
HDREnderLoop: First draft of new layeredLit shader

sebastienlagarde 8 年前
共有 11 个文件被更改,包括 630 次插入464 次删除
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uint punctualLightStart;
uint punctualLightCount;
GetCountAndStart(coord, DIRECT_LIGHT, linearDepth, start, punctualLightCount);
GetCountAndStart(coord, DIRECT_LIGHT, linearDepth, punctualLightStart, punctualLightCount);
for (i = 0; i < punctualLightCount; ++i)
float3 localDiffuseLighting, localSpecularLighting;

// TODO: Area lights are where the sorting is important (Morten approach with while loop)
uint areaLightStart;
uint areaLightCount;
GetCountAndStart(coord, LightCatergory.AreaLight, linearDepth, start, punctualLightCount);
GetCountAndStart(coord, LightCatergory.AreaLight, linearDepth, areaLightStart, areaLightCount);
for (i = 0; i < areaLightCount; ++i)
float3 localDiffuseLighting, localSpecularLighting;

uint envLightStart;
uint envLightCount;
GetCountAndStart(coord, REFLECTION_LIGHT, linearDepth, start, envLightCount);
GetCountAndStart(coord, REFLECTION_LIGHT, linearDepth, envLightStart, envLightCount);
float3 iblDiffuseLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
float3 iblSpecularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

float3 localDiffuseLighting, localSpecularLighting;
float2 weight;
EvaluateBSDF_Env(context, V, positionWS, prelightData, _EnvLightList[FetchIndex(punctualLightStart, i)], bsdfData, localDiffuseLighting, localSpecularLighting, weight);
EvaluateBSDF_Env(context, V, positionWS, prelightData, _EnvLightList[FetchIndex(envLightStart, i)], bsdfData, localDiffuseLighting, localSpecularLighting, weight);
iblDiffuseLighting = lerp(iblDiffuseLighting, localDiffuseLighting, weight.x); // Should be remove by the compiler if it is smart as all is constant 0
iblSpecularLighting = lerp(iblSpecularLighting, localSpecularLighting, weight.y);


// They are use to fill a SurfaceData. With a MaterialGraph this should not exist.
// Reminder. Color here are in linear but the UI (color picker) do the conversion sRGB to linear
_BaseColor0("BaseColor0", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_BaseColor0("BaseColor0", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
_BaseColor1("BaseColor1", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
_BaseColor2("BaseColor2", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
_BaseColor3("BaseColor3", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)

[Enum(Parallax, 0, Displacement, 1)] _HeightMapMode("Heightmap usage", Float) = 0
_EmissiveColor0("EmissiveColor0", Color) = (0, 0, 0)
_EmissiveColor1("EmissiveColor1", Color) = (0, 0, 0)
_EmissiveColor2("EmissiveColor2", Color) = (0, 0, 0)
_EmissiveColor3("EmissiveColor3", Color) = (0, 0, 0)
_DetailMap0("DetailMap0", 2D) = "black" {}
_DetailMap1("DetailMap1", 2D) = "black" {}
_DetailMap2("DetailMap2", 2D) = "black" {}
_DetailMap3("DetailMap3", 2D) = "black" {}
_EmissiveColorMap0("EmissiveColorMap0", 2D) = "white" {}
_EmissiveColorMap1("EmissiveColorMap1", 2D) = "white" {}
_EmissiveColorMap2("EmissiveColorMap2", 2D) = "white" {}
_EmissiveColorMap3("EmissiveColorMap3", 2D) = "white" {}
_DetailMask0("DetailMask0", 2D) = "white" {}
_DetailMask1("DetailMask1", 2D) = "white" {}
_DetailMask2("DetailMask2", 2D) = "white" {}
_DetailMask3("DetailMask3", 2D) = "white" {}
_EmissiveIntensity0("EmissiveIntensity0", Float) = 0
_EmissiveIntensity1("EmissiveIntensity1", Float) = 0
_EmissiveIntensity2("EmissiveIntensity2", Float) = 0
_EmissiveIntensity3("EmissiveIntensity3", Float) = 0
_DetailAlbedoScale0("_DetailAlbedoScale0", Range(-2.0, 2.0)) = 1
_DetailAlbedoScale1("_DetailAlbedoScale1", Range(-2.0, 2.0)) = 1
_DetailAlbedoScale2("_DetailAlbedoScale2", Range(-2.0, 2.0)) = 1
_DetailAlbedoScale3("_DetailAlbedoScale3", Range(-2.0, 2.0)) = 1
_LayerSize0("LayerSize0", Float) = 1.0
_LayerSize1("LayerSize1", Float) = 1.0
_LayerSize2("LayerSize2", Float) = 1.0
_LayerSize3("LayerSize3", Float) = 1.0
_DetailNormalScale0("_DetailNormalScale0", Range(0.0, 2.0)) = 1
_DetailNormalScale1("_DetailNormalScale1", Range(0.0, 2.0)) = 1
_DetailNormalScale2("_DetailNormalScale2", Range(0.0, 2.0)) = 1
_DetailNormalScale3("_DetailNormalScale3", Range(0.0, 2.0)) = 1
_DetailSmoothnessScale0("_DetailSmoothnessScale0", Range(-2.0, 2.0)) = 1
_DetailSmoothnessScale1("_DetailSmoothnessScale1", Range(-2.0, 2.0)) = 1
_DetailSmoothnessScale2("_DetailSmoothnessScale2", Range(-2.0, 2.0)) = 1
_DetailSmoothnessScale3("_DetailSmoothnessScale3", Range(-2.0, 2.0)) = 1
_DetailHeightScale0("_DetailHeightScale0", Range(-2.0, 2.0)) = 1
_DetailHeightScale1("_DetailHeightScale1", Range(-2.0, 2.0)) = 1
_DetailHeightScale2("_DetailHeightScale2", Range(-2.0, 2.0)) = 1
_DetailHeightScale3("_DetailHeightScale3", Range(-2.0, 2.0)) = 1
_DetailAOScale0("_DetailAOScale0", Range(-2.0, 2.0)) = 1
_DetailAOScale1("_DetailAOScale1", Range(-2.0, 2.0)) = 1
_DetailAOScale2("_DetailAOScale2", Range(-2.0, 2.0)) = 1
_DetailAOScale3("_DetailAOScale3", Range(-2.0, 2.0)) = 1
[Enum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1)] _UVDetail("UV Set for detailMap", Float) = 0
// Specific to planar mapping
_TexWorldScale0("TexWorldScale0", Float) = 1.0
_TexWorldScale1("TexWorldScale1", Float) = 1.0
_TexWorldScale2("TexWorldScale2", Float) = 1.0
_TexWorldScale3("TexWorldScale3", Float) = 1.0
// Blend mask between layer
_EmissiveColor("EmissiveColor", Color) = (0, 0, 0)
_EmissiveColorMap("EmissiveColorMap", 2D) = "white" {}
_EmissiveIntensity("EmissiveIntensity", Float) = 0
[ToggleOff] _DistortionOnly("Distortion Only", Float) = 0.0
[ToggleOff] _DistortionDepthTest("Distortion Only", Float) = 0.0

