static Vector4 kMax = new Vector4 ( 0.5f , 0.0f , 0.5f , 1.0f ) ;
static public Mesh m_DecalMesh = null ;
static public Matrix4x4 [ ] m_InstanceMatrices = new Matrix4x4 [ kDrawIndexedBatchSize ] ;
static public Matrix4x4 [ ] m_InstanceNormalToWorld = new Matrix4x4 [ kDrawIndexedBatchSize ] ;
// static public Matrix4x4[] m_InstanceMatrices = new Matrix4x4[kDrawIndexedBatchSize];
// static public Matrix4x4[] m_InstanceNormalToWorld = new Matrix4x4[kDrawIndexedBatchSize];
static public List < DecalData > m_DecalDataList = new List < DecalData > ( ) ;
static public float [ ] m_BoundingDistances = new float [ 1 ] ;
private Dictionary < int , DecalSet > m_DecalSets = new Dictionary < int , DecalSet > ( ) ;
public void UpdateCachedData ( DecalProjectorComponent decal )
m_CachedTransforms [ decal . CullIndex ] = decal . transform . localToWorldMatrix ;
m_CachedDecalToWorld [ decal . CullIndex ] = decal . transform . localToWorldMatrix ;
Matrix4x4 decalRotation = Matrix4x4 . Rotate ( decal . transform . rotation ) ;
// z/y axis swap for normal to decal space, Unity is column major
? decal . m_DrawDistance
: instance . DrawDistance ;
m_CachedDrawDistances [ decal . CullIndex ] . y = decal . m_FadeScale ;
m_BoundingSpheres [ decal . CullIndex ] = GetDecalProjectBoundingSphere ( m_CachedTransforms [ decal . CullIndex ] ) ;
m_BoundingSpheres [ decal . CullIndex ] = GetDecalProjectBoundingSphere ( m_CachedDecalToWorld [ decal . CullIndex ] ) ;
public void AddDecal ( DecalProjectorComponent decal )
m_Decals . CopyTo ( newDecals , 0 ) ;
m_BoundingSpheres . CopyTo ( newSpheres , 0 ) ;
m_CachedTransforms . CopyTo ( newCachedTransforms , 0 ) ;
m_CachedDecalToWorld . CopyTo ( newCachedTransforms , 0 ) ;
m_CachedTransforms = newCachedTransforms ;
m_CachedDecalToWorld = newCachedTransforms ;
m_CachedNormalToWorld = newCachedNormalToWorld ;
m_CachedDrawDistances = newCachedDrawDistances ;
// update the bounding spheres array
m_BoundingSpheres [ removeAtIndex ] = m_BoundingSpheres [ m_DecalsCount - 1 ] ;
m_CachedTransforms [ removeAtIndex ] = m_CachedTransforms [ m_DecalsCount - 1 ] ;
m_CachedDecalToWorld [ removeAtIndex ] = m_CachedDecalToWorld [ m_DecalsCount - 1 ] ;
m_CachedNormalToWorld [ removeAtIndex ] = m_CachedNormalToWorld [ m_DecalsCount - 1 ] ;
m_CachedDrawDistances [ removeAtIndex ] = m_CachedDrawDistances [ m_DecalsCount - 1 ] ;
m_DecalsCount - - ;
return m_NumResults ;
private void CreateDrawData ( )
if ( m_NumResults = = 0 )
return ;
int instanceCount = 0 ;
int batchCount = 0 ;
Matrix4x4 [ ] decalToWorldBatch = null ;
Matrix4x4 [ ] normalToWorldBatch = null ;
AssignCurrentBatches ( ref decalToWorldBatch , ref normalToWorldBatch , batchCount ) ;
Vector3 cameraPos = m_CullingGroup . targetCamera . transform . position ;
for ( int resultIndex = 0 ; resultIndex < m_NumResults ; resultIndex + + )
int decalIndex = m_ResultIndices [ resultIndex ] ;
// do additional culling based on individual decal draw distances
float distanceToDecal = ( cameraPos - m_BoundingSpheres [ decalIndex ] . position ) . magnitude ;
float cullDistance = m_CachedDrawDistances [ decalIndex ] . x + m_BoundingSpheres [ decalIndex ] . radius ;
if ( distanceToDecal < cullDistance )
// dbuffer data
decalToWorldBatch [ instanceCount ] = m_CachedDecalToWorld [ decalIndex ] ;
normalToWorldBatch [ instanceCount ] = m_CachedNormalToWorld [ decalIndex ] ;
float fadeFactor = Mathf . Clamp ( ( cullDistance - distanceToDecal ) / ( cullDistance * ( 1.0f - m_CachedDrawDistances [ decalIndex ] . y ) ) , 0.0f , 1.0f ) ;
normalToWorldBatch [ instanceCount ] . m03 = fadeFactor * m_Blend ; // vector3 rotation matrix so bottom row and last column can be used for other data to save space
normalToWorldBatch [ instanceCount ] . m13 = m_DiffuseTexIndex ; // texture atlas indices needed for clustered
normalToWorldBatch [ instanceCount ] . m23 = m_NormalTexIndex ;
normalToWorldBatch [ instanceCount ] . m33 = m_MaskTexIndex ;
// clustered forward data
DecalData decalData = new DecalData ( ) ;
decalData . worldToDecal = decalToWorldBatch [ instanceCount ] ; // this will be inverted by the light loop code, decal to world is needed there to create bounds
decalData . normalToWorld = normalToWorldBatch [ instanceCount ] ;
m_DecalDataList . Add ( decalData ) ;
instanceCount + + ;
if ( instanceCount = = kDrawIndexedBatchSize )
