
Further refactors to support ShaderGraph

Felipe Lira 7 年前
共有 7 个文件被更改,包括 397 次插入406 次删除
  1. 224
  2. 176
  3. 163
  4. 2
  5. 2
  6. 9
  7. 227


#include "LightweightInput.cginc"
#include "LightweightLighting.cginc"
#include "LightweightShadows.cginc"
#if defined(_SPECGLOSSMAP) || defined(_SPECULAR_COLOR)
#define kDieletricSpec half4(0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 1.0 - 0.04) // standard dielectric reflectivity coef at incident angle (= 4%)
half SpecularReflectivity(half3 specular)
#if (SHADER_TARGET < 30)
// SM2.0: instruction count limitation
// SM2.0: simplified SpecularStrength
return specular.r; // Red channel - because most metals are either monocrhome or with redish/yellowish tint
return max(max(specular.r, specular.g), specular.b);
inline void InitializeSurfaceData(LightweightVertexOutput IN, out SurfaceData outSurfaceData)
float2 uv = IN.uv01.xy;
half4 albedoAlpha = tex2D(_MainTex, uv);
half4 specGloss = MetallicSpecGloss(uv, albedoAlpha);
outSurfaceData.albedo = LIGHTWEIGHT_GAMMA_TO_LINEAR(albedoAlpha.rgb) * _Color.rgb;
outSurfaceData.specular = half4(1.0h, 1.0h, 1.0h, 1.0h);
outSurfaceData.metallic = specGloss.r;
outSurfaceData.specular = specGloss.rgb;
outSurfaceData.metallic = 1.0h;
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#include "UnityStandardInput.cginc"
outSurfaceData.smoothness = specGloss.a;
outSurfaceData.normal = Normal(uv);
outSurfaceData.occlusion = OcclusionLW(uv);
outSurfaceData.emission = EmissionLW(uv);
outSurfaceData.ambient = IN.fogCoord.yzw;
outSurfaceData.alpha = Alpha(albedoAlpha.a);
void InitializeSurfaceInput(LightweightVertexOutput IN, out SurfaceInput outSurfaceInput)
outSurfaceInput.lightmapUV = float4(IN.uv01.zw, 0.0, 0.0);
#define LIGHTWEIGHT_GAMMA_TO_LINEAR(gammaColor) gammaColor * gammaColor
#define LIGHTWEIGHT_LINEAR_TO_GAMMA(linColor) sqrt(color)
outSurfaceInput.lightmapUV = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
#define LIGHTWEIGHT_GAMMA_TO_LINEAR(color) color
#define LIGHTWEIGHT_LINEAR_TO_GAMMA(color) color
outSurfaceInput.tangent = IN.tangent;
outSurfaceInput.binormal = IN.binormal;
#define SAMPLE_METALLICSPECULAR(uv) tex2D(_SpecGlossMap, uv)
outSurfaceInput.tangent = half3(1.0h, 0.0h, 0.0h);
outSurfaceInput.binormal = half3(0.0h, 1.0h, 0.0h);
#define SAMPLE_METALLICSPECULAR(uv) tex2D(_MetallicGlossMap, uv)
outSurfaceInput.normal = IN.normal;
outSurfaceInput.worldPos = IN.posWS;
outSurfaceInput.viewDir = IN.viewDir;
outSurfaceInput.fogFactor = IN.fogCoord.x;
inline void InitializeBRDFData(SurfaceData surfaceData, out BRDFData outBRDFData)
// We'll need oneMinusReflectivity, so
// 1-reflectivity = 1-lerp(dielectricSpec, 1, metallic) = lerp(1-dielectricSpec, 0, metallic)
// store (1-dielectricSpec) in kDieletricSpec.a, then
// 1-reflectivity = lerp(alpha, 0, metallic) = alpha + metallic*(0 - alpha) =
// = alpha - metallic * alpha
half oneMinusDielectricSpec = kDieletricSpec.a;
half oneMinusReflectivity = oneMinusDielectricSpec - surfaceData.metallic * oneMinusDielectricSpec;
half reflectivity = 1.0 - oneMinusReflectivity;
outBRDFData.diffuse = surfaceData.albedo * oneMinusReflectivity;
outBRDFData.specular = lerp(kDieletricSpec.rgb, surfaceData.albedo, surfaceData.metallic);
half reflectivity = SpecularReflectivity(surfaceData.specular);
half4 unity_LightIndicesOffsetAndCount;
half4 unity_4LightIndices0;
half4 unity_4LightIndices1;
half _Shininess;
outBRDFData.diffuse = surfaceData.albedo * (half3(1.0h, 1.0h, 1.0h) - surfaceData.specular);
outBRDFData.specular = surfaceData.specular;
float4 _MainLightPosition;
half4 _MainLightColor;
float4 _MainLightAttenuationParams;
half4 _MainLightSpotDir;
outBRDFData.grazingTerm = saturate(surfaceData.smoothness + reflectivity);
outBRDFData.perceptualRoughness = 1.0h - surfaceData.smoothness;
outBRDFData.roughness = outBRDFData.perceptualRoughness * outBRDFData.perceptualRoughness;
half4 _AdditionalLightCount;
float4 _AdditionalLightPosition[MAX_VISIBLE_LIGHTS];
half4 _AdditionalLightColor[MAX_VISIBLE_LIGHTS];
float4 _AdditionalLightAttenuationParams[MAX_VISIBLE_LIGHTS];
half4 _AdditionalLightSpotDir[MAX_VISIBLE_LIGHTS];
half alpha = surfaceData.alpha;
outBRDFData.diffuse *= alpha;
surfaceData.alpha = reflectivity + alpha * (1.0 - reflectivity);
half4 _GlossyEnvironmentColor;
sampler2D _AttenuationTexture;
half3 TangentToWorldNormal(half3 normalTangent, half3 tangent, half3 binormal, half3 normal)

