if (LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_StencilTexture, uCrd).r == 1.0) // This test if we are the sky/background or a forward opaque (i.e we don't require lighting)
// StencilTexture here contain the result of testing if we are not equal to stencil usage NoLighting. i.e (stencil value != NoLighting). The 1.0 mean true.
// This test if we are the sky/background or a forward opaque (which tag the stencil as NoLighting)
if (LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_StencilTexture, uCrd).r == 1.0)
// TODO: Since we have moved to forward SSS, we don't support anymore a bsdfData.normalWS.
// Once we include normal+roughness rendering during the prepass, we will have a buffer to bind here and we will be able to reuse this part of the algorithm on demand.