instanceCount = 0 ;
batchCount + + ;
AssignCurrentBatches ( ref decalToWorldBatch , ref normalToWorldBatch , batchCount ) ;
public void EndCull ( )
if ( m_CullingGroup = = null )
CreateDrawData ( ) ;
void AssignCurrentBatches ( ref Matrix4x4 [ ] decalToWorldBatch , ref Matrix4x4 [ ] normalToWorldBatch , int batchCount )
if ( m_DecalToWorld . Count = = batchCount )
decalToWorldBatch = new Matrix4x4 [ kDrawIndexedBatchSize ] ;
m_DecalToWorld . Add ( decalToWorldBatch ) ;
normalToWorldBatch = new Matrix4x4 [ kDrawIndexedBatchSize ] ;
m_NormalToWorld . Add ( normalToWorldBatch ) ;
decalToWorldBatch = m_DecalToWorld [ batchCount ] ;
normalToWorldBatch = m_NormalToWorld [ batchCount ] ;
void UpdateTextureCache ( CommandBuffer cmd )
if ( ( m_DiffuseTexIndex = = - 1 ) & & ( m_DiffuseTexture ! = null ) )
instance . TextureAtlas . RemoveEntryFromSlice ( m_MaskTexture ) ;
public void UpdateCachedMaterialData ( CommandBuffer cmd )
InitializeMaterialValues ( ) ; // refresh in case they changed in the UI
UpdateTextureCache ( cmd ) ;
public void Render ( ScriptableRenderContext renderContext , HDCamera camera , CommandBuffer cmd , LightLoop lightLoop )
public void RenderIntoDBuffer ( CommandBuffer cmd )
InitializeMaterialValues ( ) ; // refresh in case they changed in the UI
UpdateTextureCache ( cmd ) ;
int batchIndex = 0 ;
int totalToDraw = m_NumResults ;
for ( ; batchIndex < m_NumResults / kDrawIndexedBatchSize ; batchIndex + + )
m_PropertyBlock . SetMatrixArray ( m_NormalToWorldID , m_NormalToWorld [ batchIndex ] ) ;
cmd . DrawMeshInstanced ( m_DecalMesh , 0 , KeyMaterial , 0 , m_DecalToWorld [ batchIndex ] , kDrawIndexedBatchSize , m_PropertyBlock ) ;
totalToDraw - = kDrawIndexedBatchSize ;
if ( totalToDraw > 0 )
m_PropertyBlock . SetMatrixArray ( m_NormalToWorldID , m_NormalToWorld [ batchIndex ] ) ;
cmd . DrawMeshInstanced ( m_DecalMesh , 0 , KeyMaterial , 0 , m_DecalToWorld [ batchIndex ] , totalToDraw , m_PropertyBlock ) ;
/ *
var worldToView = Matrix4x4 . Scale ( new Vector3 ( 1 , 1 , - 1 ) ) * camera . camera . worldToCameraMatrix ;
int instanceCount = 0 ;
Vector3 cameraPos = camera . cameraPos ;
m_PropertyBlock . SetMatrixArray ( m_NormalToWorldID , m_InstanceNormalToWorld ) ;
cmd . DrawMeshInstanced ( m_DecalMesh , 0 , KeyMaterial , 0 , m_InstanceMatrices , instanceCount , m_PropertyBlock ) ;
} * /
public Material KeyMaterial
private List < Matrix4x4 [ ] > m_DecalToWorld = new List < Matrix4x4 [ ] > ( ) ;
private List < Matrix4x4 [ ] > m_NormalToWorld = new List < Matrix4x4 [ ] > ( ) ;
private CullingGroup m_CullingGroup = null ;
private BoundingSphere [ ] m_BoundingSpheres = new BoundingSphere [ kDecalBlockSize ] ;
private DecalProjectorComponent [ ] m_Decals = new DecalProjectorComponent [ kDecalBlockSize ] ;
private Matrix4x4 [ ] m_CachedTransforms = new Matrix4x4 [ kDecalBlockSize ] ;
private Matrix4x4 [ ] m_CachedDecalToWorld = new Matrix4x4 [ kDecalBlockSize ] ;
private Matrix4x4 [ ] m_CachedNormalToWorld = new Matrix4x4 [ kDecalBlockSize ] ;
private Vector2 [ ] m_CachedDrawDistances = new Vector2 [ kDecalBlockSize ] ; // x - draw distance, y - fade scale
private Material m_Material ;
public void EndCull ( )
m_DecalDataList . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( var pair in m_DecalSets )
pair . Value . EndCull ( ) ;
// need a better way than passing light loop here
public void Render ( ScriptableRenderContext renderContext , HDCamera camera , CommandBuffer cmd , LightLoop lightLoop )
public void RenderIntoDBuffer ( CommandBuffer cmd )
if ( m_DecalMesh = = null )
m_DecalMesh = CoreUtils . CreateCubeMesh ( kMin , kMax ) ;
pair . Value . Render ( renderContext , camera , cmd , lightLoop ) ;
pair . Value . RenderIntoDBuffer ( cmd ) ;
cmd . SetGlobalTexture ( m_DecalAtlasID , m_DecalAtlas . GetTexCache ( ) ) ;
cmd . SetGlobalTexture ( m_DecalAtlasID , TextureAtlas . GetTexCache ( ) ) ;
public void UpdateCachedMaterialData ( CommandBuffer cmd )
foreach ( var pair in m_DecalSets )
pair . Value . UpdateCachedMaterialData ( cmd ) ;
public void InvertDecalDataWorldToDecal ( )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_DecalDataList . Count ; i + + )
DecalData decalData = m_DecalDataList [ i ] ;
decalData . worldToDecal = decalData . worldToDecal . inverse ;
m_DecalDataList [ i ] = decalData ;