Readd all existing nodes.
Readd all existing nodes.
Most nodes are now correct. Some still need UI work (texture). Missing some of the 'art' nodes still./main
Tim Cooper
9 年前
共有 105 个文件被更改,包括 2981 次插入 和 27 次删除
using UnityEditor.Graphing; |
using UnityEditor.Graphing.Drawing; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
using UnityEngine.MaterialGraph; |
namespace UnityEditor.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[CustomNodeUI(typeof(ColorNode))] |
public class ColorNodeUI : ICustomNodeUi |
{ |
private ColorNode m_Node; |
public float GetNodeUiHeight(float width) |
{ |
return 2 * EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; |
} |
public GUIModificationType Render(Rect area) |
{ |
if (m_Node == null) |
return GUIModificationType.None; |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
m_Node.color = EditorGUI.ColorField(new Rect(area.x, area.y, area.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), "Value", m_Node.color); |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) |
{ |
return GUIModificationType.Repaint; |
} |
return GUIModificationType.None; |
} |
public void SetNode(INode node) |
{ |
if (node is ColorNode) |
m_Node = (ColorNode) node; |
} |
public float GetNodeWidth() |
{ |
return 200; |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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userData: |
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assetBundleVariant: |
using UnityEditor.Graphing; |
using UnityEditor.Graphing.Drawing; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.MaterialGraph; |
namespace UnityEditor.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[CustomNodeUI(typeof(CombineNode))] |
public class CombineNodeUI : AbstractMaterialNodeUI |
{ |
public float GetNodeUiHeight(float width) |
{ |
return base.GetNodeUiHeight(width) + EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; |
} |
public override GUIModificationType Render(Rect area) |
{ |
var node = m_Node as CombineNode; |
if (node == null) |
return base.Render(area); |
if (m_Node == null) |
return GUIModificationType.None; |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
node.operation = (CombineNode.Operation)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(area, node.operation); |
var toReturn = GUIModificationType.None; |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) |
{ |
toReturn = GUIModificationType.Repaint; |
} |
area.y += 2 * EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; |
area.height -= 2 * EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; |
toReturn |= base.Render(area); |
return toReturn; |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 699eabcc43767844f9558d3314df6b1b |
timeCreated: 1464957369 |
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icon: {instanceID: 0} |
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assetBundleVariant: |
using UnityEditor.Graphing; |
using UnityEditor.Graphing.Drawing; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
using UnityEngine.MaterialGraph; |
namespace UnityEditor.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[CustomNodeUI(typeof(Vector1Node))] |
public class Vector1NodeUI : ICustomNodeUi |
{ |
private Vector1Node m_Node; |
public float GetNodeUiHeight(float width) |
{ |
return 2 * EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; |
} |
public GUIModificationType Render(Rect area) |
{ |
if (m_Node == null) |
return GUIModificationType.None; |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
m_Node.value = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(area.x, area.y, area.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), "Value", m_Node.value); |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) |
{ |
//TODO:tidy this shit.
return GUIModificationType.Repaint; |
} |
return GUIModificationType.None; |
} |
public void SetNode(INode node) |
{ |
if (node is Vector1Node) |
m_Node = (Vector1Node) node; |
} |
public float GetNodeWidth() |
{ |
return 200; |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 384d8aee5b4f7be4986d433b2713a49a |
timeCreated: 1464961768 |
licenseType: Pro |
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icon: {instanceID: 0} |
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using UnityEditor.Graphing; |
using UnityEditor.Graphing.Drawing; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
using UnityEngine.MaterialGraph; |
namespace UnityEditor.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[CustomNodeUI(typeof(Vector2Node))] |
public class Vector2NodeUI : ICustomNodeUi |
{ |
private Vector2Node m_Node; |
public float GetNodeUiHeight(float width) |
{ |
return 2 * EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; |
} |
public GUIModificationType Render(Rect area) |
{ |
if (m_Node == null) |
return GUIModificationType.None; |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
m_Node.value = EditorGUI.Vector2Field(new Rect(area.x, area.y, area.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), "Value", m_Node.value); |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) |
{ |
//TODO:tidy this shit.
