
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into switch_support

sebastienlagarde 6 年前
共有 337 个文件被更改,包括 1737 次插入975 次删除
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  100. 4


[submodule "ShaderGraph"]
path = ShaderGraph
url = https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ShaderGraph
[submodule "Tests/UTF_Core"]
path = Tests/UTF_Core
[submodule "Tests/UTF_Tests_HDRP"]
path = Tests/UTF_Tests_HDRP


and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
## [Unreleased]
### Added
- Planar Reflection Probe support roughness (gaussian convolution of captured probe)
- Screen Space Refraction projection model (Proxy raycasting, HiZ raymarching)
- Screen Space Refraction settings as volume component
### Changed
- Depth and color pyramid are properly computed and sampled when the camera renders inside a viewport of a RTHandle.
- Forced Planar Probe update modes to (Realtime, Every Update, Mirror Camera)
- Removed Planar Probe mirror plane position and normal fields in inspector, always display mirror plane and normal gizmos
- Screen Space Refraction proxy model uses the proxy of the first environment light (Reflection probe/Planar probe) or the sky
## [0.1.6] - 2018-xx-yy


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**Unity Companion Package License v1.0 ("_License_")**
Copyright © 2017 Unity Technologies ApS ("**_Unity_**")
Unity hereby grants to you a worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, and royalty-free copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the software that is made available with this License ("**_Software_**"), subject to the following terms and conditions:
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3.1. You own your content. In this License, "derivative works" means derivatives of the Software itself--works derived only from the Software by you under this License (for example, modifying the code of the Software itself to improve its efficacy); “derivative works” of the Software do not include, for example, games, apps, or content that you create using the Software. You keep all right, title, and interest to your own content.
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#define SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(textureName, samplerName, coord2) SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(textureName, samplerName, coord2).r
#define SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE_LOD(textureName, samplerName, coord2, lod) SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, samplerName, coord2, lod).r
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D(textureName, unCoord2) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, lod) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, sampleIndex) textureName.Load(unCoord2, sampleIndex)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY(textureName, unCoord2, index) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, index, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE3D(textureName, unCoord3) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord3, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE3D_LOD(textureName, unCoord3, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord3, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D(textureName, unCoord2) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, lod) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, sampleIndex) textureName.Load(unCoord2, sampleIndex)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY(textureName, unCoord2, index) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, index, sampleIndex) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, 0), sampleIndex)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, index, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE3D(textureName, unCoord3) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord3, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE3D_LOD(textureName, unCoord3, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord3, lod))
#define GATHER_TEXTURE2D(textureName, samplerName, coord2, offset) textureName.Gather(samplerName, coord2, offset)


#define SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(textureName, samplerName, coord2) SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(textureName, samplerName, coord2).r
#define SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE_LOD(textureName, samplerName, coord2, lod) SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, samplerName, coord2, lod).r
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D(textureName, unCoord2) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, lod) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, sampleIndex) textureName.Load(unCoord2, sampleIndex)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY(textureName, unCoord2, index) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, index, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D(textureName, unCoord2) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, lod) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, sampleIndex) textureName.Load(unCoord2, sampleIndex)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY(textureName, unCoord2, index) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, index, sampleIndex) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, 0), sampleIndex)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, index, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, lod))
#if OPENGL4_1_SM5
#define GATHER_TEXTURE2D(textureName, samplerName, coord2) textureName.Gather(samplerName, coord2)


#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, lod) half4(0, 0, 0, 0)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, sampleIndex) half4(0, 0, 0, 0)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY(textureName, unCoord2, index) half4(0, 0, 0, 0)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, index, sampleIndex) half4(0, 0, 0, 0)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, index, lod) half4(0, 0, 0, 0)
// Gather not supported. Fallback to regular texture sampling.


#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, lod) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, sampleIndex) textureName.Load(unCoord2, sampleIndex)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY(textureName, unCoord2, index) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, index, sampleIndex) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, 0), sampleIndex)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, index, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, lod))
#if GLES3_1_AEP


#define SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(textureName, samplerName, coord2) SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(textureName, samplerName, coord2).r
#define SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE_LOD(textureName, samplerName, coord2, lod) SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, samplerName, coord2, lod).r
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D(textureName, unCoord2) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, lod) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, sampleIndex) textureName.Load(unCoord2, sampleIndex)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY(textureName, unCoord2, index) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, index, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE3D(textureName, unCoord3) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord3, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE3D_LOD(textureName, unCoord3, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord3, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D(textureName, unCoord2) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, lod) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, sampleIndex) textureName.Load(unCoord2, sampleIndex)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY(textureName, unCoord2, index) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, index, sampleIndex) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, 0), sampleIndex)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, index, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE3D(textureName, unCoord3) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord3, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE3D_LOD(textureName, unCoord3, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord3, lod))
#define GATHER_TEXTURE2D(textureName, samplerName, coord2) textureName.Gather(samplerName, coord2)
#define GATHER_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY(textureName, samplerName, coord2, index) textureName.Gather(samplerName, float3(coord2, index))


#define SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(textureName, samplerName, coord2) SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(textureName, samplerName, coord2).r
#define SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE_LOD(textureName, samplerName, coord2, lod) SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, samplerName, coord2, lod).r
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D(textureName, unCoord2) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, lod) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, sampleIndex) textureName.Load(unCoord2, sampleIndex)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY(textureName, unCoord2, index) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, index, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE3D(textureName, unCoord3) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord3, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE3D_LOD(textureName, unCoord3, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord3, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D(textureName, unCoord2) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, lod) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, sampleIndex) textureName.Load(unCoord2, sampleIndex)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY(textureName, unCoord2, index) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, index, sampleIndex) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, 0), sampleIndex)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, index, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE3D(textureName, unCoord3) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord3, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE3D_LOD(textureName, unCoord3, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord3, lod))
#define GATHER_TEXTURE2D(textureName, samplerName, coord2, offset) textureName.Gather(samplerName, coord2, offset)


#define SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(textureName, samplerName, coord2) SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(textureName, samplerName, coord2).r
#define SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE_LOD(textureName, samplerName, coord2, lod) SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, samplerName, coord2, lod).r
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D(textureName, unCoord2) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, lod) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, sampleIndex) textureName.Load(unCoord2, sampleIndex)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY(textureName, unCoord2, index) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, index, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE3D(textureName, unCoord3) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord3, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE3D_LOD(textureName, unCoord3, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord3, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D(textureName, unCoord2) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, lod) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, sampleIndex) textureName.Load(unCoord2, sampleIndex)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY(textureName, unCoord2, index) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, index, sampleIndex) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, 0), sampleIndex)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, index, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE3D(textureName, unCoord3) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord3, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE3D_LOD(textureName, unCoord3, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord3, lod))
#define GATHER_TEXTURE2D(textureName, samplerName, coord2, offset) textureName.Gather(samplerName, coord2, offset)


#define SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(textureName, samplerName, coord2) SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(textureName, samplerName, coord2).r
#define SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE_LOD(textureName, samplerName, coord2, lod) SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, samplerName, coord2, lod).r
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D(textureName, unCoord2) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, lod) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, sampleIndex) textureName.Load(unCoord2, sampleIndex)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY(textureName, unCoord2, index) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, index, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE3D(textureName, unCoord3) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord3, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE3D_LOD(textureName, unCoord3, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord3, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D(textureName, unCoord2) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, lod) textureName.Load(int3(unCoord2, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, sampleIndex) textureName.Load(unCoord2, sampleIndex)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY(textureName, unCoord2, index) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_MSAA(textureName, unCoord2, index, sampleIndex) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, 0), sampleIndex)
#define LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(textureName, unCoord2, index, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord2, index, lod))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE3D(textureName, unCoord3) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord3, 0))
#define LOAD_TEXTURE3D_LOD(textureName, unCoord3, lod) textureName.Load(int4(unCoord3, lod))
#define GATHER_TEXTURE2D(textureName, samplerName, coord2, offset) textureName.Gather(samplerName, coord2, offset)


real F_Schlick(real f0, real f90, real u)
real x = 1.0 - u;
real x = 1.0 - u;
real x2 = x * x;
real x5 = x * x2 * x2;
return (f90 - f0) * x5 + f0; // sub mul mul mul sub mad

real3 F_Schlick(real3 f0, real f90, real u)
real x = 1.0 - u;
real x = 1.0 - u;
real x2 = x * x;
real x5 = x * x2 * x2;
return f0 * (1.0 - x5) + (f90 * x5); // sub mul mul mul sub mul mad*3

// Does not handle TIR.
real F_Transm_Schlick(real f0, real f90, real u)
real x = 1.0 - u;
real x = 1.0 - u;
real x2 = x * x;
real x5 = x * x2 * x2;
return (1.0 - f90 * x5) - f0 * (1.0 - x5); // sub mul mul mul mad sub mad

// Does not handle TIR.
real3 F_Transm_Schlick(real3 f0, real f90, real u)
real x = 1.0 - u;
real x = 1.0 - u;
real x2 = x * x;
real x5 = x * x2 * x2;
return (1.0 - f90 * x5) - f0 * (1.0 - x5); // sub mul mul mul mad sub mad*3

// Ref: https://seblagarde.wordpress.com/2013/04/29/memo-on-fresnel-equations/
// Fresnel dieletric / dielectric
real F_Fresnel(real ior, real u)
real F_FresnelDieletric(real ior, real u)
// Fresnel dieletric / conductor
// Note: etak2 = etak * etak (optimization for Artist Friendly Metallic Fresnel below)
// eta = eta_t / eta_i and etak = k_t / n_i
real3 F_FresnelConductor(real3 eta, real3 etak2, real cosTheta)
real cosTheta2 = cosTheta * cosTheta;
real sinTheta2 = 1.0 - cosTheta2;
real3 eta2 = eta * eta;
real3 t0 = eta2 - etak2 - sinTheta2;
real3 a2plusb2 = sqrt(t0 * t0 + 4.0 * eta2 * etak2);
real3 t1 = a2plusb2 + cosTheta2;
real3 a = sqrt(0.5 * (a2plusb2 + t0));
real3 t2 = 2.0 * a * cosTheta;
real3 Rs = (t1 - t2) / (t1 + t2);
real3 t3 = cosTheta2 * a2plusb2 + sinTheta2 * sinTheta2;
real3 t4 = t2 * sinTheta2;
real3 Rp = Rs * (t3 - t4) / (t3 + t4);
return 0.5 * (Rp + Rs);
// Conversion FO/IOR
// ior is a value between 1.0 and 3.0. 1.0 is air interface
real IorToFresnel0(real transmittedIor, real incidentIor = 1.0)
return Sq((transmittedIor - incidentIor) / (transmittedIor + incidentIor));
// Assume air interface for top
// Note: Don't handle the case fresnel0 == 1
real Fresnel0ToIor(real fresnel0)
real sqrtF0 = sqrt(fresnel0);
return (1.0 + sqrtF0) / (1.0 - sqrtF0);
// This function is a coarse approximation of computing fresnel0 for a different top than air (here clear coat of IOR 1.5) when we only have fresnel0 with air interface
// This function is equivalent to IorToFresnel0(Fresnel0ToIor(fresnel0), 1.5)
// mean
// real sqrtF0 = sqrt(fresnel0);
// return Sq(1.0 - 5.0 * sqrtF0) / Sq(5.0 - sqrtF0);
// Optimization: Fit of the function (3 mad) for range [0.04 (should return 0), 1 (should return 1)]
TEMPLATE_1_REAL(ConvertF0ForAirInterfaceToF0ForClearCoat15, fresnel0, return saturate(-0.0256868 + fresnel0 * (0.326846 + (0.978946 - 0.283835 * fresnel0) * fresnel0)))
// Artist Friendly Metallic Fresnel Ref: http://jcgt.org/published/0003/04/03/paper.pdf
real3 GetIorN(real3 f0, real3 edgeTint)
real3 sqrtF0 = sqrt(f0);
return lerp((1.0 - f0) / (1.0 + f0), (1.0 + sqrtF0) / (1.0 - sqrt(f0)), edgeTint);
real3 getIorK2(real3 f0, real3 n)
real3 nf0 = Sq(n + 1.0) * f0 - Sq(f0 - 1.0);
return nf0 / (1.0 - f0);
// Specular BRDF

real a2 = Sq(roughness);
real s = (NdotH * a2 - NdotH) * NdotH + 1.0;
real s = (NdotH * a2 - NdotH) * NdotH + 1.0;
return a2 / (s * s);

real DV_SmithJointGGX(real NdotH, real NdotL, real NdotV, real roughness, real partLambdaV)
real a2 = Sq(roughness);
real s = (NdotH * a2 - NdotH) * NdotH + 1.0;
real s = (NdotH * a2 - NdotH) * NdotH + 1.0;
real lambdaV = NdotL * partLambdaV;
real lambdaL = NdotV * sqrt((-NdotL * a2 + NdotL) * NdotL + a2);

// Inline D_GGXAniso() * V_SmithJointGGXAniso() together for better code generation.
real DV_SmithJointGGXAniso(real TdotH, real BdotH, real NdotH, real NdotV,
real TdotL, real BdotL, real NdotL,
real roughnessT, real roughnessB, real partLambdaV)
real TdotL, real BdotL, real NdotL,
real roughnessT, real roughnessB, real partLambdaV)
real a2 = roughnessT * roughnessB;
real3 v = real3(roughnessB * TdotH, roughnessT * BdotH, a2 * NdotH);

real DV_SmithJointGGXAniso(real TdotH, real BdotH, real NdotH,
real TdotV, real BdotV, real NdotV,
real TdotL, real BdotL, real NdotL,
real roughnessT, real roughnessB)
real TdotV, real BdotV, real NdotV,
real TdotL, real BdotL, real NdotL,
real roughnessT, real roughnessB)
roughnessT, roughnessB, partLambdaV);
roughnessT, roughnessB, partLambdaV);

real fd90 = 0.5 + (perceptualRoughness + perceptualRoughness * LdotV);
// Two schlick fresnel term
real lightScatter = F_Schlick(1.0, fd90, NdotL);
real viewScatter = F_Schlick(1.0, fd90, NdotV);
real viewScatter = F_Schlick(1.0, fd90, NdotV);
// Normalize the BRDF for polar view angles of up to (Pi/4).
// We use the worst case of (roughness = albedo = 1), and, for each view angle,

// Ref: Diffuse Lighting for GGX + Smith Microsurfaces, p. 113.
real3 DiffuseGGXNoPI(real3 albedo, real NdotV, real NdotL, real NdotH, real LdotV, real roughness)
real facing = 0.5 + 0.5 * LdotV; // (LdotH)^2
real rough = facing * (0.9 - 0.4 * facing) * (0.5 / NdotH + 1);
real facing = 0.5 + 0.5 * LdotV; // (LdotH)^2
real rough = facing * (0.9 - 0.4 * facing) * (0.5 / NdotH + 1);
real smooth = transmitL * transmitV * 1.05; // Normalize F_t over the hemisphere
real single = lerp(smooth, rough, roughness); // Rescaled by PI
real multiple = roughness * (0.1159 * PI); // Rescaled by PI
real smooth = transmitL * transmitV * 1.05; // Normalize F_t over the hemisphere
real single = lerp(smooth, rough, roughness); // Rescaled by PI
real multiple = roughness * (0.1159 * PI); // Rescaled by PI
return single + albedo * multiple;

// Note that we could save 2 cycles by inlining the multiplication by INV_PI.
return INV_PI * DiffuseGGXNoPI(albedo, NdotV, NdotL, NdotH, LdotV, roughness);
// Conversion FO/IOR
// ior is a value between 1.0 and 3.0. 1.0 is air interface
real IorToFresnel0(real transmittedIor, real incidentIor = 1.0)
return Sq((transmittedIor - incidentIor) / (transmittedIor + incidentIor));
// Assume air interface for top
// Note: Don't handle the case fresnel0 == 1
real Fresnel0ToIor(real fresnel0)
real sqrtF0 = sqrt(fresnel0);
return (1.0 + sqrtF0) / (1.0 - sqrtF0);
// This function is a coarse approximation of computing fresnel0 for a different top than air (here clear coat of IOR 1.5) when we only have fresnel0 with air interface
// This function is equivalent to IorToFresnel0(Fresnel0ToIor(fresnel0), 1.5)
// mean
// real sqrtF0 = sqrt(fresnel0);
// return Sq(1.0 - 5.0 * sqrtF0) / Sq(5.0 - sqrtF0);
// Optimization: Fit of the function (3 mad) for range [0.04 (should return 0), 1 (should return 1)]
TEMPLATE_1_REAL(ConvertF0ForAirInterfaceToF0ForClearCoat15, fresnel0, return saturate(-0.0256868 + fresnel0 * (0.326846 + (0.978946 - 0.283835 * fresnel0) * fresnel0)))
// Iridescence


// Metal doesn't support high enough OpenGL version
uint width, height, depth, mipCount;
width = height = depth = mipCount = 0;
tex.GetDimensions(width, height, depth, mipCount);
return mipCount;
uint mipLevel, width, height, mipCount;
mipLevel = width = height = mipCount = 0;
tex.GetDimensions(mipLevel, width, height, mipCount);
return mipCount;
return 0;

// saturate(d) to clamp the output of the function to the [n, f] range.
// z = 1/c * (pow(c * (f - n) + 1, d) - 1) + n
// = 1/c * pow(c * (f - n) + 1, d) + n - 1/c
// = L * pow(M, d) + N
// = 1/c * exp2(d * log2(c * (f - n) + 1)) + (n - 1/c)
// = L * exp2(d * M) + N
// Use abs() to avoid the compiler warning.
return decodingParams.x * pow(abs(decodingParams.y), d) + decodingParams.z;
return decodingParams.x * exp2(d * decodingParams.y) + decodingParams.z;
// 'z' is the view-space Z position (linear depth).


// Intersection functions
// This implementation does not attempt to explicitly handle NaNs.
// Ref: https://tavianator.com/fast-branchless-raybounding-box-intersections-part-2-nans/
float3 rayDirInv = rcp(rayDirection); // Could be precomputed
// Could be precomputed. Clamp to avoid INF. clamp() is a single ALU on GCN.
// rcp(FLT_EPS) = 16,777,216, which is large enough for our purposes,
// yet doesn't cause a lot of numerical issues associated with FLT_MAX.
float3 rayDirInv = clamp(rcp(rayDirection), -rcp(FLT_EPS), rcp(FLT_EPS));
// Perform ray-slab intersection (component-wise).
float3 t0 = boxMin * rayDirInv - (rayOrigin * rayDirInv);


out real NdotL,
out real weightOverPdf)
#if 0
real3 N = localToWorld[2];
L = SampleHemisphereCosine(u.x, u.y, N);
NdotL = saturate(dot(N, L));
// Importance sampling weight for each sample
// pdf = N.L / PI


return r * real2(cosPhi, sinPhi);
real3 SampleSphereUniform(real u1, real u2)
real phi = TWO_PI * u2;
real cosTheta = 1.0 - 2.0 * u1;
return SphericalToCartesian(phi, cosTheta);
// Performs cosine-weighted sampling of the hemisphere.
// Ref: PBRT v3, p. 780.
real3 SampleHemisphereCosine(real u1, real u2)

return localL;
real3 SampleHemisphereUniform(real u1, real u2)
// Cosine-weighted sampling without the tangent frame.
// Ref: http://www.amietia.com/lambertnotangent.html
real3 SampleHemisphereCosine(real u1, real u2, real3 normal)
real phi = TWO_PI * u2;
real cosTheta = 1.0 - u1;
return SphericalToCartesian(phi, cosTheta);
real3 pointOnSphere = SampleSphereUniform(u1, u2);
return normalize(normal + pointOnSphere);
real3 SampleSphereUniform(real u1, real u2)
real3 SampleHemisphereUniform(real u1, real u2)
real cosTheta = 1.0 - 2.0 * u1;
real cosTheta = 1.0 - u1;
return SphericalToCartesian(phi, cosTheta);


return x;
// "Insert" two 0 bits after each of the 10 low bits of x/
// "Insert" two 0 bits after each of the 10 low bits of x.
// Ref: https://fgiesen.wordpress.com/2009/12/13/decoding-morton-codes/
uint Part1By2(uint x)

return x;
// Inverse of Part1By1 - "delete" all odd-indexed bits/
// Inverse of Part1By1 - "delete" all odd-indexed bits.
// Ref: https://fgiesen.wordpress.com/2009/12/13/decoding-morton-codes/
uint Compact1By1(uint x)

return x;
// Inverse of Part1By2 - "delete" all bits not at positions divisible by 3/
// Inverse of Part1By2 - "delete" all bits not at positions divisible by 3.
// Ref: https://fgiesen.wordpress.com/2009/12/13/decoding-morton-codes/
uint Compact1By2(uint x)


