
Merge branch 'master' into submodule-fix

GitHub 8 年前
共有 20 个文件被更改,包括 1685 次插入154 次删除
  1. 6
  2. 2
  3. 12
  4. 15
  5. 48
  6. 106
  7. 33
  8. 33
  9. 13
  10. 5
  11. 47
  12. 128
  13. 13
  14. 9
  15. 178
  16. 9
  17. 1001
  18. 149
  19. 12
  20. 20


public readonly GUIContent shadowsAtlasHeight = new GUIContent("Atlas height");
// Subsurface Scattering Settings
public readonly GUIContent[] sssProfiles = new GUIContent[SubsurfaceScatteringSettings.maxNumProfiles] { new GUIContent("Profile #0"), new GUIContent("Profile #1"), new GUIContent("Profile #2"), new GUIContent("Profile #3"), new GUIContent("Profile #4"), new GUIContent("Profile #5"), new GUIContent("Profile #6"), new GUIContent("Profile #7") };
public readonly GUIContent[] sssProfiles = new GUIContent[SSSConstants.SSS_PROFILES_MAX] { new GUIContent("Profile #0"), new GUIContent("Profile #1"), new GUIContent("Profile #2"), new GUIContent("Profile #3"), new GUIContent("Profile #4"), new GUIContent("Profile #5"), new GUIContent("Profile #6"), new GUIContent("Profile #7") };
public readonly GUIContent sssNumProfiles = new GUIContent("Number of profiles");
// Tile pass Settings

public readonly GUIContent[] debugViewLightingStrings = { new GUIContent("None"), new GUIContent("Diffuse Lighting"), new GUIContent("Specular Lighting"), new GUIContent("Visualize Cascades") };
public readonly int[] debugViewLightingValues = { (int)DebugLightingMode.None, (int)DebugLightingMode.DiffuseLighting, (int)DebugLightingMode.SpecularLighting, (int)DebugLightingMode.VisualizeCascade };
public readonly GUIContent shadowDebugVisualizationMode = new GUIContent("Shadow Maps Debug Mode");
public readonly GUIContent shadowDebugVisualizeShadowIndex = new GUIContent("Visualize Shadow Index");
public readonly GUIContent shadowDebugVisualizeShadowIndex = new GUIContent("Visualize Shadow Index");
public readonly GUIContent lightingDebugOverrideSmoothness = new GUIContent("Override Smoothness");
public readonly GUIContent lightingDebugOverrideSmoothnessValue = new GUIContent("Smoothness Value");
public readonly GUIContent lightingDebugAlbedo = new GUIContent("Lighting Debug Albedo");

EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_NumProfiles, styles.sssNumProfiles);
for (int i = 0, n = Math.Min(m_Profiles.arraySize, SubsurfaceScatteringSettings.maxNumProfiles); i < n; i++)
for (int i = 0, n = Math.Min(m_Profiles.arraySize, SSSConstants.SSS_PROFILES_MAX); i < n; i++)
SerializedProperty profile = m_Profiles.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(profile, styles.sssProfiles[i]);


// Broadcast SSS parameters to all shaders.
Shader.SetGlobalInt("_EnableSSS", debugDisplaySettings.renderingDebugSettings.enableSSS ? 1 : 0);
Shader.SetGlobalInt("_TransmissionFlags", sssParameters.transmissionFlags);
cmd.SetGlobalFloatArray("_TransmissionType", sssParameters.transmissionType);
Shader.SetGlobalInt("_TexturingModeFlags", sssParameters.texturingModeFlags);
cmd.SetGlobalFloatArray("_ThicknessRemaps", sssParameters.thicknessRemaps);
cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray("_TintColors", sssParameters.tintColors);


// BSDFData
public enum TransmissionType
None = 0,
Regular = 1,
ThinObject = 2,
[GenerateHLSL(PackingRules.Exact, false, true, 1030)]
public struct BSDFData

public float subsurfaceRadius;
public float thickness;
public int subsurfaceProfile;
public bool enableTransmission; // Read from the SSS profile
public Vector3 transmittance;
public TransmissionType transmissionType; // Compute from the SSS profile. 0 is none, 1 is regular transmission, 2 is thin transmission
public Vector3 transmittance; // Compute from SSS profile
// SpecColor
// fold into fresnel0


// UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.Lit.TransmissionType: static fields
// UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.Lit.BSDFData: static fields


float subsurfaceRadius;
float thickness;
int subsurfaceProfile;
bool enableTransmission;
int transmissionType;
float3 transmittance;

result = GetIndexColor(bsdfdata.subsurfaceProfile);
result = (bsdfdata.enableTransmission) ? float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) : float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
result = GetIndexColor(bsdfdata.transmissionType);
result = bsdfdata.transmittance;


// SurfaceData is define in Lit.cs which generate Lit.cs.hlsl
#include "Lit.cs.hlsl"
#include "SubsurfaceScatteringProfile.cs.hlsl"
// In case we pack data uint16 buffer we need to change the output render target format to uint16
// TODO: Is there a way to automate these output type based on the format declare in lit.cs ?

#define MIN_N_DOT_V 0.0001 // The minimum value of 'NdotV'
// SSS parameters
#define SSS_N_PROFILES 8
#define SSS_LOW_THICKNESS 0.005 // 0.5 cm
uint _EnableSSS; // Globally toggles subsurface scattering on/off
uint _TransmissionFlags; // 1 bit/profile; 0 = inf. thick, 1 = supports transmission
uint _TexturingModeFlags; // 1 bit/profile; 0 = PreAndPostScatter, 1 = PostScatter
float4 _TintColors[SSS_N_PROFILES]; // For transmission; alpha is unused
float _ThicknessRemaps[SSS_N_PROFILES][2]; // Remap: 0 = start, 1 = end - start
float4 _HalfRcpVariancesAndLerpWeights[SSS_N_PROFILES][2]; // 2x Gaussians per color channel, A is the the associated interpolation weight
uint _EnableSSS; // Globally toggles subsurface scattering on/off
uint _TexturingModeFlags; // 1 bit/profile; 0 = PreAndPostScatter, 1 = PostScatter
float _TransmissionType[SSS_PROFILES_MAX]; // transmissionType enum - TODO: no int array in Unity :(
float4 _TintColors[SSS_PROFILES_MAX]; // For transmission; alpha is unused
float _ThicknessRemaps[SSS_PROFILES_MAX][2]; // Remap: 0 = start, 1 = end - start
float4 _HalfRcpVariancesAndLerpWeights[SSS_PROFILES_MAX][2]; // 2x Gaussians per color channel, A is the the associated interpolation weight
// Helper functions/variable specific to this material

bsdfData.thickness = CENTIMETERS_TO_METERS * (_ThicknessRemaps[subsurfaceProfile][0] +
_ThicknessRemaps[subsurfaceProfile][1] * thickness);
bsdfData.enableTransmission = IsBitSet(_TransmissionFlags, subsurfaceProfile);
if (bsdfData.enableTransmission)
bsdfData.transmissionType = (int)_TransmissionType[subsurfaceProfile];
if (bsdfData.transmissionType != TRANSMISSIONTYPE_NONE)
bsdfData.transmittance = ComputeTransmittance( _HalfRcpVariancesAndLerpWeights[subsurfaceProfile][0].xyz,

else if (surfaceData.materialId == MATERIALID_LIT_SSS)
outGBuffer2 = float4(surfaceData.subsurfaceRadius, surfaceData.thickness, 0.0, surfaceData.subsurfaceProfile * rcp(SSS_N_PROFILES - 1));
outGBuffer2 = float4(surfaceData.subsurfaceRadius, surfaceData.thickness, 0.0, surfaceData.subsurfaceProfile * rcp(SSS_PROFILES_MAX - 1));
else if (surfaceData.materialId == MATERIALID_LIT_SPECULAR)

else if (supportsSSS && bsdfData.materialId == MATERIALID_LIT_SSS)
int subsurfaceProfile = (SSS_N_PROFILES - 0.9) * inGBuffer2.a;
int subsurfaceProfile = (SSS_PROFILES_MAX - 0.9) * inGBuffer2.a;
float subsurfaceRadius = inGBuffer2.r;
float thickness = inGBuffer2.g;
FillMaterialIdSSSData(baseColor, subsurfaceProfile, subsurfaceRadius, thickness, bsdfData);