return GUIModificationType.Repaint; |
} |
return GUIModificationType.None; |
} |
public void SetNode(INode node) |
{ |
if (node is Vector2Node) |
m_Node = (Vector2Node) node; |
} |
public float GetNodeWidth() |
{ |
return 200; |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 9d3c3a11d71fc154d8d6c3c5a6ebfdfe |
timeCreated: 1464961768 |
licenseType: Pro |
MonoImporter: |
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defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
using UnityEditor.Graphing; |
using UnityEditor.Graphing.Drawing; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
using UnityEngine.MaterialGraph; |
namespace UnityEditor.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[CustomNodeUI(typeof(Vector3Node))] |
public class Vector3NodeUI : ICustomNodeUi |
{ |
private Vector3Node m_Node; |
public float GetNodeUiHeight(float width) |
{ |
return 2 * EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; |
} |
public GUIModificationType Render(Rect area) |
{ |
if (m_Node == null) |
return GUIModificationType.None; |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
m_Node.value = EditorGUI.Vector3Field(new Rect(area.x, area.y, area.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), "Value", m_Node.value); |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) |
{ |
//TODO:tidy this shit.
return GUIModificationType.Repaint; |
} |
return GUIModificationType.None; |
} |
public void SetNode(INode node) |
{ |
if (node is Vector3Node) |
m_Node = (Vector3Node) node; |
} |
public float GetNodeWidth() |
{ |
return 200; |
} |
} |
} |
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guid: fb53610f494711741a3c0f528c5e9d87 |
timeCreated: 1464961769 |
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icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
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using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Math/Absolute Node")] |
class AbsoluteNode : Function1Input, IGeneratesFunction |
{ |
public AbsoluteNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "AbsoluteNode"; |
} |
protected override string GetFunctionName() {return "unity_absolute_" + precision; } |
public void GenerateNodeFunction(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputString = new ShaderGenerator(); |
foreach (var precision in m_PrecisionNames) |
{ |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("inline " + precision + outputDimension + " unity_absolute_" + precision + " (" + precision + outputDimension + " arg1)", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("return abs(arg1);", false); |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
} |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(outputString.GetShaderString(0), true); |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 4b496ffd32c22d94bb525897d152da05 |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Art/Blend Node")] |
public class BlendNode : Function2Input, IGeneratesFunction |
{ |
public BlendNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "BlendNode"; |
} |
public enum Operation |
{ |
Normal, |
Additive, |
} |
[SerializeField] |
private Operation m_Operation; |
[SerializeField] |
private float m_Blend = 0.5f; |
private static readonly string[] kOpNames = |
{ |
"normal", |
"add" |
}; |
public Operation operation |
{ |
get { return m_Operation; } |
set { m_Operation = value; } |
} |
public float blend |
{ |
get { return m_Blend; } |
set { m_Blend = value; } |
} |
protected override string GetFunctionName() { return "unity_blend_" + kOpNames[(int)m_Operation] + "_" + precision; } |
protected override string GetFunctionCallBody(string input1Value, string input2Value) |
{ |
return GetFunctionName() + "(" + input1Value + ", " + input2Value + ", " + m_Blend + ")"; |
} |
protected void AddOperationBody(ShaderGenerator visitor, string name, string body, string precision) |
{ |
var outputString = new ShaderGenerator(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("inline " + precision + outputDimension +" unity_blend_" + name + "_" + precision + " (" + precision + outputDimension + " arg1, " + precision + outputDimension + " arg2, " + precision + " blend)", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); outputString.Indent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk(body, false); |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(outputString.GetShaderString(0), true); |
} |
public void GenerateNodeFunction(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
foreach (var precision in m_PrecisionNames) |
{ |
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.Normal], "return lerp(arg1, arg2, blend);", precision); |
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.Additive], "return (arg1 + arg2) * blend;", precision); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
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MonoImporter: |