#if defined(FOG_LINEAR)
// factor = (end-z)/(end-start) = z * (-1/(end-start)) + (end/(end-start))
float fogFactor = saturate(clipZ_01 * unity_FogParams.z + unity_FogParams.w);
return fogFactor;
return half(fogFactor);
return saturate(exp2(-unityFogFactor));
return half(saturate(exp2(-unityFogFactor)));
return saturate(exp2(-unityFogFactor*unityFogFactor));
return half(saturate(exp2(-unityFogFactor*unityFogFactor)));
return 0.0;
return 0.0h;
void ApplyFog(inout half3 color, float fogFactor)
void ApplyFog(inout half3 color, half fogFactor)
#if defined(FOG_LINEAR) || defined(FOG_EXP) || defined(FOG_EXP2)
color = lerp(unity_FogColor, color, fogFactor);

return half4(LIGHTWEIGHT_LINEAR_TO_GAMMA(color), 1);
inline half Alpha(half albedoAlpha)
half alpha = _Color.a;
half alpha = albedoAlpha * _Color.a;
#if defined(_ALPHATEST_ON)
clip(alpha - _Cutoff);
return alpha;
half3 Normal(float2 uv)
return UnpackNormal(tex2D(_BumpMap, uv));
return half3(0.0h, 0.0h, 1.0h);
inline void SpecularGloss(half2 uv, half alpha, out half4 specularGloss)
specularGloss = half4(0, 0, 0, 1);
specularGloss = tex2D(_SpecGlossMap, uv);
specularGloss.rgb = LIGHTWEIGHT_GAMMA_TO_LINEAR(specularGloss.rgb);
#elif defined(_SPECULAR_COLOR)
specularGloss = _SpecColor;
specularGloss.a = alpha;
half4 MetallicSpecGloss(float2 uv, half albedoAlpha)
half4 specGloss;
specGloss = specGloss = SAMPLE_METALLICSPECULAR(uv);
specGloss.a = albedoAlpha * _GlossMapScale;
specGloss.a *= _GlossMapScale;
specGloss.rgb = _Metallic.rrr;
specGloss.rgb = _SpecColor.rgb;
specGloss.a = albedoAlpha * _GlossMapScale;
specGloss.a = _Glossiness;
return specGloss;
half OcclusionLW(float2 uv)
#if (SHADER_TARGET < 30)
// SM20: instruction count limitation
// SM20: simpler occlusion
return tex2D(_OcclusionMap, uv).g;
half occ = tex2D(_OcclusionMap, uv).g;
return LerpOneTo(occ, _OcclusionStrength);
return 1.0;
half3 EmissionLW(float2 uv)
#ifndef _EMISSION
return 0;
return LIGHTWEIGHT_GAMMA_TO_LINEAR(tex2D(_EmissionMap, uv).rgb) * _EmissionColor.rgb;