// Samples the interval of homogeneous participating medium using the closed-form tracking approach
// (proportionally to the transmittance).
// Returns the offset from the start of the interval and the weight = (transmittance / pdf).
// Ref: Production Volume Rendering, 3.6.1.
// Ref: Monte Carlo Methods for Volumetric Light Transport Simulation, p. 5.
// pdf = extinction * exp(-extinction * t) / (1 - exp(-intervalLength * extinction))
// pdf = extinction * exp(extinction * (intervalLength - t)) / (exp(intervalLength * extinction - 1)
// weight = (1 - exp(-extinction * intervalLength)) / extinction;
// weight = (1 - exp(-extinction * intervalLength)) / extinction
real c = rcp(extinction);
weight = x * rcp(extinction);
offset = -log(1 - rndVal * x) * rcp(extinction);
weight = x * c;
offset = -log(1 - rndVal * x) * c;
// Implements equiangular light sampling.


case BuildTarget.iOS:
case BuildTarget.Android:
#if !UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER
case BuildTarget.WSAPlayer:
// Note: We return true on purpose even if Windows Store Apps are running on Desktop.
return true;


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 32875dc85f620f54e817e767811b5c2e
guid: d063f57ca4b7cd346a14a1be20de65b4
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2


static Texture3D m_BlackVolumeTexture;
public static Texture3D blackVolumeTexture
if (m_BlackVolumeTexture == null)
Color[] colors = { Color.black };
m_BlackVolumeTexture = new Texture3D(1, 1, 1, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
m_BlackVolumeTexture.SetPixels(colors, 0);
return m_BlackVolumeTexture;
public static void ClearRenderTarget(CommandBuffer cmd, ClearFlag clearFlag, Color clearColor)
if (clearFlag != ClearFlag.None)

return mat;
public static bool HasFlag<T>(T mask, T flag) where T : IConvertible
return (mask.ToUInt32(null) & flag.ToUInt32(null)) != 0;
public static void SetKeyword(CommandBuffer cmd, string keyword, bool state)

string msg = "AR/VR devices are not supported, no rendering will occur";
// Returns 'true' if "Animated Materials" are enabled for the view associated with the given camera.
public static bool AreAnimatedMaterialsEnabled(Camera camera)

// TODO: how to handle reflection views? We don't know the parent window they are being rendered into,
// so we don't know whether we can animate them...

return animateMaterials;
public static bool IsSceneViewFogEnabled(Camera camera)
bool fogEnable = true;
if (camera.cameraType == CameraType.SceneView)
fogEnable = false;
// Determine whether the "Animated Materials" checkbox is checked for the current view.
foreach (UnityEditor.SceneView sv in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(UnityEditor.SceneView)))
if (sv.camera == camera && sv.sceneViewState.showFog)
fogEnable = true;
return fogEnable;


// You can override this to do your own blending. Either loop through the `parameters` list
// or reference direct fields (you'll need to cast `state` to your custom type and don't
// forget to use `SetValue` on parameters, do not assign directly to the state object - and
// of course you'll need to check for the `overrideState` manually).
public virtual void Override(VolumeComponent state, float interpFactor)
int count = parameters.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var stateParam = state.parameters[i];
var toParam = parameters[i];
// Keep track of the override state for debugging purpose
stateParam.overrideState = toParam.overrideState;
if (toParam.overrideState)
stateParam.Interp(stateParam, toParam, interpFactor);
public void SetAllOverridesTo(bool state)
SetAllOverridesTo(parameters, state);


if (!component.active)
var target = stack.GetComponent(component.GetType());
int count = component.parameters.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var fromParam = target.parameters[i];
var toParam = component.parameters[i];
// Keep track of the override state for debugging purpose
fromParam.overrideState = toParam.overrideState;
if (toParam.overrideState)
fromParam.Interp(fromParam, toParam, interpFactor);
var state = stack.GetComponent(component.GetType());
component.Override(state, interpFactor);


**Unity Companion Package License v1.0 ("_License_")**
Copyright © 2017 Unity Technologies ApS ("**_Unity_**")
Unity hereby grants to you a worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, and royalty-free copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the software that is made available with this License ("**_Software_**"), subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. *Unity Companion Use Only*. Exercise of the license granted herein is limited to exercise for the creation, use, and/or distribution of applications, software, or other content pursuant to a valid Unity development engine software license ("**_Engine License_**"). That means while use of the Software is not limited to use in the software licensed under the Engine License, the Software may not be used for any purpose other than the creation, use, and/or distribution of Engine License-dependent applications, software, or other content. No other exercise of the license granted herein is permitted.
1. *No Modification of Engine License*. Neither this License nor any exercise of the license granted herein modifies the Engine License in any way.
1. *Ownership & Grant Back to You*.
3.1. You own your content. In this License, "derivative works" means derivatives of the Software itself--works derived only from the Software by you under this License (for example, modifying the code of the Software itself to improve its efficacy); “derivative works” of the Software do not include, for example, games, apps, or content that you create using the Software. You keep all right, title, and interest to your own content.
3.2. Unity owns its content. While you keep all right, title, and interest to your own content per the above, as between Unity and you, Unity will own all right, title, and interest to all intellectual property rights (including patent, trademark, and copyright) in the Software and derivative works of the Software, and you hereby assign and agree to assign all such rights in those derivative works to Unity.
3.3. You have a license to those derivative works. Subject to this License, Unity grants to you the same worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, and royalty-free copyright license to derivative works of the Software you create as is granted to you for the Software under this License.
1. *Trademarks*. You are not granted any right or license under this License to use any trademarks, service marks, trade names, products names, or branding of Unity or its affiliates ("**_Trademarks_**"). Descriptive uses of Trademarks are permitted; see, for example, Unity’s Branding Usage Guidelines at [https://unity3d.com/public-relations/brand](https://unity3d.com/public-relations/brand).
1. *Notices & Third-Party Rights*. This License, including the copyright notice above, must be provided in all substantial portions of the Software and derivative works thereof (or, if that is impracticable, in any other location where such notices are customarily placed). Further, if the Software is accompanied by a Unity "third-party notices" or similar file, you acknowledge and agree that software identified in that file is governed by those separate license terms.
1. *USE IS ACCEPTANCE and License Versions*. Your receipt and use of the Software constitutes your acceptance of this License and its terms and conditions. Software released by Unity under this License may be modified or updated and the License with it; upon any such modification or update, you will comply with the terms of the updated License for any use of any of the Software under the updated License.
1. *Use in Compliance with Law and Termination*. Your exercise of the license granted herein will at all times be in compliance with applicable law and will not infringe any proprietary rights (including intellectual property rights); this License will terminate immediately on any breach by you of this License.
Render Pipeline Core copyright © 2018 Unity Technologies ApS
1. *Severability*. If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision will be enforced to the maximum extent possible and the other provisions will remain in full force and effect.
Licensed under the Unity Companion License for Unity-dependent projects--see [Unity Companion License](http://www.unity3d.com/legal/licenses/Unity_Companion_License).
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Unless expressly provided otherwise, the Software under this license is made available strictly on an “AS IS” BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Please review the license for details on these and other terms and conditions.


All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
## [2018.2 undecided]
### Improvements
- Add stripper of shader variant when building a player. Save shader compile time.
- Disable per-object culling that was executed in C++ in HD whereas it was not used (Optimization)
- Enable texture streaming debugging (was not working before 2018.2)
### Changed, Removals and deprecations
- Removed GlobalLightLoopSettings.maxPlanarReflectionProbes and instead use value of GlobalLightLoopSettings.planarReflectionProbeCacheSize
## [2018.1 undecided]
### Improvements
- Configure the volumetric lighting code path to be on by default
- Trigger a build exception when trying to build an unsupported platform
- Introduce the VolumetricLightingController component, which can (and should) be placed on the camera, and allows one to control the near and the far plane of the V-Buffer (volumetric "froxel" buffer) along with the depth distribution (from logarithmic to linear)
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/)
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
### Changed, Removals and deprecations
- Remove Resource folder of PreIntegratedFGD and add the resource to RenderPipeline Asset
- Default number of planar reflection change from 4 to 2
## [0.1.6] - 2018-xx-yy
### Bug fixes
- Fix ConvertPhysicalLightIntensityToLightIntensity() function used when creating light from script to match HDLightEditor behavior
- Fix numerical issues with the default value of mean free path of volumetric fog
- Fix the bug preventing decals from coexisting with density volumes
### Changelog starting
## [2018.1.0f2]
Started Changelog
### Improvements
- Screen Space Refraction projection model (Proxy raycasting, HiZ raymarching)
- Screen Space Refraction settings as volume component
- Added buffered frame history per camera
- Port Global Density Volumes to the Interpolation Volume System.
- Optimize ImportanceSampleLambert() to not require the tangent frame.
- Generalize SampleVBuffer() to handle different sampling and reconstruction methods.
- Improve the quality of volumetric lighting reprojection.
- Optimize Morton Order code in the Subsurface Scattering pass.
- Planar Reflection Probe support roughness (gaussian convolution of captured probe)
- Use an atlas instead of a texture array for cluster transparent decals
- Add a debug view to visualize the decal atlas
- Only store decal textures to atlas if decal is visible, debounce out of memory decal atlas warning.
- Add manipulator gizmo on decal to improve authoring workflow
- Add a minimal StackLit material (work in progress, this version can be used as template to add new material)
### Changed, Removals and deprecations
- EnableShadowMask in FrameSettings (But shadowMaskSupport still disable by default)
- Forced Planar Probe update modes to (Realtime, Every Update, Mirror Camera)
- Removed Planar Probe mirror plane position and normal fields in inspector, always display mirror plane and normal gizmos
- Screen Space Refraction proxy model uses the proxy of the first environment light (Reflection probe/Planar probe) or the sky
- Moved RTHandle static methods to RTHandles
- Renamed RTHandle to RTHandleSystem.RTHandle
- Move code for PreIntegratedFDG (Lit.shader) into its dedicated folder to be share with other material
- Move code for LTCArea (Lit.shader) into its dedicated folder to be share with other material
### Bug fixes
- Fix fog flags in scene view is now taken into account
- Fix sky in preview windows that were disappearing after a load of a new level
- Fix numerical issues in IntersectRayAABB().
- Fix alpha blending of volumetric lighting with transparent objects.
- Fix the near plane of the V-Buffer causing out-of-bounds look-ups in the clustered data structure.
- Depth and color pyramid are properly computed and sampled when the camera renders inside a viewport of a RTHandle.
- Fix decal atlas debug view to work correctly when shadow atlas view is also enabled
## [2018.1.0b13]


HDAdditionalCameraData m_AdditionalCameraData;
BufferedRTHandleSystem m_HistoryRTSystem = new BufferedRTHandleSystem();
public HDCamera(Camera cam)
camera = cam;

// Unfortunately sometime (like in the HDCameraEditor) HDUtils.hdrpSettings can be null because of scripts that change the current pipeline...
m_msaaSamples = HDUtils.hdrpSettings != null ? HDUtils.hdrpSettings.msaaSampleCount : MSAASamples.None;
RTHandle.SetReferenceSize(m_ActualWidth, m_ActualHeight, frameSettings.enableMSAA, m_msaaSamples);
RTHandles.SetReferenceSize(m_ActualWidth, m_ActualHeight, frameSettings.enableMSAA, m_msaaSamples);
m_HistoryRTSystem.SetReferenceSize(m_ActualWidth, m_ActualHeight, frameSettings.enableMSAA, m_msaaSamples);
int maxWidth = RTHandle.maxWidth;
int maxHeight = RTHandle.maxHeight;
int maxWidth = RTHandles.maxWidth;
int maxHeight = RTHandles.maxHeight;
m_CameraScaleBias.x = (float)m_ActualWidth / maxWidth;
m_CameraScaleBias.y = (float)m_ActualHeight / maxHeight;

// Warning: different views can use the same camera!
public long GetViewID()
if (camera.cameraType == CameraType.Game)
long viewID = camera.GetInstanceID();
// Make it positive.
viewID += (-(long)int.MinValue) + 1;
Debug.Assert(viewID > 0);
return viewID;
return 0;
long viewID = camera.GetInstanceID();
// Make it positive.
viewID += (-(long)int.MinValue) + 1;
return viewID;
public void Reset()

return hdcam;
public static void ClearAll()
foreach (var cam in s_Cameras)
// Look for any camera that hasn't been used in the last frame and remove them for the pool.
public static void CleanUnused()

if (kvp.Value.m_LastFrameActive != frameCheck)
if (kvp.Value.m_LastFrameActive < frameCheck)
var hdCam = s_Cameras[cam];
if (hdCam.m_HistoryRTSystem != null)
hdCam.m_HistoryRTSystem = null;

cmd.SetGlobalMatrixArray(HDShaderIDs._InvViewMatrixStereo, invViewStereo);
cmd.SetGlobalMatrixArray(HDShaderIDs._InvProjMatrixStereo, invProjStereo);
cmd.SetGlobalMatrixArray(HDShaderIDs._InvViewProjMatrixStereo, invViewProjStereo);
public RTHandleSystem.RTHandle GetPreviousFrameRT(int id)
return m_HistoryRTSystem.GetFrameRT(id, 1);
public RTHandleSystem.RTHandle GetCurrentFrameRT(int id)
return m_HistoryRTSystem.GetFrameRT(id, 0);
// Allocate buffers frames and return current frame
public RTHandleSystem.RTHandle AllocHistoryFrameRT(int id, Func<string, int, RTHandleSystem, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle> allocator)
m_HistoryRTSystem.AllocBuffer(id, (rts, i) => allocator(camera.name, i, rts), 2);
return m_HistoryRTSystem.GetFrameRT(id, 0);
void ReleaseHistoryBuffer()


public static string k_PanelRendering = "Rendering";
public static string k_PanelScreenSpaceTracing = "Screen Space Tracing";
public static string k_PanelDecals = "Decals";
//static readonly string[] k_HiZIntersectionKind = { "None", "Depth", "Cell" };

DebugUI.Widget[] m_DebugRenderingItems;
DebugUI.Widget[] m_DebugScreenSpaceTracingItems;
DebugUI.Widget[] m_DebugDecalsItems;
public float debugOverlayRatio = 0.33f;
public FullScreenDebugMode fullScreenDebugMode = FullScreenDebugMode.None;

public LightingDebugSettings lightingDebugSettings = new LightingDebugSettings();
public MipMapDebugSettings mipMapDebugSettings = new MipMapDebugSettings();
public ColorPickerDebugSettings colorPickerDebugSettings = new ColorPickerDebugSettings();
public DecalsDebugSettings decalsDebugSettings = new DecalsDebugSettings();
public static GUIContent[] lightingFullScreenDebugStrings = null;
public static int[] lightingFullScreenDebugValues = null;

Lit.RefractionSSRayModel m_LastSSRayModel = Lit.RefractionSSRayModel.None;
ScreenSpaceTracingDebug m_ScreenSpaceTracingDebugData;
public ScreenSpaceTracingDebug screenSpaceTracingDebugData
public ScreenSpaceTracingDebug screenSpaceTracingDebugData
internal set
internal set
m_ScreenSpaceTracingDebugData = value;
m_ScreenSpaceTracingDebugData = value;
if (m_LastSSRayModel != m_ScreenSpaceTracingDebugData.tracingModel)
m_LastSSRayModel = m_ScreenSpaceTracingDebugData.tracingModel;

return materialDebugSettings.IsDebugDisplayEnabled() || lightingDebugSettings.IsDebugDisplayEnabled() || mipMapDebugSettings.IsDebugDisplayEnabled() || IsDebugFullScreenEnabled();
public bool IsDebugDisplayRemovePostprocess()
// We want to keep post process when only the override more are enabled and none of the other
return materialDebugSettings.IsDebugDisplayEnabled() || lightingDebugSettings.IsDebugDisplayRemovePostprocess() || mipMapDebugSettings.IsDebugDisplayEnabled() || IsDebugFullScreenEnabled();
public bool IsDebugMaterialDisplayEnabled()
return materialDebugSettings.IsDebugDisplayEnabled();

bool IsScreenSpaceTracingRefractionDebugEnabled()
return fullScreenDebugMode == FullScreenDebugMode.ScreenSpaceTracing
return fullScreenDebugMode == FullScreenDebugMode.ScreenSpaceTracing
&& lightingDebugSettings.debugLightingMode == DebugLightingMode.ScreenSpaceTracingRefraction;

public void UpdateMaterials()
//if (mipMapDebugSettings.debugMipMapMode != 0)
// Texture.SetStreamingTextureMaterialDebugProperties();
#if UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER
if (mipMapDebugSettings.debugMipMapMode != 0)
public bool DebugNeedsExposure()

var refractionContainer = new DebugUI.Container
displayName = "Refraction",
children =
children =
new DebugUI.BoolField { displayName = "Debug Enabled", getter = IsScreenSpaceTracingRefractionDebugEnabled, setter = SetScreenSpaceTracingRefractionDebugEnabled, onValueChanged = RefreshScreenSpaceTracingDebug },

UnregisterDebugItems(k_PanelScreenSpaceTracing, m_DebugScreenSpaceTracingItems);
void RefreshDecalsDebug<T>(DebugUI.Field<T> field, T value)
UnregisterDebugItems(k_PanelDecals, m_DebugDecalsItems);
public void RegisterLightingDebug()

public void RegisterDecalsDebug()
m_DebugDecalsItems = new DebugUI.Widget[]
new DebugUI.BoolField { displayName = "Display atlas", getter = () => decalsDebugSettings.m_DisplayAtlas, setter = value => decalsDebugSettings.m_DisplayAtlas = value},
new DebugUI.UIntField { displayName = "Mip Level", getter = () => decalsDebugSettings.m_MipLevel, setter = value => decalsDebugSettings.m_MipLevel = value, min = () => 0u, max = () => (uint)(RenderPipelineManager.currentPipeline as HDRenderPipeline).GetDecalAtlasMipCount() }
var panel = DebugManager.instance.GetPanel(k_PanelDecals, true);

public void UnregisterDebug()
UnregisterDebugItems(k_PanelDecals, m_DebugDecalsItems);
UnregisterDebugItems(k_PanelDisplayStats, m_DebugDisplayStatsItems);
UnregisterDebugItems(k_PanelMaterials, m_DebugMaterialItems);
UnregisterDebugItems(k_PanelLighting, m_DebugLightingItems);


public bool IsDebugDisplayEnabled()
return debugLightingMode != DebugLightingMode.None || overrideSmoothness || overrideAlbedo || overrideNormal;
return debugLightingMode != DebugLightingMode.None || overrideSmoothness || overrideAlbedo || overrideNormal || overrideSpecularColor;
public bool IsDebugDisplayRemovePostprocess()
return debugLightingMode != DebugLightingMode.None;
public DebugLightingMode debugLightingMode = DebugLightingMode.None;


private void DrawGizmo(bool selected)
var col = new Color(0.0f, 0.7f, 1f, 1.0f);
col.a = selected ? 0.3f : 0.1f;
Gizmos.color = col;
Gizmos.DrawCube(Vector3.zero, Vector3.one);
col.a = selected ? 0.5f : 0.2f;
Gizmos.color = col;
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(Vector3.zero, Vector3.one);


private Texture2DAtlas m_Atlas = null;
public bool m_AllocationSuccess = true;
public bool m_PrevAllocationSuccess = true;
public Texture2DAtlas Atlas

if (m_NumResults == 0)
// only add if anything in this decal set is visible.
AddToTextureList(ref instance.m_TextureList);
int instanceCount = 0;
int batchCount = 0;
Matrix4x4[] decalToWorldBatch = null;

public void RenderIntoDBuffer(CommandBuffer cmd)

// updates textures, texture atlas indices and blend value
public void UpdateCachedMaterialData()
//instance.m_AllocationSuccess = true;
pair.Value.AddToTextureList(ref m_TextureList);

AddTexture(cmd, textureScaleBias);
if(!m_AllocationSuccess) // still failed to allocate, decal atlas size needs to increase
if(!m_AllocationSuccess && m_PrevAllocationSuccess) // still failed to allocate, decal atlas size needs to increase, debounce so that we don't spam the console with warnings
m_PrevAllocationSuccess = m_AllocationSuccess;
public void CreateDrawData()