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icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Math/Clamp Node")] |
public class ClampNode : Function3Input, IGeneratesFunction |
{ |
public ClampNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "ClampNode"; |
} |
protected override string GetFunctionName() {return "unity_clamp_" + precision; } |
public void GenerateNodeFunction(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputString = new ShaderGenerator(); |
foreach (var precision in m_PrecisionNames) |
{ |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("inline " + precision + "4 unity_clamp_" + precision + " (" + precision + "4 arg1, " + precision + "4 minval, " + precision + "4 maxval)", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("return clamp(arg1, minval, maxval);", false); |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
} |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(outputString.GetShaderString(0), true); |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: b58e88ce87f05b241b7dc5d9a31bac69 |
MonoImporter: |
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executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Input/Color Node")] |
public class ColorNode : PropertyNode, IGeneratesBodyCode |
{ |
[SerializeField] |
private Color m_Color; |
private const string kOutputSlotName = "Color"; |
public ColorNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "ColorNode"; |
UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization(); |
} |
public sealed override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() |
{ |
AddSlot(new MaterialSlot(kOutputSlotName, kOutputSlotName, SlotType.Output, 0, SlotValueType.Vector4, Vector4.zero)); |
RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(new[] {kOutputSlotName}); |
} |
public override PropertyType propertyType |
{ |
get { return PropertyType.Color; } |
} |
public Color color |
{ |
get { return m_Color; } |
set { m_Color = value; } |
} |
public override void GeneratePropertyUsages(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode, ConcreteSlotValueType slotValueType) |
{ |
if (exposed || generationMode.IsPreview()) |
visitor.AddShaderChunk("float4 " + propertyName + ";", true); |
} |
public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
// we only need to generate node code if we are using a constant... otherwise we can just refer to the property :)
if (exposed || generationMode.IsPreview()) |
return; |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(precision + "4 " + propertyName + " = " + precision + "4 (" + m_Color.r + ", " + m_Color.g + ", " + m_Color.b + ", " + m_Color.a + ");", true); |
} |
public override PreviewProperty GetPreviewProperty() |
{ |
return new PreviewProperty |
{ |
m_Name = propertyName, |
m_PropType = PropertyType.Color, |
m_Color = m_Color |
}; |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 325c0e24c20746345a5f90dc201973f8 |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Art/Combine Node")] |
public class CombineNode : Function2Input, IGeneratesFunction |
{ |
public CombineNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "CombineNode"; |
} |
// Based on information from:
// http://photoblogstop.com/photoshop/photoshop-blend-modes-explained
// http://www.venture-ware.com/kevin/coding/lets-learn-math-photoshop-blend-modes/
// http://mouaif.wordpress.com/2009/01/05/photoshop-math-with-glsl-shaders/
// http://dunnbypaul.net/blends/
public enum Operation |
{ |
Darken, |
Multiply, |
ColorBurn, |
LinearBurn, |
// TODO: DarkerColor (Darken, but based on luminosity)
Lighten, |
Screen, |
ColorDodge, |
LinearDodge, |
// TODO: LighterColor (Lighten, but based on luminosity)
Overlay, |
SoftLight, |
HardLight, |
VividLight, |
LinearLight, |
PinLight, |
HardMix, |
Difference, |
Exclusion, |
Subtract, |
Divide, |
} |
[SerializeField] |
private Operation m_Operation; |
private static readonly string[] kOpNames = { |
"darken", "mul", "cburn", "lburn", |
"lighten", "screen", "cdodge", "ldodge", |
"overlay", "softl", "hardl", "vividl", "linearl", "pinl", "hardmix", |
"diff", "excl", "sub", "div" |
}; |
public Operation operation |
{ |
get { return m_Operation; } |
set { m_Operation = value; } |
} |
protected override string GetFunctionName() { return "unity_combine_" + kOpNames[(int)m_Operation] + "_" + precision; } |
protected void AddOperationBody(ShaderGenerator visitor, string combineName, string body, string combinePrecision) |
{ |
var outputString = new ShaderGenerator(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("inline " + combinePrecision + "4 unity_combine_" + combineName + "_" + combinePrecision + " (" + combinePrecision + "4 arg1, " + combinePrecision + "4 arg2)", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk(body, false); |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(outputString.GetShaderString(0), true); |
} |
public void GenerateNodeFunction(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
