
Factor out BinarySearchRow()

Evgenii Golubev 8 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 24 次插入32 次删除
  1. 56


return float4(lightInt / cbsdfInt, 1.0);
// Searches the row 'j' containing 'n' elements of 'haystack' and
// returns the index of the first element greater or equal to 'needle'.
uint BinarySearchRow(uint j, float needle, TEXTURE2D(haystack), uint n)
uint i = n - 1;
float v = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(haystack, uint2(i, j)).r;
if (needle < v)
i = 0;
for (uint b = 1 << firstbithigh(n - 1); b != 0; b >>= 1)
uint p = i | b;
v = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(haystack, uint2(p, j)).r;
if (v <= needle) { i = p; } // Move to the right.
return i;
float4 IntegrateLD_MIS(TEXTURECUBE_ARGS(envMap, sampler_envMap),

float2 s = frac(randNum + Hammersley2d(i, sampleCount));
// Sample a row from the marginal distribution.
uint y = height - 1;
float d = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(marginalRowDensities, uint2(y, 0)).r;
if (s.x < d)
y = 0;
// Perform binary search.
for (uint b = 1 << firstbithigh(height - 1); b != 0; b >>= 1)
uint mid = y | b;
d = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(marginalRowDensities, uint2(mid, 0)).r;
if (d <= s.x) { y = mid; } // Move to the right.
// TODO: early-out.
uint y = BinarySearchRow(0, s.x, marginalRowDensities, height - 1);
uint x = width - 1;
d = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(conditionalDensities, uint2(x, y)).r;
if (s.y < d)
x = 0;
// Perform binary search.
for (uint b = 1 << firstbithigh(width - 1); b != 0; b >>= 1)
uint mid = x | b;
d = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(conditionalDensities, uint2(mid, y)).r;
if (d <= s.y) { x = mid; } // Move to the right.
uint x = BinarySearchRow(y, s.y, conditionalDensities, width - 1);
// Compute the coordinates of the sample.
// Note: we take the sample in between two texels, and also apply the half-texel offset.