// set to null so that they get recreated
m_DecalMesh = null;
m_Atlas = null;
public void RenderDebugOverlay(HDCamera hdCamera, CommandBuffer cmd, DebugDisplaySettings debugDisplaySettings, ref float x, ref float y, float overlaySize, float width)
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Display Decal Atlas", CustomSamplerId.DisplayDebugDecalsAtlas.GetSampler()))
cmd.SetViewport(new Rect(x, y, overlaySize, overlaySize));
HDUtils.BlitQuad(cmd, Atlas.AtlasTexture, new Vector4(1, 1, 0 ,0), new Vector4(1, 1, 0, 0), (int)debugDisplaySettings.decalsDebugSettings.m_MipLevel, true);
HDUtils.NextOverlayCoord(ref x, ref y, overlaySize, overlaySize, hdCamera.actualWidth);


newAsset.opaqueAtmosphericScattering = Load<Shader>(HDRenderPipelinePath + "Sky/OpaqueAtmosphericScattering.shader");
newAsset.hdriSky = Load<Shader>(HDRenderPipelinePath + "Sky/HDRISky/HDRISky.shader");
newAsset.proceduralSky = Load<Shader>(HDRenderPipelinePath + "Sky/ProceduralSky/ProceduralSky.shader");
// Skybox/Cubemap is a builtin shader, must use Sahder.Find to access it. It is fine because we are in the editor
newAsset.skyboxCubemap = Shader.Find("Skybox/Cubemap");
// Material
newAsset.preIntegratedFGD = Load<Shader>(HDRenderPipelinePath + "Material/PreIntegratedFGD.shader");
// Skybox/Cubemap is a builtin shader, must use Sahder.Find to access it. It is fine because we are in the editor
newAsset.skyboxCubemap = Shader.Find("Skybox/Cubemap");
// Shadow
newAsset.shadowClearShader = Load<Shader>(CorePath + "Shadow/ShadowClear.shader");


public SerializedProperty directionalIntensity;
public SerializedProperty punctualIntensity;
public SerializedProperty areaIntensity;
public SerializedProperty enableSpotReflector;
public SerializedProperty spotInnerPercent;
public SerializedProperty lightDimmer;
public SerializedProperty fadeDistance;

public SerializedProperty spotLightShape;
public SerializedProperty enableSpotReflector;
public SerializedProperty shapeWidth;
public SerializedProperty shapeHeight;
public SerializedProperty aspectRatio;

directionalIntensity = o.Find(x => x.directionalIntensity),
punctualIntensity = o.Find(x => x.punctualIntensity),
areaIntensity = o.Find(x => x.areaIntensity),
enableSpotReflector = o.Find(x => x.enableSpotReflector),
spotInnerPercent = o.Find(x => x.m_InnerSpotPercent),
lightDimmer = o.Find(x => x.lightDimmer),
fadeDistance = o.Find(x => x.fadeDistance),

spotLightShape = o.Find(x => x.spotLightShape),
enableSpotReflector = o.Find(x => x.enableSpotReflector),
spotLightShape = o.Find(x => x.spotLightShape),
shapeWidth = o.Find(x => x.shapeWidth),
shapeHeight = o.Find(x => x.shapeHeight),
aspectRatio = o.Find(x => x.aspectRatio),

if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Cone)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_AdditionalLightData.enableSpotReflector, s_Styles.enableSpotReflector);
EditorGUILayout.Slider(m_AdditionalLightData.spotInnerPercent, 0f, 100f, s_Styles.spotInnerPercent);
// TODO : replace with angle and ratio

EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_AdditionalLightData.enableSpotReflector, s_Styles.enableSpotReflector);
EditorGUILayout.Slider(m_AdditionalLightData.aspectRatio, 0.05f, 20.0f, s_Styles.aspectRatioPyramid);
else if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Box)

else if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Pyramid)
var aspectRatio = m_AdditionalLightData.aspectRatio.floatValue;
// Since the smallest angles is = to the fov, and we don't care of the angle order, simply make sure the aspect ratio is > 1
if ( aspectRatio < 1f ) aspectRatio = 1f/aspectRatio;
var angleA = settings.spotAngle.floatValue * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
var halfAngle = angleA * 0.5f; // half of the smallest angle
var length = Mathf.Tan(halfAngle); // half length of the smallest side of the rectangle
length *= aspectRatio; // half length of the bigest side of the rectangle
halfAngle = Mathf.Atan(length); // half of the bigest angle
var angleB = halfAngle * 2f;
float angleA, angleB;
LightUtils.CalculateAnglesForPyramid( m_AdditionalLightData.aspectRatio.floatValue, settings.spotAngle.floatValue,
out angleA, out angleB);
settings.intensity.floatValue = LightUtils.ConvertFrustrumLightIntensity(m_AdditionalLightData.punctualIntensity.floatValue, angleA, angleB );

case LightShape.Point:
case LightShape.Spot:
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_AdditionalLightData.punctualIntensity, s_Styles.punctualIntensity);
// Only display reflector option if it make sense
if (m_LightShape == LightShape.Spot)
var spotLightShape = (SpotLightShape)m_AdditionalLightData.spotLightShape.enumValueIndex;
if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Cone || spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Pyramid)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_AdditionalLightData.enableSpotReflector, s_Styles.enableSpotReflector);
case LightShape.Rectangle:


using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls;
namespace UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline

private SerializedProperty m_DrawDistanceProperty;
private SerializedProperty m_FadeScaleProperty;
public class DecalBoundsHandle : BoxBoundsHandle
protected override Bounds OnHandleChanged(HandleDirection handle, Bounds boundsOnClick, Bounds newBounds)
// special case for Y axis because decal mesh is centered at 0, -0.5, 0
if (handle == HandleDirection.NegativeY)
m_Translation = Vector3.zero;
m_Scale = newBounds.size;
else if (handle == HandleDirection.PositiveY)
m_Translation = (newBounds.center + newBounds.extents - (m_Center + 0.5f * m_Size));
m_Scale = (m_Size + m_Translation);
m_Translation = newBounds.center - m_Center;
m_Scale = newBounds.size;
return newBounds;
public void SetSizeAndCenter(Vector3 inSize, Vector3 inCenter)
// boundsOnClick implies that it gets refreshed only if the handle is clicked on again, but we need actual center and scale which we set before handle is drawn every frame
m_Center = inCenter;
m_Size = inSize;
center = inCenter;
size = inSize;
private Vector3 m_Center;
private Vector3 m_Size;
public Vector3 m_Translation;
public Vector3 m_Scale;
private DecalBoundsHandle m_Handle = new DecalBoundsHandle();
private void OnEnable()

// Update material editor with the new material
m_MaterialEditor = (MaterialEditor)CreateEditor(m_DecalProjectorComponent.Mat);
void OnSceneGUI()
var mat = Handles.matrix;
var col = Handles.color;
Handles.color = Color.white;
// decal mesh is centered at (0, -0.5, 0)
// zero out the local scale in the matrix so that handle code gives us back the actual scale
Handles.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(m_DecalProjectorComponent.transform.position, m_DecalProjectorComponent.transform.rotation, Vector3.one) * Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(0.0f, -0.5f* m_DecalProjectorComponent.transform.localScale.y, 0.0f));
// pass in the scale
m_Handle.SetSizeAndCenter(m_DecalProjectorComponent.transform.localScale, Vector3.zero);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// adjust decal transform if handle changed
m_DecalProjectorComponent.transform.localScale = m_Handle.m_Scale;
Handles.matrix = mat;
Handles.color = col;
public override void OnInspectorGUI()


using System;
class StackLitGUI : BaseUnlitGUI
class StackLitGUI : BaseMaterialGUI
protected static class Styles
protected static class StylesStackLit
public static string InputsText = "Inputs";
public static GUIContent useLocalPlanarMapping = new GUIContent("Use Local Planar Mapping", "Use local space for planar/triplanar mapping instead of world space");
#region Strings
protected const string k_DoubleSidedNormalMode = "_DoubleSidedNormalMode";
protected const string k_UVBase = "_UVBase";
// Base
protected const string k_BaseColor = "_BaseColor";
protected const string k_BaseColorMap = "_BaseColorMap";
protected const string k_BaseColorMapUV = "_BaseColorMapUV";
protected const string k_Metallic = "_Metallic";
protected const string k_MetallicMap = "_MetallicMap";
protected const string k_MetallicMapUV = "_MetallicMapUV";
protected const string k_MetallicRemap = "_MetallicRemap";
protected const string k_MetallicRemapInverted = "_MetallicRemapInverted";
protected const string k_MetallicRange = "_MetallicRange";
protected const string k_Smoothness1 = "_SmoothnessA";
protected const string k_Smoothness1Map = "_SmoothnessAMap";
protected const string k_Smoothness1MapUV = "_SmoothnessAMapUV";
protected const string k_Smoothness1Remap = "_SmoothnessARemap";
protected const string k_Smoothness1RemapInverted = "_SmoothnessARemapInverted";
protected const string k_Smoothness1Range = "_SmoothnessARange";
protected const string k_NormalMap = "_NormalMap";
protected const string k_NormalMapUV = "_NormalMapUV";
protected const string k_NormalScale = "_NormalScale";
// Emissive
protected const string k_EmissiveColor = "_EmissiveColor";
protected const string k_EmissiveColorMap = "_EmissiveColorMap";
protected const string k_EmissiveColorMapUV = "_EmissiveColorMapUV";
protected const string k_EmissiveIntensity = "_EmissiveIntensity";
protected const string k_AlbedoAffectEmissive = "_AlbedoAffectEmissive";
public static GUIContent baseColorText = new GUIContent("Base Color + Opacity", "Albedo (RGB) and Opacity (A)");
// SSS
protected const string k_DiffusionProfile = "_DiffusionProfile";
protected const string k_SubsurfaceMask = "_SubsurfaceMask";
protected const string k_SubsurfaceMaskMap = "_SubsurfaceMaskMap";
protected const string k_SubsurfaceMaskMapUV = "_SubsurfaceMaskMapUV";
protected const string k_SubsurfaceMaskRemap = "_SubsurfaceMaskRemap";
protected const string k_SubsurfaceMaskRemapInverted = "_SubsurfaceMaskRemapInverted";
protected const string k_SubsurfaceMaskRange = "_SubsurfaceMaskRange";
public static GUIContent emissiveText = new GUIContent("Emissive Color", "Emissive");
public static GUIContent emissiveIntensityText = new GUIContent("Emissive Intensity", "Emissive");
public static GUIContent albedoAffectEmissiveText = new GUIContent("Albedo Affect Emissive", "Specifies whether or not the emissive color is multiplied by the albedo.");
// Translucency
protected const string k_Thickness = "_Thickness";
protected const string k_ThicknessMap = "_ThicknessMap";
protected const string k_ThicknessMapUV = "_ThicknessMapUV";
protected const string k_ThicknessRemap = "_ThicknessRemap";
protected const string k_ThicknessRemapInverted = "_ThicknessRemapInverted";
protected const string k_ThicknessRange = "_ThicknessRange";
// Second Lobe.
protected const string k_Smoothness2 = "_SmoothnessB";
protected const string k_Smoothness2Map = "_SmoothnessBMap";
protected const string k_Smoothness2MapUV = "_SmoothnessBMapUV";
protected const string k_Smoothness2Remap = "_SmoothnessBRemap";
protected const string k_Smoothness2RemapInverted = "_SmoothnessBRemapInverted";
protected const string k_Smoothness2Range = "_SmoothnessBRange";
protected MaterialProperty baseColor = null;
protected const string kBaseColor = "_BaseColor";
protected MaterialProperty baseColorMap = null;
protected const string kBaseColorMap = "_BaseColorMap";
protected const string k_LobeMix = "_LobeMix";
protected MaterialProperty emissiveColor = null;
protected const string kEmissiveColor = "_EmissiveColor";
protected MaterialProperty emissiveColorMap = null;
protected const string kEmissiveColorMap = "_EmissiveColorMap";
protected MaterialProperty emissiveIntensity = null;
protected const string kEmissiveIntensity = "_EmissiveIntensity";
protected MaterialProperty albedoAffectEmissive = null;
protected const string kAlbedoAffectEmissive = "_AlbedoAffectEmissive";
//// transparency params
//protected MaterialProperty transmissionEnable = null;
//protected const string kTransmissionEnable = "_TransmissionEnable";
override protected void FindMaterialProperties(MaterialProperty[] props)
baseColor = FindProperty(kBaseColor, props);
baseColorMap = FindProperty(kBaseColorMap, props);
//protected MaterialProperty ior = null;
//protected const string kIor = "_Ior";
//protected MaterialProperty transmittanceColor = null;
//protected const string kTransmittanceColor = "_TransmittanceColor";
//protected MaterialProperty transmittanceColorMap = null;
//protected const string kTransmittanceColorMap = "_TransmittanceColorMap";
//protected MaterialProperty atDistance = null;
//protected const string kATDistance = "_ATDistance";
//protected MaterialProperty thicknessMultiplier = null;
//protected const string kThicknessMultiplier = "_ThicknessMultiplier";
//protected MaterialProperty refractionModel = null;
//protected const string kRefractionModel = "_RefractionModel";
//protected MaterialProperty refractionSSRayModel = null;
//protected const string kRefractionSSRayModel = "_RefractionSSRayModel";
emissiveColor = FindProperty(kEmissiveColor, props);
emissiveColorMap = FindProperty(kEmissiveColorMap, props);
emissiveIntensity = FindProperty(kEmissiveIntensity, props);
albedoAffectEmissive = FindProperty(kAlbedoAffectEmissive, props);
// Add the properties into an array.
private readonly GroupProperty _baseMaterialProperties = null;
private readonly GroupProperty _materialProperties = null;
protected override void MaterialPropertiesGUI(Material material)
public StackLitGUI()
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(Styles.InputsText, EditorStyles.boldLabel);
_baseMaterialProperties = new GroupProperty(this, "_BaseMaterial", new BaseProperty[]
// JFFTODO: Find the proper condition, and proper way to display this.
new Property(this, k_DoubleSidedNormalMode, "Normal mode", "This will modify the normal base on the selected mode. Mirror: Mirror the normal with vertex normal plane, Flip: Flip the normal.", false),
m_MaterialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(Styles.baseColorText, baseColorMap, baseColor);
_materialProperties = new GroupProperty(this, "_Material", new BaseProperty[]
new GroupProperty(this, "_Standard", "Standard", new BaseProperty[]
new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Base Color + Opacity", "Albedo (RGB) and Opacity (A)", true, false),
new TextureProperty(this, k_MetallicMap, k_Metallic, "Metallic", "Metallic", false, false),
new TextureProperty(this, k_Smoothness1Map, k_Smoothness1, "Smoothness", "Smoothness", false, false),
// TODO: Special case for normal maps.
new TextureProperty(this, k_NormalMap, k_NormalScale, "Normal TODO", "Normal Map", false, false, true),
m_MaterialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(Styles.emissiveText, emissiveColorMap, emissiveColor);
m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(emissiveIntensity, Styles.emissiveIntensityText);
m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(albedoAffectEmissive, Styles.albedoAffectEmissiveText);
//new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Dielectric IoR", "Index of Refraction for Dielectric", false),
var surfaceTypeValue = (SurfaceType)surfaceType.floatValue;
if (surfaceTypeValue == SurfaceType.Transparent)
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(StylesBaseUnlit.TransparencyInputsText, EditorStyles.boldLabel);
new GroupProperty(this, "_Emissive", "Emissive", new BaseProperty[]
new TextureProperty(this, k_EmissiveColorMap, k_EmissiveColor, "Emissive Color", "Emissive", true, false),
new Property(this, k_EmissiveIntensity, "Emissive Intensity", "Emissive", false),
new Property(this, k_AlbedoAffectEmissive, "Albedo Affect Emissive", "Specifies whether or not the emissive color is multiplied by the albedo.", false),
//new GroupProperty(this, "_Coat", "Coat", new BaseProperty[]
// new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "SmoothnessCoat", "smoothnessCoat", false, false),
// new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Index Of Refraction", "iorCoat", false, false),
// new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Normal", "normal Coat", false, false),
new GroupProperty(this, "_SSS", "Sub-Surface Scattering", new BaseProperty[]
new DiffusionProfileProperty(this, k_DiffusionProfile, "Diffusion Profile", "A profile determines the shape of the SSS/transmission filter.", false),
new TextureProperty(this, k_SubsurfaceMaskMap, k_SubsurfaceMask, "Subsurface mask map (R)", "Determines the strength of the subsurface scattering effect.", false, false),
}/*, _ => _materialId == MaterialId.SubSurfaceScattering*/),
new GroupProperty(this, "_Lobe2", "Second Specular Lobe", new BaseProperty[]
new TextureProperty(this, k_Smoothness2Map, k_Smoothness2, "Smoothness2", "Smoothness2", false, false),
new Property(this, k_LobeMix, "Lobe Mix", "Lobe Mix", false),
//new GroupProperty(this, "_Anisotropy", "Anisotropy", new BaseProperty[]
// new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Anisotropy Strength", "anisotropy strength", false),
// new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Rotation", "rotation", false),
// new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Tangent", "tangent", false),
new GroupProperty(this, "_Transmission", "Transmission", new BaseProperty[]
new DiffusionProfileProperty(this, k_DiffusionProfile, "Diffusion Profile", "A profile determines the shape of the SSS/transmission filter.", false),
new TextureProperty(this, k_ThicknessMap, k_Thickness, "Thickness", "If subsurface scattering is enabled, low values allow some light to be transmitted through the object.", false),
//new GroupProperty(this, "_Iridescence", "Iridescence", new BaseProperty[]
// new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Index of Refraction", "Index of Refraction for Iridescence", false),
// new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Thickness", "Thickness", false),
//new GroupProperty(this, "_Glint", "Glint", new BaseProperty[]
// new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Density", "Density:", false),
// new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Tint", "Tint", false),
protected override void MaterialPropertiesAdvanceGUI(Material material)
protected override bool ShouldEmissionBeEnabled(Material material)
return material.GetFloat(k_EmissiveIntensity) > 0.0f;
protected override void FindBaseMaterialProperties(MaterialProperty[] props)
protected override void FindMaterialProperties(MaterialProperty[] props)
protected override void BaseMaterialPropertiesGUI()
protected override void VertexAnimationPropertiesGUI()
protected override void MaterialPropertiesGUI(Material material)
protected override void MaterialPropertiesAdvanceGUI(Material material)
protected override bool ShouldEmissionBeEnabled(Material mat)
protected override void VertexAnimationPropertiesGUI()
return mat.GetFloat(kEmissiveIntensity) > 0.0f;
protected override void SetupMaterialKeywordsAndPassInternal(Material material)

protected static void SetupTextureMaterialProperty(Material material, string basePropertyName)
string useMapPropertyName = basePropertyName + "UseMap";
string mapPropertyName = basePropertyName + "Map";
string remapPropertyName = basePropertyName + "Remap";
string invertPropertyName = basePropertyName + "RemapInverted";
string rangePropertyName = basePropertyName + "Range";
string channelPropertyName = basePropertyName + "MapChannel";
string channelMaskPropertyName = basePropertyName + "MapChannelMask";
if (material.GetTexture(mapPropertyName))
Vector4 rangeVector = material.GetVector(remapPropertyName);
if (material.GetFloat(invertPropertyName) > 0.0f)
float s = rangeVector.x;
rangeVector.x = rangeVector.y;
rangeVector.y = s;
material.SetFloat(useMapPropertyName, 1.0f);
material.SetVector(rangePropertyName, rangeVector);
int channel = (int)material.GetFloat(channelPropertyName);
switch (channel)
case 0:
material.SetVector(channelMaskPropertyName, new Vector4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
case 1:
material.SetVector(channelMaskPropertyName, new Vector4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
case 2:
material.SetVector(channelMaskPropertyName, new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
case 3:
material.SetVector(channelMaskPropertyName, new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
material.SetFloat(useMapPropertyName, 0.0f);
material.SetVector(rangePropertyName, new Vector4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
material.SetVector(channelMaskPropertyName, new Vector4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
static public void SetupMaterialKeywordsAndPass(Material material)
public static void SetupMaterialKeywordsAndPass(Material material)
//TODO see BaseLitUI.cs:SetupBaseLitKeywords (stencil etc)
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_EMISSIVE_COLOR_MAP", material.GetTexture(kEmissiveColorMap));
bool doubleSidedEnable = material.GetFloat(kDoubleSidedEnable) > 0.0f;
if (doubleSidedEnable)
BaseLitGUI.DoubleSidedNormalMode doubleSidedNormalMode = (BaseLitGUI.DoubleSidedNormalMode)material.GetFloat(k_DoubleSidedNormalMode);
switch (doubleSidedNormalMode)
case BaseLitGUI.DoubleSidedNormalMode.Mirror: // Mirror mode (in tangent space)
material.SetVector("_DoubleSidedConstants", new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f));
case BaseLitGUI.DoubleSidedNormalMode.Flip: // Flip mode (in tangent space)
material.SetVector("_DoubleSidedConstants", new Vector4(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f));
case BaseLitGUI.DoubleSidedNormalMode.None: // None mode (in tangent space)
material.SetVector("_DoubleSidedConstants", new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
//NOTE: For SSS in forward and split lighting, obviously we don't have a gbuffer pass,
// so no stencil tagging there, but velocity? To check...
//TODO: stencil state, displacement, wind, depthoffset, tessellation
SetupMainTexForAlphaTestGI("_BaseColorMap", "_BaseColor", material);
//TODO: disable DBUFFER
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_NORMALMAP_TANGENT_SPACE", true);
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_NORMALMAP", material.GetTexture(k_NormalMap));
SetupTextureMaterialProperty(material, k_Metallic);
SetupTextureMaterialProperty(material, k_Smoothness1);
SetupTextureMaterialProperty(material, k_Smoothness2);
SetupTextureMaterialProperty(material, k_SubsurfaceMask);
SetupTextureMaterialProperty(material, k_Thickness);
// Check if we are using specific UVs.
TextureProperty.UVMapping[] uvIndices = new[]
bool requireUv2 = false;
bool requireUv3 = false;
bool requireTriplanar = false;
for (int i = 0; i < uvIndices.Length; ++i)
requireUv2 = requireUv2 || uvIndices[i] == TextureProperty.UVMapping.UV2;
requireUv3 = requireUv3 || uvIndices[i] == TextureProperty.UVMapping.UV3;
requireTriplanar = requireTriplanar || uvIndices[i] == TextureProperty.UVMapping.Triplanar;
//CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_USE_UV2", requireUv2);
//CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_USE_UV3", requireUv3);
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_USE_TRIPLANAR", requireTriplanar);
} // namespace UnityEditor


EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(d.planarReflectionCacheCompressed, _.GetContent("Compress Planar Reflection Probe Cache"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(d.planarReflectionCubemapSize, _.GetContent("Planar Reflection Texture Size"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(d.planarReflectionProbeCacheSize, _.GetContent("Planar Probe Cache Size"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(d.maxPlanarReflectionProbes, _.GetContent("Max Planar Probe Per Frame"));
d.maxPlanarReflectionProbes.intValue = Mathf.Max(1, d.maxPlanarReflectionProbes.intValue);


EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(d.renderPipelineResources, _.GetContent("Render Pipeline Resources|Set of resources that need to be loaded when creating stand alone"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(d.diffusionProfileSettings, _.GetContent("Diffusion Profile Settings"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(d.allowShaderVariantStripping, _.GetContent("Enable Shader Variant Stripping (experimental)"));


public SerializedProperty planarReflectionProbeCacheSize;
public SerializedProperty planarReflectionCubemapSize;
public SerializedProperty planarReflectionCacheCompressed;
public SerializedProperty maxPlanarReflectionProbes;
public SerializedProperty skyReflectionSize;
public SerializedProperty skyLightingOverrideLayerMask;

planarReflectionProbeCacheSize = root.Find((GlobalLightLoopSettings s) => s.planarReflectionProbeCacheSize);
planarReflectionCubemapSize = root.Find((GlobalLightLoopSettings s) => s.planarReflectionTextureSize);
planarReflectionCacheCompressed = root.Find((GlobalLightLoopSettings s) => s.planarReflectionCacheCompressed);
maxPlanarReflectionProbes = root.Find((GlobalLightLoopSettings s) => s.maxPlanarReflectionProbes);
skyReflectionSize = root.Find((GlobalLightLoopSettings s) => s.skyReflectionSize);
skyLightingOverrideLayerMask = root.Find((GlobalLightLoopSettings s) => s.skyLightingOverrideLayerMask);


public SerializedProperty renderPipelineResources;
public SerializedProperty diffusionProfileSettings;
public SerializedProperty allowShaderVariantStripping;
public SerializedRenderPipelineSettings renderPipelineSettings;
public SerializedFrameSettings defaultFrameSettings;

renderPipelineResources = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_RenderPipelineResources");
diffusionProfileSettings = serializedObject.Find((HDRenderPipelineAsset s) => s.diffusionProfileSettings);
allowShaderVariantStripping = serializedObject.Find((HDRenderPipelineAsset s) => s.allowShaderVariantStripping);
renderPipelineSettings = new SerializedRenderPipelineSettings(serializedObject.Find((HDRenderPipelineAsset a) => a.renderPipelineSettings));
defaultFrameSettings = new SerializedFrameSettings(serializedObject.FindProperty("m_FrameSettings"));


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;






readonly HDRenderPipelineAsset m_Asset;
public HDRenderPipelineAsset asset { get { return m_Asset; } }
DiffusionProfileSettings m_InternalSSSAsset;
public DiffusionProfileSettings diffusionProfileSettings

RenderTargetIdentifier[] m_MRTCache2 = new RenderTargetIdentifier[2];
// 'm_CameraColorBuffer' does not contain diffuse lighting of SSS materials until the SSS pass. It is stored within 'm_CameraSssDiffuseLightingBuffer'.
RTHandle m_CameraColorBuffer;
RTHandle m_CameraSssDiffuseLightingBuffer;
RTHandleSystem.RTHandle m_CameraColorBuffer;
RTHandleSystem.RTHandle m_CameraSssDiffuseLightingBuffer;
RTHandle m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer;
RTHandle m_CameraDepthBufferCopy;
RTHandle m_CameraStencilBufferCopy;
RTHandleSystem.RTHandle m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer;
RTHandleSystem.RTHandle m_CameraDepthBufferCopy;
RTHandleSystem.RTHandle m_CameraStencilBufferCopy;
RTHandle m_VelocityBuffer;
RTHandle m_DeferredShadowBuffer;
RTHandle m_AmbientOcclusionBuffer;
RTHandle m_DistortionBuffer;
RTHandleSystem.RTHandle m_VelocityBuffer;
RTHandleSystem.RTHandle m_DeferredShadowBuffer;
RTHandleSystem.RTHandle m_AmbientOcclusionBuffer;
RTHandleSystem.RTHandle m_DistortionBuffer;
// The pass "SRPDefaultUnlit" is a fall back to legacy unlit rendering and is required to support unity 2d + unity UI that render in the scene.
ShaderPassName[] m_ForwardAndForwardOnlyPassNames = { new ShaderPassName(), new ShaderPassName(), HDShaderPassNames.s_SRPDefaultUnlitName };

int m_CurrentHeight;
// Use to detect frame changes
int m_FrameCount;
uint m_FrameCount;
public int GetDecalAtlasMipCount()
int highestDim = Math.Max(renderPipelineSettings.decalSettings.atlasWidth, renderPipelineSettings.decalSettings.atlasHeight);
return (int)Math.Log(highestDim, 2);
public int GetShadowSliceCount(uint atlasIndex) { return m_LightLoop.GetShadowSliceCount(atlasIndex); }
readonly SkyManager m_SkyManager = new SkyManager();

public DebugDisplaySettings debugDisplaySettings { get { return m_DebugDisplaySettings; } }
static DebugDisplaySettings s_NeutralDebugDisplaySettings = new DebugDisplaySettings();
DebugDisplaySettings m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings;
RTHandle m_DebugColorPickerBuffer;
RTHandle m_DebugFullScreenTempBuffer;
RTHandleSystem.RTHandle m_DebugColorPickerBuffer;
RTHandleSystem.RTHandle m_DebugFullScreenTempBuffer;
bool m_FullScreenDebugPushed;
bool m_ValidAPI; // False by default mean we render normally, true mean we don't render anything

// Initial state of the RTHandle system.
// Tells the system that we will require MSAA or not so that we can avoid wasteful render texture allocation.
// TODO: Might want to initialize to at least the window resolution to avoid un-necessary re-alloc in the player
RTHandle.Initialize(1, 1, m_Asset.renderPipelineSettings.supportMSAA, m_Asset.renderPipelineSettings.msaaSampleCount);
RTHandles.Initialize(1, 1, m_Asset.renderPipelineSettings.supportMSAA, m_Asset.renderPipelineSettings.msaaSampleCount);

m_CameraColorBuffer = RTHandle.Alloc(Vector2.one, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, sRGB : false, enableRandomWrite: true, enableMSAA: true, name : "CameraColor");
m_CameraSssDiffuseLightingBuffer = RTHandle.Alloc(Vector2.one, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.RGB111110Float, sRGB: false, enableRandomWrite: true, enableMSAA: true, name: "CameraSSSDiffuseLighting");
m_CameraColorBuffer = RTHandles.Alloc(Vector2.one, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, sRGB : false, enableRandomWrite: true, enableMSAA: true, name : "CameraColor");
m_CameraSssDiffuseLightingBuffer = RTHandles.Alloc(Vector2.one, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.RGB111110Float, sRGB: false, enableRandomWrite: true, enableMSAA: true, name: "CameraSSSDiffuseLighting");
m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer = RTHandle.Alloc(Vector2.one, depthBufferBits: DepthBits.Depth24, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.Depth, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, bindTextureMS: true, enableMSAA: true, name: "CameraDepthStencil");
m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer = RTHandles.Alloc(Vector2.one, depthBufferBits: DepthBits.Depth24, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.Depth, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, bindTextureMS: true, enableMSAA: true, name: "CameraDepthStencil");
m_CameraDepthBufferCopy = RTHandle.Alloc(Vector2.one, depthBufferBits: DepthBits.Depth24, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.Depth, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, bindTextureMS: true, enableMSAA: true, name: "CameraDepthStencilCopy");
m_CameraDepthBufferCopy = RTHandles.Alloc(Vector2.one, depthBufferBits: DepthBits.Depth24, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.Depth, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, bindTextureMS: true, enableMSAA: true, name: "CameraDepthStencilCopy");
m_CameraStencilBufferCopy = RTHandle.Alloc(Vector2.one, depthBufferBits: DepthBits.None, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.R8, sRGB: false, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, enableMSAA: true, name: "CameraStencilCopy"); // DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UINT is not supported by Unity
m_CameraStencilBufferCopy = RTHandles.Alloc(Vector2.one, depthBufferBits: DepthBits.None, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.R8, sRGB: false, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, enableMSAA: true, name: "CameraStencilCopy"); // DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UINT is not supported by Unity
m_AmbientOcclusionBuffer = RTHandle.Alloc(Vector2.one, filterMode: FilterMode.Bilinear, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.R8, sRGB: false, enableRandomWrite: true, name: "AmbientOcclusion");
m_AmbientOcclusionBuffer = RTHandles.Alloc(Vector2.one, filterMode: FilterMode.Bilinear, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.R8, sRGB: false, enableRandomWrite: true, name: "AmbientOcclusion");
m_VelocityBuffer = RTHandle.Alloc(Vector2.one, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, colorFormat: Builtin.GetVelocityBufferFormat(), sRGB: Builtin.GetVelocityBufferSRGBFlag(), enableMSAA: true, name: "Velocity");
m_VelocityBuffer = RTHandles.Alloc(Vector2.one, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, colorFormat: Builtin.GetVelocityBufferFormat(), sRGB: Builtin.GetVelocityBufferSRGBFlag(), enableMSAA: true, name: "Velocity");
m_DistortionBuffer = RTHandle.Alloc(Vector2.one, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, colorFormat: Builtin.GetDistortionBufferFormat(), sRGB: Builtin.GetDistortionBufferSRGBFlag(), name: "Distortion");
m_DistortionBuffer = RTHandles.Alloc(Vector2.one, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, colorFormat: Builtin.GetDistortionBufferFormat(), sRGB: Builtin.GetDistortionBufferSRGBFlag(), name: "Distortion");
m_DeferredShadowBuffer = RTHandle.Alloc(Vector2.one, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, sRGB: false, enableRandomWrite: true, name: "DeferredShadow");
m_DeferredShadowBuffer = RTHandles.Alloc(Vector2.one, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, sRGB: false, enableRandomWrite: true, name: "DeferredShadow");
m_DebugColorPickerBuffer = RTHandle.Alloc(Vector2.one, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, sRGB: false, name: "DebugColorPicker");
m_DebugFullScreenTempBuffer = RTHandle.Alloc(Vector2.one, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, sRGB: false, name: "DebugFullScreen");
m_DebugColorPickerBuffer = RTHandles.Alloc(Vector2.one, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, sRGB: false, name: "DebugColorPicker");
m_DebugFullScreenTempBuffer = RTHandles.Alloc(Vector2.one, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, sRGB: false, name: "DebugFullScreen");


bool IsSupportedPlatform()
// Note: If you add new platform in this function, think about adding support when building the player to in HDRPCustomBuildProcessor.cs
if (!SystemInfo.supportsComputeShaders)
return false;

// Warning: (resolutionChanged == false) if you open a new Editor tab of the same size!
m_VolumetricLightingSystem.ResizeVBuffer(hdCamera, hdCamera.actualWidth, hdCamera.actualHeight);
m_VolumetricLightingSystem.ResizeVBufferAndUpdateProperties(hdCamera, m_FrameCount);
// update recorded window resolution
m_CurrentWidth = hdCamera.actualWidth;

m_DbufferManager.PushGlobalParams(cmd, m_FrameSettings);
m_VolumetricLightingSystem.PushGlobalParams(hdCamera, cmd);
m_VolumetricLightingSystem.PushGlobalParams(hdCamera, cmd, m_FrameCount);
var ssrefraction = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent<ScreenSpaceRefraction>()
var ssRefraction = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent<ScreenSpaceRefraction>()
var previousDepthPyramidRT = hdCamera.GetPreviousFrameRT((int)HDCameraFrameHistoryType.DepthPyramid);
if (previousDepthPyramidRT != null)
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(HDShaderIDs._DepthPyramidTexture, previousDepthPyramidRT);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._DepthPyramidSize, new Vector4(
1f / previousDepthPyramidRT.referenceSize.x,
1f / previousDepthPyramidRT.referenceSize.y
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._DepthPyramidScale, new Vector4(
previousDepthPyramidRT.referenceSize.x / (float)previousDepthPyramidRT.rt.width,
previousDepthPyramidRT.referenceSize.y / (float)previousDepthPyramidRT.rt.height,
Mathf.Log(Mathf.Min(previousDepthPyramidRT.rt.width, previousDepthPyramidRT.rt.height), 2),
var previousColorPyramidRT = hdCamera.GetPreviousFrameRT((int)HDCameraFrameHistoryType.ColorPyramid);
if (previousColorPyramidRT != null)
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(HDShaderIDs._ColorPyramidTexture, previousColorPyramidRT);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._ColorPyramidSize, new Vector4(
1f / previousColorPyramidRT.referenceSize.x,
1f / previousColorPyramidRT.referenceSize.y
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._ColorPyramidScale, new Vector4(
previousColorPyramidRT.referenceSize.x / (float)previousColorPyramidRT.rt.width,
previousColorPyramidRT.referenceSize.y / (float)previousColorPyramidRT.rt.height,
Mathf.Log(Mathf.Min(previousColorPyramidRT.rt.width, previousColorPyramidRT.rt.height), 2),

return m_LightLoop.GetFeatureVariantsEnabled();
RTHandle GetDepthTexture()
RTHandleSystem.RTHandle GetDepthTexture()
return NeedDepthBufferCopy() ? m_CameraDepthBufferCopy : m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer;

// Therefore, outside of the Play Mode we update the time at 60 fps,
// and in the Play Mode we rely on 'Time.frameCount'.
float t = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
int c = Time.frameCount;
uint c = (uint)Time.frameCount;
bool newFrame;

var postProcessLayer = camera.GetComponent<PostProcessLayer>();
// Disable post process if we enable debug mode or if the post process layer is disabled
if (m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings.IsDebugDisplayEnabled() || !CoreUtils.IsPostProcessingActive(postProcessLayer))
if (m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings.IsDebugDisplayRemovePostprocess() || !CoreUtils.IsPostProcessingActive(postProcessLayer))
m_FrameSettings.enablePostprocess = false;

m_DbufferManager.vsibleDecalCount = DecalSystem.m_DecalsVisibleThisFrame;
DecalSystem.instance.UpdateCachedMaterialData(); // textures, alpha or fade distances could've changed
DecalSystem.instance.UpdateTextureAtlas(cmd); // as this is only used for transparent pass, would've been nice not to have to do this if no transparent renderers are visible
DecalSystem.instance.UpdateTextureAtlas(cmd); // as this is only used for transparent pass, would've been nice not to have to do this if no transparent renderers are visible, needs to happen after CreateDrawData
renderContext.SetupCameraProperties(camera, m_FrameSettings.enableStereo);

// TODO: Try to arrange code so we can trigger this call earlier and use async compute here to run sky convolution during other passes (once we move convolution shader to compute).
UpdateSkyEnvironment(hdCamera, cmd);
RenderPyramidDepth(hdCamera, cmd, renderContext, FullScreenDebugMode.DepthPyramid);
RenderDepthPyramid(hdCamera, cmd, renderContext, FullScreenDebugMode.DepthPyramid);
StopStereoRendering(renderContext, hdCamera.camera);

m_LightLoop.RenderShadows(renderContext, cmd, m_CullResults);
// Overwrite camera properties set during the shadow pass with the original camera properties.
renderContext.SetupCameraProperties(camera, m_FrameSettings.enableStereo);
renderContext.SetupCameraProperties(camera, m_FrameSettings.enableStereo);
hdCamera.SetupGlobalParams(cmd, m_Time, m_LastTime);
if (m_FrameSettings.enableStereo) hdCamera.SetupGlobalStereoParams(cmd);

m_LightLoop.BuildGPULightLists(hdCamera, cmd, m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer, m_CameraStencilBufferCopy, m_SkyManager.IsLightingSkyValid());
// Set fog parameters for volumetric lighting.
var visualEnv = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent<VisualEnvironment>();
visualEnv.PushFogShaderParameters(cmd, m_FrameSettings);
m_VolumetricLightingSystem.VolumeVoxelizationPass(densityVolumes, hdCamera, cmd, m_FrameSettings);
m_VolumetricLightingSystem.VolumeVoxelizationPass(densityVolumes, hdCamera, cmd, m_FrameSettings, m_FrameCount);
m_VolumetricLightingSystem.VolumetricLightingPass(hdCamera, cmd, m_FrameSettings);
m_VolumetricLightingSystem.VolumetricLightingPass(hdCamera, cmd, m_FrameSettings, m_FrameCount);
RenderDeferredLighting(hdCamera, cmd);

RenderForward(m_CullResults, hdCamera, renderContext, cmd, ForwardPass.PreRefraction);
RenderForwardError(m_CullResults, hdCamera, renderContext, cmd, ForwardPass.PreRefraction);
RenderGaussianPyramidColor(hdCamera, cmd, renderContext, true);
RenderColorPyramid(hdCamera, cmd, renderContext, true);
// Render all type of transparent forward (unlit, lit, complex (hair...)) to keep the sorting between transparent objects.
RenderForward(m_CullResults, hdCamera, renderContext, cmd, ForwardPass.Transparent);

RenderTransparentDepthPostpass(m_CullResults, hdCamera, renderContext, cmd, ForwardPass.Transparent);
RenderGaussianPyramidColor(hdCamera, cmd, renderContext, false);
RenderColorPyramid(hdCamera, cmd, renderContext, false);
AccumulateDistortion(m_CullResults, hdCamera, renderContext, cmd);
RenderDistortion(cmd, m_Asset.renderPipelineResources, hdCamera);

var data = m_DebugScreenSpaceTracingDataArray[0];
m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings.screenSpaceTracingDebugData = data;
// Assign -1 in tracing model to notifiy we took the data.
// When debugging in forward, we want only the first time the pixel is drawn
data.tracingModel = (Lit.RefractionSSRayModel)(-1);
m_DebugScreenSpaceTracingDataArray[0] = data;
} // For each camera

using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "ApplyDistortion", CustomSamplerId.ApplyDistortion.GetSampler()))
Vector2 pyramidScale = m_BufferPyramid.GetPyramidToScreenScale(hdCamera);
var colorPyramidRT = hdCamera.GetPreviousFrameRT((int)HDCameraFrameHistoryType.ColorPyramid);
var pyramidScale = m_BufferPyramid.GetPyramidToScreenScale(hdCamera, colorPyramidRT);
// Need to account for the fact that the gaussian pyramid is actually rendered inside the camera viewport in a square texture so we mutiply by the PyramidToScreen scale
var size = new Vector4(hdCamera.screenSize.x, hdCamera.screenSize.y, pyramidScale.x / hdCamera.screenSize.x, pyramidScale.y / hdCamera.screenSize.y);

cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_applyDistortionCS, m_applyDistortionKernel, HDShaderIDs._ColorPyramidTexture, m_BufferPyramid.colorPyramid);
cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_applyDistortionCS, m_applyDistortionKernel, HDShaderIDs._ColorPyramidTexture, colorPyramidRT);
cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_applyDistortionCS, m_applyDistortionKernel, HDShaderIDs._CameraColorTexture, m_CameraColorBuffer);
cmd.SetComputeVectorParam(m_applyDistortionCS, HDShaderIDs._Size, size);

void RenderSky(HDCamera hdCamera, CommandBuffer cmd)
// Rendering the sky is the first time in the frame where we need fog parameters so we push them here for the whole frame.
visualEnv.PushFogShaderParameters(cmd, m_FrameSettings);
if (visualEnv.fogType != FogType.None || m_VolumetricLightingSystem.preset != VolumetricLightingSystem.VolumetricLightingPreset.Off)
if (visualEnv.fogType != FogType.None)

var camera = hdCamera.camera;
m_LightLoop.RenderForward(camera, cmd, pass == ForwardPass.Opaque);
var debugScreenSpaceTracing = m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings.fullScreenDebugMode == FullScreenDebugMode.ScreenSpaceTracing;
if (pass == ForwardPass.Opaque)