[Enum(Mask Alpha, 0, BaseColor Alpha, 1)] _SmoothnessTextureChannel("Smoothness texture channel", Float) = 1
[Enum(Use Emissive Color, 0, Use Emissive Mask, 1)] _EmissiveColorMode("Emissive color mode", Float) = 1
[Enum(None, 0, DoubleSided, 1, DoubleSidedLigthingFlip, 2, DoubleSidedLigthingMirror, 3)] _DoubleSidedMode("Double sided mode", Float) = 0
//[Enum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, Planar, 2, Triplanar, 3)] _LayerMapping0("Layer 0 Mapping", Float) = 0
//[Enum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, Planar, 2, Triplanar, 3)] _LayerMapping1("Layer 1 Mapping", Float) = 0
//[Enum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, Planar, 2, Triplanar, 3)] _LayerMapping2("Layer 2 Mapping", Float) = 0
//[Enum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, Planar, 2, Triplanar, 3)] _LayerMapping3("Layer 3 Mapping", Float) = 0
[Enum(DetailMapNormal, 0, DetailMapAOHeight, 1)] _DetailMapMode("DetailMap mode", Float) = 0
[Enum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, Planar, 2)] _LayerMapping0("Layer 0 Mapping", Float) = 0
[Enum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, Planar, 2)] _LayerMapping1("Layer 1 Mapping", Float) = 0
[Enum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, Planar, 2)] _LayerMapping2("Layer 2 Mapping", Float) = 0
[Enum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, Planar, 2)] _LayerMapping3("Layer 3 Mapping", Float) = 0
[Enum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, Planar, 2, Triplanar, 3)] _LayerMapping0("Layer 0 Mapping", Float) = 0
[Enum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, Planar, 2, Triplanar, 3)] _LayerMapping1("Layer 1 Mapping", Float) = 0
[Enum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, Planar, 2, Triplanar, 3)] _LayerMapping2("Layer 2 Mapping", Float) = 0
[Enum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, Planar, 2, Triplanar, 3)] _LayerMapping3("Layer 3 Mapping", Float) = 0
// Following store the result of the enum above
_CoordWeight0("CoordWeight0", Color) = (1, 0, 0, 0)
_CoordWeight1("CoordWeight1", Color) = (1, 0, 0, 0)
_CoordWeight2("CoordWeight2", Color) = (1, 0, 0, 0)
_CoordWeight3("CoordWeight3", Color) = (1, 0, 0, 0)

#pragma shader_feature _EMISSIVE_COLOR_MAP
#pragma shader_feature _HEIGHTMAP
#pragma shader_feature _HEIGHTMAP_AS_DISPLACEMENT
#pragma shader_feature _LAYER_MASK_MAP
#pragma shader_feature _LAYER_MASK_VERTEX_COLOR
#pragma shader_feature _ _LAYEREDLIT_3_LAYERS _LAYEREDLIT_4_LAYERS
#pragma shader_feature _DETAIL_MAP
#pragma shader_feature _DETAIL_MAP_WITH_NORMAL
#pragma shader_feature _ _LAYER_MAPPING_TRIPLANAR_0
#pragma shader_feature _ _LAYER_MAPPING_TRIPLANAR_1
#pragma shader_feature _ _LAYER_MAPPING_TRIPLANAR_2
#pragma shader_feature _ _LAYER_MAPPING_TRIPLANAR_3
#pragma multi_compile LIGHTMAP_OFF LIGHTMAP_ON
// Define

# define _LAYER_COUNT 2
struct LayerCoordinates
float2 texcoord[_MAX_LAYER];
bool isTriplanar[_MAX_LAYER];
float4 SampleLayer(TEXTURE2D_ARGS(layerTex, layerSampler), LayerCoordinates layerCoord, int layerIndex)
if (layerCoord.isTriplanar[layerIndex])
return SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(layerTex, layerSampler, layerCoord.texcoord[layerIndex]);
return SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(layerTex, layerSampler, layerCoord.texcoord[layerIndex]);
// Set of users variables
#define PROP_DECL(type, name) type name, name##0, name##1, name##2, name##3;