[branch] if (lightData.shadowIndex >= 0)
float shadow = GetDirectionalShadowAttenuation(lightLoopContext.shadowContext, positionWS, bsdfData.normalWS, lightData.shadowIndex, L, posInput.unPositionSS);
shadow = GetDirectionalShadowAttenuation(lightLoopContext.shadowContext, positionWS, bsdfData.normalWS, lightData.shadowIndex, L, posInput.unPositionSS);
illuminance *= shadow;

specularLighting *= (cookie.rgb * lightData.color) * (illuminance * lightData.specularScale);
[branch] if (bsdfData.enableTransmission)
[branch] if (bsdfData.transmissionType != TRANSMISSIONTYPE_NONE)
// Reverse the normal + do some wrap lighting to have a nicer transition between regular lighting and transmittance
// Ref: Steve McAuley - Energy-Conserving Wrapped Diffuse

// For low thickness, we can reuse the shadowing status for the back of the object.
shadow = (bsdfData.thickness <= SSS_LOW_THICKNESS) ? shadow : 1;
// For thin material we can reuse the shadowing status for the back of the object.
shadow = (bsdfData.transmissionType == TRANSMISSIONTYPE_THIN_OBJECT) ? shadow : 1;
illuminance *= shadow * cookie.a;
// The difference between the Disney Diffuse and the Lambertian BRDF for transmission is negligible.

[branch] if (lightData.shadowIndex >= 0)
float3 offset = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // GetShadowPosOffset(nDotL, normal);
float shadow = GetPunctualShadowAttenuation(lightLoopContext.shadowContext, positionWS + offset, bsdfData.normalWS, lightData.shadowIndex, L, posInput.unPositionSS);
shadow = GetPunctualShadowAttenuation(lightLoopContext.shadowContext, positionWS + offset, bsdfData.normalWS, lightData.shadowIndex, L, posInput.unPositionSS);
shadow = lerp(1.0, shadow, lightData.shadowDimmer);
illuminance *= shadow;

specularLighting *= (cookie.rgb * lightData.color) * (illuminance * lightData.specularScale);
[branch] if (bsdfData.enableTransmission)
[branch] if (bsdfData.transmissionType != TRANSMISSIONTYPE_NONE)
// Reverse the normal + do some wrap lighting to have a nicer transition between regular lighting and transmittance
// Ref: Steve McAuley - Energy-Conserving Wrapped Diffuse

// For low thickness, we can reuse the shadowing status for the back of the object.
shadow = (bsdfData.thickness <= SSS_LOW_THICKNESS) ? shadow : 1;
// For thin material we can reuse the shadowing status for the back of the object.
shadow = (bsdfData.transmissionType == TRANSMISSIONTYPE_THIN_OBJECT) ? shadow : 1;
illuminance *= shadow * cookie.a;
// The difference between the Disney Diffuse and the Lambertian BRDF for transmission is negligible.

[branch] if (lightData.shadowIndex >= 0)
float shadow = GetDirectionalShadowAttenuation(lightLoopContext.shadowContext, positionWS, bsdfData.normalWS, lightData.shadowIndex, L, posInput.unPositionSS);
shadow = GetDirectionalShadowAttenuation(lightLoopContext.shadowContext, positionWS, bsdfData.normalWS, lightData.shadowIndex, L, posInput.unPositionSS);
illuminance *= shadow;

specularLighting *= (cookie.rgb * lightData.color) * (illuminance * lightData.specularScale);
[branch] if (bsdfData.enableTransmission)
[branch] if (bsdfData.transmissionType != TRANSMISSIONTYPE_NONE)
// Reverse the normal + do some wrap lighting to have a nicer transition between regular lighting and transmittance
// Ref: Steve McAuley - Energy-Conserving Wrapped Diffuse

// For low thickness, we can reuse the shadowing status for the back of the object.
shadow = (bsdfData.thickness <= SSS_LOW_THICKNESS) ? shadow : 1;
// For thin material we can reuse the shadowing status for the back of the object.
shadow = (bsdfData.transmissionType == TRANSMISSIONTYPE_THIN_OBJECT) ? shadow : 1;
illuminance *= shadow * cookie.a;
// The difference between the Disney Diffuse and the Lambertian BRDF for transmission is negligible.


namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline
public class SSSConstants
public const int SSS_PROFILES_MAX = 8;
public class SubsurfaceScatteringProfile : ScriptableObject

