

Evgenii Golubev 7 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 32 次插入26 次删除
  1. 2
  2. 56


for (int i = 0; i < profiles.Length; i++)
names[i + 1] = new GUIContent(profiles[i].name);
values[i + 1] = i;
values[i + 1] = i + 1;
using (var scope = new EditorGUI.ChangeCheckScope())


public class SssConstants
public const int SSS_N_PROFILES = 16; // Max. number of profiles, including the slot taken by the neutral profile
public const int SSS_NEUTRAL_PROFILE_ID = SSS_N_PROFILES - 1; // Does not result in blurring
public const int SSS_N_PROFILES = 16; // Max. number of profiles, including the slot taken by the neutral profile
public const int SSS_NEUTRAL_PROFILE_ID = 0; // Does not result in blurring
public const int SSS_N_SAMPLES_NEAR_FIELD = 55; // Used for extreme close ups; must be a Fibonacci number
public const int SSS_N_SAMPLES_FAR_FIELD = 21; // Used at a regular distance; must be a Fibonacci number
public const int SSS_LOD_THRESHOLD = 4; // The LoD threshold of the near-field kernel (in pixels)

void OnEnable()
if (profiles != null && profiles.Length != SssConstants.SSS_NEUTRAL_PROFILE_ID)
Array.Resize(ref profiles, SssConstants.SSS_NEUTRAL_PROFILE_ID);
// The neutral profile is not a part of the array.
int profileArraySize = SssConstants.SSS_N_PROFILES - 1;
if (profiles != null && profiles.Length != profileArraySize)
Array.Resize(ref profiles, profileArraySize);
profiles = new SubsurfaceScatteringProfile[SssConstants.SSS_NEUTRAL_PROFILE_ID];
profiles = new SubsurfaceScatteringProfile[profileArraySize];
for (int i = 0; i < SssConstants.SSS_NEUTRAL_PROFILE_ID; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < profileArraySize; i++)
profiles[i] = new SubsurfaceScatteringProfile("Profile " + i);
profiles[i] = new SubsurfaceScatteringProfile("Profile " + i + 1);

// <<< Old SSS Model
public void UpdateCache(int i)
public void UpdateCache(int p)
// 'p' is the profile array index. 'i' is the index in the shader (accounting for the neutral profile).
int i = p + 1;
// Erase previous value (This need to be done here individually as in the SSS editor we edit individual component)
int mask = 1 << i;
texturingModeFlags &= ~mask;

texturingModeFlags |= (int)profiles[i].texturingMode << i;
transmissionFlags |= (int)profiles[i].transmissionMode << i * 2;
texturingModeFlags |= (int)profiles[p].texturingMode << i;
transmissionFlags |= (int)profiles[p].transmissionMode << i * 2;
thicknessRemaps[i] = new Vector4(profiles[i].thicknessRemap.x, profiles[i].thicknessRemap.y - profiles[i].thicknessRemap.x, 0f, 0f);
worldScales[i] = new Vector4(profiles[i].worldScale, 0f, 0f, 0f);
shapeParams[i] = profiles[i].shapeParam;
shapeParams[i].w = profiles[i].maxRadius;
transmissionTints[i] = profiles[i].transmissionTint * 0.25f; // Premultiplied
thicknessRemaps[i] = new Vector4(profiles[p].thicknessRemap.x, profiles[p].thicknessRemap.y - profiles[p].thicknessRemap.x, 0f, 0f);
worldScales[i] = new Vector4(profiles[p].worldScale, 0f, 0f, 0f);
shapeParams[i] = profiles[p].shapeParam;
shapeParams[i].w = profiles[p].maxRadius;
transmissionTints[i] = profiles[p].transmissionTint * 0.25f; // Premultiplied
filterKernels[n * i + j].x = profiles[i].filterKernelNearField[j].x;
filterKernels[n * i + j].y = profiles[i].filterKernelNearField[j].y;
filterKernels[n * i + j].x = profiles[p].filterKernelNearField[j].x;
filterKernels[n * i + j].y = profiles[p].filterKernelNearField[j].y;
filterKernels[n * i + j].z = profiles[i].filterKernelFarField[j].x;
filterKernels[n * i + j].w = profiles[i].filterKernelFarField[j].y;
filterKernels[n * i + j].z = profiles[p].filterKernelFarField[j].x;
filterKernels[n * i + j].w = profiles[p].filterKernelFarField[j].y;
halfRcpWeightedVariances[i] = profiles[i].halfRcpWeightedVariances;
halfRcpWeightedVariances[i] = profiles[p].halfRcpWeightedVariances;
var stdDev1 = ((1f / 3f) * SssConstants.SSS_BASIC_DISTANCE_SCALE) * (Vector4)profiles[i].scatterDistance1;
var stdDev2 = ((1f / 3f) * SssConstants.SSS_BASIC_DISTANCE_SCALE) * (Vector4)profiles[i].scatterDistance2;
var stdDev1 = ((1f / 3f) * SssConstants.SSS_BASIC_DISTANCE_SCALE) * (Vector4)profiles[p].scatterDistance1;
var stdDev2 = ((1f / 3f) * SssConstants.SSS_BASIC_DISTANCE_SCALE) * (Vector4)profiles[p].scatterDistance2;
halfRcpVariancesAndWeights[2 * i + 0] = new Vector4(a * a * 0.5f / (stdDev1.x * stdDev1.x), a * a * 0.5f / (stdDev1.y * stdDev1.y), a * a * 0.5f / (stdDev1.z * stdDev1.z), 4f * (1f - profiles[i].lerpWeight));
halfRcpVariancesAndWeights[2 * i + 1] = new Vector4(a * a * 0.5f / (stdDev2.x * stdDev2.x), a * a * 0.5f / (stdDev2.y * stdDev2.y), a * a * 0.5f / (stdDev2.z * stdDev2.z), 4f * profiles[i].lerpWeight);
halfRcpVariancesAndWeights[2 * i + 0] = new Vector4(a * a * 0.5f / (stdDev1.x * stdDev1.x), a * a * 0.5f / (stdDev1.y * stdDev1.y), a * a * 0.5f / (stdDev1.z * stdDev1.z), 4f * (1f - profiles[p].lerpWeight));
halfRcpVariancesAndWeights[2 * i + 1] = new Vector4(a * a * 0.5f / (stdDev2.x * stdDev2.x), a * a * 0.5f / (stdDev2.y * stdDev2.y), a * a * 0.5f / (stdDev2.z * stdDev2.z), 4f * profiles[p].lerpWeight);
filterKernelsBasic[n * i + j] = profiles[i].filterKernelBasic[j];
filterKernelsBasic[n * i + j] = profiles[p].filterKernelBasic[j];
// <<< Old SSS Model