// Set of users variables
PROP_DECL(float4, _BaseColor);
PROP_DECL(float4, _DetailMap_ST);
PROP_DECL(float, _UVDetail);
PROP_DECL(float, _DetailAlbedoScale);
PROP_DECL(float, _DetailNormalScale);
PROP_DECL(float, _DetailSmoothnessScale);
PROP_DECL(float, _DetailHeightScale);
PROP_DECL(float, _DetailAOScale);
PROP_DECL(float3, _EmissiveColor);
PROP_DECL(float, _EmissiveIntensity);
PROP_DECL(float, _LayerSize);
float3 _EmissiveColor;
float _EmissiveIntensity;
PROP_DECL(float, _TexWorldScale);
PROP_DECL(float, _CoordWeight);
float _AlphaCutoff;
float _AlphaCutoff;


float3 _EmissiveColor;
float _EmissiveIntensity;
float _SubSurfaceRadius;

// float _CoatRoughness;
float3 _EmissiveColor;
float _EmissiveIntensity;
float _AlphaCutoff;


return float3(oneMinusT, oneMinusT, oneMinusT) + b * t;
// Transforms 2D UV by scale/bias property
#define TRANSFORM_TEX(tex,name) ((tex.xy) * name##_ST.xy + name##_ST.zw)
#if !defined(LAYERED_LIT_SHADER)
void GetSurfaceAndBuiltinData(FragInput input, out SurfaceData surfaceData, out BuiltinData builtinData)
void GetBuiltinData(FragInput input, SurfaceData surfaceData, float alpha, out BuiltinData builtinData)
// TODO: in case of shader graph, a node like parallax must be nullify if use to generate code for Meta pass
float3 V = GetWorldSpaceNormalizeViewDir(input.positionWS); // This should be remove by the compiler as we usually cal it before.
float height = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_HeightMap, sampler_HeightMap, input.texCoord0).r * _HeightScale + _HeightBias;
// Transform view vector in tangent space
float3 viewDirTS = TransformWorldToTangent(V, input.tangentToWorld);
float2 offset = ParallaxOffset(viewDirTS, height);
input.texCoord0 += offset;
input.texCoord1 += offset;
#ifdef _DETAIL_MAP
float2 texCoordDetail = TRANSFORM_TEX(_UVDetail ? input.texCoord1 : input.texCoord0, _DetailMap);
float detailMask = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_DetailMask, sampler_DetailMask, input.texCoord0).b;
float4 detail = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_DetailMap, sampler_DetailMap, texCoordDetail);
float detailAlbedo = detail.r;
float detailSmoothness = detail.b;
float3 detailNormalTS = UnpackNormalAG(detail, _DetailNormalScale);
//float detailAO = 0.0;
// TODO: Use heightmap as a derivative with Morten Mikklesen approach
// Or reconstruct
float U = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_DetailMap, sampler_DetailMap, texCoordDetail + float2(0.005, 0)).a;
float V = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_DetailMap, sampler_DetailMap, texCoordDetail + float2(0, 0.005)).a;
float dHdU = U - detail.a; //create bump map U offset
float dHdV = V - detail.a; //create bump map V offset
//float3 detailNormal = 1 - float3(dHdU, dHdV, 0.05); //create the tangent space normal
float3 detailNormalTS = float3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
//float3 detailNormal = UnpackNormalAG(unifiedDetail.r).a;
//float detailAO = detail.b;
surfaceData.baseColor = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_BaseColorMap, sampler_BaseColorMap, input.texCoord0).rgb * _BaseColor.rgb;
#ifdef _DETAIL_MAP
surfaceData.baseColor *= LerpWhiteTo(2.0 * saturate(detailAlbedo * _DetailAlbedoScale), detailMask);
float alpha = _BaseColor.a;
float alpha = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_BaseColorMap, sampler_BaseColorMap, input.texCoord0).a * _BaseColor.a;
clip(alpha - _AlphaCutoff);
// TODO: Do something. For now just take alpha channel
surfaceData.specularOcclusion = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_SpecularOcclusionMap, sampler_SpecularOcclusionMap, input.texCoord0).a;
// Horizon Occlusion for Normal Mapped Reflections: http://marmosetco.tumblr.com/post/81245981087
//surfaceData.specularOcclusion = saturate(1.0 + horizonFade * dot(r, input.tangentToWorld[2].xyz);
// smooth it
//surfaceData.specularOcclusion *= surfaceData.specularOcclusion;
surfaceData.specularOcclusion = 1.0;
// TODO: think about using BC5
float3 vertexNormalWS = input.tangentToWorld[2].xyz;
float3 normalTS = UnpackNormalAG(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_NormalMap, sampler_NormalMap, input.texCoord0));
#ifdef _DETAIL_MAP
normalTS = lerp(normalTS, blendNormal(normalTS, detailNormalTS), detailMask);
surfaceData.normalWS = TransformTangentToWorld(normalTS, input.tangentToWorld);
#else // Object space
float3 normalOS = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_NormalMap, sampler_NormalMap, input.texCoord0).rgb;
surfaceData.normalWS = TransformObjectToWorldDir(normalOS);
#ifdef _DETAIL_MAP
float3 detailNormalWS = TransformTangentToWorld(detailNormalTS, input.tangentToWorld);
surfaceData.normalWS = lerp(surfaceData.normalWS, blendNormal(surfaceData.normalWS, detailNormalWS), detailMask);
surfaceData.normalWS = vertexNormalWS;
float3 oppositeNormalWS = -surfaceData.normalWS;
// Mirror the normal with the plane define by vertex normal
float3 oppositeNormalWS = reflect(surfaceData.normalWS, vertexNormalWS);
// TODO : Test if GetOdddNegativeScale() is necessary here in case of normal map, as GetOdddNegativeScale is take into account in CreateTangentToWorld();
surfaceData.normalWS = input.isFrontFace ?
(GetOdddNegativeScale() >= 0.0 ? surfaceData.normalWS : oppositeNormalWS) :
(-GetOdddNegativeScale() >= 0.0 ? surfaceData.normalWS : oppositeNormalWS);
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_BaseColorMap, sampler_BaseColorMap, input.texCoord0).a;
#elif defined(_MASKMAP)
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_MaskMap, sampler_MaskMap, input.texCoord0).a;
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness = 1.0;
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness *= _Smoothness;
#ifdef _DETAIL_MAP
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness *= LerpWhiteTo(2.0 * saturate(detailSmoothness * _DetailSmoothnessScale), detailMask);
surfaceData.materialId = 0;
// MaskMap is Metallic, Ambient Occlusion, (Optional) - emissive Mask, Optional - Smoothness (in alpha)
#ifdef _MASKMAP
surfaceData.metallic = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_MaskMap, sampler_MaskMap, input.texCoord0).r;
surfaceData.ambientOcclusion = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_MaskMap, sampler_MaskMap, input.texCoord0).g;
surfaceData.metallic = 1.0;
surfaceData.ambientOcclusion = 1.0;
surfaceData.metallic *= _Metallic;
// TODO: think about using BC5
#ifdef _NORMALMAP_TANGENT_SPACE // Normal and tangent use same space
float3 tangentTS = UnpackNormalAG(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_TangentMap, sampler_TangentMap, input.texCoord0));
surfaceData.tangentWS = TransformTangentToWorld(tangentTS, input.tangentToWorld);
#else // Object space (TODO: We need to apply the world rotation here! - Require to pass world transform)
surfaceData.tangentWS = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_TangentMap, sampler_TangentMap, input.texCoord0).rgb;
surfaceData.tangentWS = input.tangentToWorld[0].xyz;
// TODO: Is there anything todo regarding flip normal but for the tangent ?
surfaceData.anisotropy = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_AnisotropyMap, sampler_AnisotropyMap, input.texCoord0).g;
surfaceData.anisotropy = 1.0;
surfaceData.anisotropy *= _Anisotropy;
surfaceData.specular = 0.04;
surfaceData.subSurfaceRadius = 1.0;
surfaceData.thickness = 0.0;
surfaceData.subSurfaceProfile = 0;
surfaceData.coatNormalWS = float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
surfaceData.coatPerceptualSmoothness = 1.0;
surfaceData.specularColor = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// Builtin Data
builtinData.opacity = alpha;

