; } GraphInspectorView > .resize.vertical.bottom { position-bottom: 0; } GraphInspectorView > .resize.horzontal.left { position-left: 0; } GraphInspectorView > .resize.horizontal.right { position-right: 0; } ShaderPropertyView { flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; padding-top: 8; padding-bottom: 4; padding-left: 8; padding-right: 8; } ShaderPropertyView > #displayName { flex: 1; margin-right: 8; } ShaderPropertyView > #value { flex: 2; margin-right: 8; } ShaderPropertyView > #remove { font-size: 9; padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; padding-left: 1; padding-right: 1; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } .nodeEditor { border-color: rgb(79, 79, 79); border-bottom-width: 1; padding-top: 10; } NodeEditorHeaderView { padding-left: 16; padding-right: 16; padding-bottom: 10; flex-direction: row; } NodeEditorHeaderView > #preType { margin-left: 10; } NodeEditorHeaderView > #preType, NodeEditorHeaderView > #postType, NodeEditorHeaderView > #type { text-color: rgb(180, 180, 180); } NodeEditorHeaderView > #title { text-color: rgb(180, 180, 180); font-style: bold; } .nodeEditor > .section { padding-bottom: 10; } .nodeEditor > .section.hidden { height: 0; padding-bottom: 0; } .nodeEditor > .section > .title { text-color: rgb(180, 180, 180); font-style: bold; padding-left: 16; padding-right: 16; padding-bottom: 2; } .nodeEditor > .section > #slots { flex-direction: column; padding-left: 15; padding-right: 15; } .nodeEditor > .section#surfaceOptions { padding-left: 15; padding-right: 15; } IMGUISlotEditorView { flex-direction: column; padding-bottom: 2; } ColorControlView { flex-direction: row; } MultiFloatControlView { flex-direction: row; padding-left: 8; padding-right: 8; padding-top: 4; padding-bottom: 4; } MultiFloatControlView > #dummy > Label { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; cursor: slide-arrow; } MultiFloatControlView > FloatField { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; min-width: 30; flex-grow: 1; } ObjectControlView { flex-direction: row; } ObjectControlView > ObjectField { flex: 1; } EnumControlView { flex-direction: row; } EnumControlView > EnumField { flex: 1; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 8; margin-top: 4; margin-bottom: 4; } EnumControlView > Label { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; margin-left: 8; margin-right: 8; margin-top: 4; margin-bottom: 4; } PropertyControlView { padding-left: 8; padding-right: 8; padding-top: 4; padding-bottom: 4; } EnumConversionControlView { flex-direction: row; padding-left: 8; padding-right: 8; padding-top: 4; padding-bottom: 4; } EnumConversionControlView > EnumField { flex: 1; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } EnumConversionControlView > Label { margin-left: 4; margin-right: 4; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; } /* TEMP STUFF THAT SHOULD ACTUALLY STAY IN GRAPHVIEW */ FloatField { min-height: 15; margin-left: 4; margin-top: 2; margin-right: 4; margin-bottom: 2; padding-left: 3; padding-top: 1; padding-right: 3; padding-bottom: 2; slice-left: 3; slice-top: 3; slice-right: 3; slice-bottom: 3; selection-color: rgba(61,128,223,166); cursor: text; text-color: #B4B4B4; background-image: resource("Builtin Skins/DarkSkin/Images/TextField.png"); cursor-color:#B4B4B4; } FloatField:focus { background-image: resource("Builtin Skins/DarkSkin/Images/TextField focused.png"); } ShaderPort { height: 24; align-items: center; padding-left: 4; padding-right: 4; port-color: rgb(200, 200, 200); disabled-port-color: rgb(70, 70, 70); } ShaderPort.input { flex-direction: row; } ShaderPort.output { flex-direction: row-reverse; } ShaderPort > #connector { border-color: rgb(70, 70, 70); background-color: #212121; width: 8; height: 8; border-radius: 8; align-items: center; justify-content: center; margin-left: 4; margin-right: 4; border-left-width:1; border-top-width:1; border-right-width:1; border-bottom-width:1; } ShaderPort > #connector:hover { border-color: #f0f0f0 } ShaderPort > #connector > #cap { background-color: #212121; width: 4; height: 4; border-radius: 4; } ShaderPort > #connector > #cap:hover { background-color: #f0f0f0; } ShaderPort > #connector.portHighlight { border-color: #f0f0f0; } ShaderPort > #type { text-color: #c1c1c1; font-size:11; height:16; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; margin-left: 4; margin-right: 4; } ShaderPort.input > #type { text-alignment: middle-left; } ShaderPort.output > #type { text-alignment:middle-right; } /*******************************/ /* ShaderPorts colors by types */ /*******************************/ ShaderPort.typeTexture { port-color:#FF8B8B; } ShaderPort.typeTexture2D { /* Same as typeTexture */ port-color:#FF8B8B; } ShaderPort.typeGraphScript { /* Todo: there is no such type in Unity atm */ port-color:#E681BA; } ShaderPort.typeFloat4 { port-color:#FBCBF4; } ShaderPort.typeVector4 { /* Same as typeFloat4 */ port-color:#FBCBF4; } ShaderPort.typeQuaternion { /* Same as typeFloat4 */ port-color:#FBCBF4; } ShaderPort.typeColor { /* Same as typeFloat4 */ port-color:#FBCBF4; } ShaderPort.typeInt { port-color:#9481E6; } ShaderPort.typeInt32 { /* Same as typeInt */ port-color:#9481E6; } ShaderPort.typeInt64 { /* Same as typeInt */ /* todo we might want to differentiate that from int32 */ port-color:#9481E6; } ShaderPort.typeBool { port-color:#9481E6; } ShaderPort.typeMatrix { port-color:#8FC1DF; } ShaderPort.typeMatrix4x4 { /* Same as typeMatrix */ port-color:#8FC1DF; } ShaderPort.typeGameObject { port-color:#8FC1DF; } ShaderPort.typeFloat { port-color:#84E4E7; } ShaderPort.typeFloat1 { /* Same as typeFloat */ port-color:#84E4E7; } ShaderPort.typeSingle { /* Same as typeFloat */ port-color:#84E4E7; } ShaderPort.typeDouble { /* Same as typeFloat */ /* todo we might want to differentiate that from float */ port-color:#84E4E7; } ShaderPort.typeFloat2 { port-color:#9AEF92; } ShaderPort.typeVector2 { /* Same as typeFloat2 */ port-color:#9AEF92; } ShaderPort.typeComponent { port-color:#C9F774; } ShaderPort.typeFloat3 { port-color:#F6FF9A; } ShaderPort.typeVector3 { /* Same as typeFloat3 */ port-color:#F6FF9A; } ShaderPort.typeString { port-color:#FCD76E; }