//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fill SurfaceData/Builtin data function //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/Sampling/SampleUVMapping.hlsl" #include "../MaterialUtilities.hlsl" #include "../Lit/LitBuiltinData.hlsl" #include "../Decal/DecalUtilities.hlsl" #include "TerrainLitSplatCommon.hlsl" #include "TerrainLitDataMeshModification.hlsl" void GetSurfaceAndBuiltinData(inout FragInputs input, float3 V, inout PositionInputs posInput, out SurfaceData surfaceData, out BuiltinData builtinData) { #ifdef ENABLE_TERRAIN_PERPIXEL_NORMAL { float3 normalOS = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_TerrainNormalmapTexture, sampler_Control0, (input.texCoord0 + 0.5f) * _TerrainHeightmapRecipSize.xy).rgb * 2 - 1; float3 normalWS = ((float3x3)GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), normalOS); float3 tangentWS = cross(GetObjectToWorldMatrix()._13_23_33, normalWS); float renormFactor = 1.0 / length(normalWS); // bitangent on the fly option in xnormal to reduce vertex shader outputs. // this is the mikktspace transformation (must use unnormalized attributes) float3x3 worldToTangent = CreateWorldToTangent(normalWS, tangentWS.xyz, 1); // surface gradient based formulation requires a unit length initial normal. We can maintain compliance with mikkts // by uniformly scaling all 3 vectors since normalization of the perturbed normal will cancel it. input.worldToTangent[0] = worldToTangent[0] * renormFactor; input.worldToTangent[1] = worldToTangent[1] * renormFactor; input.worldToTangent[2] = worldToTangent[2] * renormFactor; // normalizes the interpolated vertex normal input.texCoord0 *= _TerrainHeightmapRecipSize.zw; } #endif // terrain lightmap uvs are always taken from uv0 input.texCoord1 = input.texCoord2 = input.texCoord0; ApplyDoubleSidedFlipOrMirror(input); // Apply double sided flip on the vertex normal // TODO: triplanar and SURFACE_GRADIENT? // TODO: POM float2 uv = input.texCoord0; float2 uvSplats[_MAX_LAYER]; uvSplats[0] = uv * _Splat0_ST.xy + _Splat0_ST.zw; #if _LAYER_COUNT > 1 uvSplats[1] = uv * _Splat1_ST.xy + _Splat1_ST.zw; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 2 uvSplats[2] = uv * _Splat2_ST.xy + _Splat2_ST.zw; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 3 uvSplats[3] = uv * _Splat3_ST.xy + _Splat3_ST.zw; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 4 uvSplats[4] = uv * _Splat4_ST.xy + _Splat4_ST.zw; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 5 uvSplats[5] = uv * _Splat5_ST.xy + _Splat5_ST.zw; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 6 uvSplats[6] = uv * _Splat6_ST.xy + _Splat6_ST.zw; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 7 uvSplats[7] = uv * _Splat7_ST.xy + _Splat7_ST.zw; #endif // sample weights from Control maps float4 blendMasks0 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Control0, sampler_Control0, uv); #if _LAYER_COUNT > 4 float4 blendMasks1 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Control1, sampler_Control0, uv); #else float4 blendMasks1 = float4(0, 0, 0, 0); #endif // adjust weights for density mode #ifdef _DENSITY_MODE // 20.0 is the number of steps in inputAlphaMask (Density mask. We decided 20 empirically) float4 opacityAsDensity0 = saturate((float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - (float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - blendMasks0)) * 20.0); float4 useOpacityAsDensityParam0 = float4(_OpacityAsDensity0, _OpacityAsDensity1, _OpacityAsDensity2, _OpacityAsDensity3); blendMasks0 = lerp(blendMasks0, opacityAsDensity0, useOpacityAsDensityParam0); #if _LAYER_COUNT > 4 float4 opacityAsDensity1 = saturate((float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - (float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - blendMasks0)) * 20.0); float4 useOpacityAsDensityParam1 = float4(_OpacityAsDensity4, _OpacityAsDensity5, _OpacityAsDensity6, _OpacityAsDensity7); blendMasks1 = lerp(blendMasks1, opacityAsDensity1, useOpacityAsDensityParam1); #endif #endif // adjust weights for height based blending #ifdef _TERRAIN_HEIGHT_MAP float4 heights0 = float4(0, 0, 0, 0); float4 heights1 = float4(0, 0, 0, 0); heights0.r = (SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Height0, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[0]).r * blendMasks0.r - _HeightCenter0) * _HeightAmplitude0; #if _LAYER_COUNT > 1 heights0.g = (SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Height1, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[1]).r * blendMasks0.g - _HeightCenter1) * _HeightAmplitude1; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 2 heights0.b = (SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Height2, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[2]).r * blendMasks0.b - _HeightCenter2) * _HeightAmplitude2; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 3 heights0.a = (SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Height3, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[3]).r * blendMasks0.a - _HeightCenter3) * _HeightAmplitude3; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 4 heights1.r = (SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Height4, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[4]).r * blendMasks1.r - _HeightCenter4) * _HeightAmplitude4; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 5 heights1.g = (SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Height5, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[5]).r * blendMasks1.g - _HeightCenter5) * _HeightAmplitude5; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 6 heights1.b = (SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Height6, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[6]).r * blendMasks1.b - _HeightCenter6) * _HeightAmplitude6; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 7 heights1.a = (SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Height7, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[7]).r * blendMasks1.a - _HeightCenter7) * _HeightAmplitude7; #endif // Modify blendMask to take into account the height of the layer. Higher height should be more visible. ApplyHeightBlend(heights0, heights1, blendMasks0, blendMasks1); #endif float weights[_MAX_LAYER]; ZERO_INITIALIZE_ARRAY(float, weights, _MAX_LAYER); #if defined(_DENSITY_MODE) // calculate weight of each layers // Algorithm is like this: // Top layer have priority on others layers // If a top layer doesn't use the full weight, the remaining can be use by the following layer. float weightsSum = 0.0f; #if _LAYER_COUNT > 7 weights[7] = min(blendMasks1.a, (1.0f - weightsSum)); weightsSum = saturate(weightsSum + weights[7]); #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 6 weights[6] = min(blendMasks1.b, (1.0f - weightsSum)); weightsSum = saturate(weightsSum + weights[6]); #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 5 weights[5] = min(blendMasks1.g, (1.0f - weightsSum)); weightsSum = saturate(weightsSum + weights[5]); #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 4 weights[4] = min(blendMasks1.r, (1.0f - weightsSum)); weightsSum = saturate(weightsSum + weights[4]); #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 3 weights[3] = min(blendMasks0.a, (1.0f - weightsSum)); weightsSum = saturate(weightsSum + weights[3]); #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 2 weights[2] = min(blendMasks0.b, (1.0f - weightsSum)); weightsSum = saturate(weightsSum + weights[2]); #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 1 weights[1] = min(blendMasks0.g, (1.0f - weightsSum)); weightsSum = saturate(weightsSum + weights[1]); #endif weights[0] = min(blendMasks0.r, (1.0f - weightsSum)); #else weights[0] = blendMasks0.r; weights[1] = blendMasks0.g; weights[2] = blendMasks0.b; weights[3] = blendMasks0.a; weights[4] = blendMasks1.r; weights[5] = blendMasks1.g; weights[6] = blendMasks1.b; weights[7] = blendMasks1.a; #endif // TODO: conditional samplings surfaceData.baseColor = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Splat0, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[0]).rgb * weights[0]; surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Splat0, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[0]).a * _Smoothness0 * weights[0]; surfaceData.metallic = _Metallic0 * weights[0]; #if _LAYER_COUNT > 1 surfaceData.baseColor += SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Splat1, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[1]).rgb * weights[1]; surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness += SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Splat1, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[1]).a * _Smoothness1 * weights[1]; surfaceData.metallic += _Metallic1 * weights[1]; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 2 surfaceData.baseColor += SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Splat2, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[2]).rgb * weights[2]; surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness += SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Splat2, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[2]).a * _Smoothness2 * weights[2]; surfaceData.metallic += _Metallic2 * weights[2]; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 3 surfaceData.baseColor += SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Splat3, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[3]).rgb * weights[3]; surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness += SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Splat3, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[3]).a * _Smoothness3 * weights[3]; surfaceData.metallic += _Metallic3 * weights[3]; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 4 surfaceData.baseColor += SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Splat4, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[4]).rgb * weights[4]; surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness += SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Splat4, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[4]).a * _Smoothness4 * weights[4]; surfaceData.metallic += _Metallic4 * weights[4]; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 5 surfaceData.baseColor += SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Splat5, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[5]).rgb * weights[5]; surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness += SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Splat5, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[5]).a * _Smoothness5 * weights[5]; surfaceData.metallic += _Metallic5 * weights[5]; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 6 surfaceData.baseColor += SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Splat6, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[6]).rgb * weights[6]; surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness += SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Splat6, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[6]).a * _Smoothness6 * weights[6]; surfaceData.metallic += _Metallic6 * weights[6]; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 7 surfaceData.baseColor += SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Splat7, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[7]).rgb * weights[7]; surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness += SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Splat7, sampler_Splat0, uvSplats[7]).a * _Smoothness7 * weights[7]; surfaceData.metallic += _Metallic7 * weights[7]; #endif #if defined(_TERRAIN_NORMAL_MAP) UVMapping normalUV; normalUV.mappingType = UV_MAPPING_UVSET; #ifdef SURFACE_GRADIENT normalUV.tangentWS = input.worldToTangent[0]; normalUV.bitangentWS = input.worldToTangent[1]; #endif normalUV.uv = uvSplats[0]; float3 normalTS = SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_NORMALMAP(_Normal0, sampler_Splat0, normalUV, 1) * weights[0]; #if _LAYER_COUNT > 1 normalUV.uv = uvSplats[1]; normalTS += SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_NORMALMAP(_Normal1, sampler_Splat0, normalUV, 1) * weights[1]; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 2 normalUV.uv = uvSplats[2]; normalTS += SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_NORMALMAP(_Normal2, sampler_Splat0, normalUV, 1) * weights[2]; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 3 normalUV.uv = uvSplats[3]; normalTS += SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_NORMALMAP(_Normal3, sampler_Splat0, normalUV, 1) * weights[3]; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 4 normalUV.uv = uvSplats[4]; normalTS += SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_NORMALMAP(_Normal4, sampler_Splat0, normalUV, 1) * weights[4]; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 5 normalUV.uv = uvSplats[5]; normalTS += SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_NORMALMAP(_Normal5, sampler_Splat0, normalUV, 1) * weights[5]; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 6 normalUV.uv = uvSplats[6]; normalTS += SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_NORMALMAP(_Normal6, sampler_Splat0, normalUV, 1) * weights[6]; #endif #if _LAYER_COUNT > 7 normalUV.uv = uvSplats[7]; normalTS += SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_NORMALMAP(_Normal7, sampler_Splat0, normalUV, 1) * weights[7]; #endif #elif defined(SURFACE_GRADIENT) float3 normalTS = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // No gradient #else float3 normalTS = float3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); #endif surfaceData.ambientOcclusion = 1; surfaceData.tangentWS = normalize(input.worldToTangent[0].xyz); // The tangent is not normalize in worldToTangent for mikkt. Tag: SURFACE_GRADIENT surfaceData.subsurfaceMask = 0; surfaceData.thickness = 1; surfaceData.diffusionProfile = 0; surfaceData.materialFeatures = MATERIALFEATUREFLAGS_LIT_STANDARD; // Init other parameters surfaceData.anisotropy = 0.0; surfaceData.specularColor = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); surfaceData.coatMask = 0.0; surfaceData.iridescenceThickness = 0.0; surfaceData.iridescenceMask = 0.0; // Transparency parameters // Use thickness from SSS surfaceData.ior = 1.0; surfaceData.transmittanceColor = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); surfaceData.atDistance = 1000000.0; surfaceData.transmittanceMask = 0.0; GetNormalWS(input, V, normalTS, surfaceData.normalWS); float3 bentNormalWS = surfaceData.normalWS; // By default we use the ambient occlusion with Tri-ace trick (apply outside) for specular occlusion. //#if defined(_MASKMAP0) || defined(_MASKMAP1) || defined(_MASKMAP2) || defined(_MASKMAP3) // surfaceData.specularOcclusion = GetSpecularOcclusionFromAmbientOcclusion(dot(surfaceData.normalWS, V), surfaceData.ambientOcclusion, PerceptualSmoothnessToRoughness(surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness)); //#else surfaceData.specularOcclusion = 1.0; //#endif #ifndef _DISABLE_DBUFFER float alpha = 1; AddDecalContribution(posInput, surfaceData, alpha); #endif #if defined(DEBUG_DISPLAY) if (_DebugMipMapMode != DEBUGMIPMAPMODE_NONE) { surfaceData.baseColor = GetTextureDataDebug(_DebugMipMapMode, layerTexCoord.base0.uv, _BaseColorMap0, _BaseColorMap0_TexelSize, _BaseColorMap0_MipInfo, surfaceData.baseColor); surfaceData.metallic = 0; } #endif GetBuiltinData(input, surfaceData, 1, bentNormalWS, 0, builtinData); }