// If we chose an emissive color, we have a dedicated texture for it and don't use MaskMap
#elif defined(_MASKMAP) // If we have a MaskMap, use emissive slot as a mask on baseColor
builtinData.emissiveColor = surfaceData.baseColor * (SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_MaskMap, sampler_MaskMap, input.texCoord0).b * builtinData.emissiveIntensity).xxx;

builtinData.distortionBlur = 0.0;
struct LayerUV
float2 uv;
// triplanar
bool isTriplanar;
float2 uvYZ;
float2 uvZX;
float2 uvXY;
struct LayerTexCoord
// Regular texcoord
LayerUV base0;
LayerUV base1;
LayerUV base2;
LayerUV base3;
LayerUV details0;
LayerUV details1;
LayerUV details2;
LayerUV details3;
float2 uvStaticLightmap;
float2 uvDynamicLightmap;
float3 BlendLayeredColor(float3 rgb0, float3 rgb1, float3 rgb2, float3 rgb3, float weight[4])
// triplanar weight
float3 weights;
// Transforms 2D UV by scale/bias property
#define TRANSFORM_TEX(tex,name) ((tex.xy) * name##_ST.xy + name##_ST.zw)
float4 SampleLayer(TEXTURE2D_ARGS(layerTex, layerSampler), LayerUV layerUV, float3 weights)
float3 result = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
if (layerUV.isTriplanar)
float4 val = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
result = rgb0 * weight[0] + rgb1 * weight[1];
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 3
result += (rgb2 * weight[2]);
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 4
result += rgb3 * weight[3];
if (weights.x > 0.0)
val += outCoord.blendWeights.x * SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(layerTex, layerSampler, layerUV.uvYZ);
if (weights.y > 0.0)
val += outCoord.blendWeights.y * SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(layerTex, layerSampler, layerUV.uvZX);
if (weights.z > 0.0)
val += outCoord.blendWeights.z * SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(layerTex, layerSampler, layerUV.uvXY);
return result;
return val;
return SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(layerTex, layerSampler, layerUV.uv);
float3 BlendLayeredNormal(float3 normal0, float3 normal1, float3 normal2, float3 normal3, float weight[4])
float3 result = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// TODO : real normal map blending function
result = normal0 * weight[0] + normal1 * weight[1];
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 3
result += normal2 * weight[2];
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 4
result += normal3 * weight[3];
#define SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(textureName, samplerName, coord) SampleLayer(TEXTURE2D_PASS(textureName, samplerName), coord, coord.weights);
return result;
#define ADD_IDX(Name) Name
#include "LitSurfaceData.hlsl"
float BlendLayeredScalar(float x0, float x1, float x2, float x3, float weight[4])
void GetSurfaceAndBuiltinData(FragInput input, out SurfaceData surfaceData, out BuiltinData builtinData)
float result = 0.0;
bool isTriplanar = false;
LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord[_MAX_LAYER];
result = x0 * weight[0] + x1 * weight[1];
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 3
result += x2 * weight[2];
// one weight for each direction XYZ - Use vertex normal for triplanar
float3 triplanarBlendWeights = ComputeTriplanarWeights(input.tangentToWorld[2].xyz); // Will be remove if triplanar not used
// For each layer
isTriplanar = true;
isTriplanar = false;
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 4
result += x3 * weight[3];
ComputeLayerTexCoord0(input, isTriplanar, texCoord.layerTexCoord[0]);
ApplyDisplacement0(input, texCoord.layerTexCoord[0]);
GetSurfaceData0(input, texCoord.layerTexCoord[0]);
return result;
float2 offset = GetHeigthData(input, surfaceData);
input.texCoord0 += offset;
input.texCoord1 += offset;
float alpha = GetSurfaceData(input, surfaceData);
GetBuiltinData(input, surfaceData, alpha, builtinData);
void ComputeMaskWeights(float3 inputMasks, out float outWeights[_MAX_LAYER])