foreach (var precision in m_PrecisionNames) |
{ |
// Darken group
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.Darken], "return min(arg1, arg2);", precision); |
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.Multiply], "return arg1 * arg2;", precision); |
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.ColorBurn], "return 1 - (1-arg1)/(arg2+1e-5);", precision); |
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.LinearBurn], "return arg1 + arg2 - 1;", precision); |
// Lighten group
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.Lighten], "return max(arg1, arg2);", precision); |
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.Screen], "return 1- (1-arg1) * (1-arg2);", precision); |
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.ColorDodge], "return arg1/(1-arg2+1e-5);", precision); |
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.LinearDodge], "return arg1 + arg2;", precision); |
// Contrast group
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.Overlay], "return (arg1 < 0.5)? arg1*arg2*2: 1-(1-arg1)*(1-arg2)*2;", precision); |
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.SoftLight], |
"return (1-arg1)*arg1*arg2 + arg1*(1- (1-arg1)*(1-arg2));", precision); |
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.HardLight], "return (arg2 < 0.5)? arg1*arg2*2: 1-(1-arg1)*(1-arg2)*2;", precision); |
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.VividLight], |
"return (arg2 < 0.5)? 1- (1-arg1)/(2*arg2+1e-5): arg1/(1-2*(arg2-0.5)+1e-5);", precision); |
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.LinearLight], "return (arg2 < 0.5)? arg1+(2*arg2)-1: arg1+2*(arg2-0.5);", precision); |
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.PinLight], "return (arg2 < 0.5)? min(arg1, 2*arg2): max(arg1, 2*(arg2-0.5));", precision); |
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.HardMix], "return (arg2 < 1-arg1)? " + precision + "(0):" + precision + "(1);", precision); |
// Inversion group
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.Difference], "return abs(arg2-arg1);", precision); |
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.Exclusion], "return arg1 + arg2 - arg1*arg2*2;", precision); |
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.Subtract], "return max(arg2-arg1, 0.0);", precision); |
AddOperationBody(visitor, kOpNames[(int)Operation.Divide], "return arg1 / (arg2+1e-5);", precision); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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MonoImporter: |
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icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Math/Div Node")] |
public class DivNode : Function2Input, IGeneratesFunction |
{ |
public DivNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "DivNode"; |
} |
protected override string GetFunctionName() {return "unity_div_" + precision; } |
public void GenerateNodeFunction(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputString = new ShaderGenerator(); |
foreach (var precision in m_PrecisionNames) |
{ |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("inline " + precision + "4 unity_div_" + precision + " (" + precision + "4 arg1, " + precision + "4 arg2)", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("return arg1 / arg2;", false); |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
} |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(outputString.GetShaderString(0), true); |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 8e9d13e64300d6942ad51651d39f9ac6 |
MonoImporter: |
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executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Math/Dot Node")] |
public class DotNode : Function2Input |
{ |
public DotNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "DotNode"; |
} |
protected override string GetFunctionName() |
{ |
return "dot"; |
} |
protected override MaterialSlot GetInputSlot1() |
{ |
return new MaterialSlot(GetInputSlot1Name(), GetInputSlot1Name(), SlotType.Input, 0, SlotValueType.Vector3, Vector4.zero); |
} |
protected override MaterialSlot GetInputSlot2() |
{ |
return new MaterialSlot(GetInputSlot2Name(), GetInputSlot2Name(), SlotType.Input, 1, SlotValueType.Vector3, Vector4.zero); |
} |
protected override MaterialSlot GetOutputSlot() |
{ |
return new MaterialSlot(GetOutputSlotName(), GetOutputSlotName(), SlotType.Output, 2, SlotValueType.Vector1, Vector4.zero); |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 97e1d998eea5d644095671979ecf2e54 |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Math/Fresnel Node")] |
class FresnelNode : Function2Input, IGeneratesFunction |
{ |
public FresnelNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "FresnelNode"; |
} |
protected override string GetFunctionName() { return "unity_fresnel_" + precision; } |
public void GenerateNodeFunction(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputString = new ShaderGenerator(); |
