float atten = tex2D (_LightTextureB0, att.rr).UNITY_ATTEN_CHANNEL; |
// atten *= UnityDeferredComputeShadow (tolight, fadeDist, uv); |
// atten *= SampleShadow(POINT_LIGHT, wpos, 0, 0); |
atten *= SampleShadow(SPHERE_LIGHT, wpos, lightDir, 0); |
#if defined (POINT_COOKIE) |
atten *= texCUBEbias(_LightTexture0, float4(mul(unity_WorldToLight, half4(wpos,1)).xyz, -8)).w; |
unity_v2f_deferred o; |
// scaling quad by two becuase built-in unity quad ranges from -0.5 to 0.5 |
// scaling quad by two becuase built-in unity quad.fbx ranges from -0.5 to 0.5 |
o.pos = lightAsQuad ? float4(2.0*vertex.xy, 0.5, 1.0) : UnityObjectToClipPos(vertex); |
o.uv = ComputeScreenPos(o.pos); |