outWeights[0] = left;
float2 ComputePlanarXZCoord(float3 worldPos, float layerSize)
return frac(worldPos.xz / layerSize);
void ComputeLayerCoordinates(out LayerCoordinates outCoord, FragInput input)
#if defined(_LAYER_MAPPING_UV1_0)
outCoord.texcoord[0] = input.texCoord1;
outCoord.isTriplanar[0] = false;
#elif defined(_LAYER_MAPPING_PLANAR_0)
outCoord.texcoord[0] = ComputePlanarXZCoord(input.positionWS, _LayerSize0);
outCoord.isTriplanar[0] = false;
outCoord.texcoord[0] = input.texCoord0;
outCoord.isTriplanar[0] = true;
outCoord.texcoord[0] = input.texCoord0;
outCoord.isTriplanar[0] = false;
#if defined(_LAYER_MAPPING_UV1_1)
outCoord.texcoord[1] = input.texCoord1;
outCoord.isTriplanar[1] = false;
#elif defined(_LAYER_MAPPING_PLANAR_1)
outCoord.texcoord[1] = ComputePlanarXZCoord(input.positionWS, _LayerSize1);
outCoord.isTriplanar[1] = false;
outCoord.texcoord[1] = input.texCoord0;
outCoord.isTriplanar[1] = true;
outCoord.texcoord[1] = input.texCoord0;
outCoord.isTriplanar[1] = false;
#if defined(_LAYER_MAPPING_UV1_2)
outCoord.texcoord[2] = input.texCoord1;
outCoord.isTriplanar[2] = false;
#elif defined(_LAYER_MAPPING_PLANAR_2)
outCoord.texcoord[2] = ComputePlanarXZCoord(input.positionWS, _LayerSize2);
outCoord.isTriplanar[2] = false;
outCoord.texcoord[2] = input.texCoord0;
outCoord.isTriplanar[2] = true;
outCoord.texcoord[2] = input.texCoord0;
outCoord.isTriplanar[2] = false;
#if defined(_LAYER_MAPPING_UV1_3)
outCoord.texcoord[3] = input.texCoord1;
outCoord.isTriplanar[3] = false;
#elif defined(_LAYER_MAPPING_PLANAR_3)
outCoord.texcoord[3] = ComputePlanarXZCoord(input.positionWS, _LayerSize3);
outCoord.isTriplanar[3] = false;
outCoord.texcoord[3] = input.texCoord0;
outCoord.isTriplanar[3] = true;
outCoord.texcoord[3] = input.texCoord0;
outCoord.isTriplanar[3] = false;
#define SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(textureName, samplerName, coord2) SampleLayer(TEXTURE2D_ARGS(textureName##0, samplerName##0), LayerCoordinates layerCoord, 0)
#include "LitSurfaceData.hlsl"
float3 maskValues = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
#if defined(_LAYER_MASK_MAP)
maskValues = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_LayerMaskMap, sampler_LayerMaskMap, input.texCoord0).rgb;
float3 maskValues = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
maskValues = input.vertexColor.rgb;
maskValues *= SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_LayerMaskMap, sampler_LayerMaskMap, input.texCoord0).rgb;
#if defined(_LAYER_MASK_MAP) && defined(_LAYER_MASK_VERTEX_COLOR)
maskValues = input.vertexColor.rgb * SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_LayerMaskMap, sampler_LayerMaskMap, input.texCoord0).rgb;
maskValues *= input.vertexColor.rgb;
PROP_DECL(float3, baseColor);
PROP_SAMPLE(baseColor, _BaseColorMap, layerCoord, rgb);
PROP_MUL(baseColor, _BaseColor, rgb);
PROP_BLEND_COLOR(baseColor, weights);
SurfaceData surfaceData0;
SurfaceData surfaceData1;
SurfaceData surfaceData2;
SurfaceData surfaceData3;
surfaceData.baseColor = baseColor;
float alpha = GetSurfaceData0(input, surfaceData0);
GetBuiltinData(input, surfaceData, alpha, builtinData);
PROP_DECL(float, alpha);
PROP_ASSIGN(alpha, _BaseColor, a);
PROP_SAMPLE(alpha, _BaseColorMap, layerCoord, a);
PROP_MUL(alpha, _BaseColor, a);
PROP_BLEND_SCALAR(alpha, weights);
clip(alpha - _AlphaCutoff);
#if !defined(LAYERED_LIT_SHADER)
builtinData.opacity = alpha;
float3 BlendLayeredColor(float3 rgb0, float3 rgb1, float3 rgb2, float3 rgb3, float weight[4])
float3 result = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
PROP_DECL(float, specularOcclusion);
// TODO: Do something. For now just take alpha channel
PROP_SAMPLE(specularOcclusion, _SpecularOcclusionMap, layerCoord, a);
// Horizon Occlusion for Normal Mapped Reflections: http://marmosetco.tumblr.com/post/81245981087
//surfaceData.specularOcclusion = saturate(1.0 + horizonFade * dot(r, input.tangentToWorld[2].xyz);
// smooth it
//surfaceData.specularOcclusion *= surfaceData.specularOcclusion;
PROP_ASSIGN_VALUE(specularOcclusion, 1.0);
result = rgb0 * weight[0] + rgb1 * weight[1];
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 3
result += (rgb2 * weight[2]);
PROP_BLEND_SCALAR(specularOcclusion, weights);
surfaceData.specularOcclusion = specularOcclusion;
// TODO: think about using BC5
float3 vertexNormalWS = input.tangentToWorld[2].xyz;
float3 normalTS0 = UnpackNormalAG(SampleLayer(TEXTURE2D_PARAM(_NormalMap0, sampler_NormalMap0), layerCoord, 0));
float3 normalTS1 = UnpackNormalAG(SampleLayer(TEXTURE2D_PARAM(_NormalMap1, sampler_NormalMap0), layerCoord, 1));
float3 normalTS2 = UnpackNormalAG(SampleLayer(TEXTURE2D_PARAM(_NormalMap2, sampler_NormalMap0), layerCoord, 2));
float3 normalTS3 = UnpackNormalAG(SampleLayer(TEXTURE2D_PARAM(_NormalMap3, sampler_NormalMap0), layerCoord, 3));
