
Fixed undo/redo for area light shape and timeline area light shape record issue

Antoine Lelievre 7 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 90 次插入44 次删除
  1. 5
  2. 129


// Update emissive mesh and light intensity when undo/redo
Undo.undoRedoPerformed += () => {
foreach (var hdLightData in m_AdditionalLightDatas)
if (hdLightData != null)

EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); // For GI we need to detect any change on additional data and call SetLightDirty + For intensity we need to detect light shape change
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
if (m_LightShape != LightShape.Directional)

if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
m_UpdateAreaLightEmissiveMeshComponents = true;
((Light)target).SetLightDirty(); // Should be apply only to parameter that's affect GI, but make the code cleaner


using UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
using System.Reflection;
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline

// This structure contains all the old values for every recordable fields from the HD light editor
// so we can force timeline to record changes on other fields from the LateUpdate function (editor only)
struct TimelineWorkaournd
public float oldDisplayLightIntensity;
public float oldSpotAngle;
public bool oldEnableSpotReflector;
public Color oldLightColor;
public Vector3 oldLocalScale;
public bool oldDisplayAreaLightEmissiveMesh;
public LightTypeExtent oldLightTypeExtent;
public float oldLightColorTemperature;
public Vector3 oldShape;
//@TODO: We should continuously move these values

// Duplication of HDLightEditor.k_MinAreaWidth, maybe do something about that
const float k_MinAreaWidth = 0.01f; // Provide a small size of 1cm for line light
// We nee all those variables to make timeline and the animator record the intensity value and the emissive mesh changes
// We need these old states to make timeline and the animator record the intensity value and the emissive mesh changes (editor-only)
float oldDisplayLightIntensity;
float oldSpotAngle;
bool oldEnableSpotReflector;
Color oldLightColor;
Vector3 oldLocalScale;
bool oldDisplayAreaLightEmissiveMesh;
LightTypeExtent oldLightTypeExtent;
float oldLightColorTemperature;
TimelineWorkaournd timelineWorkaround;
bool needsIntensityUpdate = false;
bool needsIntensityUpdate_1_0 = false;
// Runtime datas used to compute light intensity
Light _light;

// Force to retreive color light's m_UseColorTemperature because it's private
SerializedProperty useColorTemperatureProperty;
SerializedObject lightSerializedObject;
bool useColorTemperature
if (useColorTemperatureProperty == null)
lightSerializedObject = new SerializedObject(m_Light);
useColorTemperatureProperty = lightSerializedObject.FindProperty("m_UseColorTemperature");
return useColorTemperatureProperty.boolValue;
private void DrawGizmos(bool selected)
var light = gameObject.GetComponent<Light>();

// TODO: There are a lot of old != current checks and assignation in this function, maybe think about using another system ?
void LateUpdate()
Vector3 shape = new Vector3(shapeWidth, shapeHeight, shapeRadius);
if (oldDisplayLightIntensity != displayLightIntensity
|| lightTypeExtent != oldLightTypeExtent
|| transform.localScale != oldLocalScale
|| m_Light.colorTemperature != oldLightColorTemperature)
if (timelineWorkaround.oldDisplayLightIntensity != displayLightIntensity
|| lightTypeExtent != timelineWorkaround.oldLightTypeExtent
|| transform.localScale != timelineWorkaround.oldLocalScale
|| shape != timelineWorkaround.oldShape
|| m_Light.colorTemperature != timelineWorkaround.oldLightColorTemperature)
oldDisplayLightIntensity = displayLightIntensity;
oldLocalScale = transform.localScale;
timelineWorkaround.oldDisplayLightIntensity = displayLightIntensity;
timelineWorkaround.oldLocalScale = transform.localScale;
timelineWorkaround.oldLightTypeExtent = lightTypeExtent;
timelineWorkaround.oldLightColorTemperature = m_Light.colorTemperature;
timelineWorkaround.oldShape = shape;
if (m_Light.type == LightType.Spot && (oldSpotAngle != m_Light.spotAngle || oldEnableSpotReflector != enableSpotReflector))
if (m_Light.type == LightType.Spot && (timelineWorkaround.oldSpotAngle != m_Light.spotAngle || timelineWorkaround.oldEnableSpotReflector != enableSpotReflector))
oldSpotAngle = m_Light.spotAngle;
oldEnableSpotReflector = enableSpotReflector;
timelineWorkaround.oldSpotAngle = m_Light.spotAngle;
timelineWorkaround.oldEnableSpotReflector = enableSpotReflector;
if (m_Light.color != oldLightColor
|| transform.localScale != oldLocalScale
|| displayAreaLightEmissiveMesh != oldDisplayAreaLightEmissiveMesh
|| lightTypeExtent != oldLightTypeExtent
|| m_Light.colorTemperature != oldLightColorTemperature)
if (m_Light.color != timelineWorkaround.oldLightColor
|| transform.localScale !=timelineWorkaround.oldLocalScale
|| displayAreaLightEmissiveMesh != timelineWorkaround.oldDisplayAreaLightEmissiveMesh
|| lightTypeExtent !=timelineWorkaround.oldLightTypeExtent
|| m_Light.colorTemperature != timelineWorkaround.oldLightColorTemperature)
oldLightColor = m_Light.color;
oldLocalScale = transform.localScale;
oldDisplayAreaLightEmissiveMesh = displayAreaLightEmissiveMesh;
oldLightTypeExtent = lightTypeExtent;
oldLightColorTemperature = m_Light.colorTemperature;
timelineWorkaround.oldLightColor = m_Light.color;
timelineWorkaround.oldLocalScale = transform.localScale;
timelineWorkaround.oldDisplayAreaLightEmissiveMesh = displayAreaLightEmissiveMesh;
timelineWorkaround.oldLightTypeExtent = lightTypeExtent;
timelineWorkaround.oldLightColorTemperature = m_Light.colorTemperature;

// We don't have anything to do left if the dislay emissive mesh option is disabled
return ;
Vector3 lightSize;
// Update light area size from GameObject transform scale
Vector3 lightSize = m_Light.transform.localScale;
// Update light area size from GameObject transform scale if the transform have changed
// else we update the light size from the shape fields
if (timelineWorkaround.oldLocalScale != transform.localScale)
lightSize = transform.localScale;
lightSize = new Vector3(shapeWidth, shapeHeight, 0);
m_Light.areaSize = lightSize;
float areaLightIntensity = intensity;

// Update Mesh emissive properties
emissiveMeshRenderer.sharedMaterial.SetColor("_UnlitColor", Color.black);
// Note that we must use the light in linear RGB
emissiveMeshRenderer.sharedMaterial.SetColor("_EmissiveColor", m_Light.color.linear * areaLightIntensity * CorrelatedColorTemperatureToRGB(m_Light.colorTemperature));
if (useColorTemperature)
emissiveMeshRenderer.sharedMaterial.SetColor("_EmissiveColor", m_Light.color.linear * areaLightIntensity * CorrelatedColorTemperatureToRGB(m_Light.colorTemperature));
emissiveMeshRenderer.sharedMaterial.SetColor("_EmissiveColor", m_Light.color.linear * areaLightIntensity);

public void OnAfterDeserialize()
// If we are deserializing an old version, convert the light intensity to the new system
if (version != currentVersion)
if (version <= 1.0f)
needsIntensityUpdate = true;
version = currentVersion;
needsIntensityUpdate_1_0 = true;
version = currentVersion;
if (needsIntensityUpdate)
if (needsIntensityUpdate_1_0)
// Pragma to disable the warning got by using deprecated properties (areaIntensity, directionalIntensity, ...)
#pragma warning disable 0618
