Shader "HDRenderPipeline/LitTessellation" { Properties { // Following set of parameters represent the parameters node inside the MaterialGraph. // They are use to fill a SurfaceData. With a MaterialGraph this should not exist. // Reminder. Color here are in linear but the UI (color picker) do the conversion sRGB to linear _BaseColor("BaseColor", Color) = (1,1,1,1) _BaseColorMap("BaseColorMap", 2D) = "white" {} _Metallic("_Metallic", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0 _Smoothness("Smoothness", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 1.0 _MaskMap("MaskMap", 2D) = "white" {} _SpecularOcclusionMap("SpecularOcclusion", 2D) = "white" {} _NormalMap("NormalMap", 2D) = "bump" {} _NormalScale("_NormalScale", Range(0.0, 2.0)) = 1 _HeightMap("HeightMap", 2D) = "black" {} _HeightAmplitude("Height Amplitude", Float) = 0.01 // In world units _HeightCenter("Height Center", Float) = 0.5 // In texture space _TangentMap("TangentMap", 2D) = "bump" {} _Anisotropy("Anisotropy", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0 _AnisotropyMap("AnisotropyMap", 2D) = "white" {} _DetailMap("DetailMap", 2D) = "black" {} _DetailMask("DetailMask", 2D) = "white" {} _DetailAlbedoScale("_DetailAlbedoScale", Range(-2.0, 2.0)) = 1 _DetailNormalScale("_DetailNormalScale", Range(0.0, 2.0)) = 1 _DetailSmoothnessScale("_DetailSmoothnessScale", Range(-2.0, 2.0)) = 1 _DetailHeightScale("_DetailHeightScale", Range(-2.0, 2.0)) = 1 _DetailAOScale("_DetailAOScale", Range(-2.0, 2.0)) = 1 [Enum(Standard, 0, Subsurface Scattering, 1, Clear Coat, 2, Specular Color, 3)] _MaterialID("MaterialId", Int) = 0 _SubsurfaceProfile("Subsurface Profile", Int) = 0 _SubsurfaceRadius("Subsurface Radius", Range(0.004, 1.0)) = 0.5 _SubsurfaceRadiusMap("Subsurface Radius Map", 2D) = "white" {} _Thickness("Thickness", Range(0.004, 1.0)) = 0.5 _ThicknessMap("Thickness Map", 2D) = "white" {} //_CoatCoverage("CoatCoverage", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0 //_CoatCoverageMap("CoatCoverageMapMap", 2D) = "white" {} //_CoatRoughness("CoatRoughness", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0 //_CoatRoughnessMap("CoatRoughnessMap", 2D) = "white" {} _DistortionVectorMap("DistortionVectorMap", 2D) = "black" {} // Following options are for the GUI inspector and different from the input parameters above // These option below will cause different compilation flag. _EmissiveColor("EmissiveColor", Color) = (0, 0, 0) _EmissiveColorMap("EmissiveColorMap", 2D) = "white" {} _EmissiveIntensity("EmissiveIntensity", Float) = 0 [ToggleOff] _DistortionEnable("Enable Distortion", Float) = 0.0 [ToggleOff] _DistortionOnly("Distortion Only", Float) = 0.0 [ToggleOff] _DistortionDepthTest("Distortion Depth Test Enable", Float) = 0.0 [ToggleOff] _DepthOffsetEnable("Depth Offset View space", Float) = 0.0 [ToggleOff] _AlphaCutoffEnable("Alpha Cutoff Enable", Float) = 0.0 _AlphaCutoff("Alpha Cutoff", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0.5 _HorizonFade("Horizon fade", Range(0.0, 5.0)) = 1.0 // Stencil state [HideInInspector] _StencilRef("_StencilRef", Int) = 0 // Blending state [HideInInspector] _SurfaceType("__surfacetype", Float) = 0.0 [HideInInspector] _BlendMode("__blendmode", Float) = 0.0 [HideInInspector] _SrcBlend("__src", Float) = 1.0 [HideInInspector] _DstBlend("__dst", Float) = 0.0 [HideInInspector] _ZWrite("__zw", Float) = 1.0 [HideInInspector] _CullMode("__cullmode", Float) = 2.0 [HideInInspector] _ZTestMode("_ZTestMode", Int) = 8 // Material Id [HideInInspector] _MaterialId("_MaterialId", FLoat) = 0 [Enum(None, 0, DoubleSided, 1, DoubleSidedLigthingFlip, 2, DoubleSidedLigthingMirror, 3)] _DoubleSidedMode("Double sided mode", Float) = 0 [Enum(Mask Alpha, 0, BaseColor Alpha, 1)] _SmoothnessTextureChannel("Smoothness texture channel", Float) = 1 [Enum(UV0, 0, Planar, 1, TriPlanar, 2)] _UVBase("UV Set for base", Float) = 0 _TexWorldScale("Scale to apply on world coordinate", Float) = 1.0 [HideInInspector] _UVMappingMask("_UVMappingMask", Color) = (1, 0, 0, 0) [HideInInspector] _UVMappingPlanar("_UVMappingPlanar", Float) = 0 [Enum(TangentSpace, 0, ObjectSpace, 1)] _NormalMapSpace("NormalMap space", Float) = 0 [ToggleOff] _EnablePerPixelDisplacement("Enable per pixel displacement", Float) = 0.0 _PPDMinSamples("Min sample for POM", Range(1.0, 64.0)) = 5 _PPDMaxSamples("Max sample for POM", Range(1.0, 64.0)) = 15 _PPDLodThreshold("Start lod to fade out the POM effect", Range(0.0, 16.0)) = 5 [Enum(DetailMapNormal, 0, DetailMapAOHeight, 1)] _DetailMapMode("DetailMap mode", Float) = 0 [Enum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3)] _UVDetail("UV Set for detail", Float) = 0 [HideInInspector] _UVDetailsMappingMask("_UVDetailsMappingMask", Color) = (1, 0, 0, 0) [Enum(Use Emissive Color, 0, Use Emissive Mask, 1)] _EmissiveColorMode("Emissive color mode", Float) = 1 // Tessellation specific [Enum(Phong, 0, Displacement, 1, DisplacementPhong, 2)] _TessellationMode("Tessellation mode", Float) = 0 _TessellationFactor("Tessellation Factor", Range(0.0, 15.0)) = 4.0 _TessellationFactorMinDistance("Tessellation start fading distance", Float) = 20.0 _TessellationFactorMaxDistance("Tessellation end fading distance", Float) = 50.0 _TessellationFactorTriangleSize("Tessellation triangle size", Float) = 100.0 _TessellationShapeFactor("Tessellation shape factor", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0.75 // Only use with Phong _TessellationBackFaceCullEpsilon("Tessellation back face epsilon", Range(-1.0, 0.0)) = -0.25 [ToggleOff] _TessellationObjectScale("Tessellation object scale", Float) = 0.0 // TODO: Handle culling mode for backface culling } HLSLINCLUDE #pragma target 5.0 #pragma only_renderers d3d11 ps4// TEMP: until we go futher in dev //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Variant //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma shader_feature _ALPHATEST_ON #pragma shader_feature _DISTORTION_ON #pragma shader_feature _DEPTHOFFSET_ON #pragma shader_feature _ _DOUBLESIDED _DOUBLESIDED_LIGHTING_FLIP _DOUBLESIDED_LIGHTING_MIRROR // Default is _TESSELLATION_PHONG #pragma shader_feature _ _TESSELLATION_DISPLACEMENT _TESSELLATION_DISPLACEMENT_PHONG #pragma shader_feature _TESSELLATION_OBJECT_SCALE #pragma shader_feature _SMOOTHNESS_TEXTURE_ALBEDO_CHANNEL_A #pragma shader_feature _MAPPING_TRIPLANAR #pragma shader_feature _DETAIL_MAP_WITH_NORMAL #pragma shader_feature _NORMALMAP_TANGENT_SPACE #pragma shader_feature _PER_PIXEL_DISPLACEMENT #pragma shader_feature _ _REQUIRE_UV2 _REQUIRE_UV3 #pragma shader_feature _EMISSIVE_COLOR #pragma shader_feature _NORMALMAP #pragma shader_feature _MASKMAP #pragma shader_feature _SPECULAROCCLUSIONMAP #pragma shader_feature _EMISSIVE_COLOR_MAP #pragma shader_feature _HEIGHTMAP #pragma shader_feature _TANGENTMAP #pragma shader_feature _ANISOTROPYMAP #pragma shader_feature _DETAIL_MAP #pragma shader_feature _SUBSURFACE_RADIUS_MAP #pragma shader_feature _THICKNESS_MAP #pragma multi_compile LIGHTMAP_OFF LIGHTMAP_ON #pragma multi_compile DIRLIGHTMAP_OFF DIRLIGHTMAP_COMBINED #pragma multi_compile DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_OFF DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON // TODO: We should have this keyword only if VelocityInGBuffer is enable, how to do that ? //#pragma multi_compile VELOCITYOUTPUT_OFF VELOCITYOUTPUT_ON //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Define //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define UNITY_MATERIAL_LIT // Need to be define before including Material.hlsl #define TESSELLATION_ON //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Include //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "common.hlsl" #include "tessellation.hlsl" #include "Assets/ScriptableRenderLoop/HDRenderPipeline/ShaderConfig.cs.hlsl" #include "Assets/ScriptableRenderLoop/HDRenderPipeline/ShaderVariables.hlsl" #include "Assets/ScriptableRenderLoop/HDRenderPipeline/ShaderPass/FragInputs.hlsl" #include "Assets/ScriptableRenderLoop/HDRenderPipeline/ShaderPass/ShaderPass.cs.hlsl" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // variable declaration //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "Assets/ScriptableRenderLoop/HDRenderPipeline/Material/Lit/LitProperties.hlsl" // All our shaders use same name for entry point #pragma vertex Vert #pragma fragment Frag ENDHLSL