float3 normalTS = BlendLayeredNormal(normalTS0, normalTS1, normalTS2, normalTS3, weights);
surfaceData.normalWS = TransformTangentToWorld(normalTS, input.tangentToWorld);
#else // Object space (TODO: We need to apply the world rotation here!)
surfaceData.normalWS = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_NormalMap, sampler_NormalMap, input.texCoord0).rgb;
surfaceData.normalWS = vertexNormalWS;
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 4
result += rgb3 * weight[3];
float3 oppositeNormalWS = -surfaceData.normalWS;
// Mirror the normal with the plane define by vertex normal
float3 oppositeNormalWS = reflect(surfaceData.normalWS, vertexNormalWS);
// TODO : Test if GetOdddNegativeScale() is necessary here in case of normal map, as GetOdddNegativeScale is take into account in CreateTangentToWorld();
surfaceData.normalWS = IS_FRONT_VFACE(input.cullFace, GetOdddNegativeScale() >= 0.0 ? surfaceData.normalWS : oppositeNormalWS, -GetOdddNegativeScale() >= 0.0 ? surfaceData.normalWS : oppositeNormalWS);
return result;
float3 BlendLayeredNormal(float3 normal0, float3 normal1, float3 normal2, float3 normal3, float weight[4])
float3 result = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
PROP_DECL(float, perceptualSmoothness);
PROP_SAMPLE(perceptualSmoothness, _BaseColorMap, layerCoord, a);
#elif defined(_MASKMAP)
PROP_SAMPLE(perceptualSmoothness, _MaskMap, layerCoord, a);
PROP_ASSIGN_VALUE(perceptualSmoothness, 1.0);
// TODO : real normal map blending function
result = normal0 * weight[0] + normal1 * weight[1];
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 3
result += normal2 * weight[2];
PROP_MUL(perceptualSmoothness, _Smoothness, r);
PROP_BLEND_SCALAR(perceptualSmoothness, weights);
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness = perceptualSmoothness;
surfaceData.materialId = 0;
// MaskMap is Metallic, Ambient Occlusion, (Optional) - emissive Mask, Optional - Smoothness (in alpha)
PROP_DECL(float, metallic);
PROP_DECL(float, ambientOcclusion);
#ifdef _MASKMAP
PROP_SAMPLE(metallic, _MaskMap, layerCoord, a);
PROP_SAMPLE(ambientOcclusion, _MaskMap, layerCoord, g);
PROP_ASSIGN_VALUE(metallic, 1.0);
PROP_ASSIGN_VALUE(ambientOcclusion, 1.0);
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 4
result += normal3 * weight[3];
PROP_MUL(metallic, _Metallic, r);
PROP_BLEND_SCALAR(metallic, weights);
PROP_BLEND_SCALAR(ambientOcclusion, weights);
surfaceData.metallic = metallic;
surfaceData.ambientOcclusion = ambientOcclusion;
surfaceData.tangentWS = float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
surfaceData.anisotropy = 0;
surfaceData.specular = 0.04;
surfaceData.subSurfaceRadius = 1.0;
surfaceData.thickness = 0.0;
surfaceData.subSurfaceProfile = 0;
surfaceData.coatNormalWS = float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
surfaceData.coatPerceptualSmoothness = 1.0;
surfaceData.specularColor = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// Builtin Data
// TODO: Sample lightmap/lightprobe/volume proxy
// This should also handle projective lightmap
// Note that data input above can be use to sample into lightmap (like normal)
builtinData.bakeDiffuseLighting = SampleBakedGI(input.positionWS, surfaceData.normalWS, input.texCoord1, input.texCoord2);
return result;
// Emissive Intensity is only use here, but is part of BuiltinData to enforce UI parameters as we want the users to fill one color and one intensity
PROP_DECL(float, emissiveIntensity);
PROP_ASSIGN(emissiveIntensity, _EmissiveIntensity, r);
PROP_BLEND_SCALAR(emissiveIntensity, weights);
builtinData.emissiveIntensity = emissiveIntensity; // We still store intensity here so we can reuse it with debug code
float BlendLayeredScalar(float x0, float x1, float x2, float x3, float weight[4])
float result = 0.0;
// If we chose an emissive color, we have a dedicated texture for it and don't use MaskMap
PROP_DECL(float3, emissiveColor);
PROP_SAMPLE(emissiveColor, _EmissiveColorMap, layerCoord, rgb);
PROP_ASSIGN(emissiveColor, _EmissiveColor, rgb);
result = x0 * weight[0] + x1 * weight[1];
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 3
result += x2 * weight[2];
#elif defined(_MASKMAP) // If we have a MaskMap, use emissive slot as a mask on baseColor
PROP_SAMPLE(emissiveColor, _MaskMap, layerCoord, bbb);
PROP_MUL(emissiveColor, baseColor, rgb);
PROP_ASSIGN_VALUE(emissiveColor, float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 4
result += x3 * weight[3];
PROP_BLEND_COLOR(emissiveColor, weights);
builtinData.emissiveColor = emissiveColor * builtinData.emissiveIntensity;
builtinData.velocity = CalculateVelocity(input.positionCS, input.previousPositionCS);
builtinData.distortion = float2(0.0, 0.0);
builtinData.distortionBlur = 0.0;
return result;


