private static int s_GBufferZ; |
private static int s_CameraTarget; |
private static int s_CameraDepthTexture; |
//private static int s_CameraReflectionsTexture;
private static int s_CameraReflectionsTexture; |
private static int m_ReflectionsApplyPassNdx; |
private Material m_DeferredMaterial; |
private Material m_DeferredReflectionMaterial; |
m_BlitMaterial = new Material (finalPassShader) { hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave }; |
m_DeferredMaterial = new Material (deferredShader) { hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave }; |
m_DeferredReflectionMaterial = new Material (deferredReflectionShader) { hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave }; |
//m_DeferredReflectionMaterial.SetTexture("_CameraReflectionsTexture", s_CameraReflectionsTexture);
m_ReflectionsPassNdx = m_DeferredMaterial.FindPass ("DEFERRED_REFLECTIONS"); |
m_ReflectionsPassNdx = m_DeferredReflectionMaterial.FindPass ("DEFERRED_REFLECTIONS"); |
m_ReflectionsApplyPassNdx = m_DeferredReflectionMaterial.FindPass ("DEFERRED_APPLY_REFLECTIONS"); |
s_CameraReflectionsTexture = Shader.PropertyToID ("_CameraReflectionsTexture"); |
m_MatWorldToShadow = new Matrix4x4[k_MaxLights * k_MaxShadowmapPerLights]; |
m_DirShadowSplitSpheres = new Vector4[k_MaxDirectionalSplit]; |
void RenderReflections(Camera camera, CommandBuffer cmd, CullResults cullResults, ScriptableRenderContext loop) |
{ |
var probes = cullResults.visibleReflectionProbes; |
var worldToView = camera.worldToCameraMatrix; //WorldToCamera(camera);
var worldToView = camera.worldToCameraMatrix; //WorldToCamera(camera);
// set global state
// TODO: need these?
// built in loop sets: rt->FilterMode(filterNearest), black clearcolor/clear, backfaceMode(Off),
// const float nearDistanceFudged = camera.GetProjectionNear() * 1.001f;
// const float farDistanceFudged = camera.GetProjectionFar() * 0.999f;
// const Vector3f viewDir = -NormalizeSafe(camera.GetCameraToWorldMatrix().GetAxisZ());
// Plane eyePlane;
// eyePlane.SetNormalAndPosition(viewDir, m_Context->m_CurCameraPos);
// backfacesRasterStateDesc.cullMode = kCullFront;
// backfacesDepthStateDesc.depthWrite = false;
// backfacesDepthStateDesc.depthFunc = kFuncGreater;
// defaultReflDepthStateDesc.depthWrite = false;
// defaultReflDepthStateDesc.depthFunc = kFuncAlways;
// device.SetStencilState(devStDisabled, 0);
// draw the base probe
{ |
var props = new MaterialPropertyBlock (); |
props.SetFloat ("_LightAsQuad", 1.0f); |
props.SetFloat ("_SrcBlend", 1.0f); |
props.SetFloat ("_DstBlend", 0.0f); |
// base reflection probe
var topCube = ReflectionProbe.defaultTexture; |
var defdecode = ReflectionProbe.defaultTextureHDRDecodeValues; |
cmd.SetGlobalTexture ("unity_SpecCube0", topCube); |
cmd.SetGlobalVector ("unity_SpecCube0_HDR", defdecode); |
// AABB infAABB(Vector3f::zero, Vector3f::infinityVec);
// Vector4f infMin(infAABB.CalculateMin(), 1.0f);
// Vector4f infMax(infAABB.CalculateMax(), 1.0f);
// cmd.SetGlobalVector("unity_SpecCube0_BoxMin", infMin);
// cmd.SetGlobalVector("unity_SpecCube0_BoxMax", infMax);
cmd.SetGlobalVector ("unity_SpecCube0_ProbePosition", new Vector4 (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); |
cmd.SetGlobalVector ("unity_SpecCube1_ProbePosition", new Vector4 (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); |
// skip sky
// GfxStencilState stencil;
// stencil.stencilEnable = true;
// stencil.stencilFuncFront = stencil.stencilFuncBack = kFuncEqual;
// stencil.readMask = kStencilMaskSomething;
// int stencilRef = kStencilMaskSomething;
// const DeviceStencilState* devStCheck = device.CreateStencilState(stencil);
// device.SetStencilState(devStCheck, stencilRef);
// LoadFullScreenOrthoMatrix(0.0f, camera.GetProjectionFar(), device);
// screenspace
cmd.DrawMesh (m_QuadMesh, Matrix4x4.identity, m_DeferredReflectionMaterial, 0, m_ReflectionsPassNdx, props); |
} |
// TODO: need this? --> Set the ambient probe into the SH constants otherwise
// SetSHConstants(builtins, m_LightprobeContext.ambientProbe);
// render all probes
var volType = LightDefinitions.BOX_LIGHT; |
var cubemap = rl.texture; |
// always a box for now
var bnds = rl.bounds; |
var boxOffset = rl.center; // reflection volume offset relative to cube map capture point
var blendDistance = rl.blendDistance; |
