
Removed cascade clamping in shader again. Internally there's a hardcoded 10 texel guardband around a cascade which seems to be good enough for now.

uygar 6 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 10 次插入13 次删除
  1. 23


return mul( proj, float4( positionWS, 1.0 ) );
// function called by spot, point and directional eval routines to calculate shadow coordinates
real3 EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( ShadowData sd, real3 positionWS, out real3 posNDC, bool clampToRect, bool perspProj )
real3 EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( ShadowData sd, real3 positionWS, out real3 posNDC, bool perspProj )
posTC.xy = clampToRect ? clamp( posTC.xy, sd.texelSizeRcp.zw*0.5, 1.0.xx - sd.texelSizeRcp.zw*0.5 ) : posTC.xy;
posTC.xy = posTC.xy * sd.scaleOffset.xy + sd.scaleOffset.zw;
return posTC;

real3 ndc;
return EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, ndc, false, perspProj );
return EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, ndc, perspProj );
uint2 EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( ShadowData sd, real3 positionWS, out real2 closestSampleNDC, bool perspProj )

positionWS = EvalShadow_ReceiverBias( sd, positionWS, normalWS, L, 1.0, recvBiasWeight, false );
// get shadowmap texcoords
real3 posNDC;
real3 posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, posNDC, true, false );
real3 posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, false );
// evaluate the first cascade
real2 sampleBias = EvalShadow_SampleBias_Ortho( sd, normalWS );
real shadow = SampleShadow_SelectAlgorithm( shadowContext, sd, payloadOffset, posTC, sampleBias, shadowAlgorithm, texIdx, sampIdx );

EvalShadow_LoadCascadeData( shadowContext, index + 1 + shadowSplitIndex, sd );
positionWS = EvalShadow_ReceiverBias( sd, orig_pos, normalWS, L, 1.0, recvBiasWeight, false );
posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, posNDC, false, false );
real3 posNDC;
posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, posNDC, false );
// sample the texture
sampleBias = EvalShadow_SampleBias_Ortho( sd, normalWS );

positionWS = EvalShadow_ReceiverBias( sd, positionWS, normalWS, L, 1.0, recvBiasWeight, false ); \
/* get shadowmap texcoords */ \
real3 posNDC; \
real3 posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, posNDC, true, false ); \
real3 posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, false ); \
/* evalute the first cascade */ \
real2 sampleBias = EvalShadow_SampleBias_Ortho( sd, normalWS ); \
real shadow = SampleShadow_SelectAlgorithm( shadowContext, sd, payloadOffset, posTC, sampleBias, shadowAlgorithms[shadowSplitIndex], tex, samp ); \

{ \
EvalShadow_LoadCascadeData( shadowContext, index + 1 + shadowSplitIndex, sd ); \
positionWS = EvalShadow_ReceiverBias( sd, orig_pos, normalWS, L, 1.0, recvBiasWeight, false ); \
posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, posNDC, false, false ); \
real3 posNDC; \
posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, posNDC, false ); \
/* sample the texture */ \
sampleBias = EvalShadow_SampleBias_Ortho( sd, normalWS ); \

real recvBiasWeight = EvalShadow_ReceiverBiasWeight( shadowContext, shadowAlgorithm, sd, texIdx, sampIdx, positionWS, normalWS, L, 1.0, false );
positionWS = EvalShadow_ReceiverBias( sd, positionWS, normalWS, L, 1.0, recvBiasWeight, false );
// get shadowmap texcoords
real3 posNDC;
real3 posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, posNDC, true, false );
real3 posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, false );
int nextSplit = min( shadowSplitIndex+1, kMaxShadowCascades-1 );

real recvBiasWeight = EvalShadow_ReceiverBiasWeight( sd, tex, samp, positionWS, normalWS, L, 1.0, false ); \
positionWS = EvalShadow_ReceiverBias( sd, positionWS, normalWS, L, 1.0, recvBiasWeight, false ); \
/* get shadowmap texcoords */ \
real3 posNDC; \
real3 posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, posNDC, true, false ); \
real3 posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, false ); \
int nextSplit = min( shadowSplitIndex+1, kMaxShadowCascades-1 ); \