return mul(GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), float4(positionOS, 1.0)).xyz;
float3 TransformWorldToObject(float3 positionWS)
return mul(GetWorldToObjectMatrix(), float4(positionWS, 1.0)).xyz;
float3 TransformObjectToView(float3 positionOS)
return mul(GetObjectToWorldViewMatrix(), float4(positionOS, 1.0)).xyz;


return normalize(float3(n1.xy * n2.z + n2.xy * n1.z, n1.z * n2.z));
// Ref: http://http.developer.nvidia.com/GPUGems3/gpugems3_ch01.html
float3 ComputeTriplanarWeights(float3 normal)
// Determine the blend weights for the 3 planar projections.
// N_orig is the vertex-interpolated normal vector.
float3 blendWeights = abs(normal);
// Tighten up the blending zone
blendWeights = (blendWeights - 0.2) * 7.0;
// Force weights to sum to 1.0 (very important!)
blendWeights = max(blendWeights, float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
blendWeights /= dot(blendWeights.x, 1.0);
return blendWeights;


m_EditorVersion: 5.6.0a4
m_EditorVersion: 5.6.0a5


void ADD_IDX(ComputeLayerTexCoord)(FragInput input, int index, bool isTriplanar, out LayerTexCoord outLayerTexCoord)
// Handle uv0, uv1 and plnar XZ coordinate based on _CoordWeight weight (exclusif 0..1)
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.base).uv = ADD_IDX(_UVMappingMask).x * input.texCoord0 +
ADD_IDX(_UVMappingMask).y * input.texCoord1 +
ADD_IDX(_UVMappingMask).z * input.positionWS.xz * ADD_IDX(_TexWorldScale);
float2 uvDetails = ADD_IDX(_UVDetailsMappingMask).x * input.texCoord0 +
ADD_IDX(_UVDetailsMappingMask).y * input.texCoord1;
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.details).uv = TRANSFORM_TEX(uvDetails, ADD_IDX(_DetailMap));
// triplanar
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.base).isTriplanar = isTriplanar;
// TODO: local or world triplanar
//float3 position = localTriplanar ? TransformWorldToObject(input.positionWS) : input.positionWS;
float3 position = input.positionWS;
position *= ADD_IDX(_TexWorldScale);
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.base).uvYZ = position.yz;
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.base).uvZX = position.xy;
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.base).uvXY = position.xz;
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.details).uvYZ = TRANSFORM_TEX(position.yz, ADD_IDX(_DetailMap));
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.details).uvZX = TRANSFORM_TEX(position.xy, ADD_IDX(_DetailMap));
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.details).uvXY = TRANSFORM_TEX(position.xz, ADD_IDX(_DetailMap));
layerTexCoord.uvStaticLightmap = input.texCoord1;
layerTexCoord.uvDynamicLightmap = input.texCoord2;
void ADD_IDX(ApplyDisplacement)(FragInput input, inout LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord)
// TODO: in case of shader graph, a node like parallax must be nullify if use to generate code for Meta pass
float3 V = GetWorldSpaceNormalizeViewDir(input.positionWS); // This should be remove by the compiler as we usually cal it before.
float height = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(ADD_IDX(_HeightMap), ADD_IDX(sampler_HeightMap), ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.base)).r * ADD_IDX(_HeightScale) + ADD_IDX(_HeightBias);
// Transform view vector in tangent space
float3 viewDirTS = TransformWorldToTangent(V, input.tangentToWorld);
float2 offset = ParallaxOffset(viewDirTS, height);
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.base).uv += offset;
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.base).uvYZ += offset;
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.base).uvZX += offset;
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.base).uvXY += offset;
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.details).uv += offset;
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.details).uvYZ += offset;
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.details).uvZX += offset;
ADD_IDX(layerTexCoord.details).uvXY += offset;
if (LAYER_INDEX == 0)
layerTexCoord.uvStaticLightmap += offset;
layerTexCoord.uvDynamicLightmap += offset;
// Return opacity
float ADD_IDX(GetSurfaceData)(FragInput input, int index, inout LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord, out SurfaceData surfaceData)
#ifdef _DETAIL_MAP
float detailMask = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_DetailMask, sampler_DetailMask, layerTexCoord).b;
float4 detail = SAMPLE_LAYER_DETAIL_TEXTURE2D(_DetailMap, sampler_DetailMap, layerTexCoord);
float detailAlbedo = detail.r;
float detailSmoothness = detail.b;
float3 detailNormalTS = UnpackNormalAG(detail, _DetailNormalScale);
//float detailAO = 0.0;
// TODO: Use heightmap as a derivative with Morten Mikklesen approach
// Or reconstruct
float U = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_DetailMap, sampler_DetailMap, texCoordDetail + float2(0.005, 0)).a;
float V = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_DetailMap, sampler_DetailMap, texCoordDetail + float2(0, 0.005)).a;
float dHdU = U - detail.a; //create bump map U offset
float dHdV = V - detail.a; //create bump map V offset
