using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline; namespace UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering { public class DensityVolumeTextureTool : EditorWindow { private Texture2D sourceTexture = null; private string assetPath; private string assetDirectory; private int tileSize = 0; private static GUIContent windowTitle = new GUIContent("Create Density Volume Texture"); private static GUIContent textureLabel = new GUIContent("Slice Texture"); private static GUIContent tileSizeLabel = new GUIContent("Texture Slice Size", "Dimensions of the created 3D Texture in pixels. Width, Height and Depth are all the same size"); private static GUIContent createLabel = new GUIContent("Create 3D Texture"); [MenuItem("Window/Rendering/Density Volume Texture Tool")] static void Init() { DensityVolumeTextureTool window = (DensityVolumeTextureTool)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(DensityVolumeTextureTool)); window.titleContent = windowTitle; window.Show(); } private bool IsTileSizeValid() { int textureWidth = sourceTexture.width; int textureHeight = sourceTexture.height; return (tileSize > 0 && (textureWidth * textureHeight >= (tileSize*tileSize*tileSize))); } void OnGUI() { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(textureLabel); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; sourceTexture = ( EditorGUILayout.ObjectField((UnityEngine.Object)sourceTexture, typeof(Texture2D), false, null) as Texture2D); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; tileSize = EditorGUILayout.IntField(tileSizeLabel, tileSize); bool validData = (sourceTexture != null && IsTileSizeValid()); bool create = false; if (!validData) { if (tileSize > 0) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(String.Format("Source Texture too small to generate a volume Texture of {0}x{0}x{0} size", tileSize), MessageType.Warning); } else { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Tile size must be larger than 0", MessageType.Warning); } } using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(!validData)) { create = GUILayout.Button(createLabel); } if (create) { assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(sourceTexture); assetDirectory = System.IO.Directory.GetParent(assetPath).ToString(); //Check if the texture is set to read write. //Only need to do this since CopyTexture is currently broken on D3D11 //So need to make sure there is a CPU copy ready to copy to the 3D Texture //The fix for this is coming soon. Need to revist once it's in. TextureImporter importer = TextureImporter.GetAtPath(assetPath) as TextureImporter; if (importer && !importer.isReadable) { importer.isReadable = true; importer.SaveAndReimport(); } BuildVolumeTexture(); } } private void BuildVolumeTexture() { //Check if the object we want to create is already in the AssetDatabase string volumeTextureAssetPath = assetDirectory + "/" + + "_Texture3D.asset"; bool createNewAsset = false; Texture3D volumeTexture = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(volumeTextureAssetPath, typeof(Texture3D)) as Texture3D; //If we already have the asset then we are just updating it. make sure it's the right size. if (!volumeTexture || volumeTexture.width != tileSize || volumeTexture.height != tileSize || volumeTexture.depth != tileSize) { volumeTexture = new Texture3D(tileSize, tileSize, tileSize, sourceTexture.format, false); volumeTexture.filterMode = sourceTexture.filterMode; volumeTexture.mipMapBias = 0; volumeTexture.anisoLevel = 0; volumeTexture.wrapMode = sourceTexture.wrapMode; volumeTexture.wrapModeU = sourceTexture.wrapModeU; volumeTexture.wrapModeV = sourceTexture.wrapModeV; volumeTexture.wrapModeW = sourceTexture.wrapModeW; createNewAsset = true; } //Only need to do this since CopyTexture is currently broken on D3D11 //Proper fix on it's way for 18.3 or 19.1 Color [] colorArray = new Color[0]; int yTiles = sourceTexture.height / tileSize; int xTiles = sourceTexture.width / tileSize; for (int i = yTiles - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (int j = 0; j < xTiles; j++) { Color [] sourceTile = sourceTexture.GetPixels(j * tileSize, i * tileSize, tileSize, tileSize); Array.Resize(ref colorArray, colorArray.Length + sourceTile.Length); Array.Copy(sourceTile, 0, colorArray, colorArray.Length - sourceTile.Length, sourceTile.Length); } } volumeTexture.SetPixels(colorArray); volumeTexture.Apply(); if (createNewAsset) { AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(volumeTexture, volumeTextureAssetPath); } else { AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); //Asset can be currently used by Density Volume Manager so trigger refresh DensityVolumeManager.manager.TriggerVolumeAtlasRefresh(); } } } }