
HDRP: update changelog

Sebastien Lagarde 7 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 4 次插入0 次删除
  1. 4


- Change name EnableDBuffer to EnableDecals at several place (shader, hdrp asset...), this require a call to Edit/Render Pipeline/Upgrade all Materials to newer version to have up to date material.
- Refactor shader code: BakeLightingData structure have been replace by BuiltinData. Lot of shader code have been remove/change.
- Refactor shader code: All GBuffer are now handled by the deferred material. Mean ShadowMask and LightLayers are control by lit material in lit.hlsl and not outside anymore. Lot of shader code have been remove/change.
- Refactor shader code: Rename GetBakedDiffuseLighting to ModifyBakedDiffuseLighting. This function now handle lighting model for transmission too. Lux meter debug mode is factor outisde.
- Refactor shader code: GetBakedDiffuseLighting is not call anymore in GBuffer or forward pass, including the ConvertSurfaceDataToBSDFData and GetPreLightData, this is done in ModifyBakedDiffuseLighting now
- Refactor shader code: Added a backBakeDiffuseLighting to BuiltinData to handle lighting for transmission
- Refactor shader code: Material must now call InitBuiltinData (Init all to zero + init bakeDiffuseLighting and backBakeDiffuseLighting ) and PostInitBuiltinData
### Added
- Added support for RendererPriority on Renderer. This allow to control order of transparent rendering manually. HDRP have now two stage of sorting for transparent in addition to bact to front. Material have a priority then Renderer have a priority.