#include "LightweightCore.cginc"
#include "LightweightShadows.cginc"
#define kDieletricSpec half4(0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 1.0 - 0.04) // standard dielectric reflectivity coef at incident angle (= 4%)
// Main light initialized without indexing
#define INITIALIZE_MAIN_LIGHT(light) \
light.pos = _MainLightPosition; \
light.color = _MainLightColor; \
light.atten = _MainLightAttenuationParams; \
light.spotDir = _MainLightSpotDir;
// Indexing might have a performance hit for old mobile hardware
#define INITIALIZE_LIGHT(light, i) \
half4 indices = (i < 4) ? unity_4LightIndices0 : unity_4LightIndices1; \
int index = (i < 4) ? i : i - 4; \
int lightIndex = indices[index]; \
light.pos = _AdditionalLightPosition[lightIndex]; \
light.color = _AdditionalLightColor[lightIndex]; \
light.atten = _AdditionalLightAttenuationParams[lightIndex]; \
light.spotDir = _AdditionalLightSpotDir[lightIndex]
#if (defined(_MAIN_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT) || defined(_MAIN_SPOT_LIGHT) || defined(_MAIN_POINT_LIGHT))
#define _MAIN_LIGHT
struct LightInput
float4 pos;
half4 color;
float4 atten;
half4 spotDir;
struct SurfaceData
half3 albedo;
half3 specular;
half metallic;
half smoothness;
half3 normal;
half3 emission;
half occlusion;
half alpha;
half3 ambient;
struct SurfaceInput
float4 lightmapUV;
half3 normalWS;
half3 tangentWS;
half3 bitangentWS;
float3 positionWS;
half3 viewDirectionWS;
float fogFactor;
struct BRDFData
half3 diffuse;
half3 specular;
half perceptualRoughness;
half roughness;
half grazingTerm;
inline void InitializeSurfaceData(out SurfaceData outSurfaceData)
outSurfaceData.albedo = half3(1.0h, 1.0h, 1.0h);
outSurfaceData.specular = half3(0.0h, 0.0h, 0.0h);
outSurfaceData.metallic = 1.0h;
outSurfaceData.smoothness = 0.5h;
outSurfaceData.normal = half3(0.0h, 0.0h, 1.0h);
outSurfaceData.occlusion = 1.0h;
outSurfaceData.emission = half3(0.0h, 0.0h, 0.0h);
outSurfaceData.alpha = 1.0h;
outSurfaceData.ambient = half3(0.0h, 0.0h, 0.0h);
half SpecularReflectivity(half3 specular)
#if (SHADER_TARGET < 30)
// SM2.0: instruction count limitation
// SM2.0: simplified SpecularStrength
return specular.r; // Red channel - because most metals are either monocrhome or with redish/yellowish tint
return max(max(specular.r, specular.g), specular.b);
inline void InitializeBRDFData(half3 albedo, half metallic, half3 specular, half smoothness, half alpha, out BRDFData outBRDFData)
// We'll need oneMinusReflectivity, so
// 1-reflectivity = 1-lerp(dielectricSpec, 1, metallic) = lerp(1-dielectricSpec, 0, metallic)
// store (1-dielectricSpec) in kDieletricSpec.a, then
// 1-reflectivity = lerp(alpha, 0, metallic) = alpha + metallic*(0 - alpha) =
// = alpha - metallic * alpha
half oneMinusDielectricSpec = kDieletricSpec.a;
half oneMinusReflectivity = oneMinusDielectricSpec - metallic * oneMinusDielectricSpec;
half reflectivity = 1.0 - oneMinusReflectivity;
outBRDFData.diffuse = albedo * oneMinusReflectivity;
outBRDFData.specular = lerp(kDieletricSpec.rgb, albedo, metallic);
half reflectivity = SpecularReflectivity(specular);
outBRDFData.diffuse = albedo * (half3(1.0h, 1.0h, 1.0h) - specular);
outBRDFData.specular = specular;
outBRDFData.grazingTerm = saturate(smoothness + reflectivity);
outBRDFData.perceptualRoughness = 1.0h - smoothness;
outBRDFData.roughness = outBRDFData.perceptualRoughness * outBRDFData.perceptualRoughness;
outBRDFData.diffuse *= alpha;
alpha = reflectivity + alpha * (1.0 - reflectivity);
// Based on Minimalist CookTorrance BRDF
// Implementation is slightly different from original derivation: http://www.thetenthplanet.de/archives/255