foreach (var precision in m_PrecisionNames) |
{ |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("inline " + precision + "4 unity_fresnel_" + precision + " (" + precision + "4 arg1, " + precision + "4 arg2)", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("return (1.0 - dot (normalize (arg1.xyz), normalize (arg2.xyz))).xxxx;", false); |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
} |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(outputString.GetShaderString(0), true); |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 06ab35c1dfe05414787df3ea2772d507 |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
public abstract class Function1Input : AbstractMaterialNode, IGeneratesBodyCode |
{ |
public override bool hasPreview |
{ |
get { return true; } |
} |
protected Function1Input(IGraph owner) |
: base(owner) |
{ |
UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization(); |
} |
public sealed override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() |
{ |
AddSlot(GetInputSlot()); |
AddSlot(GetOutputSlot()); |
RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(validSlots); |
} |
protected string[] validSlots |
{ |
get { return new[] {GetInputSlotName(), GetOutputSlotName()}; } |
} |
protected virtual MaterialSlot GetInputSlot() |
{ |
return new MaterialSlot(GetInputSlotName(), GetInputSlotName(), SlotType.Input, 0, SlotValueType.Dynamic, Vector4.zero); |
} |
protected virtual MaterialSlot GetOutputSlot() |
{ |
return new MaterialSlot(GetOutputSlotName(), GetOutputSlotName(), SlotType.Output, 0, SlotValueType.Dynamic, Vector4.zero); |
} |
protected virtual string GetInputSlotName() {return "Input"; } |
protected virtual string GetOutputSlotName() {return "Output"; } |
protected abstract string GetFunctionName(); |
public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputSlot = FindMaterialOutputSlot(GetOutputSlotName()); |
var inputSlot = FindMaterialInputSlot(GetInputSlotName()); |
if (inputSlot == null || outputSlot == null) |
{ |
Debug.LogError("Invalid slot configuration on node: " + name); |
return; |
} |
var inputValue = GetSlotValue(inputSlot, generationMode); |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(precision + outputDimension + " " + GetOutputVariableNameForSlot(outputSlot) + " = " + GetFunctionCallBody(inputValue) + ";", true); |
} |
protected virtual string GetFunctionCallBody(string inputValue) |
{ |
return GetFunctionName() + " (" + inputValue + ")"; |
} |
public string outputDimension |
{ |
get { return ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(FindMaterialOutputSlot(GetOutputSlotName()).concreteValueType); } |
} |
public string inputDimension |
{ |
get { return ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(FindMaterialInputSlot(GetInputSlotName()).concreteValueType); } |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
public abstract class Function3Input : AbstractMaterialNode, IGeneratesBodyCode |
{ |
public override bool hasPreview |
{ |
get { return true; } |
} |
protected Function3Input(IGraph owner) |
: base(owner) |
{ |
UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization(); |
} |
public sealed override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() |
{ |
AddSlot(GetInputSlot1()); |
AddSlot(GetInputSlot2()); |
AddSlot(GetOutputSlot()); |
RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(validSlots); |
} |
protected string[] validSlots |
{ |
get { return new[] {GetInputSlot1Name(), GetInputSlot2Name(), GetInputSlot3Name(), GetOutputSlotName()}; } |
} |
protected MaterialSlot GetInputSlot1() |
{ |
return new MaterialSlot(GetInputSlot1Name(), GetInputSlot1Name(), SlotType.Input, 0, SlotValueType.Dynamic, Vector4.zero); |
} |
protected MaterialSlot GetInputSlot2() |
{ |
return new MaterialSlot(GetInputSlot2Name(), GetInputSlot2Name(), SlotType.Input, 1, SlotValueType.Dynamic, Vector4.zero); |
} |
protected MaterialSlot GetInputSlot3() |
{ |
return new MaterialSlot(GetInputSlot3Name(), GetInputSlot3Name(), SlotType.Input, 2, SlotValueType.Dynamic, Vector4.zero); |
} |
protected MaterialSlot GetOutputSlot() |
{ |
return new MaterialSlot(GetOutputSlotName(), GetOutputSlotName(), SlotType.Output, 0, SlotValueType.Dynamic, Vector4.zero); |
} |
protected virtual string GetInputSlot1Name() |
{ |
return "Input1"; |
} |
protected virtual string GetInputSlot2Name() |
{ |
return "Input2"; |
} |
protected virtual string GetInputSlot3Name() |
{ |
return "Input3"; |
} |
protected virtual string GetOutputSlotName() |
{ |
return "Output"; |
} |
protected abstract string GetFunctionName(); |
protected virtual string GetFunctionPrototype(string arg1Name, string arg2Name, string arg3Name) |
{ |
return "inline " + precision + outputDimension + " " + GetFunctionName() + " (" |
+ precision + input1Dimension + " " + arg1Name + ", " |
+ precision + input2Dimension + " " + arg2Name + ", " |
+ precision + input3Dimension + " " + arg3Name + ")"; |