//float3 detailNormal = 1 - float3(dHdU, dHdV, 0.05); //create the tangent space normal
float3 detailNormalTS = float3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
//float3 detailNormal = UnpackNormalAG(unifiedDetail.r).a;
//float detailAO = detail.b;
surfaceData.baseColor = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_BaseColorMap, sampler_BaseColorMap, input.texCoord0).rgb * _BaseColor.rgb;
#ifdef _DETAIL_MAP
surfaceData.baseColor *= LerpWhiteTo(2.0 * saturate(detailAlbedo * _DetailAlbedoScale), detailMask);
float alpha = _BaseColor.a;
float alpha = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_BaseColorMap, sampler_BaseColorMap, input.texCoord0).a * _BaseColor.a;
clip(alpha - _AlphaCutoff);
// TODO: Do something. For now just take alpha channel
surfaceData.specularOcclusion = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_SpecularOcclusionMap, sampler_SpecularOcclusionMap, input.texCoord0).a;
// Horizon Occlusion for Normal Mapped Reflections: http://marmosetco.tumblr.com/post/81245981087
//surfaceData.specularOcclusion = saturate(1.0 + horizonFade * dot(r, input.tangentToWorld[2].xyz);
// smooth it
//surfaceData.specularOcclusion *= surfaceData.specularOcclusion;
surfaceData.specularOcclusion = 1.0;
// TODO: think about using BC5
float3 vertexNormalWS = input.tangentToWorld[2].xyz;
float3 normalTS = UnpackNormalAG(SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_NormalMap, sampler_NormalMap, input.texCoord0));
#ifdef _DETAIL_MAP
normalTS = lerp(normalTS, blendNormal(normalTS, detailNormalTS), detailMask);
surfaceData.normalWS = TransformTangentToWorld(normalTS, input.tangentToWorld);
#else // Object space
float3 normalOS = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_NormalMap, sampler_NormalMap, input.texCoord0).rgb;
surfaceData.normalWS = TransformObjectToWorldDir(normalOS);
#ifdef _DETAIL_MAP
float3 detailNormalWS = TransformTangentToWorld(detailNormalTS, input.tangentToWorld);
surfaceData.normalWS = lerp(surfaceData.normalWS, blendNormal(surfaceData.normalWS, detailNormalWS), detailMask);
surfaceData.normalWS = vertexNormalWS;
float3 oppositeNormalWS = -surfaceData.normalWS;
// Mirror the normal with the plane define by vertex normal
float3 oppositeNormalWS = reflect(surfaceData.normalWS, vertexNormalWS);
// TODO : Test if GetOdddNegativeScale() is necessary here in case of normal map, as GetOdddNegativeScale is take into account in CreateTangentToWorld();
surfaceData.normalWS = input.isFrontFace ?
(GetOdddNegativeScale() >= 0.0 ? surfaceData.normalWS : oppositeNormalWS) :
(-GetOdddNegativeScale() >= 0.0 ? surfaceData.normalWS : oppositeNormalWS);
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_BaseColorMap, sampler_BaseColorMap, input.texCoord0).a;
#elif defined(_MASKMAP)
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_MaskMap, sampler_MaskMap, input.texCoord0).a;
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness = 1.0;
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness *= _Smoothness;
#ifdef _DETAIL_MAP
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness *= LerpWhiteTo(2.0 * saturate(detailSmoothness * _DetailSmoothnessScale), detailMask);
surfaceData.materialId = 0;
// MaskMap is Metallic, Ambient Occlusion, (Optional) - emissive Mask, Optional - Smoothness (in alpha)
#ifdef _MASKMAP
surfaceData.metallic = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_MaskMap, sampler_MaskMap, input.texCoord0).r;
surfaceData.ambientOcclusion = SAMPLE_LAYER_TEXTURE2D(_MaskMap, sampler_MaskMap, input.texCoord0).g;
surfaceData.metallic = 1.0;
surfaceData.ambientOcclusion = 1.0;
surfaceData.metallic *= _Metallic;
#if !defined(LAYERED_LIT_SHADER)
// TODO: think about using BC5
#ifdef _NORMALMAP_TANGENT_SPACE // Normal and tangent use same space
float3 tangentTS = UnpackNormalAG(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_TangentMap, sampler_TangentMap, input.texCoord0));
surfaceData.tangentWS = TransformTangentToWorld(tangentTS, input.tangentToWorld);
#else // Object space (TODO: We need to apply the world rotation here! - Require to pass world transform)
surfaceData.tangentWS = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_TangentMap, sampler_TangentMap, input.texCoord0).rgb;
surfaceData.tangentWS = input.tangentToWorld[0].xyz;
// TODO: Is there anything todo regarding flip normal but for the tangent ?
surfaceData.anisotropy = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_AnisotropyMap, sampler_AnisotropyMap, input.texCoord0).g;
surfaceData.anisotropy = 1.0;
surfaceData.anisotropy *= _Anisotropy;
surfaceData.specular = 0.04;
surfaceData.subSurfaceRadius = 1.0;
surfaceData.thickness = 0.0;
surfaceData.subSurfaceProfile = 0;
surfaceData.coatNormalWS = float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
surfaceData.coatPerceptualSmoothness = 1.0;
surfaceData.specularColor = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
#else // #if !defined(LAYERED_LIT_SHADER)
surfaceData.tangentWS = input.tangentToWorld[0].xyz;
#endif // #if !defined(LAYERED_LIT_SHADER)
return alpha;


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