return (diffuse + specular) * atten;
half4 LightweightFragmentPBR(half4 lightmapUV, float3 positionWS, half3 normalWS, half3 tangentWS, half3 bitangentWS,
half3 viewDirectionWS, half fogFactor, half3 albedo, half metallic, half3 specular, half smoothness,
half3 normalTS, half ambientOcclusion, half3 emission, half alpha, half3 ambient)
BRDFData brdfData;
InitializeBRDFData(albedo, metallic, specular, smoothness, alpha, brdfData);
half3 vertexNormal = normalWS;
normalWS = TangentToWorldNormal(normalTS, tangentWS, bitangentWS, normalWS);
normalWS = normalize(normalWS);
half3 reflectVec = reflect(-viewDirectionWS, normalWS);
half roughness2 = brdfData.roughness * brdfData.roughness;
UnityIndirect indirectLight = LightweightGI(lightmapUV, ambient, normalWS, reflectVec, ambientOcclusion, brdfData.perceptualRoughness);
// PBS
half fresnelTerm = Pow4(1.0 - saturate(dot(normalWS, viewDirectionWS)));
half3 color = LightweightBRDFIndirect(brdfData, indirectLight, roughness2, fresnelTerm);
half3 lightDirectionWS;
#ifdef _MAIN_LIGHT
LightInput light;
half lightAtten = ComputeMainLightAttenuation(light, normalWS, positionWS, lightDirectionWS);
lightAtten *= LIGHTWEIGHT_SHADOW_ATTENUATION(positionWS, normalize(vertexNormal), _ShadowLightDirection.xyz);
half NdotL = saturate(dot(normalWS, lightDirectionWS));
half3 radiance = light.color * (lightAtten * NdotL);
color += LightweightBDRF(brdfData, roughness2, normalWS, lightDirectionWS, viewDirectionWS) * radiance;
int pixelLightCount = min(_AdditionalLightCount.x, unity_LightIndicesOffsetAndCount.y);
for (int lightIter = 0; lightIter < pixelLightCount; ++lightIter)
LightInput light;
INITIALIZE_LIGHT(light, lightIter);
half lightAtten = ComputeLightAttenuation(light, normalWS, positionWS, lightDirectionWS);
half NdotL = saturate(dot(normalWS, lightDirectionWS));
half3 radiance = light.color * (lightAtten * NdotL);
color += LightweightBDRF(brdfData, roughness2, normalWS, lightDirectionWS, viewDirectionWS) * radiance;
color += emission;
// Computes fog factor per-vertex
ApplyFog(color, fogFactor);
return OutputColor(color, alpha);


#include "LightweightCore.cginc"
#include "LightweightLighting.cginc"
struct LightweightVertexInput
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float4 tangent : TANGENT;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
float2 lightmapUV : TEXCOORD1;
struct LightweightVertexOutput
float4 uv01 : TEXCOORD0; // uv01.xy: uv0, uv01.zw: uv1
float4 posWS : TEXCOORD1;
half3 tangent : TEXCOORD2;
half3 binormal : TEXCOORD3;
half3 normal : TEXCOORD4;
half3 normal : TEXCOORD2;
half4 viewDir : TEXCOORD5; // xyz: viewDir
half4 ambient : TEXCOORD6; // x: fogCoord, yzw: vertex/SH color
float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION;
inline void InitializeStandardLitSurfaceData(LightweightVertexOutput IN, out SurfaceData outSurfaceData)
float2 uv = IN.uv01.xy;
half4 albedoAlpha = tex2D(_MainTex, uv);
half4 specGloss = MetallicSpecGloss(uv, albedoAlpha);
outSurfaceData.albedo = LIGHTWEIGHT_GAMMA_TO_LINEAR(albedoAlpha.rgb) * _Color.rgb;
outSurfaceData.metallic = specGloss.r;
outSurfaceData.specular = half3(0.0h, 0.0h, 0.0h);
outSurfaceData.metallic = 1.0h;
outSurfaceData.specular = specGloss.rgb;
outSurfaceData.smoothness = specGloss.a;
outSurfaceData.normal = Normal(uv);
outSurfaceData.occlusion = OcclusionLW(uv);
outSurfaceData.emission = EmissionLW(uv);
outSurfaceData.alpha = Alpha(albedoAlpha.a);
outSurfaceData.ambient = IN.ambient.yzw;
void InitializeSurfaceInput(LightweightVertexOutput IN, out SurfaceInput outSurfaceInput)
outSurfaceInput.lightmapUV = float4(IN.uv01.zw, 0.0, 0.0);
outSurfaceInput.lightmapUV = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
outSurfaceInput.tangentWS = IN.tangent;
outSurfaceInput.bitangentWS = IN.binormal;
outSurfaceInput.tangentWS = half3(1.0h, 0.0h, 0.0h);
outSurfaceInput.bitangentWS = half3(0.0h, 1.0h, 0.0h);
outSurfaceInput.normalWS = IN.normal;
outSurfaceInput.positionWS = IN.posWS;
outSurfaceInput.viewDirectionWS = IN.viewDir;
outSurfaceInput.fogFactor = IN.ambient.x;
LightweightVertexOutput LitPassVertex(LightweightVertexInput v)

