using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements.GraphView; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements; using UnityEngine.Graphing; using UnityEngine.MaterialGraph; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace UnityEditor.MaterialGraph.Drawing { public interface IMaterialGraphEditWindow { void PingAsset(); void UpdateAsset(); void Repaint(); void ToggleRequiresTime(); void ToSubGraph(); void Show(); void Focus(); Object selected { get; set; } void ChangeSelection(Object newSelection); } public abstract class HelperMaterialGraphEditWindow : EditorWindow, IMaterialGraphEditWindow { public abstract AbstractMaterialGraph GetMaterialGraph(); public abstract void PingAsset(); public abstract void UpdateAsset(); public abstract void ToggleRequiresTime(); public abstract void ToSubGraph(); public abstract Object selected { get; set; } public abstract void ChangeSelection(Object newSelection); } public class MaterialGraphEditWindow : AbstractMaterialGraphEditWindow { public override AbstractMaterialGraph GetMaterialGraph() { return inMemoryAsset; } } public class SubGraphEditWindow : AbstractMaterialGraphEditWindow { public override AbstractMaterialGraph GetMaterialGraph() { return inMemoryAsset; } } public abstract class AbstractMaterialGraphEditWindow : HelperMaterialGraphEditWindow where TGraphType : AbstractMaterialGraph { public static bool allowAlwaysRepaint = true; [SerializeField] Object m_Selected; [SerializeField] TGraphType m_InMemoryAsset; GraphEditorView m_GraphEditorView; GraphEditorView graphEditorView { get { return m_GraphEditorView; } set { if (m_GraphEditorView != null) { if (m_GraphEditorView.presenter != null) m_GraphEditorView.presenter.Dispose(); m_GraphEditorView.Dispose(); } m_GraphEditorView = value; } } protected TGraphType inMemoryAsset { get { return m_InMemoryAsset; } set { m_InMemoryAsset = value; } } public override Object selected { get { return m_Selected; } set { m_Selected = value; } } void Update() { if (graphEditorView != null) { if (graphEditorView.presenter == null) CreatePresenter(); if (graphEditorView.presenter != null) graphEditorView.presenter.UpdatePreviews(); } } void OnEnable() { graphEditorView = new GraphEditorView(); rootVisualContainer.Add(graphEditorView); } void OnDisable() { rootVisualContainer.Clear(); graphEditorView = null; } void OnDestroy() { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Shader Graph Might Have Been Modified", "Do you want to save the changes you made in the shader graph?", "Save", "Don't Save")) { UpdateAsset(); } graphEditorView = null; } void OnGUI() { var presenter = graphEditorView.presenter; var e = Event.current; if (e.type == EventType.ValidateCommand && ( e.commandName == "Copy" && presenter.graphPresenter.canCopy || e.commandName == "Paste" && presenter.graphPresenter.canPaste || e.commandName == "Duplicate" && presenter.graphPresenter.canDuplicate || e.commandName == "Cut" && presenter.graphPresenter.canCut || (e.commandName == "Delete" || e.commandName == "SoftDelete") && presenter.graphPresenter.canDelete)) { e.Use(); } if (e.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand) { if (e.commandName == "Copy") presenter.graphPresenter.Copy(); if (e.commandName == "Paste") presenter.graphPresenter.Paste(); if (e.commandName == "Duplicate") presenter.graphPresenter.Duplicate(); if (e.commandName == "Cut") presenter.graphPresenter.Cut(); if (e.commandName == "Delete" || e.commandName == "SoftDelete") presenter.graphPresenter.Delete(); } if (e.type == EventType.KeyDown) { if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.A) graphEditorView.graphView.FrameAll(); if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.F) graphEditorView.graphView.FrameSelection(); if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.O) graphEditorView.graphView.FrameOrigin(); if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.Tab) graphEditorView.graphView.FrameNext(); if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.Tab && e.modifiers == EventModifiers.Shift) graphEditorView.graphView.FramePrev(); } } public override void PingAsset() { if (selected != null) EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(selected); } public override void UpdateAsset() { if (selected != null && inMemoryAsset != null) { var path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(selected); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) || inMemoryAsset == null) { return; } if (typeof(TGraphType) == typeof(UnityEngine.MaterialGraph.MaterialGraph)) UpdateShaderGraphOnDisk(path); if (typeof(TGraphType) == typeof(SubGraph)) UpdateShaderSubGraphOnDisk(path); } } public override void ToSubGraph() { string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject("Save subgraph", "New SubGraph", "ShaderSubGraph", ""); path = path.Replace(Application.dataPath, "Assets"); if (path.Length == 0) return; var graphPresenter = graphEditorView.presenter.graphPresenter; var selected = graphPresenter.elements.Where(e => e.selected).ToArray(); var deserialized = MaterialGraphPresenter.DeserializeCopyBuffer(JsonUtility.ToJson(MaterialGraphPresenter.CreateCopyPasteGraph(selected))); if (deserialized == null) return; var graph = new SubGraph(); graph.AddNode(new SubGraphInputNode()); graph.AddNode(new SubGraphOutputNode()); var nodeGuidMap = new Dictionary(); foreach (var node in deserialized.GetNodes()) { var oldGuid = node.guid; var newGuid = node.RewriteGuid(); nodeGuidMap[oldGuid] = newGuid; graph.AddNode(node); } // remap