var passNames = m_FrameSettings.enableForwardRenderingOnly
? m_ForwardAndForwardOnlyPassNames
: m_ForwardOnlyPassNames;
var debugSSTThisPass = debugScreenSpaceTracing && (m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings.lightingDebugSettings.debugLightingMode == DebugLightingMode.ScreenSpaceTracingReflection);
if (debugSSTThisPass)
cmd.SetGlobalBuffer(HDShaderIDs._DebugScreenSpaceTracingData, m_DebugScreenSpaceTracingData);
cmd.SetRandomWriteTarget(7, m_DebugScreenSpaceTracingData);
if (debugSSTThisPass)
// Assign debug data
if (m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings.fullScreenDebugMode == FullScreenDebugMode.ScreenSpaceTracing
&& pass == ForwardPass.Transparent)
cmd.SetGlobalBuffer(HDShaderIDs._DebugScreenSpaceTracingData, m_DebugScreenSpaceTracingData);
cmd.SetRandomWriteTarget(1, m_DebugScreenSpaceTracingData);
RenderTransparentRenderList(cullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, m_AllTransparentPassNames, m_currentRendererConfigurationBakedLighting, pass == ForwardPass.PreRefraction ? HDRenderQueue.k_RenderQueue_PreRefraction : HDRenderQueue.k_RenderQueue_Transparent);
if (m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings.fullScreenDebugMode == FullScreenDebugMode.ScreenSpaceTracing
&& pass == ForwardPass.Transparent)
var debugSSTThisPass = debugScreenSpaceTracing && (m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings.lightingDebugSettings.debugLightingMode == DebugLightingMode.ScreenSpaceTracingRefraction);
if (debugSSTThisPass)
cmd.SetGlobalBuffer(HDShaderIDs._DebugScreenSpaceTracingData, m_DebugScreenSpaceTracingData);
cmd.SetRandomWriteTarget(7, m_DebugScreenSpaceTracingData);
RenderTransparentRenderList(cullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, m_AllTransparentPassNames, m_currentRendererConfigurationBakedLighting, pass == ForwardPass.PreRefraction ? HDRenderQueue.k_RenderQueue_PreRefraction : HDRenderQueue.k_RenderQueue_Transparent);
if (debugSSTThisPass)

void RenderGaussianPyramidColor(HDCamera hdCamera, CommandBuffer cmd, ScriptableRenderContext renderContext, bool isPreRefraction)
void RenderColorPyramid(HDCamera hdCamera, CommandBuffer cmd, ScriptableRenderContext renderContext, bool isPreRefraction)
if (isPreRefraction)

using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Gaussian Pyramid Color", CustomSamplerId.GaussianPyramidColor.GetSampler()))
m_BufferPyramid.RenderColorPyramid(hdCamera, cmd, renderContext, m_CameraColorBuffer);
var cameraRT = hdCamera.GetCurrentFrameRT((int)HDCameraFrameHistoryType.ColorPyramid)
?? hdCamera.AllocHistoryFrameRT((int)HDCameraFrameHistoryType.ColorPyramid, m_BufferPyramid.AllocColorRT);
Vector2 pyramidScale = m_BufferPyramid.GetPyramidToScreenScale(hdCamera);
PushFullScreenDebugTextureMip(cmd, m_BufferPyramid.colorPyramid, m_BufferPyramid.GetPyramidLodCount(hdCamera), new Vector4(pyramidScale.x, pyramidScale.y, 0.0f, 0.0f), hdCamera, isPreRefraction ? FullScreenDebugMode.PreRefractionColorPyramid : FullScreenDebugMode.FinalColorPyramid);
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Color Pyramid", CustomSamplerId.ColorPyramid.GetSampler()))
m_BufferPyramid.RenderColorPyramid(hdCamera, cmd, renderContext, m_CameraColorBuffer, cameraRT);
Vector2 pyramidScale = m_BufferPyramid.GetPyramidToScreenScale(hdCamera, cameraRT);
PushFullScreenDebugTextureMip(cmd, cameraRT, m_BufferPyramid.GetPyramidLodCount(new Vector2Int(hdCamera.actualWidth, hdCamera.actualHeight)), new Vector4(pyramidScale.x, pyramidScale.y, 0.0f, 0.0f), hdCamera, isPreRefraction ? FullScreenDebugMode.PreRefractionColorPyramid : FullScreenDebugMode.FinalColorPyramid);
void RenderPyramidDepth(HDCamera hdCamera, CommandBuffer cmd, ScriptableRenderContext renderContext, FullScreenDebugMode debugMode)
void RenderDepthPyramid(HDCamera hdCamera, CommandBuffer cmd, ScriptableRenderContext renderContext, FullScreenDebugMode debugMode)
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Pyramid Depth", CustomSamplerId.PyramidDepth.GetSampler()))
m_BufferPyramid.RenderDepthPyramid(hdCamera, cmd, renderContext, GetDepthTexture());
var cameraRT = hdCamera.GetCurrentFrameRT((int)HDCameraFrameHistoryType.DepthPyramid)
?? hdCamera.AllocHistoryFrameRT((int)HDCameraFrameHistoryType.DepthPyramid, m_BufferPyramid.AllocDepthRT);
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Depth Pyramid", CustomSamplerId.DepthPyramid.GetSampler()))
m_BufferPyramid.RenderDepthPyramid(hdCamera, cmd, renderContext, GetDepthTexture(), cameraRT);
Vector2 pyramidScale = m_BufferPyramid.GetPyramidToScreenScale(hdCamera);
PushFullScreenDebugTextureMip(cmd, m_BufferPyramid.depthPyramid, m_BufferPyramid.GetPyramidLodCount(hdCamera), new Vector4(pyramidScale.x, pyramidScale.y, 0.0f, 0.0f), hdCamera, debugMode);
Vector2 pyramidScale = m_BufferPyramid.GetPyramidToScreenScale(hdCamera, cameraRT);
PushFullScreenDebugTextureMip(cmd, cameraRT, m_BufferPyramid.GetPyramidLodCount(new Vector2Int(hdCamera.actualWidth, hdCamera.actualHeight)), new Vector4(pyramidScale.x, pyramidScale.y, 0.0f, 0.0f), hdCamera, debugMode);
void RenderPostProcess(HDCamera hdcamera, CommandBuffer cmd, PostProcessLayer layer)

public void PushColorPickerDebugTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, RTHandle textureID, HDCamera hdCamera)
public void PushColorPickerDebugTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle textureID, HDCamera hdCamera)
if (m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings.colorPickerDebugSettings.colorPickerMode != ColorPickerDebugMode.None)

public void PushFullScreenDebugTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, RTHandle textureID, HDCamera hdCamera, FullScreenDebugMode debugMode)
public void PushFullScreenDebugTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle textureID, HDCamera hdCamera, FullScreenDebugMode debugMode)
if (debugMode == m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings.fullScreenDebugMode)

void PushFullScreenDebugTextureMip(CommandBuffer cmd, RTHandle texture, int lodCount, Vector4 scaleBias, HDCamera hdCamera, FullScreenDebugMode debugMode)
void PushFullScreenDebugTextureMip(CommandBuffer cmd, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle texture, int lodCount, Vector4 scaleBias, HDCamera hdCamera, FullScreenDebugMode debugMode)
if (debugMode == m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings.fullScreenDebugMode)

// (i.e. we have perform a flip, we need to flip the input texture)
m_DebugFullScreen.SetFloat(HDShaderIDs._RequireToFlipInputTexture, hdCamera.camera.cameraType != CameraType.SceneView ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
m_DebugFullScreen.SetBuffer(HDShaderIDs._DebugScreenSpaceTracingData, m_DebugScreenSpaceTracingData);
m_DebugFullScreen.SetTexture(HDShaderIDs._DepthPyramidTexture, m_BufferPyramid.depthPyramid);
m_DebugFullScreen.SetTexture(HDShaderIDs._DepthPyramidTexture, hdCamera.GetPreviousFrameRT((int)HDCameraFrameHistoryType.DepthPyramid));
HDUtils.DrawFullScreen(cmd, hdCamera, m_DebugFullScreen, (RenderTargetIdentifier)BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget);
PushColorPickerDebugTexture(cmd, (RenderTargetIdentifier)BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget, hdCamera);

m_LightLoop.RenderDebugOverlay(hdCamera, cmd, m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings, ref x, ref y, overlaySize, hdCamera.actualWidth);
DecalSystem.instance.RenderDebugOverlay(hdCamera, cmd, m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings, ref x, ref y, overlaySize, hdCamera.actualWidth);
if (m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings.colorPickerDebugSettings.colorPickerMode != ColorPickerDebugMode.None)


return new ReflectionSystemParameters
maxPlanarReflectionProbes = renderPipelineSettings.lightLoopSettings.maxPlanarReflectionProbes,
maxPlanarReflectionProbes = renderPipelineSettings.lightLoopSettings.planarReflectionProbeCacheSize,
planarReflectionProbeSize = renderPipelineSettings.lightLoopSettings.planarReflectionTextureSize

return renderPipelineSettings;
public bool allowShaderVariantStripping = true;
public DiffusionProfileSettings diffusionProfileSettings;


public static readonly int _Source4 = Shader.PropertyToID("_Source4");
public static readonly int _Result1 = Shader.PropertyToID("_Result1");
public static readonly int _AmbientProbeCoeffs = Shader.PropertyToID("_AmbientProbeCoeffs");
public static readonly int _GlobalExtinction = Shader.PropertyToID("_GlobalExtinction");
public static readonly int _GlobalScattering = Shader.PropertyToID("_GlobalScattering");
public static readonly int _GlobalAsymmetry = Shader.PropertyToID("_GlobalAsymmetry");
public static readonly int _CornetteShanksConstant = Shader.PropertyToID("_CornetteShanksConstant");
public static readonly int _VBufferResolution = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferResolution");
public static readonly int _VBufferSliceCount = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferSliceCount");
public static readonly int _VBufferDepthEncodingParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferDepthEncodingParams");
public static readonly int _VBufferDepthDecodingParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferDepthDecodingParams");
public static readonly int _VBufferCoordToViewDirWS = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferCoordToViewDirWS");
public static readonly int _VBufferDensity = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferDensity");
public static readonly int _VBufferLighting = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferLighting");
public static readonly int _VBufferLightingIntegral = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferLightingIntegral");
public static readonly int _VBufferLightingHistory = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferLightingHistory");
public static readonly int _VBufferLightingFeedback = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferLightingFeedback");
public static readonly int _VBufferSampleOffset = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferSampleOffset");
public static readonly int _VolumeBounds = Shader.PropertyToID("_VolumeBounds");
public static readonly int _VolumeProperties = Shader.PropertyToID("_VolumeProperties");
public static readonly int _NumVisibleDensityVolumes = Shader.PropertyToID("_NumVisibleDensityVolumes");
public static readonly int _AtmosphericScatteringType = Shader.PropertyToID("_AtmosphericScatteringType");
public static readonly int _AmbientProbeCoeffs = Shader.PropertyToID("_AmbientProbeCoeffs");
public static readonly int _GlobalExtinction = Shader.PropertyToID("_GlobalExtinction");
public static readonly int _GlobalScattering = Shader.PropertyToID("_GlobalScattering");
public static readonly int _GlobalAsymmetry = Shader.PropertyToID("_GlobalAsymmetry");
public static readonly int _CornetteShanksConstant = Shader.PropertyToID("_CornetteShanksConstant");
public static readonly int _VBufferResolution = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferResolution");
public static readonly int _VBufferSliceCount = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferSliceCount");
public static readonly int _VBufferDepthEncodingParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferDepthEncodingParams");
public static readonly int _VBufferDepthDecodingParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferDepthDecodingParams");
public static readonly int _VBufferPrevResolution = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferPrevResolution");
public static readonly int _VBufferPrevSliceCount = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferPrevSliceCount");
public static readonly int _VBufferPrevDepthEncodingParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferPrevDepthEncodingParams");
public static readonly int _VBufferPrevDepthDecodingParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferPrevDepthDecodingParams");
public static readonly int _VBufferCoordToViewDirWS = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferCoordToViewDirWS");
public static readonly int _VBufferDensity = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferDensity");
public static readonly int _VBufferLighting = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferLighting");
public static readonly int _VBufferLightingIntegral = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferLightingIntegral");
public static readonly int _VBufferLightingHistory = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferLightingHistory");
public static readonly int _VBufferLightingFeedback = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferLightingFeedback");
public static readonly int _VBufferSampleOffset = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferSampleOffset");
public static readonly int _VolumeBounds = Shader.PropertyToID("_VolumeBounds");
public static readonly int _VolumeData = Shader.PropertyToID("_VolumeData");
public static readonly int _NumVisibleDensityVolumes = Shader.PropertyToID("_NumVisibleDensityVolumes");


return Matrix4x4.Transpose(worldToViewMatrix.transpose * viewSpaceRasterTransform);
private static void SetViewportAndClear(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandle buffer, ClearFlag clearFlag, Color clearColor)
private static void SetViewportAndClear(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle buffer, ClearFlag clearFlag, Color clearColor)
// Clearing a partial viewport currently does not go through the hardware clear.
// Instead it goes through a quad rendered with a specific shader.

// This set of RenderTarget management methods is supposed to be used when rendering into a camera dependent render texture.
// This will automatically set the viewport based on the camera size and the RTHandle scaling info.
public static void SetRenderTarget(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandle buffer, ClearFlag clearFlag, Color clearColor, int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown, int depthSlice = 0)
public static void SetRenderTarget(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle buffer, ClearFlag clearFlag, Color clearColor, int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown, int depthSlice = 0)
public static void SetRenderTarget(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandle buffer, ClearFlag clearFlag = ClearFlag.None, int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown, int depthSlice = 0)
public static void SetRenderTarget(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle buffer, ClearFlag clearFlag = ClearFlag.None, int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown, int depthSlice = 0)
public static void SetRenderTarget(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandle colorBuffer, RTHandle depthBuffer, int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown, int depthSlice = 0)
public static void SetRenderTarget(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle colorBuffer, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle depthBuffer, int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown, int depthSlice = 0)
public static void SetRenderTarget(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandle colorBuffer, RTHandle depthBuffer, ClearFlag clearFlag, int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown, int depthSlice = 0)
public static void SetRenderTarget(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle colorBuffer, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle depthBuffer, ClearFlag clearFlag, int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown, int depthSlice = 0)
public static void SetRenderTarget(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandle colorBuffer, RTHandle depthBuffer, ClearFlag clearFlag, Color clearColor, int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown, int depthSlice = 0)
public static void SetRenderTarget(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle colorBuffer, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle depthBuffer, ClearFlag clearFlag, Color clearColor, int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown, int depthSlice = 0)
public static void SetRenderTarget(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RenderTargetIdentifier[] colorBuffers, RTHandle depthBuffer)
public static void SetRenderTarget(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RenderTargetIdentifier[] colorBuffers, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle depthBuffer)
public static void SetRenderTarget(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RenderTargetIdentifier[] colorBuffers, RTHandle depthBuffer, ClearFlag clearFlag = ClearFlag.None)
public static void SetRenderTarget(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RenderTargetIdentifier[] colorBuffers, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle depthBuffer, ClearFlag clearFlag = ClearFlag.None)
public static void SetRenderTarget(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RenderTargetIdentifier[] colorBuffers, RTHandle depthBuffer, ClearFlag clearFlag, Color clearColor)
public static void SetRenderTarget(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RenderTargetIdentifier[] colorBuffers, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle depthBuffer, ClearFlag clearFlag, Color clearColor)
cmd.SetRenderTarget(colorBuffers, depthBuffer);
SetViewport(cmd, camera, depthBuffer);

// When we render using a camera whose viewport is smaller than the RTHandles reference size (and thus smaller than the RT actual size), we need to set it explicitly (otherwise, native code will set the viewport at the size of the RT)
// For auto-scaled RTs (like for example a half-resolution RT), we need to scale this viewport accordingly.
// For non scaled RTs we just do nothing, the native code will set the viewport at the size of the RT anyway.
public static void SetViewport(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandle target)
public static void SetViewport(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle target)
if (target.useScaling)

cmd.DrawProcedural(Matrix4x4.identity, GetBlitMaterial(), bilinear ? 2 : 3, MeshTopology.Quads, 4, 1, s_PropertyBlock);
public static void BlitTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, RTHandle source, RTHandle destination, Vector4 scaleBias, float mipLevel, bool bilinear)
public static void BlitTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle source, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle destination, Vector4 scaleBias, float mipLevel, bool bilinear)
s_PropertyBlock.SetTexture(HDShaderIDs._BlitTexture, source);
s_PropertyBlock.SetVector(HDShaderIDs._BlitScaleBias, scaleBias);

// It means that we can end up rendering inside a partial viewport for one of these "camera space" rendering.
// In this case, we need to make sure than when we blit from one such camera texture to another, we only blit the necessary portion corresponding to the camera viewport.
// Here, both source and destination are camera-scaled.
public static void BlitCameraTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandle source, RTHandle destination, float mipLevel = 0.0f, bool bilinear = false)
public static void BlitCameraTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle source, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle destination, float mipLevel = 0.0f, bool bilinear = false)
// Will set the correct camera viewport as well.
SetRenderTarget(cmd, camera, destination);

// This case, both source and destination are camera-scaled but we want to override the scale/bias parameter.
public static void BlitCameraTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandle source, RTHandle destination, Vector4 scaleBias, float mipLevel = 0.0f, bool bilinear = false)
public static void BlitCameraTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle source, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle destination, Vector4 scaleBias, float mipLevel = 0.0f, bool bilinear = false)
// Will set the correct camera viewport as well.
SetRenderTarget(cmd, camera, destination);

public static void BlitCameraTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandle source, RTHandle destination, Rect destViewport, float mipLevel = 0.0f, bool bilinear = false)
public static void BlitCameraTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle source, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle destination, Rect destViewport, float mipLevel = 0.0f, bool bilinear = false)
SetRenderTarget(cmd, camera, destination);

// This particular case is for blitting a camera-scaled texture into a non scaling texture. So we setup the full viewport (implicit in cmd.Blit) but have to scale the input UVs.
public static void BlitCameraTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandle source, RenderTargetIdentifier destination)
public static void BlitCameraTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle source, RenderTargetIdentifier destination)
public static void BlitCameraTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RenderTargetIdentifier source, RTHandle destination)
public static void BlitCameraTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RenderTargetIdentifier source, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle destination)
// Will set the correct camera viewport as well.
SetRenderTarget(cmd, camera, destination);

// These method should be used to render full screen triangles sampling auto-scaling RTs.
// This will set the proper viewport and UV scale.
public static void DrawFullScreen( CommandBuffer commandBuffer, HDCamera camera, Material material,
RTHandle colorBuffer,
RTHandleSystem.RTHandle colorBuffer,
MaterialPropertyBlock properties = null, int shaderPassId = 0)
HDUtils.SetRenderTarget(commandBuffer, camera, colorBuffer);

public static void DrawFullScreen( CommandBuffer commandBuffer, HDCamera camera, Material material,
RTHandle colorBuffer, RTHandle depthStencilBuffer,
RTHandleSystem.RTHandle colorBuffer, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle depthStencilBuffer,
MaterialPropertyBlock properties = null, int shaderPassId = 0)
HDUtils.SetRenderTarget(commandBuffer, camera, colorBuffer, depthStencilBuffer);

public static void DrawFullScreen( CommandBuffer commandBuffer, HDCamera camera, Material material,
RenderTargetIdentifier[] colorBuffers, RTHandle depthStencilBuffer,
RenderTargetIdentifier[] colorBuffers, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle depthStencilBuffer,
MaterialPropertyBlock properties = null, int shaderPassId = 0)
HDUtils.SetRenderTarget(commandBuffer, camera, colorBuffers, depthStencilBuffer);


public float punctualIntensity = 600.0f; // Light default to 600 lumen, i.e ~48 candela
public float areaIntensity = 200.0f; // Light default to 200 lumen to better match point light
// Only for Spotlight, should be hide for other light
public bool enableSpotReflector = false;
[Range(0.0f, 100.0f)]
public float m_InnerSpotPercent = 0.0f; // To display this field in the UI this need to be public