half sign = v.tangent.w * unity_WorldTransformParams.w;
o.tangent = normalize(mul((float3x3)unity_ObjectToWorld, v.tangent.xyz));
o.tangent = normalize(mul((half3x3)unity_ObjectToWorld, v.tangent.xyz));
o.binormal = cross(normal, o.tangent) * sign;
o.normal = normal;

#if !defined(LIGHTMAP_ON)
o.ambient.yzw = SHEvalLinearL2(half4(normal, 1.0));
// TODO: change to only support point lights per vertex. This will greatly simplify shader ALU
//#if defined(_VERTEX_LIGHTS) && defined(_MULTIPLE_LIGHTS)
// half3 diffuse = half3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

// half3 lightDirection;
// half atten = ComputeLightAttenuationVertex(lightInput, normal, worldPos, lightDirection);
// o.fogCoord.yzw += LightingLambert(diffuse, lightDirection, normal, atten);
// o.ambient.yzw += LightingLambert(diffuse, lightDirection, normal, atten);
#if !defined(LIGHTMAP_ON)
o.fogCoord.yzw = SHEvalLinearL2(half4(normal, 1.0));
o.hpos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.fogCoord.x = ComputeFogFactor(o.hpos.z);
float4 clipPos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.ambient.x = ComputeFogFactor(clipPos.z);
o.clipPos = clipPos;
// NdotV, reflectVec (view tangent space)
// NdotL, (light in tangent space)
half4 LightweightFragmentPBR(SurfaceInput surfaceInput, SurfaceData surfaceData)
BRDFData brdfData;
InitializeBRDFData(surfaceData, brdfData);
half3 viewDir = surfaceInput.viewDir;
float3 posWS = surfaceInput.worldPos;
half3 normalWorld = TangentToWorldNormal(surfaceData.normal, surfaceInput.tangent, surfaceInput.binormal, surfaceInput.normal);
half3 normalWorld = normalize(surfaceInput.normal);
half3 reflectVec = reflect(-viewDir, normalWorld);
half roughness2 = brdfData.roughness * brdfData.roughness;
UnityIndirect indirectLight = LightweightGI(surfaceInput.lightmapUV, surfaceData.ambient, normalWorld, reflectVec, surfaceData.occlusion, brdfData.perceptualRoughness);
// PBS
half fresnelTerm = Pow4(1.0 - saturate(dot(normalWorld, viewDir)));
half3 color = LightweightBRDFIndirect(brdfData, indirectLight, roughness2, fresnelTerm);
half3 lightDirection;
#ifdef _MAIN_LIGHT
LightInput light;
half lightAtten = ComputeMainLightAttenuation(light, normalWorld, posWS, lightDirection);
lightAtten *= LIGHTWEIGHT_SHADOW_ATTENUATION(posWS, normalize(surfaceInput.normal), _ShadowLightDirection.xyz);
half NdotL = saturate(dot(normalWorld, lightDirection));
half3 radiance = light.color * (lightAtten * NdotL);
color += LightweightBDRF(brdfData, roughness2, normalWorld, lightDirection, viewDir) * radiance;
int pixelLightCount = min(_AdditionalLightCount.x, unity_LightIndicesOffsetAndCount.y);
for (int lightIter = 0; lightIter < pixelLightCount; ++lightIter)
LightInput light;
INITIALIZE_LIGHT(light, lightIter);
half lightAtten = ComputeLightAttenuation(light, normalWorld, posWS, lightDirection);
half NdotL = saturate(dot(normalWorld, lightDirection));
half3 radiance = light.color * (lightAtten * NdotL);
color += LightweightBDRF(brdfData, roughness2, normalWorld, lightDirection, viewDir) * radiance;
color += surfaceData.emission;
// Computes fog factor per-vertex
ApplyFog(color, surfaceInput.fogFactor);
return OutputColor(color, surfaceData.alpha);
InitializeSurfaceData(IN, surfaceData);
InitializeStandardLitSurfaceData(IN, surfaceData);
return LightweightFragmentPBR(surfaceInput, surfaceData);
return LightweightFragmentPBR(surfaceInput.lightmapUV, surfaceInput.positionWS, surfaceInput.normalWS, surfaceInput.tangentWS, surfaceInput.bitangentWS, surfaceInput.viewDirectionWS, surfaceInput.fogFactor, surfaceData.albedo, surfaceData.metallic, surfaceData.specular, surfaceData.smoothness, surfaceData.normal, surfaceData.occlusion, surfaceData.emission, surfaceData.alpha, surfaceData.ambient);
half4 LitPassFragmentSimple(LightweightVertexOutput IN) : SV_Target