SubShader { Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" "PerformanceChecks"="False" } LOD 300 Pass { Name "GBuffer" // Name is not used Tags { "LightMode" = "GBuffer" } // This will be only for opaque object based on the RenderQueue index Cull [_CullMode] Stencil { Ref [_StencilRef] Comp Always Pass Replace } HLSLPROGRAM #pragma hull Hull #pragma domain Domain #define SHADERPASS SHADERPASS_GBUFFER #include "../../Material/Material.hlsl" #include "ShaderPass/LitSharePass.hlsl" #include "LitData.hlsl" #include "../../ShaderPass/ShaderPassGBuffer.hlsl" ENDHLSL } Pass { Name "Debug" Tags { "LightMode" = "DebugViewMaterial" } Cull[_CullMode] HLSLPROGRAM #pragma hull Hull #pragma domain Domain #define SHADERPASS SHADERPASS_DEBUG_VIEW_MATERIAL #include "../../Material/Material.hlsl" #include "ShaderPass/LitSharePass.hlsl" #include "LitData.hlsl" #include "../../ShaderPass/ShaderPassDebugViewMaterial.hlsl" ENDHLSL } // Extracts information for lightmapping, GI (emission, albedo, ...) // This pass it not used during regular rendering. Pass { Name "META" Tags{ "LightMode" = "Meta" } Cull Off HLSLPROGRAM // Lightmap memo // DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON is used when we have an "enlighten lightmap" ie a lightmap updated at runtime by enlighten.This lightmap contain indirect lighting from realtime lights and realtime emissive material.Offline baked lighting(from baked material / light, // both direct and indirect lighting) will hand up in the "regular" lightmap->LIGHTMAP_ON. // No tessellation for Meta pass #undef TESSELLATION_ON #define SHADERPASS SHADERPASS_LIGHT_TRANSPORT #include "../../Material/Material.hlsl" #include "ShaderPass/LitMetaPass.hlsl" #include "LitData.hlsl" #include "../../ShaderPass/ShaderPassLightTransport.hlsl" ENDHLSL } Pass { Name "ShadowCaster" Tags{ "LightMode" = "ShadowCaster" } Cull[_CullMode] ZWrite On ZTest LEqual HLSLPROGRAM #pragma hull Hull #pragma domain Domain #define SHADERPASS SHADERPASS_DEPTH_ONLY #include "../../Material/Material.hlsl" #include "ShaderPass/LitDepthPass.hlsl" #include "LitData.hlsl" #include "../../ShaderPass/ShaderPassDepthOnly.hlsl" ENDHLSL } Pass { Name "DepthOnly" Tags{ "LightMode" = "DepthOnly" } Cull[_CullMode] ZWrite On HLSLPROGRAM #pragma hull Hull #pragma domain Domain #define SHADERPASS SHADERPASS_DEPTH_ONLY #include "../../Material/Material.hlsl" #include "ShaderPass/LitDepthPass.hlsl" #include "LitData.hlsl" #include "../../ShaderPass/ShaderPassDepthOnly.hlsl" ENDHLSL } Pass { Name "Motion Vectors" Tags{ "LightMode" = "MotionVectors" } // Caution, this need to be call like this to setup the correct parameters by C++ (legacy Unity) Cull[_CullMode] ZWrite Off // TODO: Test Z equal here. HLSLPROGRAM // TODO: Tesselation can't work with velocity for now... #define SHADERPASS SHADERPASS_VELOCITY #include "../../Material/Material.hlsl" #include "ShaderPass/LitVelocityPass.hlsl" #include "LitData.hlsl" #include "../../ShaderPass/ShaderPassVelocity.hlsl" ENDHLSL } Pass { Name "Distortion" // Name is not used Tags { "LightMode" = "DistortionVectors" } // This will be only for transparent object based on the RenderQueue index Blend One One ZTest [_ZTestMode] ZWrite off Cull [_CullMode] HLSLPROGRAM #pragma hull Hull #pragma domain Domain #define SHADERPASS SHADERPASS_DISTORTION #include "../../Material/Material.hlsl" #include "ShaderPass/LitDistortionPass.hlsl" #include "LitData.hlsl" #include "../../ShaderPass/ShaderPassDistortion.hlsl" ENDHLSL } Pass { Name "Forward" // Name is not used Tags { "LightMode" = "Forward" } // This will be only for transparent object based on the RenderQueue index Blend [_SrcBlend] [_DstBlend] ZWrite [_ZWrite] Cull [_CullMode] HLSLPROGRAM #pragma hull Hull #pragma domain Domain #define SHADERPASS SHADERPASS_FORWARD #include "../../Lighting/Forward.hlsl" // TEMP until pragma work in include #pragma multi_compile LIGHTLOOP_SINGLE_PASS LIGHTLOOP_TILE_PASS #include "../../Lighting/Lighting.hlsl" #include "ShaderPass/LitSharePass.hlsl" #include "LitData.hlsl" #include "../../ShaderPass/ShaderPassForward.hlsl" ENDHLSL } } CustomEditor "Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.LitGUI" }