
Merge pull request #1849 from Unity-Technologies/Bring-update-from-stacklit2

Update variance normal code
GitHub 6 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 27 次插入47 次删除
  1. 8
  2. 66


return sqrt(2.0 / (variance + 2.0));
// Normal Map Filtering - This must match HDRP\Editor\AssetProcessors\NormalMapFilteringTexturePostprocessor.cs - highestVarianceAllowed (TODO: Move in core)
float DecodeVariance(float gradientW)
// Return modified perceptualSmoothness based on provided variance (get from GeometricNormalVariance + TextureNormalVariance)
float NormalFiltering(float perceptualSmoothness, float variance, float threshold)


// This class will process a normal map and add the value of average normal length to the blue or alpha channel
// The texture is saved as BC7.
// Tangent space normal map: BC7 RGB (normal xy - average normal length)
// Object space normal map: BC7 RGBA (normal xyz - average normal length)
static string s_Suffix = "_NA";
static string s_SuffixOS = "_OSNA"; // Suffix for object space case
static bool storeVariance = true; // Otherwise, we will store averageNormalLength
static float highestVarianceAllowed = 0.03125f; // 0.25 * 0.25 / 2 = 0.0625 / 2 = 0.03125;
static float lowestAverageNormalLengthAllowed = 0.8695f; // 0.03125 = (1-xx)/(4*(3*x-x*x*x)) where x is lowestAverageNormalLengthAllowed
// Tangent space normal map: BC7 RGB (normal xy - encoded variance)
// Object space normal map: BC7 RGBA (normal xyz - encoded variance)
static string s_Suffix = "_NF";
static string s_SuffixOS = "_OSNF"; // Suffix for object space case
bool IsAssetTaggedAsTangentSpaceNormalMap()

// thresholds and remaps variance from [0, highestVarianceAllowed] to [0, 1]
private static float GetEncodedVariance(float averageNormalLength)
// Caution: This constant must be in sync with CommonMaterial.hlsl #define NORMALMAP_HIGHEST_VARIANCE
const float highestVarianceAllowed = 0.03125f; // 0.25 * 0.25 / 2 = 0.0625 / 2 = 0.03125;
// To decide to store or not the averageNormalLength directly we need to consider:
// 1) useful range vs block compression and bit encoding of that range,

// of the average normal) is linear and so if we would store and filter averageNormalLength anyway
// but limit our range to that part, we could just store and filter directly the variance in that
// range too. (Note though that moments are linearly filterable cf LEAN, LEADR).
// For 1), compression can further compound artefacts too so we need to consider the useful range.
// For 1), compression can further compound artifacts too so we need to consider the useful range.
// We recall:

// linearly as averageNormalLength goes to 1 with a slope of -1/4
// http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=y(x)+:%3D+(1+-+x*x)%2F(4*(3x+-+x*x*x));+x+from+0+to+1
// Remember we do + min(2.0 * variance, threshold * threshold)) to effectively limit the added_roughness^2
// Remember we do "+ min(2.0 * variance, threshold * threshold)" in NormalFiltering of CommonMaterial.hlsl
// to effectively limit the added_roughness^2
// An added variance of 0.1 gives an increase of roughness = sqrt(2*0.1) = 0.447, which is a huge
// increase already. For this reason, and since above we see that an averageNormalLength of about 0.6 gives
// such a 0.1 variance, we could actually just scale and bias the averageNormalLength by
// encodedAverageNormalLength = (averageNormalLength - 0.6f) / (1.0f - 0.6f);
// An added variance of 0.1 gives an increase of roughness = sqrt(2 * 0.1) = 0.447, which is a huge increase already.
// An added variance of 0.03125 gives an increase of roughness = sqrt(2 * 0.03125) = 0.25, which still a lot
// Also remember that we use a user specified threshold to effectively limit the added_roughness^2,
// as shown above with + min(2.0 * variance, threshold * threshold)).

return encodedVariance;
// Thresholds and remaps averageNormalLength from [lowestAverageNormalLengthAllowed, 1.0] to [0, 1]
private static float GetEncodedAverageNormalLength(float averageNormalLength)
float encodedAverageNormalLength = (averageNormalLength - lowestAverageNormalLengthAllowed) / (1.0f - lowestAverageNormalLengthAllowed);
encodedAverageNormalLength = Math.Max(0.0f, encodedAverageNormalLength);
return encodedAverageNormalLength;
void OnPostprocessTexture(Texture2D texture)
bool isNormalMapTangentSpace = IsAssetTaggedAsTangentSpaceNormalMap();

int outputPosition = y * mipWidth + x;
// Check what's already in that mip level (see comment below)
Vector3 existingAverageNormal = (Vector4)c[outputPosition];
existingAverageNormal = 2.0f * existingAverageNormal - Vector3.one;
// Since we have enabled mipmaps, at this stage (OnPostprocessTexture), the mipmaps
// have already been created and contain an average pixel value also, so we could use
// that (from the c = texture.GetPixels(miplevel) array directly).
// The value will be the average of the (n + 1)/2 range encoded values, which is the
// (<n> + 1)/2 range encoded value of the average normal <n>:
// ie: let <> be defined as the average of footprint, we have
// < (n + 1)/2 > = 1/2 [<n> + <1>] = (<n> + 1)/2
// so we can just decode the average with 2*pixel_value - 1 like we did above with
// existingAverageNormal.
// TODO: Validate. Also, would be faster. Even us doing manually 2 pass would be faster,
// reusing the previous level results doing the first pass where we calculate all averages,
// than the second pass which calculates the average's length, normalizes and store
// the final x,y,variance value.
// Whatever we decide to use (our own computation or what is already in the miplevel
// pixel), we need to normalize the result and store the x,y components in the proper
// (n + 1)/2 range encoded values in the R,G channels since only normalized normals
// are two channel encoded.
// Note: As an optimization we could check what is generated in the mipmap (as it is suppose to be the average already)
// TODO: Do some test and see if it is equivalent, for now reprocess all normal from top mips.
// Vector3 existingAverageNormal = (Vector4)c[outputPosition];
// existingAverageNormal = 2.0f * existingAverageNormal - Vector3.one;
float encodedVariance = GetEncodedVariance(averageNormalLength);
float outputValue = storeVariance ? encodedVariance : GetEncodedAverageNormalLength(averageNormalLength);
float outputValue = GetEncodedVariance(averageNormalLength);
// Finally, note that since we need to add custom data in a map channel, we can't use the Unity
// importer UI settings TextureType == NormalMap, since it leaves channel control to Unity in

// For mip 0, set the normal length to 1.
Color[] c = texture.GetPixels(0);
float outputValue = storeVariance ? GetEncodedVariance(1.0f) : GetEncodedAverageNormalLength(1.0f);
float outputValue = GetEncodedVariance(1.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < c.Length; i++)
if (isNormalMapTangentSpace)

texture.SetPixels(c, 0);
//texture.mipMapBias = -1.0f;
// Compression will be apply after this.
texture.Apply(updateMipmaps: false, makeNoLongerReadable: true);