#if defined(LIGHTMAP_ON)
half3 color = DecodeLightmap(UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(unity_Lightmap, lightmapUV)) * diffuse;
half3 color = (SHEvalLinearL0L1(half4(normalWorld, 1.0)) + IN.fogCoord.yzw) * diffuse;
half3 color = (SHEvalLinearL0L1(half4(normalWorld, 1.0)) + IN.ambient.yzw) * diffuse;
#ifdef _MAIN_LIGHT

lightAtten *= LIGHTWEIGHT_SHADOW_ATTENUATION(worldPos, normalize(IN.normal), _ShadowLightDirection.xyz);
#if defined(_SPECGLOSSMAP) || defined(_SPECULAR_COLOR)
color += LightingBlinnPhong(diffuse, specularGloss, lightDirection, normalWorld, viewDir, lightAtten) * lightInput.color;
color += LightingLambert(diffuse, lightDirection, normalWorld, lightAtten) * lightInput.color;

INITIALIZE_LIGHT(lightData, lightIter);
half lightAtten = ComputeLightAttenuation(lightData, normalWorld, worldPos, lightDirection);
#if defined(_SPECGLOSSMAP) || defined(_SPECULAR_COLOR)
color += LightingBlinnPhong(diffuse, specularGloss, lightDirection, normalWorld, viewDir, lightAtten) * lightData.color;
color += LightingLambert(diffuse, lightDirection, normalWorld, lightAtten) * lightData.color;

color += EmissionLW(uv);
// Computes Fog Factor per vextex
ApplyFog(color, IN.fogCoord.x);
ApplyFog(color, IN.ambient.x);
return OutputColor(color, alpha);


#pragma vertex LitPassVertex
#pragma fragment LitPassFragment
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#include "UnityStandardInput.cginc"
#include "LightweightPassLit.cginc"


#pragma vertex LitPassVertex
#pragma fragment LitPassFragmentSimple
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#include "UnityStandardInput.cginc"
#include "LightweightPassLit.cginc"


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 926949d7f34e3e143a1acbf6270e42e0
timeCreated: 1488965025
licenseType: Pro
defaultTextures: []


