8 年前
共有 11 个文件被更改,包括 630 次插入 和 464 次删除
m_EditorVersion: 5.6.0a4 |
m_EditorVersion: 5.6.0a5 |
void ADD_IDX(ComputeLayerTexCoord)(FragInput input, int index, bool isTriplanar, out LayerTexCoord outLayerTexCoord) |
{ |
// Handle uv0, uv1 and plnar XZ coordinate based on _CoordWeight weight (exclusif 0..1) |
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.base).uv = ADD_IDX(_UVMappingMask).x * input.texCoord0 + |
ADD_IDX(_UVMappingMask).y * input.texCoord1 + |
ADD_IDX(_UVMappingMask).z * input.positionWS.xz * ADD_IDX(_TexWorldScale); |
float2 uvDetails = ADD_IDX(_UVDetailsMappingMask).x * input.texCoord0 + |
ADD_IDX(_UVDetailsMappingMask).y * input.texCoord1; |
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.details).uv = TRANSFORM_TEX(uvDetails, ADD_IDX(_DetailMap)); |
// triplanar |
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.base).isTriplanar = isTriplanar; |
// TODO: local or world triplanar |
//float3 position = localTriplanar ? TransformWorldToObject(input.positionWS) : input.positionWS; |
float3 position = input.positionWS; |
position *= ADD_IDX(_TexWorldScale); |
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.base).uvYZ = position.yz; |
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.base).uvZX = position.xy; |
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.base).uvXY = position.xz; |
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.details).uvYZ = TRANSFORM_TEX(position.yz, ADD_IDX(_DetailMap)); |
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.details).uvZX = TRANSFORM_TEX(position.xy, ADD_IDX(_DetailMap)); |
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.details).uvXY = TRANSFORM_TEX(position.xz, ADD_IDX(_DetailMap)); |
layerTexCoord.uvStaticLightmap = input.texCoord1; |
layerTexCoord.uvDynamicLightmap = input.texCoord2; |
} |
void ADD_IDX(ApplyDisplacement)(FragInput input, inout LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord) |
{ |
#ifdef _HEIGHTMAP |
// TODO: in case of shader graph, a node like parallax must be nullify if use to generate code for Meta pass |
float3 V = GetWorldSpaceNormalizeViewDir(input.positionWS); // This should be remove by the compiler as we usually cal it before. |
float height = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(ADD_IDX(_HeightMap), ADD_IDX(sampler_HeightMap), ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.base)).r * ADD_IDX(_HeightScale) + ADD_IDX(_HeightBias); |
// Transform view vector in tangent space |
float3 viewDirTS = TransformWorldToTangent(V, input.tangentToWorld); |
float2 offset = ParallaxOffset(viewDirTS, height); |
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.base).uv += offset; |
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.base).uvYZ += offset; |
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.base).uvZX += offset; |
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.base).uvXY += offset; |
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.details).uv += offset; |
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.details).uvYZ += offset; |
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.details).uvZX += offset; |
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.details).uvXY += offset; |
if (LAYER_INDEX == 0) |
{ |
layerTexCoord.uvStaticLightmap += offset; |
layerTexCoord.uvDynamicLightmap += offset; |
} |
#endif |
#endif |
} |
// Return opacity |
float ADD_IDX(GetSurfaceData)(FragInput input, int index, inout LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord, out SurfaceData surfaceData) |
{ |
#ifdef _DETAIL_MAP |
float detailMask = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_DetailMask, sampler_DetailMask, layerTexCoord).b; |
float4 detail = SAMPLE_LAYER_DETAIL_TEXTURE2D(_DetailMap, sampler_DetailMap, layerTexCoord); |
float detailAlbedo = detail.r; |
float detailSmoothness = detail.b; |
float3 detailNormalTS = UnpackNormalAG(detail, _DetailNormalScale); |
//float detailAO = 0.0; |
#else |
// TODO: Use heightmap as a derivative with Morten Mikklesen approach |
// Or reconstruct |
float U = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_DetailMap, sampler_DetailMap, texCoordDetail + float2(0.005, 0)).a; |
float V = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_DetailMap, sampler_DetailMap, texCoordDetail + float2(0, 0.005)).a; |
float dHdU = U - detail.a; //create bump map U offset |
float dHdV = V - detail.a; //create bump map V offset |
//float3 detailNormal = 1 - float3(dHdU, dHdV, 0.05); //create the tangent space normal |
float3 detailNormalTS = float3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); |
//float3 detailNormal = UnpackNormalAG(unifiedDetail.r).a; |
//float detailAO = detail.b; |
#endif |
#endif |
surfaceData.baseColor = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_BaseColorMap, sampler_BaseColorMap, input.texCoord0).rgb * _BaseColor.rgb; |
#ifdef _DETAIL_MAP |
surfaceData.baseColor *= LerpWhiteTo(2.0 * saturate(detailAlbedo * _DetailAlbedoScale), detailMask); |
