using UnityEngine.Rendering; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.LightweightPipeline { public enum ShaderPathID { STANDARD_PBS = 0, STANDARD_SIMPLE_LIGHTING, STANDARD_UNLIT, STANDARD_TERRAIN, STANDARD_PARTICLES_LIT, STANDARD_PARTICLES_UNLIT, HIDDEN_BLIT, HIDDEN_DEPTH_COPY, SHADER_PATH_COUNT } public enum DebugViewKeyword { ALBEDO, METALNESS, NORMALS, SMOOTHNESS, OCCLUSION, SHADOWS, NUM_VIEWS } public static class LightweightShaderUtils { private static readonly string[] m_ShaderPaths = { "LightweightPipeline/Standard (Physically Based)", "LightweightPipeline/Standard (Simple Lighting)", "LightweightPipeline/Standard Unlit", "LightweightPipeline/Standard Terrain", "LightweightPipeline/Particles/Standard", "LightweightPipeline/Particles/Standard Unlit", "Hidden/LightweightPipeline/Blit", "Hidden/LightweightPipeline/CopyDepth" }; private static readonly string[] m_DebugViewKeywords = { "_DEBUG_ALBEDO", "_DEBUG_METALNESS", "_DEBUG_NORMALS", "_DEBUG_SMOOTHNESS", "_DEBUG_OCCLUSION", "_DEBUG_SHADOWS" }; public static string GetShaderPath(ShaderPathID id) { int index = (int)id; if (index < 0 && index >= (int)ShaderPathID.SHADER_PATH_COUNT) { Debug.LogError("Trying to access lightweight shader path out of bounds"); return ""; } return m_ShaderPaths[index]; } public static void ResetDebugModes(CommandBuffer cmd) { for(int i = 0; i < (int)DebugViewKeyword.NUM_VIEWS; i++) { cmd.DisableShaderKeyword(m_DebugViewKeywords[i]); } } public static void SetDebugMode(CommandBuffer cmd, DebugViewKeyword mode) { int m = (int)mode; if(m < 0 && m >= (int)DebugViewKeyword.NUM_VIEWS) { Debug.LogError("Debug view does not exist."); } cmd.EnableShaderKeyword(m_DebugViewKeywords[m]); } } }