// Only for Spotlight, should be hide for other light
public SpotLightShape spotLightShape = SpotLightShape.Cone;
// Only for Spotlight, should be hide for other light
public bool enableSpotReflector = false;
// Only for Rectangle/Line/box projector lights
public float shapeWidth = 0.5f;

switch (light.type)
case LightType.Directional:
light.intensity = directionalIntensity;
light.intensity = Mathf.Max(0, directionalIntensity);
light.intensity = LightUtils.ConvertPointLightIntensity(punctualIntensity);
light.intensity = LightUtils.ConvertPointLightIntensity(Mathf.Max(0, punctualIntensity));
// Spot should used conversion which take into account the angle, and thus the intensity vary with angle.
// This is not easy to manipulate for lighter, so we simply consider any spot light as just occluded point light. So reuse the same code.
light.intensity = LightUtils.ConvertPointLightIntensity(punctualIntensity);
// TODO: What to do with box shape ?
// var spotLightShape = (SpotLightShape)m_AdditionalspotLightShape.enumValueIndex;
if (enableSpotReflector)
if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Cone)
light.intensity = LightUtils.ConvertSpotLightIntensity(Mathf.Max(0, punctualIntensity), light.spotAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad, true);
else if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Pyramid)
float angleA, angleB;
LightUtils.CalculateAnglesForPyramid(aspectRatio, light.spotAngle,
out angleA, out angleB);
light.intensity = LightUtils.ConvertFrustrumLightIntensity(Mathf.Max(0, punctualIntensity), angleA, angleB);
else // Box shape, fallback to punctual light.
light.intensity = LightUtils.ConvertPointLightIntensity(Mathf.Max(0, punctualIntensity));
// Spot should used conversion which take into account the angle, and thus the intensity vary with angle.
// This is not easy to manipulate for lighter, so we simply consider any spot light as just occluded point light. So reuse the same code.
light.intensity = LightUtils.ConvertPointLightIntensity(Mathf.Max(0, punctualIntensity));
// TODO: What to do with box shape ?
// var spotLightShape = (SpotLightShape)m_AdditionalspotLightShape.enumValueIndex;

light.intensity = LightUtils.ConvertRectLightIntensity(areaIntensity, shapeWidth, shapeHeight);
light.intensity = LightUtils.ConvertRectLightIntensity(Mathf.Max(0, areaIntensity), shapeWidth, shapeHeight);
light.intensity = LightUtils.CalculateLineLightIntensity(areaIntensity, shapeWidth);
light.intensity = LightUtils.CalculateLineLightIntensity(Mathf.Max(0, areaIntensity), shapeWidth);


public float weight;
public float multiplier;
public Vector3 sampleDirectionDiscardWS;
// Sampling properties
public int envIndex;


float3 boxSideFadeNegative;
float weight;
float multiplier;
float3 sampleDirectionDiscardWS;
int envIndex;

float GetMultiplier(EnvLightData value)
return value.multiplier;
float3 GetSampleDirectionDiscardWS(EnvLightData value)
return value.sampleDirectionDiscardWS;
int GetEnvIndex(EnvLightData value)


public int pointCookieSize = 128;
public int cubeCookieTexArraySize = 16;
public int reflectionProbeCacheSize = 4;
public int reflectionProbeCacheSize = 2;
public int maxPlanarReflectionProbes = 128;
public SkyResolution skyReflectionSize = SkyResolution.SkyResolution256;
public LayerMask skyLightingOverrideLayerMask = 0;


m_lightList = new LightList();
for (int i = 0, c = Mathf.Max(1, hdAsset.renderPipelineSettings.lightLoopSettings.maxPlanarReflectionProbes); i < c; ++i)
for (int i = 0, c = Mathf.Max(1, hdAsset.renderPipelineSettings.lightLoopSettings.planarReflectionProbeCacheSize); i < c; ++i)
m_DirectionalLightDatas = new ComputeBuffer(k_MaxDirectionalLightsOnScreen, System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DirectionalLightData)));

var capturePosition = Vector3.zero;
var influenceToWorld = probe.influenceToWorld;
var sampleDirectionDiscardWS = Vector3.zero;
// 31 bits index, 1 bit cache type
var envIndex = -1;
if (probe.planarReflectionProbe != null)

// We transform it to object space by translating the capturePosition
var vp = gpuProj * gpuView * Matrix4x4.Translate(capturePosition);
m_Env2DCaptureVP[fetchIndex] = vp;
sampleDirectionDiscardWS = captureRotation * Vector3.forward;
else if (probe.reflectionProbe != null)

envLightData.blendDistanceNegative = probe.blendDistanceNegative;
envLightData.boxSideFadePositive = probe.boxSideFadePositive;
envLightData.boxSideFadeNegative = probe.boxSideFadeNegative;
envLightData.sampleDirectionDiscardWS = sampleDirectionDiscardWS;
envLightData.influenceRight = influenceToWorld.GetColumn(0).normalized;
envLightData.influenceUp = influenceToWorld.GetColumn(1).normalized;

public void UpdateCullingParameters(ref ScriptableCullingParameters cullingParams)
m_ShadowMgr.UpdateCullingParameters( ref cullingParams );
// In HDRP we don't need per object light/probe info so we disable the native code that handles it.
#if UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER
cullingParams.cullingFlags |= CullFlag.DisablePerObjectCulling;
public bool IsBakedShadowMaskLight(Light light)

var stereoEnabled = m_FrameSettings.enableStereo;
Vector3 camPosWS = camera.transform.position;
var worldToView = WorldToCamera(camera);
var rightEyeWorldToView = Matrix4x4.identity;
if (stereoEnabled)
worldToView = WorldToViewStereo(camera, Camera.StereoscopicEye.Left);
rightEyeWorldToView = WorldToViewStereo(camera, Camera.StereoscopicEye.Right);
// Note: Light with null intensity/Color are culled by the C++, no need to test it here
if (cullResults.visibleLights.Count != 0 || cullResults.visibleReflectionProbes.Count != 0)

// 2. Go through all lights, convert them to GPU format.
// Simultaneously create data for culling (LightVolumeData and SFiniteLightBound)
Vector3 camPosWS = camera.transform.position;
var worldToView = WorldToCamera(camera);
var rightEyeWorldToView = Matrix4x4.identity;
if (stereoEnabled)
worldToView = WorldToViewStereo(camera, Camera.StereoscopicEye.Left);
rightEyeWorldToView = WorldToViewStereo(camera, Camera.StereoscopicEye.Right);
for (int sortIndex = 0; sortIndex < sortCount; ++sortIndex)

// Inject density volumes into the clustered data structure for efficient look up.
m_densityVolumeCount = densityVolumes.bounds != null ? densityVolumes.bounds.Count : 0;
Matrix4x4 worldToViewCR = worldToView;
if (ShaderConfig.s_CameraRelativeRendering != 0)
// The OBBs are camera-relative, the matrix is not. Fix it.
worldToViewCR.SetColumn(3, new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1));
for (int i = 0, n = m_densityVolumeCount; i < n; i++)
// Density volumes are not lights and therefore should not affect light classification.
LightFeatureFlags featureFlags = 0;
AddBoxVolumeDataAndBound(densityVolumes.bounds[i], LightCategory.DensityVolume, featureFlags, worldToViewCR);
m_lightCount = m_lightList.lights.Count + m_lightList.envLights.Count + m_densityVolumeCount;
Debug.Assert(m_lightCount == m_lightList.bounds.Count);
Debug.Assert(m_lightCount == m_lightList.lightVolumes.Count);
int decalDatasCount = Math.Min(DecalSystem.m_DecalDatasCount, k_MaxDecalsOnScreen);
if (decalDatasCount > 0)

m_lightCount += decalDatasCount;
// Inject density volumes into the clustered data structure for efficient look up.
m_densityVolumeCount = densityVolumes.bounds != null ? densityVolumes.bounds.Count : 0;
Matrix4x4 worldToViewCR = worldToView;
if (ShaderConfig.s_CameraRelativeRendering != 0)
// The OBBs are camera-relative, the matrix is not. Fix it.
worldToViewCR.SetColumn(3, new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1));
for (int i = 0, n = m_densityVolumeCount; i < n; i++)
// Density volumes are not lights and therefore should not affect light classification.
LightFeatureFlags featureFlags = 0;
AddBoxVolumeDataAndBound(densityVolumes.bounds[i], LightCategory.DensityVolume, featureFlags, worldToViewCR);
m_lightCount = m_lightList.lights.Count + m_lightList.envLights.Count + m_densityVolumeCount + decalDatasCount;
Debug.Assert(m_lightCount == m_lightList.bounds.Count);
Debug.Assert(m_lightCount == m_lightList.lightVolumes.Count);
if (stereoEnabled)
// TODO: Proper decal + stereo cull management

return m_enableBakeShadowMask;

// XRTODO: If possible, we could generate a non-oblique stereo projection
// matrix. It's ok if it's not the exact same matrix, as long as it encompasses
// the same FOV as the original projection matrix (which would mean padding each half
// of the frustum with the max half-angle). We don't need the light information in
// of the frustum with the max half-angle). We don't need the light information in
// real projection space. We just use screen space to figure out what is proximal
// to a cluster or tile.
// Once we generate this non-oblique projection matrix, it can be shared across both eyes (un-array)

public bool outputSplitLighting;
public void RenderDeferredDirectionalShadow(HDCamera hdCamera, RTHandle deferredShadowRT, RenderTargetIdentifier depthTexture, CommandBuffer cmd)
public void RenderDeferredDirectionalShadow(HDCamera hdCamera, RTHandleSystem.RTHandle deferredShadowRT, RenderTargetIdentifier depthTexture, CommandBuffer cmd)
if (m_CurrentSunLight == null || m_CurrentSunLight.GetComponent<AdditionalShadowData>() == null || m_CurrentSunLightShadowIndex < 0)


//radiance = power / (length * (4 * Pi)).
return intensity / (4.0f * Mathf.PI * lineWidth);
public static void CalculateAnglesForPyramid(float aspectRatio, float spotAngle, out float angleA, out float angleB)
// Since the smallest angles is = to the fov, and we don't care of the angle order, simply make sure the aspect ratio is > 1
if (aspectRatio < 1.0f)
aspectRatio = 1.0f / aspectRatio;
angleA = spotAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
var halfAngle = angleA * 0.5f; // half of the smallest angle
var length = Mathf.Tan(halfAngle); // half length of the smallest side of the rectangle
length *= aspectRatio; // half length of the bigest side of the rectangle
halfAngle = Mathf.Atan(length); // half of the bigest angle
angleB = halfAngle * 2.0f;


[AddComponentMenu("Rendering/Homogeneous Density Volume", 1100)]
public class HomogeneousDensityVolume : MonoBehaviour
public DensityVolumeParameters parameters = new DensityVolumeParameters();
public DensityVolumeParameters parameters;
public HomogeneousDensityVolume()
parameters.albedo = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
parameters.meanFreePath = 10.0f;
parameters.asymmetry = 0.0f;
private void Awake()

private void Update()

void OnDrawGizmos()
if (parameters.IsLocalVolume())
Gizmos.color = parameters.albedo;
Gizmos.matrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix;
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(Vector3.zero, Vector3.one);
// Returns NULL if a global fog component does not exist, or is not enabled.
public static HomogeneousDensityVolume GetGlobalHomogeneousDensityVolume()
HomogeneousDensityVolume globalVolume = null;
HomogeneousDensityVolume[] volumes = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(HomogeneousDensityVolume)) as HomogeneousDensityVolume[];
foreach (HomogeneousDensityVolume volume in volumes)
if (volume.enabled && !volume.parameters.IsLocalVolume())
globalVolume = volume;
return globalVolume;
Gizmos.color = parameters.albedo;
Gizmos.matrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix;
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(Vector3.zero, Vector3.one);
} // UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline


// Interpolation in the log space is non-linear.
// Therefore, given 'logEncodedDepth', we compute a new depth value
// which allows us to perform HW interpolation which is linear in the view space.
float ComputeLerpPositionForLogEncoding(float linearDepth, float logEncodedDepth,
float ComputeLerpPositionForLogEncoding(float linearDepth,
float logEncodedDepth,
float2 VBufferSliceCount,
float4 VBufferDepthDecodingParams)

float numSlices = VBufferSliceCount.x;
float rcpNumSlices = VBufferSliceCount.y;
float s0 = floor(d * numSlices - 0.5);
float s1 = ceil(d * numSlices - 0.5);
float s = d * numSlices - 0.5;
float s0 = floor(s);
float s1 = ceil(s);
float d0 = saturate(s0 * rcpNumSlices + (0.5 * rcpNumSlices));
float d1 = saturate(s1 * rcpNumSlices + (0.5 * rcpNumSlices));
float z0 = DecodeLogarithmicDepthGeneralized(d0, VBufferDepthDecodingParams);

return d0 + t * rcpNumSlices;
// Performs trilinear reconstruction of the V-Buffer.
// If (clampToEdge == false), out-of-bounds loads return 0.
float4 SampleVBuffer(TEXTURE3D_ARGS(VBufferLighting, trilinearSampler), bool clampToEdge,
float2 positionNDC, float linearDepth,
// if (correctLinearInterpolation), we use ComputeLerpPositionForLogEncoding() to correct weighting
// of both slices at the cost of extra ALUs.
// if (quadraticFilterXY), we perform biquadratic (3x3) reconstruction for each slice to reduce
// aliasing at the cost of extra ALUs and bandwidth.
// Warning: you MUST pass a linear sampler in order for the quadratic filter to work.
// Note: for correct filtering, the data has to be stored in the perceptual space.
// This means storing tone mapped radiance and transmittance instead of optical depth.
// See "A Fresh Look at Generalized Sampling", p. 51.
// if (clampToBorder), samples outside of the buffer return 0 (we perform a smooth fade).
// Otherwise, the sampler simply clamps the texture coordinate to the edge of the texture.
// Warning: clamping to border may not work as expected with the quadratic filter due to its extent.
float4 SampleVBuffer(TEXTURE3D_ARGS(VBuffer, clampSampler),
float2 positionNDC,
float linearDepth,
float4 VBufferResolution,
float4 VBufferDepthDecodingParams)
float4 VBufferDepthDecodingParams,
bool correctLinearInterpolation,
bool quadraticFilterXY,
bool clampToBorder)
float numSlices = VBufferSliceCount.x;
float rcpNumSlices = VBufferSliceCount.y;
float w;
// Unity doesn't support samplers clamping to border, so we have to do it ourselves.
// TODO: add the proper sampler support.
bool isInBounds = Min3(uv.x, uv.y, d) > 0 && Max3(uv.x, uv.y, d) < 1;
UNITY_BRANCH if (clampToEdge || isInBounds)
if (correctLinearInterpolation)
#if 1
// Adjust the texture coordinate for HW linear filtering.
w = ComputeLerpPositionForLogEncoding(z, d, VBufferSliceCount, VBufferDepthDecodingParams);
float w = d;
// Adjust the texture coordinate for HW trilinear sampling.
float w = ComputeLerpPositionForLogEncoding(z, d, VBufferSliceCount, VBufferDepthDecodingParams);
w = d;
return SAMPLE_TEXTURE3D_LOD(VBufferLighting, trilinearSampler, float3(uv, w), 0);
float fadeWeight = 1;
if (clampToBorder)
// Compute the distance to the edge, and remap it to the [0, 1] range.
// TODO: add support for the HW border clamp sampler.
float weightU = saturate((1 - 2 * abs(uv.x - 0.5)) * VBufferResolution.x);
float weightV = saturate((1 - 2 * abs(uv.y - 0.5)) * VBufferResolution.y);
float weightW = saturate((1 - 2 * abs(w - 0.5)) * VBufferSliceCount.x);
fadeWeight = weightU * weightV * weightW;
float4 result = 0;
if (fadeWeight > 0)
return 0;
if (quadraticFilterXY)
float2 xy = uv * VBufferResolution.xy;
float2 ic = floor(xy);
float2 fc = frac(xy);
// Returns interpolated {volumetric radiance, transmittance}. The sampler clamps to edge.
float4 SampleInScatteredRadianceAndTransmittance(TEXTURE3D_ARGS(VBufferLighting, trilinearSampler),
float2 positionNDC, float linearDepth,
float4 VBufferResolution,
float2 VBufferSliceCount,
float4 VBufferDepthEncodingParams,
float4 VBufferDepthDecodingParams)
float4 L = SampleVBuffer(TEXTURE3D_PARAM(VBufferLighting, trilinearSampler), true,
positionNDC, linearDepth,
#else // Perform biquadratic reconstruction in XY, linear in Z, using 4x trilinear taps.
float2 uv = positionNDC;
float2 xy = uv * VBufferResolution.xy;
float2 ic = floor(xy);
float2 fc = frac(xy);
float2 weights[2], offsets[2];
BiquadraticFilter(1 - fc, weights, offsets); // Inverse-translate the filter centered around 0.5
// The distance between slices is log-encoded.
float z = linearDepth;
float d = EncodeLogarithmicDepthGeneralized(z, VBufferDepthEncodingParams);
result = (weights[0].x * weights[0].y) * SAMPLE_TEXTURE3D_LOD(VBuffer, clampSampler, float3((ic + float2(offsets[0].x, offsets[0].y)) * VBufferResolution.zw, w), 0) // Top left
+ (weights[1].x * weights[0].y) * SAMPLE_TEXTURE3D_LOD(VBuffer, clampSampler, float3((ic + float2(offsets[1].x, offsets[0].y)) * VBufferResolution.zw, w), 0) // Top right
+ (weights[0].x * weights[1].y) * SAMPLE_TEXTURE3D_LOD(VBuffer, clampSampler, float3((ic + float2(offsets[0].x, offsets[1].y)) * VBufferResolution.zw, w), 0) // Bottom left
+ (weights[1].x * weights[1].y) * SAMPLE_TEXTURE3D_LOD(VBuffer, clampSampler, float3((ic + float2(offsets[1].x, offsets[1].y)) * VBufferResolution.zw, w), 0); // Bottom right
result = SAMPLE_TEXTURE3D_LOD(VBuffer, clampSampler, float3(uv, w), 0);
#if 0
// Ignore non-linearity (for performance reasons) at the cost of accuracy.
// The results are exact for a stationary camera, but can potentially cause some judder in motion.
float w = d;
// Adjust the texture coordinate for HW trilinear sampling.
float w = ComputeLerpPositionForLogEncoding(z, d, VBufferSliceCount, VBufferDepthDecodingParams);
result *= fadeWeight;
float2 weights[2], offsets[2];
BiquadraticFilter(1 - fc, weights, offsets); // Inverse-translate the filter centered around 0.5
return result;
float2 rcpRes = VBufferResolution.zw;
float4 SampleVBuffer(TEXTURE3D_ARGS(VBuffer, clampSampler),
float3 positionWS,
float4x4 viewProjMatrix,
float4 VBufferResolution,
float2 VBufferSliceCount,
float4 VBufferDepthEncodingParams,
float4 VBufferDepthDecodingParams,
bool correctLinearInterpolation,
bool quadraticFilterXY,
bool clampToBorder)
float2 positionNDC = ComputeNormalizedDeviceCoordinates(positionWS, viewProjMatrix);
float linearDepth = mul(viewProjMatrix, float4(positionWS, 1)).w;
// TODO: reconstruction should be performed in the perceptual space (e.i., after tone mapping).
// But our VBuffer is linear. How to achieve that?
// See "A Fresh Look at Generalized Sampling", p. 51.
float4 L = (weights[0].x * weights[0].y) * SAMPLE_TEXTURE3D_LOD(VBufferLighting, trilinearSampler, float3((ic + float2(offsets[0].x, offsets[0].y)) * rcpRes, w), 0) // Top left
+ (weights[1].x * weights[0].y) * SAMPLE_TEXTURE3D_LOD(VBufferLighting, trilinearSampler, float3((ic + float2(offsets[1].x, offsets[0].y)) * rcpRes, w), 0) // Top right
+ (weights[0].x * weights[1].y) * SAMPLE_TEXTURE3D_LOD(VBufferLighting, trilinearSampler, float3((ic + float2(offsets[0].x, offsets[1].y)) * rcpRes, w), 0) // Bottom left
+ (weights[1].x * weights[1].y) * SAMPLE_TEXTURE3D_LOD(VBufferLighting, trilinearSampler, float3((ic + float2(offsets[1].x, offsets[1].y)) * rcpRes, w), 0); // Bottom right
return SampleVBuffer(TEXTURE3D_PARAM(VBuffer, clampSampler),
// TODO: add some animated noise to the reconstructed radiance.
return float4(L.rgb, Transmittance(L.a));
// Returns interpolated {volumetric radiance, transmittance}.
float4 SampleVolumetricLighting(TEXTURE3D_ARGS(VBufferLighting, clampSampler),
float2 positionNDC,
float linearDepth,
float4 VBufferResolution,
float2 VBufferSliceCount,
float4 VBufferDepthEncodingParams,
float4 VBufferDepthDecodingParams,
bool correctLinearInterpolation,
bool quadraticFilterXY)
// TODO: add some slowly animated noise to the reconstructed value.
return FastTonemapInvert(SampleVBuffer(TEXTURE3D_PARAM(VBufferLighting, clampSampler),


StructuredBuffer<OrientedBBox> _VolumeBounds;
StructuredBuffer<DensityVolumeProperties> _VolumeProperties;
StructuredBuffer<DensityVolumeProperties> _VolumeData;
RW_TEXTURE3D(float4, _VBufferDensity); // RGB = sqrt(scattering), A = sqrt(extinction)

if (overlapFraction > 0)
// There is an overlap. Sample the 3D texture, or load the constant value.
voxelScattering += overlapFraction * _VolumeProperties[volumeIndex].scattering;
voxelExtinction += overlapFraction * _VolumeProperties[volumeIndex].extinction;
voxelScattering += overlapFraction * _VolumeData[volumeIndex].scattering;
voxelExtinction += overlapFraction * _VolumeData[volumeIndex].extinction;


#define SUPPORT_ASYMMETRY 1 // Support asymmetric phase functions
#define SUPPORT_PUNCTUAL_LIGHTS 1 // Punctual lights contribute to fog lighting
#define GROUP_SIZE_1D 8

#include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl"
#include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"
#include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/Filtering.hlsl"
#include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/VolumeRendering.hlsl"

