o.normal = normal; |
#endif |
#if defined(_VERTEX_LIGHTS) |
half4 diffuseAndSpecular = half4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); |
for (int lightIndex = globalLightCount.x; lightIndex < globalLightCount.y; ++lightIndex) |
{ |
half4 specularGloss; |
SpecularGloss(i.uv01.xy, diffuse, alpha, specularGloss); |
// Indirect Light Contribution |
half3 indirect; |
Indirect(i, diffuse, normal, alpha, indirect); |
half3 emissionColor; |
Emission(i, emissionColor); |
// Compute direct contribution from main directional light. |
// Only a single directional shadow caster is supported. |
LightInput mainLight; |
INITIALIZE_LIGHT(mainLight, 0); |
half3 viewDir = i.viewDir.xyz; |
half3 directColor = EvaluateOneLight(mainLight, diffuse, specularGloss, normal, i.posWS, viewDir); |
directColor *= ComputeShadowAttenuation(i); |
half shadowAttenuation = ComputeShadowAttenuation(i); |
#else |
half shadowAttenuation = 1.0f; |
half3 viewDir = i.viewDir.xyz; |
// Compute direct contribution from additional lights. |
for (int lightIndex = 1; lightIndex < globalLightCount.x; ++lightIndex) |
// TODO: Restrict pixel lights by 4. This way we can keep moderate constrain for most LD project |
// and can benefit from better data layout/avoid branching by doing vec math. |
half3 color = half3(0, 0, 0); |
for (int lightIndex = 0; lightIndex < globalLightCount.x; ++lightIndex) |
directColor += EvaluateOneLight(additionalLight, diffuse, specularGloss, normal, i.posWS, viewDir); |
color += EvaluateOneLight(additionalLight, diffuse, specularGloss, normal, i.posWS, viewDir); |
if (lightIndex == 0) |
color *= shadowAttenuation; |
half3 color = directColor + indirect + emissionColor; |
half3 emissionColor; |
Emission(i, emissionColor); |
color += emissionColor; |
#if defined(LIGHTMAP_ON) |
color += (DecodeLightmap(UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(unity_Lightmap, i.uv01.zw)) + i.fogCoord.yzw) * diffuse; |
#elif defined(_VERTEX_LIGHTS) || defined(_VERTEX_AND_PIXEL_LIGHTS) |
color += i.fogCoord.yzw * diffuse; |
#endif |
// TODO: we can use reflect vec to compute specular instead of half when computing cubemap reflection |
half3 reflectVec = reflect(-i.viewDir.xyz, normal); |
color += texCUBE(_Cube, reflectVec).rgb * _ReflectColor.rgb * specularGloss.rgb; |
#endif |
UNITY_APPLY_FOG(i.fogCoord, color); |
return OutputColor(color, alpha); |