// Main light initialized without indexing
#define INITIALIZE_MAIN_LIGHT(light) \
light.pos = _MainLightPosition; \
light.color = _MainLightColor; \
light.atten = _MainLightAttenuationParams; \
light.spotDir = _MainLightSpotDir;
// Indexing might have a performance hit for old mobile hardware
#define INITIALIZE_LIGHT(light, i) \
half4 indices = (i < 4) ? unity_4LightIndices0 : unity_4LightIndices1; \
int index = (i < 4) ? i : i - 4; \
int lightIndex = indices[index]; \
light.pos = _AdditionalLightPosition[lightIndex]; \
light.color = _AdditionalLightColor[lightIndex]; \
light.atten = _AdditionalLightAttenuationParams[lightIndex]; \
light.spotDir = _AdditionalLightSpotDir[lightIndex]
#if (defined(_MAIN_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT) || defined(_MAIN_SPOT_LIGHT) || defined(_MAIN_POINT_LIGHT))
#define _MAIN_LIGHT
#define SAMPLE_METALLICSPECULAR(uv) tex2D(_SpecGlossMap, uv)
#define SAMPLE_METALLICSPECULAR(uv) tex2D(_MetallicGlossMap, uv)
#define LIGHTWEIGHT_GAMMA_TO_LINEAR(gammaColor) gammaColor * gammaColor
#define LIGHTWEIGHT_LINEAR_TO_GAMMA(linColor) sqrt(color)
#define LIGHTWEIGHT_GAMMA_TO_LINEAR(color) color
#define LIGHTWEIGHT_LINEAR_TO_GAMMA(color) color
struct LightInput
float4 pos;
half4 color;
float4 atten;
half4 spotDir;
half4 unity_LightIndicesOffsetAndCount;
half4 unity_4LightIndices0;
half4 unity_4LightIndices1;
half _Shininess;
float4 _MainLightPosition;
half4 _MainLightColor;
float4 _MainLightAttenuationParams;
half4 _MainLightSpotDir;
half4 _AdditionalLightCount;
float4 _AdditionalLightPosition[MAX_VISIBLE_LIGHTS];
half4 _AdditionalLightColor[MAX_VISIBLE_LIGHTS];
float4 _AdditionalLightAttenuationParams[MAX_VISIBLE_LIGHTS];
half4 _AdditionalLightSpotDir[MAX_VISIBLE_LIGHTS];
half4 _GlossyEnvironmentColor;
sampler2D _AttenuationTexture;
struct LightweightVertexInput
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float4 tangent : TANGENT;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
float2 lightmapUV : TEXCOORD1;
struct LightweightVertexOutput
float4 uv01 : TEXCOORD0; // uv01.xy: uv0, uv01.zw: uv1
float4 posWS : TEXCOORD1;
half3 tangent : TEXCOORD2;
half3 binormal : TEXCOORD3;
half3 normal : TEXCOORD4;
half3 normal : TEXCOORD2;
half4 viewDir : TEXCOORD5; // xyz: viewDir
half4 fogCoord : TEXCOORD6; // x: fogCoord, yzw: vertexColor
float4 hpos : SV_POSITION;
struct SurfaceData
half3 albedo;
half3 specular;
half metallic;
half smoothness;
half3 normal;
half3 emission;
half3 ambient;
half occlusion;
half alpha;
struct SurfaceInput
float4 lightmapUV;
half3 tangent;
half3 binormal;
half3 normal;
float3 worldPos;
half3 viewDir;
float fogFactor;
struct BRDFData
half3 diffuse;
half3 specular;
half perceptualRoughness;
half roughness;
half grazingTerm;
inline half Alpha(half albedoAlpha)
half alpha = _Color.a;
half alpha = albedoAlpha * _Color.a;
#if defined(_ALPHATEST_ON)
clip(alpha - _Cutoff);
return alpha;
half3 Normal(float2 uv)
return UnpackNormal(tex2D(_BumpMap, uv));
return half3(0.0h, 0.0h, 1.0h);
inline void SpecularGloss(half2 uv, half alpha, out half4 specularGloss)
specularGloss = half4(0, 0, 0, 1);
specularGloss = tex2D(_SpecGlossMap, uv);
specularGloss.rgb = LIGHTWEIGHT_GAMMA_TO_LINEAR(specularGloss.rgb);
#elif defined(_SPECULAR_COLOR)
specularGloss = _SpecColor;
specularGloss.a = alpha;
half4 MetallicSpecGloss(float2 uv, half albedoAlpha)
half4 specGloss;
specGloss = specGloss = SAMPLE_METALLICSPECULAR(uv);
specGloss.a = albedoAlpha * _GlossMapScale;
specGloss.a *= _GlossMapScale;
specGloss.rgb = _Metallic.rrr;
specGloss.rgb = _SpecColor.rgb;
specGloss.a = albedoAlpha * _GlossMapScale;
specGloss.a = _Glossiness;
return specGloss;
half OcclusionLW(float2 uv)
#if (SHADER_TARGET < 30)
// SM20: instruction count limitation
// SM20: simpler occlusion
return tex2D(_OcclusionMap, uv).g;
half occ = tex2D(_OcclusionMap, uv).g;
return LerpOneTo(occ, _OcclusionStrength);
return 1.0;
half3 EmissionLW(float2 uv)
#ifndef _EMISSION
return 0;
return LIGHTWEIGHT_GAMMA_TO_LINEAR(tex2D(_EmissionMap, uv).rgb) * _EmissionColor.rgb;