#endif |
float alpha = _BaseColor.a; |
#else |
float alpha = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_BaseColorMap, sampler_BaseColorMap, input.texCoord0).a * _BaseColor.a; |
#endif |
#ifdef _ALPHATEST_ON |
clip(alpha - _AlphaCutoff); |
#endif |
// TODO: Do something. For now just take alpha channel |
surfaceData.specularOcclusion = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_SpecularOcclusionMap, sampler_SpecularOcclusionMap, input.texCoord0).a; |
#else |
// Horizon Occlusion for Normal Mapped Reflections: |
//surfaceData.specularOcclusion = saturate(1.0 + horizonFade * dot(r, input.tangentToWorld[2].xyz); |
// smooth it |
//surfaceData.specularOcclusion *= surfaceData.specularOcclusion; |
surfaceData.specularOcclusion = 1.0; |
#endif |
// TODO: think about using BC5 |
float3 vertexNormalWS = input.tangentToWorld[2].xyz; |
#ifdef _NORMALMAP |
float3 normalTS = UnpackNormalAG(SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_NormalMap, sampler_NormalMap, input.texCoord0)); |
#ifdef _DETAIL_MAP |
normalTS = lerp(normalTS, blendNormal(normalTS, detailNormalTS), detailMask); |
#endif |
surfaceData.normalWS = TransformTangentToWorld(normalTS, input.tangentToWorld); |
#else // Object space |
float3 normalOS = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_NormalMap, sampler_NormalMap, input.texCoord0).rgb; |
surfaceData.normalWS = TransformObjectToWorldDir(normalOS); |
#ifdef _DETAIL_MAP |
float3 detailNormalWS = TransformTangentToWorld(detailNormalTS, input.tangentToWorld); |
surfaceData.normalWS = lerp(surfaceData.normalWS, blendNormal(surfaceData.normalWS, detailNormalWS), detailMask); |
#endif |
#endif |
#else |
surfaceData.normalWS = vertexNormalWS; |
#endif |
float3 oppositeNormalWS = -surfaceData.normalWS; |
#else |
// Mirror the normal with the plane define by vertex normal |
float3 oppositeNormalWS = reflect(surfaceData.normalWS, vertexNormalWS); |
#endif |
// TODO : Test if GetOdddNegativeScale() is necessary here in case of normal map, as GetOdddNegativeScale is take into account in CreateTangentToWorld(); |
surfaceData.normalWS = input.isFrontFace ? |
(GetOdddNegativeScale() >= 0.0 ? surfaceData.normalWS : oppositeNormalWS) : |
(-GetOdddNegativeScale() >= 0.0 ? surfaceData.normalWS : oppositeNormalWS); |
#endif |
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_BaseColorMap, sampler_BaseColorMap, input.texCoord0).a; |
#elif defined(_MASKMAP) |
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_MaskMap, sampler_MaskMap, input.texCoord0).a; |
#else |
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness = 1.0; |
#endif |
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness *= _Smoothness; |
#ifdef _DETAIL_MAP |
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness *= LerpWhiteTo(2.0 * saturate(detailSmoothness * _DetailSmoothnessScale), detailMask); |
#endif |
surfaceData.materialId = 0; |
// MaskMap is Metallic, Ambient Occlusion, (Optional) - emissive Mask, Optional - Smoothness (in alpha) |
#ifdef _MASKMAP |
surfaceData.metallic = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_MaskMap, sampler_MaskMap, input.texCoord0).r; |
surfaceData.ambientOcclusion = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_MaskMap, sampler_MaskMap, input.texCoord0).g; |
#else |
surfaceData.metallic = 1.0; |
surfaceData.ambientOcclusion = 1.0; |
#endif |
surfaceData.metallic *= _Metallic; |
#if !defined(LAYERED_LIT_SHADER) |
// TODO: think about using BC5 |
#ifdef _TANGENTMAP |
#ifdef _NORMALMAP_TANGENT_SPACE // Normal and tangent use same space |
float3 tangentTS = UnpackNormalAG(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_TangentMap, sampler_TangentMap, input.texCoord0)); |
surfaceData.tangentWS = TransformTangentToWorld(tangentTS, input.tangentToWorld); |
#else // Object space (TODO: We need to apply the world rotation here! - Require to pass world transform) |
surfaceData.tangentWS = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_TangentMap, sampler_TangentMap, input.texCoord0).rgb; |
#endif |
#else |
surfaceData.tangentWS = input.tangentToWorld[0].xyz; |
#endif |
// TODO: Is there anything todo regarding flip normal but for the tangent ? |
surfaceData.anisotropy = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_AnisotropyMap, sampler_AnisotropyMap, input.texCoord0).g; |
#else |
surfaceData.anisotropy = 1.0; |
#endif |
surfaceData.anisotropy *= _Anisotropy; |
surfaceData.specular = 0.04; |
surfaceData.subSurfaceRadius = 1.0; |
surfaceData.thickness = 0.0; |
surfaceData.subSurfaceProfile = 0; |
surfaceData.coatNormalWS = float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
surfaceData.coatPerceptualSmoothness = 1.0; |
surfaceData.specularColor = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
#else // #if !defined(LAYERED_LIT_SHADER) |
surfaceData.tangentWS = input.tangentToWorld[0].xyz; |
#endif // #if !defined(LAYERED_LIT_SHADER) |
return alpha; |
} |
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Reference in new issue