// Implementation
// A ray with a single origin and two directions:
// one pointing at the center of the voxel, and one jittered in screen space.
float3 strataDirWS; // Normalized, tile-stratified
float3 centerDirWS; // Normalized, tile-centered
float strataDirInvViewZ; // 1 / ViewSpace(strataDirWS).z
float twoDirRatioViewZ; // ViewSpace(strataDirWS).z / ViewSpace(centerDirWS).z
float3 jitterDirWS; // Normalized, voxel-jittered in the screen space
float3 centerDirWS; // Normalized, voxel-centered in the screen space
float jitterDirInvViewZ; // 1 / ViewSpace(jitterDirWS).z
float twoDirRatioViewZ; // ViewSpace(jitterDirWS).z / ViewSpace(centerDirWS).z
// Returns a point along the stratified direction.
float ConvertLinearDepthToJitterRayDist(DualRay ray, float z)
return z * ray.jitterDirInvViewZ;
float ConvertJitterDistToCenterRayDist(DualRay ray, float t)
return t * ray.twoDirRatioViewZ;
// Returns a point along the jittered direction.
return ray.originWS + t * ray.strataDirWS;
return ray.originWS + t * ray.jitterDirWS;
// Returns a point along the centered direction. It has a special property:
// ViewSpace(GetPointAtDistance(ray, t)).z = ViewSpace(GetCenterAtDistance(ray, t)).z,
// e.i. both points computed from the same value of 't' reside on the same Z-plane in the view space.
float3 GetCenterAtDistance(DualRay ray, float t)
// Returns a point along the centered direction.
float3 GetCenterAtDistance(DualRay ray, float s)
t *= ray.twoDirRatioViewZ; // Perform the Z-coordinate conversion
return ray.originWS + t * ray.centerDirWS;
return ray.originWS + s * ray.centerDirWS;
struct VoxelLighting

color, attenuation);
// Important:
// Ideally, all scattering calculations should use the stratified versions
// Ideally, all scattering calculations should use the jittered versions
// of the sample position and the ray direction. However, correct reprojection
// of asymmetrically scattered lighting (affected by an anisotropic phase
// function) is not possible. We work around this issue by reprojecting

float3 coneAxisX = lenMul * light.right;
float3 coneAxisY = lenMul * light.up;
sampleLight = IntersectRayCone(ray.originWS, ray.strataDirWS,
sampleLight = IntersectRayCone(ray.originWS, ray.jitterDirWS,
light.positionWS, light.forward,
coneAxisX, coneAxisY,
t0, t1, tEntr, tExit);

float t, distSq, rcpPdf;
ImportanceSamplePunctualLight(rndVal, light.positionWS,
ray.originWS, ray.strataDirWS,
ray.originWS, ray.jitterDirWS,
tEntr, tExit, t, distSq, rcpPdf,

float3 L = -lightToSample * distRcp;
float3 color; float attenuation;
EvaluateLight_Punctual(context, posInput, light, unused, 0, L, lightToSample,
distances, color, attenuation);
EvaluateLight_Punctual(context, posInput, light, unused,
0, L, lightToSample, distances, color, attenuation);
// Ideally, all scattering calculations should use the stratified versions
// Ideally, all scattering calculations should use the jittered versions
// of the sample position and the ray direction. However, correct reprojection
// of asymmetrically scattered lighting (affected by an anisotropic phase
// function) is not possible. We work around this issue by reprojecting

float3x3 rotMat = float3x3(light.right, light.up, light.forward);
float3 o = mul(rotMat, ray.originWS - light.positionWS);
float3 d = mul(rotMat, ray.strataDirWS);
float3 d = mul(rotMat, ray.jitterDirWS);
float range = light.size.x;
float3 boxPt0 = float3(-1, -1, 0);

float4 distances = float4(1, 1, 1, distProj);
float3 color; float attenuation;
EvaluateLight_Punctual(context, posInput, light, unused, 0, L, lightToSample,
distances, color, attenuation);
EvaluateLight_Punctual(context, posInput, light, unused,
0, L, lightToSample, distances, color, attenuation);
// Ideally, all scattering calculations should use the stratified versions
// Ideally, all scattering calculations should use the jittered versions
// of the sample position and the ray direction. However, correct reprojection
// of asymmetrically scattered lighting (affected by an anisotropic phase
// function) is not possible. We work around this issue by reprojecting

void FillVolumetricLightingBuffer(LightLoopContext context, uint featureFlags,
PositionInputs posInput, DualRay ray)
float n = _VBufferDepthDecodingParams.x + _VBufferDepthDecodingParams.z;
float z0 = n; // Start integration from the near plane
float t0 = ray.strataDirInvViewZ * z0; // Convert view space Z to distance along the stratified ray
float de = rcp(VBUFFER_SLICE_COUNT); // Log-encoded distance between slices
const float n = _VBufferDepthDecodingParams.x + _VBufferDepthDecodingParams.z;
const float z0 = n; // Start integration from the near plane
const float de = rcp(VBUFFER_SLICE_COUNT); // Log-encoded distance between slices
float t0 = ConvertLinearDepthToJitterRayDist(ray, z0);
// The contribution of the ambient probe does not depend on the position,
// only on the direction and the length of the interval.

uint3 voxelCoord = uint3(posInput.positionSS, slice);
float e1 = slice * de + de; // (slice + 1) / sliceCount
#if defined(SHADER_API_METAL)
// Warning: this compiles, but it's nonsense. Use DecodeLogarithmicDepthGeneralized().
float z1 = DecodeLogarithmicDepth(e1, _VBufferDepthDecodingParams);
float t1 = ray.strataDirInvViewZ * z1; // Convert view space Z to distance along the stratified ray
float t1 = ConvertLinearDepthToJitterRayDist(ray, z1);
float dt = t1 - t0;

// Compute the -exact- position of the center of the voxel.
// It's important since the accumulated value of the integral is stored at the center.
// We will use it for participating media sampling, asymmetric scattering and reprojection.
float tc = t0 + 0.5 * dt;
float3 centerWS = GetCenterAtDistance(ray, tc);
float s = ConvertJitterDistToCenterRayDist(ray, t0 + 0.5 * dt);
float3 centerWS = GetCenterAtDistance(ray, s);
// Sample the participating medium at 'tc' (or 'centerWS').
// Sample the participating medium at the center of the voxel.
// We consider it to be constant along the interval [t0, t1] (within the voxel).
// TODO: piecewise linear.
float3 scattering = LOAD_TEXTURE3D(_VBufferDensity, voxelCoord).rgb;

float2 reprojPosNDC = ComputeNormalizedDeviceCoordinates(centerWS, _PrevViewProjMatrix);
float reprojZ = mul(_PrevViewProjMatrix, float4(centerWS, 1)).w;
float4 reprojValue = SampleVBuffer(TEXTURE3D_PARAM(_VBufferLightingHistory, s_trilinear_clamp_sampler),
false, reprojPosNDC, reprojZ,
float4 reprojValue = SampleVBuffer(TEXTURE3D_PARAM(_VBufferLightingHistory, s_linear_clamp_sampler),
false, false, true);
// Compute the exponential moving average over 'n' frames:
// X = (1 - a) * ValueAtFrame[n] + a * AverageOverPreviousFrames.

// TODO: doesn't seem to be worth it, removed for now.
// Perform temporal blending.
// Both radiance values are obtained by integrating over line segments of different length.
// Blending only makes sense if the length of both intervals is the same.
// Therefore, the reprojected radiance needs to be rescaled by (frame_dt / reproj_dt).
// Both radiance values are obtained by integrating over line segments of different length,
// with potentially different participating media coverage.
// Blending only makes sense if the voxels are virtually identical.
// Therefore, we need to rescale the history to make it match the current configuration.
// In order to do that, we integrate transmittance over the length of the ray interval
// passing through the center of the voxel. The integral can be interpreted as the amount of
// isotropically in-scattered radiance from a directional light with unit intensity.
// We ignore jittering, as we want values from the same voxel to be reporojected without
// any rescaling.
float ds = ConvertJitterDistToCenterRayDist(ray, dt);
float centerTransmInt = TransmittanceIntegralHomogeneousMedium(extinction, ds);
float reprojRcpLen = reprojSuccess ? rcp(reprojValue.a) : 0;
float lengthScale = dt * reprojRcpLen;
float reprojScale = reprojSuccess ? (centerTransmInt * rcp(reprojValue.a)) : 0;
float3 blendedRadiance = (1 - blendFactor) * lighting.radianceNoPhase + blendFactor * lengthScale * reprojRadiance;
float3 blendedRadiance = (1 - blendFactor) * lighting.radianceNoPhase + blendFactor * reprojScale * reprojRadiance;
// to the history buffer. This will cause them to alias, but it is the only way
// to prevent ghosting.
// This will cause them to alias, but it is the only way to prevent ghosting.
_VBufferLightingFeedback[voxelCoord] = float4(blendedRadiance, dt);
_VBufferLightingFeedback[voxelCoord] = float4(blendedRadiance, centerTransmInt);
float3 blendedRadiance = lighting.radianceNoPhase;
float phase = _CornetteShanksConstant;
float phase = IsotropicPhaseFunction();
float4 integral = float4(totalRadiance, opticalDepth);
float phase = _CornetteShanksConstant;
// Integrate the contribution of the probe over the interval.
// Integral{a, b}{Transmittance(0, t) * L_s(t) dt} = Transmittance(0, a) * Integral{a, b}{Transmittance(0, t - a) * L_s(t) dt}.

opticalDepth += 0.5 * extinction * dt;
// Store the voxel data.
_VBufferLightingIntegral[voxelCoord] = float4(totalRadiance, opticalDepth);
// Note: for correct filtering, the data has to be stored in the perceptual space.
// This means storing the tone mapped radiance and transmittance instead of optical depth.
// See "A Fresh Look at Generalized Sampling", p. 51.
_VBufferLightingIntegral[voxelCoord] = float4(FastTonemap(totalRadiance), Transmittance(opticalDepth));
z0 = z1;
t0 = t1;

float2 centerCoord = voxelCoord + float2(0.5, 0.5);
float2 strataCoord = centerCoord + _VBufferSampleOffset.xy;
float2 jitterCoord = centerCoord + _VBufferSampleOffset.xy;
float2 strataCoord = centerCoord;
float2 jitterCoord = centerCoord;
// Compute the (tile-centered) ray direction s.t. its ViewSpace(rayDirWS).z = 1.
// Compute the (voxel-centered in the screen space) ray direction s.t. its ViewSpace(rayDirWS).z = 1.
// Compute the (tile-stratified) ray direction s.t. its ViewSpace(rayDirWS).z = 1.
float3 strataDirWS = mul(-float3(strataCoord, 1), (float3x3)_VBufferCoordToViewDirWS);
float strataDirLenSq = dot(strataDirWS, strataDirWS);
float strataDirLenRcp = rsqrt(strataDirLenSq);
float strataDirLen = strataDirLenSq * strataDirLenRcp;
// Compute the (voxel-jittered in the screen space) ray direction s.t. its ViewSpace(rayDirWS).z = 1.
float3 jitterDirWS = mul(-float3(jitterCoord, 1), (float3x3)_VBufferCoordToViewDirWS);
float jitterDirLenSq = dot(jitterDirWS, jitterDirWS);
float jitterDirLenRcp = rsqrt(jitterDirLenSq);
float jitterDirLen = jitterDirLenSq * jitterDirLenRcp;
ray.strataDirWS = strataDirWS * strataDirLenRcp; // Normalize
ray.jitterDirWS = jitterDirWS * jitterDirLenRcp; // Normalize
ray.strataDirInvViewZ = strataDirLen; // View space Z
ray.twoDirRatioViewZ = centerDirLen * strataDirLenRcp; // View space Z ratio
ray.jitterDirInvViewZ = jitterDirLen; // View space Z
ray.twoDirRatioViewZ = centerDirLen * jitterDirLenRcp; // View space Z ratio
LightLoopContext context;


namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline
public struct DensityVolumeProperties
public struct DensityVolumeData
public static DensityVolumeProperties GetNeutralProperties()
public static DensityVolumeData GetNeutralValues()
DensityVolumeProperties properties = new DensityVolumeProperties();
DensityVolumeData data;
properties.scattering = Vector3.zero;
properties.extinction = 0;
data.scattering = Vector3.zero;
data.extinction = 0;
return properties;
return data;
public class DensityVolumeParameters
public class VolumeRenderingUtils
public bool isLocal; // Enables voxelization
public Color albedo; // Single scattering albedo [0, 1]
public float meanFreePath; // In meters [1, inf]. Should be chromatic - this is an optimization!
public float asymmetry; // Only used if (isLocal == false)
public DensityVolumeParameters()
public static float MeanFreePathFromExtinction(float extinction)
isLocal = true;
albedo = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
meanFreePath = 10.0f;
asymmetry = 0.0f;
return 1.0f / extinction;
public bool IsLocalVolume()
public static float ExtinctionFromMeanFreePath(float meanFreePath)
return isLocal;
return 1.0f / meanFreePath;
public Vector3 GetAbsorptionCoefficient()
public static Vector3 AbsorptionFromExtinctionAndScattering(float extinction, Vector3 scattering)
float extinction = GetExtinctionCoefficient();
Vector3 scattering = GetScatteringCoefficient();
return Vector3.Max(new Vector3(extinction, extinction, extinction) - scattering, Vector3.zero);
return new Vector3(extinction, extinction, extinction) - scattering;
public Vector3 GetScatteringCoefficient()
public static Vector3 ScatteringFromExtinctionAndAlbedo(float extinction, Vector3 albedo)
float extinction = GetExtinctionCoefficient();
return new Vector3(albedo.r * extinction, albedo.g * extinction, albedo.b * extinction);
return extinction * albedo;
public float GetExtinctionCoefficient()
public static Vector3 AlbedoFromMeanFreePathAndScattering(float meanFreePath, Vector3 scattering)
return 1.0f / meanFreePath;
return meanFreePath * scattering;
public struct DensityVolumeParameters
public Color albedo; // Single scattering albedo: [0, 1]. Alpha is ignored
public float meanFreePath; // In meters: [1, 1000000]. Should be chromatic - this is an optimization!
public float asymmetry; // Controls the phase function: [-1, 1]
public void Constrain()

albedo.a = 1.0f;
meanFreePath = Mathf.Max(meanFreePath, 1.0f);
meanFreePath = Mathf.Clamp(meanFreePath, 1.0f, float.MaxValue);
public DensityVolumeProperties GetProperties()
public DensityVolumeData GetData()
DensityVolumeProperties properties = new DensityVolumeProperties();
DensityVolumeData data = new DensityVolumeData();
properties.scattering = GetScatteringCoefficient();
properties.extinction = GetExtinctionCoefficient();
data.extinction = VolumeRenderingUtils.ExtinctionFromMeanFreePath(meanFreePath);
data.scattering = VolumeRenderingUtils.ScatteringFromExtinctionAndAlbedo(data.extinction, (Vector3)(Vector4)albedo);
return properties;
return data;
public List<OrientedBBox> bounds;
public List<DensityVolumeProperties> properties;
public List<OrientedBBox> bounds;
public List<DensityVolumeData> density;
public class VolumetricLightingSystem

class VBuffer
} // enum VolumetricLightingPreset
public struct ControllerParameters
public float vBufferNearPlane; // Distance in meters
public float vBufferFarPlane; // Distance in meters
public float depthSliceDistributionUniformity; // Controls the exponential depth distribution: [0, 1]
} // struct ControllerParameters
public class VBuffer
public struct Parameters
public Vector4 resolution;
public Vector2 sliceCount;
public Vector4 depthEncodingParams;
public Vector4 depthDecodingParams;
public Parameters(int w, int h, int d, ControllerParameters controlParams)
resolution = new Vector4(w, h, 1.0f / w, 1.0f / h);
sliceCount = new Vector2(d, 1.0f / d);
depthEncodingParams = Vector4.zero; // C# doesn't allow function calls before all members have been init
depthDecodingParams = Vector4.zero; // C# doesn't allow function calls before all members have been init
public void Update(ControllerParameters controlParams)
float n = controlParams.vBufferNearPlane;
float f = controlParams.vBufferFarPlane;
float c = 2 - 2 * controlParams.depthSliceDistributionUniformity; // remap [0, 1] -> [2, 0]
depthEncodingParams = ComputeLogarithmicDepthEncodingParams(n, f, c);
depthDecodingParams = ComputeLogarithmicDepthDecodingParams(n, f, c);
} // struct Parameters
const int k_NumFrames = 2; // Double-buffer history and feedback
const int k_NumBuffers = 4; // See the list below
long m_ViewID = -1; // -1 is invalid; positive for Game Views, 0 otherwise
RenderTexture[] m_Textures = null;
RenderTargetIdentifier[] m_Identifiers = null;
long m_ViewID = -1; // (m_ViewID > 0) if valid
RenderTexture[] m_Textures = null;
RenderTargetIdentifier[] m_Identifiers = null;
Parameters[] m_Params = null; // For the current and the previous frame
public long GetViewID()
return m_ViewID;
public bool IsValid()
return m_ViewID > 0 && m_Textures != null && m_Textures[0] != null;
public Parameters GetParameters(uint frameIndex)
return m_Params[frameIndex & 1];
public void SetParameters(Parameters parameters, uint frameIndex)
m_Params[frameIndex & 1] = parameters;
Debug.Assert(m_ViewID >= 0);
Debug.Assert(m_ViewID >= 0);
public RenderTargetIdentifier GetLightingHistoryBuffer() // From the previous frame
public RenderTargetIdentifier GetLightingHistoryBuffer(uint frameIndex) // From the previous frame
Debug.Assert(m_ViewID > 0); // Game View only
return m_Identifiers[k_IndexHistory + (Time.renderedFrameCount & 1)];
return m_Identifiers[k_IndexHistory + (frameIndex & 1)];
public RenderTargetIdentifier GetLightingFeedbackBuffer() // For the next frame
public RenderTargetIdentifier GetLightingFeedbackBuffer(uint frameIndex) // For the next frame
Debug.Assert(m_ViewID > 0); // Game View only
return m_Identifiers[k_IndexFeedback - (Time.renderedFrameCount & 1)];
return m_Identifiers[k_IndexFeedback - (frameIndex & 1)];
public void Create(long viewID, int w, int h, int d)
public void Create(long viewID, int w, int h, int d, ControllerParameters controlParams)
Debug.Assert(viewID >= 0);
Debug.Assert(viewID > 0);
// Only Game Views need history and feedback buffers.
bool isGameView = viewID > 0;
int n = isGameView ? 4 : 2;
m_Textures = new RenderTexture[n];
m_Identifiers = new RenderTargetIdentifier[n];
m_Textures = new RenderTexture[k_NumBuffers];
m_Identifiers = new RenderTargetIdentifier[k_NumBuffers];
m_Params = new Parameters[k_NumFrames];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < k_NumBuffers; i++)
m_Textures[i] = new RenderTexture(w, h, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear);
m_Textures[i] = new RenderTexture(w, h, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear);
m_Textures[i].hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
m_Textures[i].filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear; // Custom
m_Textures[i].dimension = TextureDimension.Tex3D; // TODO: request the thick 3D tiling layout

m_Identifiers[i] = new RenderTargetIdentifier(m_Textures[i]);
// Start with the same parameters for both frames. Then incrementally update them.
Parameters parameters = new Parameters(w, h, d, controlParams);
m_Params[0] = parameters;
m_Params[1] = parameters;
public void Destroy()

for (int i = 0, n = m_Textures.Length; i < n; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < k_NumBuffers; i++)
if (m_Textures[i] != null)

m_ViewID = -1;
m_Textures = null;
m_Identifiers = null;
public void GetResolution(ref int w, ref int h, ref int d)
Debug.Assert(m_Textures != null);
Debug.Assert(m_Textures[0] != null);
Debug.Assert(m_Identifiers != null);
w = m_Textures[0].width;
h = m_Textures[0].height;
d = m_Textures[0].volumeDepth;
public long GetViewID()
return m_ViewID;
m_Params = null;
public bool IsValid()
return m_ViewID >= 0 && m_Textures != null && m_Textures[0] != null;
ComputeShader m_VolumeVoxelizationCS = null;
ComputeShader m_VolumetricLightingCS = null;
static ComputeShader m_VolumeVoxelizationCS = null;
static ComputeShader m_VolumetricLightingCS = null;
List<VBuffer> m_VBuffers = null;
List<OrientedBBox> m_VisibleVolumeBounds = null;
List<DensityVolumeProperties> m_VisibleVolumeProperties = null;
public const int k_MaxVisibleVolumeCount = 512;
List<VBuffer> m_VBuffers = null;
List<OrientedBBox> m_VisibleVolumeBounds = null;
List<DensityVolumeData> m_VisibleVolumeData = null;
public const int k_MaxVisibleVolumeCount = 512;
static ComputeBuffer s_VisibleVolumeBoundsBuffer = null;
static ComputeBuffer s_VisibleVolumePropertiesBuffer = null;
float m_VBufferNearPlane = 0.5f; // Distance in meters; dynamic modifications not handled by reprojection
float m_VBufferFarPlane = 64.0f; // Distance in meters; dynamic modifications not handled by reprojection
const float k_LogScale = 0.5f; // Tweak constant, controls the logarithmic depth distribution
static ComputeBuffer s_VisibleVolumeBoundsBuffer = null;
static ComputeBuffer s_VisibleVolumeDataBuffer = null;
m_VolumeVoxelizationCS = asset.renderPipelineResources.volumeVoxelizationCS;
m_VolumetricLightingCS = asset.renderPipelineResources.volumetricLightingCS;
m_VBuffers = new List<VBuffer>();
m_VisibleVolumeBounds = new List<OrientedBBox>();
m_VisibleVolumeProperties = new List<DensityVolumeProperties>();
s_VisibleVolumeBoundsBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(k_MaxVisibleVolumeCount, System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OrientedBBox)));
s_VisibleVolumePropertiesBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(k_MaxVisibleVolumeCount, System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DensityVolumeProperties)));
m_VolumeVoxelizationCS = asset.renderPipelineResources.volumeVoxelizationCS;
m_VolumetricLightingCS = asset.renderPipelineResources.volumetricLightingCS;
m_VBuffers = new List<VBuffer>();
m_VisibleVolumeBounds = new List<OrientedBBox>();
m_VisibleVolumeData = new List<DensityVolumeData>();
s_VisibleVolumeBoundsBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(k_MaxVisibleVolumeCount, System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OrientedBBox)));
s_VisibleVolumeDataBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(k_MaxVisibleVolumeCount, System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DensityVolumeData)));
public void Cleanup()

m_VBuffers = null;
m_VisibleVolumeBounds = null;
m_VisibleVolumeProperties = null;
m_VBuffers = null;
m_VisibleVolumeBounds = null;
m_VisibleVolumeData = null;
public void ResizeVBuffer(HDCamera camera, int screenWidth, int screenHeight)
public void ResizeVBufferAndUpdateProperties(HDCamera camera, uint frameIndex)
var visualEnvironment = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent<VisualEnvironment>();
if (visualEnvironment == null || visualEnvironment.fogType != FogType.Volumetric) return;
long viewID = camera.GetViewID();
var controller = camera.camera.GetComponent<VolumetricLightingController>();
Debug.Assert(viewID >= 0);
if (camera.camera.cameraType == CameraType.SceneView)
// HACK: since it's not possible to add a component to a scene camera,
// we take one from the "main" camera (if present).
Camera mainCamera = Camera.main;
if (mainCamera != null)
controller = mainCamera.GetComponent<VolumetricLightingController>();
if (controller == null) return;
int screenWidth = (int)camera.screenSize.x;
int screenHeight = (int)camera.screenSize.y;
long viewID = camera.GetViewID();
Debug.Assert(viewID > 0);
int w = 0, h = 0, d = 0;
ComputeVBufferResolutionAndScale(preset, screenWidth, screenHeight, ref w, ref h, ref d);

if (vBuffer != null)
int width = 0, height = 0, depth = 0;
vBuffer.GetResolution(ref width, ref height, ref depth);
VBuffer.Parameters frameParams = vBuffer.GetParameters(frameIndex);
if (w == width && h == height && d == depth)
if (w == frameParams.resolution.x &&
h == frameParams.resolution.y &&
d == frameParams.sliceCount.x)
// Everything matches, nothing to do here.
// The resolution matches.
// Depth parameters may have changed, so update those.
vBuffer.SetParameters(frameParams, frameIndex);

vBuffer.Create(viewID, w, h, d);
vBuffer.Create(viewID, w, h, d, controller.parameters);
Debug.Assert(viewID >= 0);
Debug.Assert(viewID > 0);
VBuffer vBuffer = null;