[ColorUsage(false, true, 0.05f, 2.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)]
public Color scatterDistance1;
public Color scatterDistance1;
public Color scatterDistance2;
public float lerpWeight;
public TexturingMode texturingMode;
public bool enableTransmission;
public Color tintColor;
public Vector2 thicknessRemap;
public Color scatterDistance2;
public float lerpWeight;
public TexturingMode texturingMode;
public bool enableTransmission;
public bool enableThinObject;
public Color tintColor;
public Vector2 thicknessRemap;
public int settingsIndex;
public int settingsIndex;
Vector4[] m_FilterKernel;
Vector4[] m_FilterKernel;
Vector3[] m_HalfRcpVariances;
Vector3[] m_HalfRcpVariances;
Vector4 m_HalfRcpWeightedVariances;
Vector4 m_HalfRcpWeightedVariances;
scatterDistance1 = new Color(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.0f);
scatterDistance2 = new Color(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 0.0f);
lerpWeight = 0.5f;
texturingMode = TexturingMode.PreAndPostScatter;
enableTransmission = false;
tintColor = Color.white;
thicknessRemap = new Vector2(0, 1);
settingsIndex = SubsurfaceScatteringSettings.neutralProfileID; // Updated by SubsurfaceScatteringSettings.OnValidate() once assigned
scatterDistance1 = new Color(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.0f);
scatterDistance2 = new Color(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 0.0f);
lerpWeight = 0.5f;
texturingMode = TexturingMode.PreAndPostScatter;
enableTransmission = false;
enableThinObject = false;
tintColor = Color.white;
thicknessRemap = new Vector2(0, 1);
settingsIndex = SubsurfaceScatteringSettings.neutralProfileID; // Updated by SubsurfaceScatteringSettings.OnValidate() once assigned

public class SubsurfaceScatteringSettings : ISerializationCallbackReceiver
public const int maxNumProfiles = 8;
public const int neutralProfileID = maxNumProfiles - 1;
public const int neutralProfileID = SSSConstants.SSS_PROFILES_MAX - 1;
[NonSerialized] public int transmissionFlags; // 1 bit/profile; 0 = inf. thick, 1 = supports transmission
[NonSerialized] public float[] transmissionType; // TODO: no int array suppport in shader in Unity :(
[NonSerialized] public Vector4[] tintColors; // For transmission; alpha is unused
[NonSerialized] public float[] thicknessRemaps; // Remap: 0 = start, 1 = end - start
[NonSerialized] public Vector4[] halfRcpVariancesAndLerpWeights;

numProfiles = 1;
profiles = new SubsurfaceScatteringProfile[numProfiles];
profiles[0] = null;
transmissionType = null;
transmissionFlags = 0;
tintColors = null;
thicknessRemaps = null;
halfRcpVariancesAndLerpWeights = null;

public void OnValidate()
// Reserve one slot for the neutral profile.
numProfiles = Math.Min(profiles.Length, maxNumProfiles - 1);
numProfiles = Math.Min(profiles.Length, SSSConstants.SSS_PROFILES_MAX - 1);
if (profiles.Length != numProfiles)

public void UpdateCache()
texturingModeFlags = 0;
transmissionFlags = 0;
texturingModeFlags = 0;
if (transmissionType == null || transmissionType.Length != (SSSConstants.SSS_PROFILES_MAX))
transmissionType = new float[SSSConstants.SSS_PROFILES_MAX];
if (tintColors == null || tintColors.Length != maxNumProfiles)
if (tintColors == null || tintColors.Length != SSSConstants.SSS_PROFILES_MAX)
tintColors = new Vector4[maxNumProfiles];
tintColors = new Vector4[SSSConstants.SSS_PROFILES_MAX];
if (thicknessRemaps == null || thicknessRemaps.Length != (maxNumProfiles * 2))
if (thicknessRemaps == null || thicknessRemaps.Length != (SSSConstants.SSS_PROFILES_MAX * 2))
thicknessRemaps = new float[maxNumProfiles * 2];
thicknessRemaps = new float[SSSConstants.SSS_PROFILES_MAX * 2];
if (halfRcpVariancesAndLerpWeights == null || halfRcpVariancesAndLerpWeights.Length != (maxNumProfiles * 2))
if (halfRcpVariancesAndLerpWeights == null || halfRcpVariancesAndLerpWeights.Length != (SSSConstants.SSS_PROFILES_MAX * 2))
halfRcpVariancesAndLerpWeights = new Vector4[maxNumProfiles * 2];
halfRcpVariancesAndLerpWeights = new Vector4[SSSConstants.SSS_PROFILES_MAX * 2];
if (halfRcpWeightedVariances == null || halfRcpWeightedVariances.Length != maxNumProfiles)
if (halfRcpWeightedVariances == null || halfRcpWeightedVariances.Length != SSSConstants.SSS_PROFILES_MAX)
halfRcpWeightedVariances = new Vector4[maxNumProfiles];
halfRcpWeightedVariances = new Vector4[SSSConstants.SSS_PROFILES_MAX];
if (filterKernels == null || filterKernels.Length != (maxNumProfiles * SubsurfaceScatteringProfile.numSamples))
if (filterKernels == null || filterKernels.Length != (SSSConstants.SSS_PROFILES_MAX * SubsurfaceScatteringProfile.numSamples))
filterKernels = new Vector4[maxNumProfiles * SubsurfaceScatteringProfile.numSamples];
filterKernels = new Vector4[SSSConstants.SSS_PROFILES_MAX * SubsurfaceScatteringProfile.numSamples];
for (int i = 0; i < numProfiles; i++)