outputs to the subgraph var inputEdgeNeedsRemap = new List(); var outputEdgeNeedsRemap = new List(); foreach (var edge in deserialized.edges) { var outputSlot = edge.outputSlot; var inputSlot = edge.inputSlot; Guid remappedOutputNodeGuid; Guid remappedInputNodeGuid; var outputRemapExists = nodeGuidMap.TryGetValue(outputSlot.nodeGuid, out remappedOutputNodeGuid); var inputRemapExists = nodeGuidMap.TryGetValue(inputSlot.nodeGuid, out remappedInputNodeGuid); // pasting nice internal links! if (outputRemapExists && inputRemapExists) { var outputSlotRef = new SlotReference(remappedOutputNodeGuid, outputSlot.slotId); var inputSlotRef = new SlotReference(remappedInputNodeGuid, inputSlot.slotId); graph.Connect(outputSlotRef, inputSlotRef); } // one edge needs to go to outside world else if (outputRemapExists) { inputEdgeNeedsRemap.Add(edge); } else if (inputRemapExists) { outputEdgeNeedsRemap.Add(edge); } } // we do a grouping here as the same output can // point to multiple inputs var uniqueOutputs = outputEdgeNeedsRemap.GroupBy(edge => edge.outputSlot); var inputsNeedingConnection = new List>(); foreach (var group in uniqueOutputs) { var inputNode = graph.inputNode; var slotId = inputNode.AddSlot(); var outputSlotRef = new SlotReference(inputNode.guid, slotId); foreach (var edge in group) { var newEdge = graph.Connect(outputSlotRef, new SlotReference(nodeGuidMap[edge.inputSlot.nodeGuid], edge.inputSlot.slotId)); inputsNeedingConnection.Add(new KeyValuePair(edge, newEdge)); } } var uniqueInputs = inputEdgeNeedsRemap.GroupBy(edge => edge.inputSlot); var outputsNeedingConnection = new List>(); foreach (var group in uniqueInputs) { var outputNode = graph.outputNode; var slotId = outputNode.AddSlot(); var inputSlotRef = new SlotReference(outputNode.guid, slotId); foreach (var edge in group) { var newEdge = graph.Connect(new SlotReference(nodeGuidMap[edge.outputSlot.nodeGuid], edge.outputSlot.slotId), inputSlotRef); outputsNeedingConnection.Add(new KeyValuePair(edge, newEdge)); } } File.WriteAllText(path, EditorJsonUtility.ToJson(graph)); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path); var subGraph = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(MaterialSubGraphAsset)) as MaterialSubGraphAsset; if (subGraph == null) return; var subGraphNode = new SubGraphNode(); graphPresenter.AddNode(subGraphNode); subGraphNode.subGraphAsset = subGraph; foreach (var edgeMap in inputsNeedingConnection) { graphPresenter.graph.Connect(edgeMap.Key.outputSlot, new SlotReference(subGraphNode.guid, edgeMap.Value.outputSlot.slotId)); } foreach (var edgeMap in outputsNeedingConnection) { graphPresenter.graph.Connect(new SlotReference(subGraphNode.guid, edgeMap.Value.inputSlot.slotId), edgeMap.Key.inputSlot); } var toDelete = graphPresenter.elements.Where(e => e.selected).OfType(); graphPresenter.RemoveElements(toDelete, new List()); } private void UpdateShaderSubGraphOnDisk(string path) { var graph = inMemoryAsset as SubGraph; if (graph == null) return; File.WriteAllText(path, EditorJsonUtility.ToJson(inMemoryAsset, true)); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path); } private void UpdateShaderGraphOnDisk(string path) { var graph = inMemoryAsset as UnityEngine.MaterialGraph.MaterialGraph; if (graph == null) return; List configuredTextures = new List(); // graph.GetPreviewShader(graph.masterNode, GenerationMode.ForReals, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path), out configuredTextures); var shaderImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(path) as ShaderImporter; if (shaderImporter == null) return; var textureNames = new List(); var textures = new List(); foreach (var textureInfo in configuredTextures.Where(x => x.modifiable)) { var texture = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(textureInfo.textureId) as Texture; if (texture == null) continue; textureNames.Add(; textures.Add(texture); } shaderImporter.SetDefaultTextures(textureNames.ToArray(), textures.ToArray()); textureNames.Clear(); textures.Clear(); foreach (var textureInfo in configuredTextures.Where(x => !x.modifiable)) { var texture = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(textureInfo.textureId) as Texture; if (texture == null) continue; textureNames.Add(; textures.Add(texture); } shaderImporter.SetNonModifiableTextures(textureNames.ToArray(), textures.ToArray()); File.WriteAllText(path, EditorJsonUtility.ToJson(inMemoryAsset, true)); shaderImporter.SaveAndReimport(); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path); } public override void ToggleRequiresTime() { allowAlwaysRepaint = !allowAlwaysRepaint; } public override void ChangeSelection(Object newSelection) { if (!EditorUtility.IsPersistent(newSelection)) return; if (selected == newSelection) return; selected = newSelection; var path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(newSelection); var textGraph = File.ReadAllText(path, Encoding.UTF8); inMemoryAsset = JsonUtility.FromJson(textGraph); inMemoryAsset.OnEnable(); inMemoryAsset.ValidateGraph(); CreatePresenter(); titleContent = new GUIContent(; Repaint(); } void CreatePresenter() { if (graphEditorView.presenter != null) graphEditorView.presenter.Dispose(); var presenter = CreateInstance(); presenter.Initialize(inMemoryAsset, this,; graphEditorView.presenter = presenter; graphEditorView.RegisterCallback(OnPostLayout); } void OnPostLayout(PostLayoutEvent evt) { graphEditorView.UnregisterCallback(OnPostLayout); graphEditorView.graphView.FrameAll(); } } }