m_ShadowMapRTID = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_ShadowMap" ) ;
CameraRenderTargetID . color = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_CameraColorRT" ) ;
CameraRenderTargetID . copyColor = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_CameraCopyCo lorR T" ) ;
CameraRenderTargetID . copyColor = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_CameraColorTexture " ) ;
CameraRenderTargetID . depth = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_CameraDepthTexture" ) ;
CameraRenderTargetID . depthCopy = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_CameraCopyDepthTexture" ) ;
reflectionProbeSupportFlags = SupportedRenderingFeatures . ReflectionProbeSupportFlags . None ,
defaultMixedLightingMode = SupportedRenderingFeatures . LightmapMixedBakeMode . Subtractive ,
supportedMixedLightingModes = SupportedRenderingFeatures . LightmapMixedBakeMode . Subtractive ,
supportedMixedLightingModes = SupportedRenderingFeatures . LightmapMixedBakeMode . Subtractive | SupportedRenderingFeatures . LightmapMixedBakeMode . IndirectOnly ,
supportedLightmapBakeTypes = LightmapBakeType . Baked | LightmapBakeType . Mixed ,
supportedLightmapsModes = LightmapsMode . CombinedDirectional | LightmapsMode . NonDirectional ,
rendererSupportsLightProbeProxyVolumes = false ,
private void AfterOpaque ( ref ScriptableRenderContext context , FrameRenderingConfiguration config )
bool requireColorTexture = LightweightUtils . HasFlag ( config , FrameRenderingConfiguration . RequireColorTexture ) ;
if ( requireColorTexture )
cmd . SetGlobalTexture ( m_BlitTexID , m_ColorRT ) ;
cmd . SetGlobalTexture ( CameraRenderTargetID . copyColor , m_CopyColorRT ) ;
// When only one opaque effect is active we need to blit to a work RT. We blit to copy color.
// TODO: We can check if there are more than one opaque postfx and avoid an extra blit.
m_CurrCameraColorRT = m_CopyColorRT ;
if ( requireColorTexture )
cmd . Blit ( m_CurrCameraColorRT , m_CopyColorRT , m_BlitMaterial ) ;
m_CurrCameraColorRT = m_CopyColorRT ;
if ( LightweightUtils . HasFlag ( config , FrameRenderingConfiguration . DepthCopy ) )
CopyTexture ( cmd , m_DepthRT , m_CopyDepth , m_CopyDepthMaterial ) ;
if ( m_CameraPostProcessLayer . HasOpaqueOnlyEffects ( m_PostProcessRenderContext ) )
configuration | = FrameRenderingConfiguration . BeforeTransparentPostProcess ;
// Resolving depth msaa requires texture2DMS. Currently if msaa is enabled we do a depth pre-pass.
if ( msaaEnabled )
configuration | = FrameRenderingConfiguration . DepthPass ;
// In case of soft particles we need depth copy. If depth copy not supported fallback to depth prepass
intermediateTexture = true ;
bool supportsDepthCopy = m_CopyTextureSupport ! = CopyTextureSupport . None & & m_Asset . CopyDepthShader . isSupported ;
// currently fallback to depth prepass if msaa is enabled since. We need texture2DMS to support depth resolve.
configuration | = ( msaaEnabled | | ! supportsDepthCopy ) ? FrameRenderingConfiguration . DepthPass : FrameRenderingConfiguration . DepthCopy ;
if ( msaaEnabled )
Rect cameraRect = m_CurrCamera . rect ;
if ( ! ( Math . Abs ( cameraRect . x ) > 0.0f | | Math . Abs ( cameraRect . y ) > 0.0f | | Math . Abs ( cameraRect . width ) < 1.0f | | Math . Abs ( cameraRect . height ) < 1.0f ) )
configuration | = FrameRenderingConfiguration . DefaultViewport ;
if ( m_Asset . RequireCameraColorTexture )
intermediateTexture = true ;
m_RequiredDepth = true ;
configuration | = ( FrameRenderingConfiguration . RequireColorTexture | FrameRenderingConfiguration . DepthCopy ) ;
// Resolving depth msaa requires texture2DMS. Currently if msaa is enabled we do a depth pre-pass.
if ( m_RequiredDepth & & msaaEnabled )
configuration | = FrameRenderingConfiguration . DepthPass ;
if ( intermediateTexture )
configuration | = FrameRenderingConfiguration . IntermediateTexture ;
// When postprocessing is enabled we might have a before transparent effect. In that case we need to
// use the camera render target as input. We blit to an opaque RT and then after before postprocessing is done
// we blit to the final camera RT. If no postprocessing we blit to final camera RT from beginning.
if ( LightweightUtils . HasFlag ( renderingConfig , FrameRenderingConfiguration . BeforeTransparentPostProcess ) )
if ( LightweightUtils . HasFlag ( renderingConfig , FrameRenderingConfiguration . BeforeTransparentPostProcess ) | | LightweightUtils . HasFlag ( renderingConfig , FrameRenderingConfiguration . RequireColorTexture ) )
cmd . GetTemporaryRT ( CameraRenderTargetID . copyColor , colorRTDesc , FilterMode . Point ) ;
if ( ! m_IsOffscreenCamera )
colorRT = m_CurrCameraColorRT ;
if ( m_RequiredDepth & & ! LightweightUtils . HasFlag ( renderingConfig , FrameRenderingConfiguration . DepthPass ) )
if ( m_RequiredDepth | | ! LightweightUtils . HasFlag ( renderingConfig , FrameRenderingConfiguration . DepthPass ) )
depthRT = m_DepthRT ;