texturingModeFlags |= ((int)profiles[i].texturingMode) << i;
transmissionFlags |= (profiles[i].enableTransmission ? 1 : 0) << i;
if (profiles[i].enableTransmission)
transmissionType[i] = (float)(profiles[i].enableThinObject ? Lit.TransmissionType.ThinObject :Lit.TransmissionType.Regular);
transmissionType[i] = (float)Lit.TransmissionType.None;
tintColors[i] = profiles[i].tintColor;
thicknessRemaps[2 * i] = profiles[i].thicknessRemap.x;

public readonly GUIContent sssProfileTransmission = new GUIContent("Enable Transmission", "Toggles simulation of light passing through thin objects. Depends on the thickness of the material.");
public readonly GUIContent sssProfileTintColor = new GUIContent("Transmission Tint Color", "Tints transmitted light.");
public readonly GUIContent sssProfileThinObject = new GUIContent("Enable Thin Object", "Define is the object is thin (paper, leaf) or not. Allow to get cheap transmission and shadow.");
public readonly GUIContent sssProfileMinMaxThickness = new GUIContent("Min-Max Thickness", "Shows the values of the thickness remap below (in centimeters).");
public readonly GUIContent sssProfileThicknessRemap = new GUIContent("Thickness Remap", "Remaps the thickness parameter from [0, 1] to the desired range (in centimeters).");

private RenderTexture m_ProfileImage, m_TransmittanceImage;
private Material m_ProfileMaterial, m_TransmittanceMaterial;
private SerializedProperty m_ScatterDistance1, m_ScatterDistance2, m_LerpWeight, m_TintColor,
private SerializedProperty m_ScatterDistance1, m_ScatterDistance2, m_LerpWeight, m_TintColor, m_ThinObject,
m_TexturingMode, m_Transmission, m_ThicknessRemap;
void OnEnable()

m_LerpWeight = serializedObject.FindProperty("lerpWeight");
m_TexturingMode = serializedObject.FindProperty("texturingMode");
m_Transmission = serializedObject.FindProperty("enableTransmission");
m_ThinObject = serializedObject.FindProperty("enableThinObject");
m_TintColor = serializedObject.FindProperty("tintColor");
m_ThicknessRemap = serializedObject.FindProperty("thicknessRemap");

EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_Transmission, styles.sssProfileTransmission);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_TintColor, styles.sssProfileTintColor);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_ThinObject, styles.sssProfileThinObject);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_ThicknessRemap, styles.sssProfileMinMaxThickness);
Vector2 thicknessRemap = m_ThicknessRemap.vector2Value;
EditorGUILayout.MinMaxSlider(styles.sssProfileThicknessRemap, ref thicknessRemap.x, ref thicknessRemap.y, 0, 10);