// Since a single voxel corresponds to a tile (e.g. 8x8) of pixels,
// the VBuffer can potentially extend past the boundaries of the viewport.
// The function returns the fraction of the {width, height} of the VBuffer visible on screen.
// Note: for performance reasons, scale is unused (implicitly 1). The error is typically under 1%.
// Note: for performance reasons, the scale is unused (implicitly 1). The error is typically under 1%.
static Vector2 ComputeVBufferResolutionAndScale(VolumetricLightingPreset preset,
int screenWidth, int screenHeight,
ref int w, ref int h, ref int d)

float n = nearPlane;
float f = farPlane;
depthParams.x = Mathf.Log(c, 2) * (1.0f / Mathf.Log(c * (f - n) + 1, 2));
c = Mathf.Max(c, 0.001f); // Avoid NaNs
depthParams.x = Mathf.Log(c, 2) * depthParams.y;
depthParams.z = n - 1.0f / c; // Same
depthParams.w = 0.0f;

float n = nearPlane;
float f = farPlane;
c = Mathf.Max(c, 0.001f); // Avoid NaNs
depthParams.y = c * (f - n) + 1;
depthParams.y = Mathf.Log(c * (f - n) + 1, 2);
depthParams.z = n - 1.0f / c; // Same
depthParams.w = 0.0f;

return (1.0f / (4.0f * Mathf.PI)) * 1.5f * (1.0f - g * g) / (2.0f + g * g);
public void PushGlobalParams(HDCamera camera, CommandBuffer cmd)
public void PushGlobalParams(HDCamera camera, CommandBuffer cmd, uint frameIndex)
HomogeneousDensityVolume globalVolume = HomogeneousDensityVolume.GetGlobalHomogeneousDensityVolume();
// TODO: may want to cache these results somewhere.
DensityVolumeProperties globalVolumeProperties = (globalVolume != null) ? globalVolume.parameters.GetProperties()
: DensityVolumeProperties.GetNeutralProperties();
var visualEnvironment = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent<VisualEnvironment>();
if (visualEnvironment.fogType != FogType.Volumetric) return;
float asymmetry = globalVolume != null ? globalVolume.parameters.asymmetry : 0;
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._GlobalScattering, globalVolumeProperties.scattering);
cmd.SetGlobalFloat( HDShaderIDs._GlobalExtinction, globalVolumeProperties.extinction);
cmd.SetGlobalFloat( HDShaderIDs._GlobalAsymmetry, asymmetry);
// VisualEnvironment sets global fog parameters: _GlobalAsymmetry, _GlobalScattering, _GlobalExtinction.
Debug.Assert(vBuffer != null);
if (vBuffer == null)
// Set the neutral black texture.
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(HDShaderIDs._VBufferLighting, CoreUtils.blackVolumeTexture);
int w = 0, h = 0, d = 0;
vBuffer.GetResolution(ref w, ref h, ref d);
// Get the interpolated asymmetry value.
var fog = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent<VolumetricFog>();
SetPreconvolvedAmbientLightProbe(cmd, asymmetry);
cmd.SetGlobalVector( HDShaderIDs._VBufferResolution, new Vector4(w, h, 1.0f / w, 1.0f / h));
cmd.SetGlobalVector( HDShaderIDs._VBufferSliceCount, new Vector4(d, 1.0f / d));
cmd.SetGlobalVector( HDShaderIDs._VBufferDepthEncodingParams, ComputeLogarithmicDepthEncodingParams(m_VBufferNearPlane, m_VBufferFarPlane, k_LogScale));
cmd.SetGlobalVector( HDShaderIDs._VBufferDepthDecodingParams, ComputeLogarithmicDepthDecodingParams(m_VBufferNearPlane, m_VBufferFarPlane, k_LogScale));
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(HDShaderIDs._VBufferLighting, vBuffer.GetLightingIntegralBuffer());
SetPreconvolvedAmbientLightProbe(cmd, fog.asymmetry);
var currFrameParams = vBuffer.GetParameters(frameIndex);
var prevFrameParams = vBuffer.GetParameters(frameIndex - 1);
cmd.SetGlobalVector( HDShaderIDs._VBufferResolution, currFrameParams.resolution);
cmd.SetGlobalVector( HDShaderIDs._VBufferSliceCount, currFrameParams.sliceCount);
cmd.SetGlobalVector( HDShaderIDs._VBufferDepthEncodingParams, currFrameParams.depthEncodingParams);
cmd.SetGlobalVector( HDShaderIDs._VBufferDepthDecodingParams, currFrameParams.depthDecodingParams);
cmd.SetGlobalVector( HDShaderIDs._VBufferPrevResolution, prevFrameParams.resolution);
cmd.SetGlobalVector( HDShaderIDs._VBufferPrevSliceCount, prevFrameParams.sliceCount);
cmd.SetGlobalVector( HDShaderIDs._VBufferPrevDepthEncodingParams, prevFrameParams.depthEncodingParams);
cmd.SetGlobalVector( HDShaderIDs._VBufferPrevDepthDecodingParams, prevFrameParams.depthDecodingParams);
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(HDShaderIDs._VBufferLighting, vBuffer.GetLightingIntegralBuffer());
public DensityVolumeList PrepareVisibleDensityVolumeList(HDCamera camera, CommandBuffer cmd)

if (preset == VolumetricLightingPreset.Off) return densityVolumes;
var visualEnvironment = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent<VisualEnvironment>();
if (visualEnvironment.fogType != FogType.Volumetric) return densityVolumes;
VBuffer vBuffer = FindVBuffer(camera.GetViewID());
if (vBuffer == null) return densityVolumes;
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Prepare Visible Density Volume List"))
Vector3 camPosition = camera.camera.transform.position;

HomogeneousDensityVolume[] volumes = Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(HomogeneousDensityVolume)) as HomogeneousDensityVolume[];
HomogeneousDensityVolume[] volumes = DensityVolumeManager.manager.GetAllVolumes();
// Only test active finite volumes.
if (volume.enabled && volume.parameters.IsLocalVolume())
// TODO: cache these?
var obb = OrientedBBox.Create(volume.transform);
// TODO: cache these?
var obb = OrientedBBox.Create(volume.transform);
// Handle camera-relative rendering.
obb.center -= camOffset;
// Handle camera-relative rendering.
obb.center -= camOffset;
// Frustum cull on the CPU for now. TODO: do it on the GPU.
if (GeometryUtils.Overlap(obb, camera.frustum, 6, 8))
// TODO: cache these?
var properties = volume.parameters.GetProperties();
// Frustum cull on the CPU for now. TODO: do it on the GPU.
if (GeometryUtils.Overlap(obb, camera.frustum, 6, 8))
// TODO: cache these?
var data = volume.parameters.GetData();
densityVolumes.bounds = m_VisibleVolumeBounds;
densityVolumes.properties = m_VisibleVolumeProperties;
densityVolumes.bounds = m_VisibleVolumeBounds;
densityVolumes.density = m_VisibleVolumeData;
public void VolumeVoxelizationPass(DensityVolumeList densityVolumes, HDCamera camera, CommandBuffer cmd, FrameSettings settings)
public void VolumeVoxelizationPass(DensityVolumeList densityVolumes, HDCamera camera, CommandBuffer cmd, FrameSettings settings, uint frameIndex)
var visualEnvironment = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent<VisualEnvironment>();
if (visualEnvironment.fogType != FogType.Volumetric) return;
VBuffer vBuffer = FindVBuffer(camera.GetViewID());
if (vBuffer == null) return;
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Volume Voxelization"))
int numVisibleVolumes = m_VisibleVolumeBounds.Count;

// Clear the render target instead of running the shader.
// Note: the clear must take the global fog into account!
// Use the workaround by running the full shader with 0 density.
// Use the workaround by running the full shader with 0 density
VBuffer vBuffer = FindVBuffer(camera.GetViewID());
Debug.Assert(vBuffer != null);
int w = 0, h = 0, d = 0;
vBuffer.GetResolution(ref w, ref h, ref d);
bool enableClustered = settings.lightLoopSettings.enableTileAndCluster;

float vFoV = camera.camera.fieldOfView * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
Vector4 resolution = new Vector4(w, h, 1.0f / w, 1.0f / h);
Matrix4x4 transform = HDUtils.ComputePixelCoordToWorldSpaceViewDirectionMatrix(vFoV, resolution, camera.viewMatrix, false);
cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_VolumeVoxelizationCS, kernel, HDShaderIDs._VBufferDensity, vBuffer.GetDensityBuffer());
cmd.SetComputeBufferParam( m_VolumeVoxelizationCS, kernel, HDShaderIDs._VolumeBounds, s_VisibleVolumeBoundsBuffer);
cmd.SetComputeBufferParam( m_VolumeVoxelizationCS, kernel, HDShaderIDs._VolumeProperties, s_VisibleVolumePropertiesBuffer);
var frameParams = vBuffer.GetParameters(frameIndex);
Vector4 resolution = frameParams.resolution;
float vFoV = camera.camera.fieldOfView * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
// Compose the matrix which allows us to compute the world space view direction.
Matrix4x4 transform = HDUtils.ComputePixelCoordToWorldSpaceViewDirectionMatrix(vFoV, resolution, camera.viewMatrix, false);
cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_VolumeVoxelizationCS, kernel, HDShaderIDs._VBufferDensity, vBuffer.GetDensityBuffer());
cmd.SetComputeBufferParam( m_VolumeVoxelizationCS, kernel, HDShaderIDs._VolumeBounds, s_VisibleVolumeBoundsBuffer);
cmd.SetComputeBufferParam( m_VolumeVoxelizationCS, kernel, HDShaderIDs._VolumeData, s_VisibleVolumeDataBuffer);
int w = (int)resolution.x;
int h = (int)resolution.y;
// The shader defines GROUP_SIZE_1D = 8.
cmd.DispatchCompute(m_VolumeVoxelizationCS, kernel, (w + 7) / 8, (h + 7) / 8, 1);

return coords;
public void VolumetricLightingPass(HDCamera camera, CommandBuffer cmd, FrameSettings settings)
public void VolumetricLightingPass(HDCamera camera, CommandBuffer cmd, FrameSettings settings, uint frameIndex)
var visualEnvironment = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent<VisualEnvironment>();
if (visualEnvironment.fogType != FogType.Volumetric) return;
VBuffer vBuffer = FindVBuffer(camera.GetViewID());
if (vBuffer == null) return;
VBuffer vBuffer = FindVBuffer(camera.GetViewID());
Debug.Assert(vBuffer != null);
HomogeneousDensityVolume globalVolume = HomogeneousDensityVolume.GetGlobalHomogeneousDensityVolume();
float asymmetry = globalVolume != null ? globalVolume.parameters.asymmetry : 0;
if (globalVolume == null)
// Clear the render target instead of running the shader.
// CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, vBuffer.GetLightingIntegralBuffer(), ClearFlag.Color, CoreUtils.clearColorAllBlack);
// CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, vBuffer.GetLightingFeedbackBuffer(), ClearFlag.Color, CoreUtils.clearColorAllBlack);
// return;
// Clearing 3D textures does not seem to work!
// Use the workaround by running the full shader with 0 density.
// Only available in the Play Mode because all the frame counters in the Edit Mode are broken.
bool enableClustered = settings.lightLoopSettings.enableTileAndCluster;
bool enableReprojection = Application.isPlaying && camera.camera.cameraType == CameraType.Game;

: "VolumetricLightingBruteforce");
int w = 0, h = 0, d = 0;
vBuffer.GetResolution(ref w, ref h, ref d);
var frameParams = vBuffer.GetParameters(frameIndex);
Vector4 resolution = frameParams.resolution;
float vFoV = camera.camera.fieldOfView * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
float vFoV = camera.camera.fieldOfView * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
Vector4 resolution = new Vector4(w, h, 1.0f / w, 1.0f / h);
Matrix4x4 transform = HDUtils.ComputePixelCoordToWorldSpaceViewDirectionMatrix(vFoV, resolution, camera.viewMatrix, false);
Matrix4x4 transform = HDUtils.ComputePixelCoordToWorldSpaceViewDirectionMatrix(vFoV, resolution, camera.viewMatrix, false);
Vector2[] xySeq = GetHexagonalClosePackedSpheres7();

// | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
float[] zSeq = {7.0f/14.0f, 3.0f/14.0f, 11.0f/14.0f, 5.0f/14.0f, 9.0f/14.0f, 1.0f/14.0f, 13.0f/14.0f};
int rfc = Time.renderedFrameCount;
int sampleIndex = rfc % 7;
Vector4 offset = new Vector4(xySeq[sampleIndex].x, xySeq[sampleIndex].y, zSeq[sampleIndex], rfc);
int sampleIndex = (int)frameIndex % 7;
// TODO: should we somehow reorder offsets in Z based on the offset in XY? S.t. the samples more evenly cover the domain.
// Currently, we assume that they are completely uncorrelated, but maybe we should correlate them somehow.
Vector4 offset = new Vector4(xySeq[sampleIndex].x, xySeq[sampleIndex].y, zSeq[sampleIndex], frameIndex);
// Get the interpolated asymmetry value.
var fog = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent<VolumetricFog>();
cmd.SetComputeFloatParam( m_VolumetricLightingCS, HDShaderIDs._CornetteShanksConstant, CornetteShanksPhasePartConstant(asymmetry));
cmd.SetComputeFloatParam( m_VolumetricLightingCS, HDShaderIDs._CornetteShanksConstant, CornetteShanksPhasePartConstant(fog.asymmetry));
cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_VolumetricLightingCS, kernel, HDShaderIDs._VBufferLightingFeedback, vBuffer.GetLightingFeedbackBuffer()); // Write
cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_VolumetricLightingCS, kernel, HDShaderIDs._VBufferLightingHistory, vBuffer.GetLightingHistoryBuffer()); // Read
cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_VolumetricLightingCS, kernel, HDShaderIDs._VBufferLightingFeedback, vBuffer.GetLightingFeedbackBuffer(frameIndex)); // Write
cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_VolumetricLightingCS, kernel, HDShaderIDs._VBufferLightingHistory, vBuffer.GetLightingHistoryBuffer(frameIndex)); // Read
int w = (int)resolution.x;
int h = (int)resolution.y;
// The shader defines GROUP_SIZE_1D = 8.
cmd.DispatchCompute(m_VolumetricLightingCS, kernel, (w + 7) / 8, (h + 7) / 8, 1);


protected int m_BufferCount;
protected RenderTargetIdentifier[] m_RTIDs;
protected RTHandle[] m_RTs;
protected RTHandleSystem.RTHandle[] m_RTs;
protected int[] m_TextureShaderIDs;
public int bufferCount { get { return m_BufferCount; } }

m_BufferCount = maxBufferCount;
m_RTIDs = new RenderTargetIdentifier[maxBufferCount];
m_RTs = new RTHandle[maxBufferCount];
m_RTs = new RTHandleSystem.RTHandle[maxBufferCount];
m_TextureShaderIDs = new int[maxBufferCount];

return m_RTIDs;
public RTHandle GetBuffer(int index)
public RTHandleSystem.RTHandle GetBuffer(int index)
Debug.Assert(index < m_BufferCount);
return m_RTs[index];

for (int i = 0; i < m_BufferCount; ++i)
m_RTs[i] = null;


public int vsibleDecalCount { get; set; }
RTHandle m_HTile;
RTHandleSystem.RTHandle m_HTile;
public DBufferManager()
: base(Decal.GetMaterialDBufferCount())

for (int dbufferIndex = 0; dbufferIndex < m_BufferCount; ++dbufferIndex)
m_RTs[dbufferIndex] = RTHandle.Alloc(Vector2.one, colorFormat: rtFormat[dbufferIndex], sRGB: sRGBFlags[dbufferIndex], filterMode: FilterMode.Point, name: string.Format("DBuffer{0}", dbufferIndex));
m_RTs[dbufferIndex] = RTHandles.Alloc(Vector2.one, colorFormat: rtFormat[dbufferIndex], sRGB: sRGBFlags[dbufferIndex], filterMode: FilterMode.Point, name: string.Format("DBuffer{0}", dbufferIndex));
m_HTile = RTHandle.Alloc(size => new Vector2Int((size.x + 7) / 8, (size.y + 7) / 8), filterMode: FilterMode.Point, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.R8, sRGB: false, enableRandomWrite: true, name: "DBufferHTile"); // Enable UAV
m_HTile = RTHandles.Alloc(size => new Vector2Int((size.x + 7) / 8, (size.y + 7) / 8), filterMode: FilterMode.Point, colorFormat: RenderTextureFormat.R8, sRGB: false, enableRandomWrite: true, name: "DBufferHTile"); // Enable UAV
public void ClearTargets(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera)


for (int gbufferIndex = 0; gbufferIndex < m_GBufferCount; ++gbufferIndex)
m_RTs[gbufferIndex] = RTHandle.Alloc(Vector2.one, colorFormat: rtFormat[gbufferIndex], sRGB: sRGBFlags[gbufferIndex], filterMode: FilterMode.Point, name: string.Format("GBuffer{0}", gbufferIndex));
m_RTs[gbufferIndex] = RTHandles.Alloc(Vector2.one, colorFormat: rtFormat[gbufferIndex], sRGB: sRGBFlags[gbufferIndex], filterMode: FilterMode.Point, name: string.Format("GBuffer{0}", gbufferIndex));
m_RTIDs[gbufferIndex] = m_RTs[gbufferIndex].nameID;
m_TextureShaderIDs[gbufferIndex] = HDShaderIDs._GBufferTexture[gbufferIndex];
m_RTIDsNoShadowMask[gbufferIndex] = HDShaderIDs._GBufferTexture[gbufferIndex];

m_RTs[m_GBufferCount] = RTHandle.Alloc(Vector2.one, colorFormat: Builtin.GetShadowMaskBufferFormat(), sRGB: Builtin.GetShadowMaskSRGBFlag(), filterMode: FilterMode.Point, name: "GBufferShadowMask");
m_RTs[m_GBufferCount] = RTHandles.Alloc(Vector2.one, colorFormat: Builtin.GetShadowMaskBufferFormat(), sRGB: Builtin.GetShadowMaskSRGBFlag(), filterMode: FilterMode.Point, name: "GBufferShadowMask");
m_RTIDs[m_GBufferCount] = new RenderTargetIdentifier(m_RTs[m_GBufferCount]);
m_TextureShaderIDs[m_GBufferCount] = HDShaderIDs._ShadowMaskTexture;

