using UnityEngine.Rendering; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline { using RTHandle = RTHandleSystem.RTHandle; public class MipGenerator { RTHandle m_TempColorTarget; ComputeShader m_DepthPyramidCS; ComputeShader m_ColorPyramidCS; int m_DepthDownsampleKernel; int m_ColorDownsampleKernel; int m_ColorDownsampleKernelCopyMip0; int m_ColorGaussianKernel; public MipGenerator(HDRenderPipelineAsset asset) { m_DepthPyramidCS = asset.renderPipelineResources.depthPyramidCS; m_ColorPyramidCS = asset.renderPipelineResources.colorPyramidCS; m_DepthDownsampleKernel = m_DepthPyramidCS.FindKernel("KDepthDownsample8DualUav"); m_ColorDownsampleKernel = m_ColorPyramidCS.FindKernel("KColorDownsample"); m_ColorDownsampleKernelCopyMip0 = m_ColorPyramidCS.FindKernel("KColorDownsampleCopyMip0"); m_ColorGaussianKernel = m_ColorPyramidCS.FindKernel("KColorGaussian"); } public void Release() { RTHandles.Release(m_TempColorTarget); m_TempColorTarget = null; } // Generates an in-place depth pyramid // Returns the number of generated mips // TODO: Mip-mapping depth is problematic for precision at lower mips, generate a packed atlas instead public int RenderMinDepthPyramid(CommandBuffer cmd, Vector2Int size, RenderTexture texture) { var cs = m_DepthPyramidCS; int kernel = m_DepthDownsampleKernel; int srcMipLevel = 0; int srcMipWidth = size.x; int srcMipHeight = size.y; // TODO: Do it 1x MIP at a time for now. In the future, do 4x MIPs per pass, or even use a single pass. // Note: Gather() doesn't take a LOD parameter and we cannot bind an SRV of a MIP level, // and we don't support Min samplers either. So we are forced to perform 4x loads. while (srcMipWidth >= 2 || srcMipHeight >= 2) { int dstMipWidth = Mathf.Max(1, srcMipWidth >> 1); int dstMipHeight = Mathf.Max(1, srcMipHeight >> 1); cmd.SetComputeVectorParam(cs, HDShaderIDs._Size, new Vector4(srcMipWidth, srcMipHeight, 0f, 0f)); cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(cs, kernel, HDShaderIDs._Source, texture, srcMipLevel); cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(cs, kernel, HDShaderIDs._Destination, texture, srcMipLevel + 1); cmd.DispatchCompute(cs, kernel, (dstMipWidth + 7) / 8, (dstMipHeight + 7) / 8, 1); srcMipLevel++; srcMipWidth = srcMipWidth >> 1; srcMipHeight = srcMipHeight >> 1; } return srcMipLevel - 1; } // Generates the gaussian pyramid of source into destination // We can't do it in place as the color pyramid has to be read while writing to the color // buffer in some cases (e.g. refraction, distortion) // Returns the number of mips public int RenderColorGaussianPyramid(CommandBuffer cmd, Vector2Int size, Texture source, RenderTexture destination) { // Only create the temporary target on-demand in case the game doesn't actually need it if (m_TempColorTarget == null) { m_TempColorTarget = RTHandles.Alloc( * 0.5f, filterMode: FilterMode.Bilinear, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, sRGB: false, enableRandomWrite: true, useMipMap: false, enableMSAA: false, name: "Temp Gaussian Pyramid Target" ); } var cs = m_ColorPyramidCS; int downsampleKernel = m_ColorDownsampleKernel; int downsampleKernelMip0 = m_ColorDownsampleKernelCopyMip0; int gaussianKernel = m_ColorGaussianKernel; int srcMipLevel = 0; int srcMipWidth = size.x; int srcMipHeight = size.y; // Note: smaller mips are excluded as we don't need them and the gaussian compute works // on 8x8 blocks // TODO: Could be further optimized by merging the smaller mips to reduce the amount of dispatches while (srcMipWidth >= 8 || srcMipHeight >= 8) { int dstMipWidth = Mathf.Max(1, srcMipWidth >> 1); int dstMipHeight = Mathf.Max(1, srcMipHeight >> 1); cmd.SetComputeVectorParam(cs, HDShaderIDs._Size, new Vector4(srcMipWidth, srcMipHeight, 0f, 0f)); // First dispatch also copies src to dst mip0 if (srcMipLevel == 0) { cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(cs, downsampleKernelMip0, HDShaderIDs._Source, source, 0); cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(cs, downsampleKernelMip0, HDShaderIDs._Mip0, destination, 0); cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(cs, downsampleKernelMip0, HDShaderIDs._Destination, m_TempColorTarget); cmd.DispatchCompute(cs, downsampleKernelMip0, (dstMipWidth + 7) / 8, (dstMipHeight + 7) / 8, 1); } else { cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(cs, downsampleKernel, HDShaderIDs._Source, destination, srcMipLevel); cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(cs, downsampleKernel, HDShaderIDs._Destination, m_TempColorTarget); cmd.DispatchCompute(cs, downsampleKernel, (dstMipWidth + 7) / 8, (dstMipHeight + 7) / 8, 1); } cmd.SetComputeVectorParam(cs, HDShaderIDs._Size, new Vector4(dstMipWidth, dstMipHeight, 0f, 0f)); cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(cs, gaussianKernel, HDShaderIDs._Source, m_TempColorTarget); cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(cs, gaussianKernel, HDShaderIDs._Destination, destination, srcMipLevel + 1); cmd.DispatchCompute(cs, gaussianKernel, (dstMipWidth + 7) / 8, (dstMipHeight + 7) / 8, 1); srcMipLevel++; srcMipWidth = srcMipWidth >> 1; srcMipHeight = srcMipHeight >> 1; } return srcMipLevel - 1; } } }