// Draw the transmittance graph.
m_TransmittanceMaterial.SetColor("_StdDev1", stdDev1);
m_TransmittanceMaterial.SetColor("_StdDev2", stdDev2);
m_TransmittanceMaterial.SetFloat("_LerpWeight", m_LerpWeight.floatValue);
m_TransmittanceMaterial.SetColor("_StdDev1", stdDev1);
m_TransmittanceMaterial.SetColor("_StdDev2", stdDev2);
m_TransmittanceMaterial.SetFloat("_LerpWeight", m_LerpWeight.floatValue);
m_TransmittanceMaterial.SetVector("_TintColor", m_TintColor.colorValue);
m_TransmittanceMaterial.SetVector("_TintColor", m_TintColor.colorValue);
EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(16, 16), m_TransmittanceImage, m_TransmittanceMaterial, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, 16.0f);


m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: a6e7465350bf0d248b4799d98e18cd24, type: 3}
m_Name: FoliageSSSProfile
stdDev1: {r: 0.27931032, g: 1, b: 0.050000012, a: 0}
stdDev2: {r: 0.3010142, g: 0.8235294, b: 0.05, a: 0}
scatterDistance1: {r: 0.3, g: 0.3, b: 0.3, a: 0}
scatterDistance2: {r: 0.6, g: 0.6, b: 0.6, a: 0}
enableThinObject: 1
- {x: 0.28517896, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.9996764, w: -0.00000009903661}
- {x: 0.22566724, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.00016186091, w: -0.209237}
- {x: 0.10604589, y: 0.09090909, z: 8.6876086e-17, w: -0.43068767}
- {x: 0.024215871, y: 0.09090909, z: 5.8571e-41, w: -0.6816498}
- {x: 0.0014802383, y: 0.09090909, z: 0, w: -1.0000685}
- {x: 0.0000013396462, y: 0.09090909, z: 0, w: -1.5417894}
- {x: 0.22566712, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.00016185877, w: 0.20923716}
- {x: 0.10604589, y: 0.09090909, z: 8.6876086e-17, w: 0.43068767}
- {x: 0.02421585, y: 0.09090909, z: 5.857e-41, w: 0.6816499}
- {x: 0.0014802383, y: 0.09090909, z: 0, w: 1.0000685}
- {x: 0.0000013396391, y: 0.09090909, z: 0, w: 1.5417898}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: -0.00000001629312}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: -0.034422863}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: -0.07085508}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: -0.112142384}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: -0.16452742}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: -0.25364923}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: 0.03442289}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: 0.07085508}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: 0.11214242}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: 0.16452742}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: 0.2536493}
- {x: 6.4090853, y: 0.5, z: 199.99991}
- {x: 5.518182, y: 0.7372449, z: 200}
m_HalfRcpWeightedVariances: {x: 5.9386554, y: 0.60145676, z: 199.99997, w: 0.60145676}
- {x: 49.999992, y: 49.999992, z: 49.999992}
- {x: 12.499998, y: 12.499998, z: 12.499998}
m_HalfRcpWeightedVariances: {x: 22.222221, y: 22.222221, z: 22.222221, w: 22.222221}


m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: a6e7465350bf0d248b4799d98e18cd24, type: 3}
m_Name: SkinSSSProfile
stdDev1: {r: 0.22794116, g: 0.17430794, b: 0.17430794, a: 0}
stdDev2: {r: 1, g: 0.05, b: 0.05, a: 0}
scatterDistance1: {r: 0.3, g: 0.3, b: 0.3, a: 0}
scatterDistance2: {r: 0.6, g: 0.6, b: 0.6, a: 0}
enableThinObject: 0
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.5992897, z: 0.5992897, w: -0.00000006668997}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.12275139, z: 0.12275139, w: -0.14089748}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.061923057, z: 0.061923057, w: -0.2900195}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.015196559, z: 0.015196559, w: -0.45901415}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.0004841472, z: 0.0004841472, w: -0.6734332}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.000000024399057, z: 0.000000024399057, w: -1.0382211}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.122751325, z: 0.122751325, w: 0.1408976}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.061923057, z: 0.061923057, w: 0.2900195}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.015196541, z: 0.015196541, w: 0.45901427}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.0004841472, z: 0.0004841472, w: 0.6734332}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.000000024398872, z: 0.000000024398872, w: 1.0382214}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: -0.00000001629312}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: -0.034422863}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: -0.07085508}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: -0.112142384}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: -0.16452742}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: -0.25364923}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: 0.03442289}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: 0.07085508}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: 0.11214242}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: 0.16452742}
- {x: 0.09090909, y: 0.09090909, z: 0.09090909, w: 0.2536493}
- {x: 9.623311, y: 16.45643, z: 16.45643}
- {x: 0.5, y: 200, z: 200}
m_HalfRcpWeightedVariances: {x: 1.3264011, y: 39.750328, z: 39.750328, w: 1.3264011}
- {x: 49.999992, y: 49.999992, z: 49.999992}
- {x: 12.499998, y: 12.499998, z: 12.499998}
m_HalfRcpWeightedVariances: {x: 22.222221, y: 22.222221, z: 22.222221, w: 22.222221}