// var blendDistance = rl.blendDistance;
// var boxProj = (rl.boxProjection != 0);
// var decodeVals = rl.hdr;
//var boxProj = (rl.boxProjection != 0);
//var decodeVals = rl.hdr;
// var e = bnds.extents; // 0.5f * Vector3.Max(-boxSizes[p], boxSizes[p]);
//Vector3 C = bnds.center; // P + boxOffset;
// var e = bnds.extents; // 0.5f * Vector3.Max(-boxSizes[p], boxSizes[p]);
// Vector3 C = bnds.center; // P + boxOffset;
var Cw = worldToView.MultiplyPoint(C); |
// var combinedExtent = e + new Vector3(blendDistance, blendDistance, blendDistance);
// Vector3 vx = mat.GetColumn(0);
// Vector3 vy = mat.GetColumn(1);
// Vector3 vz = mat.GetColumn(2);
// // transform to camera space (becomes a left hand coordinate frame in Unity since Determinant(worldToView)<0)
// vx = worldToView.MultiplyVector(vx);
// vy = worldToView.MultiplyVector(vy);
// vz = worldToView.MultiplyVector(vz);
var Cw = worldToView.MultiplyPoint(C); |
//Debug.Log (String.Format("Reflection probe bounds: {0}", bnds.ToString()));
//Debug.Log (String.Format("Reflection probe center: {0}", boxOffset.ToString()));
bool renderAsQuad = false; |
props.SetVector ("_LightPos",Cw); |
props.SetFloat ("_LightAsQuad", renderAsQuad ? 1 : 0); |
//props.SetFloat ("_LightAsQuad", renderAsQuad ? 1 : 0);
//props.SetVector ("_LightDir", new Vector4(lightDir.x, lightDir.y, lightDir.z, 0.0f));
//props.SetVector ("_LightColor", light.finalColor);
//props.SetMatrix ("_WorldToLight", lightToWorld.inverse);
cmd.SetGlobalTexture("unity_SpecCube0", cubemap); |
cmd.SetGlobalVector("unity_SpecCube0_HDR", rl.probe.textureHDRDecodeValues); |
cmd.SetGlobalVector ("unity_SpecCube0_BoxMin", rl.bounds.min); |
cmd.SetGlobalVector ("unity_SpecCube0_BoxMax", rl.bounds.max); |
cmd.SetGlobalVector ("unity_SpecCube0_ProbePosition", Cw); |
cmd.DrawMesh (m_BoxMesh, Matrix4x4.identity, m_DeferredReflectionMaterial, 0, m_ReflectionsPassNdx, props); |
cmd.DrawMesh (m_BoxMesh, mat, m_DeferredReflectionMaterial, 0, m_ReflectionsPassNdx, props); |
} |
void RenderApplyReflections(Camera camera, CommandBuffer cmd, CullResults cullResults, ScriptableRenderContext loop) |
{ |
// draw offscreen accumulation buffer onto emission buffer
var props = new MaterialPropertyBlock (); |
// props.SetFloat ("_LightAsQuad", 1);
cmd.SetGlobalTexture ("_CameraReflectionsTexture", s_CameraReflectionsTexture); |
cmd.DrawMesh (m_QuadMesh, Matrix4x4.identity, m_DeferredReflectionMaterial, 0, m_ReflectionsApplyPassNdx, props); |
} |
void RenderShadowMaps(CullResults cullResults, ScriptableRenderContext loop) |
void RenderLighting (Camera camera, CullResults inputs, ScriptableRenderContext loop) |
{ |
var cmd = new CommandBuffer { name = "Lighting" }; |
{ |
var cmd = new CommandBuffer { name = "Reflections" }; |
// IF PLATFORM_MAC -- cannot use framebuffer fetch
cmd.SetRenderTarget (new RenderTargetIdentifier(s_GBufferEmission), new RenderTargetIdentifier (s_GBufferZ)); |
// setup offscreen render target for reflections
cmd.GetTemporaryRT (s_CameraReflectionsTexture, camera.pixelWidth, camera.pixelHeight, 0, FilterMode.Point, RenderTextureFormat.DefaultHDR, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear); |
cmd.SetRenderTarget (new RenderTargetIdentifier (s_CameraReflectionsTexture), new RenderTargetIdentifier (s_GBufferZ)); |
foreach (var light in inputs.visibleLights) |
{ |
RenderLightGeometry (camera, light, cmd, loop); |
RenderReflections (camera, cmd, inputs, loop); |
loop.ExecuteCommandBuffer (cmd); |
cmd.Dispose (); |
RenderReflections(camera, cmd, inputs, loop); |
{ |
var cmd = new CommandBuffer { name = "Lighting" }; |
loop.ExecuteCommandBuffer (cmd); |
cmd.Dispose (); |
// IF PLATFORM_MAC -- cannot use framebuffer fetch
cmd.SetRenderTarget (new RenderTargetIdentifier (s_GBufferEmission), new RenderTargetIdentifier (s_GBufferZ)); |
foreach (var light in inputs.visibleLights) { |
RenderLightGeometry (camera, light, cmd, loop); |
} |
RenderApplyReflections (camera, cmd, inputs, loop); |
loop.ExecuteCommandBuffer (cmd); |
cmd.Dispose (); |
} |
} |
void RenderLightGeometry (Camera camera, VisibleLight light, CommandBuffer cmd, ScriptableRenderContext loop) |
if (cookie != null) |
cmd.EnableShaderKeyword ("DIRECTIONAL_COOKIE"); |
cmd.DrawMesh (m_QuadMesh, Matrix4x4.identity, m_DeferredMaterial, 0, m_quadLightingPassNdx, props); |
} |
} |