using System; using UnityEngine.Serialization; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline { [Serializable] public class ProxyVolume { [SerializeField, FormerlySerializedAs("m_ShapeType")] ProxyShape m_Shape = ProxyShape.Box; // Box [SerializeField] Vector3 m_BoxSize =; [SerializeField, Obsolete("Kept only for compatibility. Use m_Shape instead")] bool m_BoxInfiniteProjection = false; // Sphere [SerializeField] float m_SphereRadius = 1; [SerializeField, Obsolete("Kept only for compatibility. Use m_Shape instead")] bool m_SphereInfiniteProjection = false; /// The shape of the proxy public ProxyShape shape { get { return m_Shape; } private set { m_Shape = value; } } /// The size of the proxy if it as a shape Box public Vector3 boxSize { get { return m_BoxSize; } set { m_BoxSize = value; } } /// The radius of the proxy if it as a shape Sphere public float sphereRadius { get { return m_SphereRadius; } set { m_SphereRadius = value; } } internal Vector3 extents { get { switch (shape) { case ProxyShape.Box: return m_BoxSize * 0.5f; case ProxyShape.Sphere: return * m_SphereRadius; default: return; } } } internal void MigrateInfiniteProhjectionInShape() { #pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete if (shape == ProxyShape.Sphere && m_SphereInfiniteProjection || shape == ProxyShape.Box && m_BoxInfiniteProjection) #pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete { shape = ProxyShape.Infinite; } } } }