public static GUIContent renderingLabel = new GUIContent("Rendering");
public static GUIContent shadowLabel = new GUIContent("Shadows");
public static GUIContent defaults = new GUIContent("Defaults");
public static GUIContent maxPixelLights = new GUIContent("Max per-pixel lights supported",
"Amount of dynamic lights processed in fragment shader. More than 1 per-pixel light is not recommended.");

"Number of cascades for directional shadows");
public static GUIContent shadowCascadeSplit = new GUIContent("Shadow Cascade Split",
"Percentages to split shadow volume");
"Percentages to split shadow volume");
public static GUIContent defaultDiffuseMaterial = new GUIContent("Default Diffuse Material",
"Material to use when creating objects");
private SerializedProperty m_MaxPixelLights;

private SerializedProperty m_ShadowCascadesProp;
private SerializedProperty m_ShadowCascade2SplitProp;
private SerializedProperty m_ShadowCascade4SplitProp;
private SerializedProperty m_DefaultDiffuseMaterial;
void OnEnable()

m_ShadowCascadesProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_ShadowCascades");
m_ShadowCascade2SplitProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Cascade2Split");
m_ShadowCascade4SplitProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Cascade4Split");
m_DefaultDiffuseMaterial = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_DefaultDiffuseMaterial");
public override void OnInspectorGUI()

EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_ShadowCascade2SplitProp, Styles.shadowCascadeSplit);
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(Styles.defaults, EditorStyles.boldLabel);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_DefaultDiffuseMaterial, Styles.defaultDiffuseMaterial);


m_ShadowAtlasResolution: 1024
m_ShadowNearPlaneOffset: 2
m_ShadowDistance: 50
m_ShadowBias: 0.05
m_MinShadowNormalBias: 0.0005
m_ShadowNormalBias: 0.05
m_DefaultDiffuseMaterial: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 654f7c5a4dd5d4d139a072ab9b5c5738,
type: 2}


[SerializeField] private Vector3 m_Cascade4Split = new Vector3(0.067f, 0.2f, 0.467f);
[SerializeField] private Material m_DefaultDiffuseMaterial;
public int MaxSupportedPixelLights
get { return m_MaxPixelLights; }

private set { m_Cascade4Split = value; }
public Material DefaultDiffuseMaterial
get { return m_DefaultDiffuseMaterial; }
private set { m_DefaultDiffuseMaterial = value; }
public override Material GetDefaultMaterial()
return m_DefaultDiffuseMaterial;
public override Material GetDefaultParticleMaterial()
return m_DefaultDiffuseMaterial;
public override Material GetDefaultLineMaterial()
return m_DefaultDiffuseMaterial;
public override Material GetDefaultTerrainMaterial()
return m_DefaultDiffuseMaterial;
public override Material GetDefaultUIMaterial()
return m_DefaultDiffuseMaterial;
public override Material GetDefaultUIOverdrawMaterial()
return m_DefaultDiffuseMaterial;
public override Material GetDefaultUIETC1SupportedMaterial()
return m_DefaultDiffuseMaterial;
public override Material GetDefault2DMaterial()
return m_DefaultDiffuseMaterial;


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// This file was automatically generated from Assets/ScriptableRenderPipeline/HDRenderPipeline/Material/Lit/SubsurfaceScatteringProfile.cs. Please don't edit by hand.
// UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.SSSConstants: static fields
#define SSS_PROFILES_MAX (8)


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using System;
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering
public abstract class RenderPipeline : IRenderPipeline
public virtual void Render(ScriptableRenderContext renderContext, Camera[] cameras)
if (disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(string.Format("{0} has been disposed. Do not call Render on disposed RenderLoops.", this));
public bool disposed { get; private set; }
public virtual void Dispose()
disposed = true;