} |
public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputSlot = FindMaterialOutputSlot(GetOutputSlotName()); |
var inputSlot1 = FindMaterialInputSlot(GetInputSlot1Name()); |
var inputSlot2 = FindMaterialInputSlot(GetInputSlot2Name()); |
var inputSlot3 = FindMaterialInputSlot(GetInputSlot3Name()); |
if (inputSlot1 == null || inputSlot2 == null || inputSlot3 == null || outputSlot == null) |
{ |
Debug.LogError("Invalid slot configuration on node: " + name); |
return; |
} |
string input1Value = GetSlotValue(inputSlot1, generationMode); |
string input2Value = GetSlotValue(inputSlot2, generationMode); |
string input3Value = GetSlotValue(inputSlot3, generationMode); |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(precision + outputDimension + " " + GetOutputVariableNameForSlot(outputSlot) + " = " + GetFunctionCallBody(input1Value, input2Value, input3Value) + ";", true); |
} |
protected virtual string GetFunctionCallBody(string inputValue1, string inputValue2, string inputValue3) |
{ |
return GetFunctionName() + " (" + inputValue1 + ", " + inputValue2 + ", " + inputValue3 + ")"; |
} |
protected virtual string GetFunctionCallBody(string inputValue) |
{ |
return GetFunctionName() + " (" + inputValue + ")"; |
} |
public string outputDimension |
{ |
get { return ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(FindMaterialOutputSlot(GetOutputSlotName()).concreteValueType); } |
} |
public string input1Dimension |
{ |
get { return ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(FindMaterialInputSlot(GetInputSlot1Name()).concreteValueType); } |
} |
public string input2Dimension |
{ |
get { return ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(FindMaterialInputSlot(GetInputSlot2Name()).concreteValueType); } |
} |
public string input3Dimension |
{ |
get { return ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(FindMaterialInputSlot(GetInputSlot3Name()).concreteValueType); } |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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MonoImporter: |
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defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using System.Linq; |
using UnityEngine; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
namespace UnityEditor.MaterialGraph |
{ |
/*public abstract class FunctionMultiInput : BaseMaterialNode, IGeneratesBodyCode |
{ |
private const string kOutputSlotName = "Output"; |
private const string kBaseInputSlotName = "Input"; |
public override bool hasPreview { get { return true; } } |
public override void OnCreate() |
{ |
base.OnCreate(); |
AddSlot(new Slot(SlotType.OutputSlot, kOutputSlotName)); |
AddSlot(new Slot(SlotType.InputSlot, GetInputSlotName(0))); |
AddSlot(new Slot(SlotType.InputSlot, GetInputSlotName(1))); |
} |
protected bool IsInputSlotConnected(int index) |
{ |
var inputSlot = GetValidInputSlots().FirstOrDefault(x => x.name == GetInputSlotName(index)); |
if (inputSlot == null) |
{ |
Debug.LogError("Invalid slot configuration on node: " + name); |
return false; |
} |
return inputSlot.edges.Count > 0; |
} |
private static string GetInputSlotName(int index) { return kBaseInputSlotName + (index); } |
public override void InputEdgeChanged(Edge e) |
{ |
base.InputEdgeChanged(e); |
int inputSlotCount = GetValidInputSlots().Count(); |
if (IsInputSlotConnected(inputSlotCount - 1)) |
AddSlot(new Slot(SlotType.InputSlot, GetInputSlotName(inputSlotCount))); |
else if (inputSlotCount > 2) |
{ |
var lastSlot = inputSlots.FirstOrDefault(x => x.name == GetInputSlotName(inputSlotCount - 1)); |
if (lastSlot != null) |
RemoveSlot(lastSlot); |
} |
} |
protected abstract string GetFunctionName(); |
public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputSlot = outputSlots.FirstOrDefault(x => x.name == kOutputSlotName); |
if (outputSlot == null) |
{ |
Debug.LogError("Invalid slot configuration on node: " + name); |
return; |
} |
var inputSlots = GetValidInputSlots(); |
int inputSlotCount = inputSlots.Count(); |
// build up a list of the valid input connections
var inputValues = new List<string>(inputSlotCount); |
MaterialWindow.DebugMaterialGraph("Generating On Node: " + GetOutputVariableNameForNode() + " - Preview is: " + generationMode); |
inputValues.AddRange(inputSlots.Select(inputSlot => GetSlotValue(inputSlot, generationMode))); |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(precision + "4 " + GetOutputVariableNameForSlot(outputSlot, generationMode) + " = " + GetFunctionCallBody(inputValues) + ";", true); |
} |
protected virtual string GetFunctionCallBody(List<string> inputValues) |
{ |
string functionCall = inputValues[0]; |
for (int q = 1; q < inputValues.Count; ++q) |
functionCall = GetFunctionName() + " (" + functionCall + ", " + inputValues[q] + ")"; |
return functionCall; |
} |
}*/ |
} |
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userData: |
using System; |
using System.Linq; |
using UnityEngine; |
/* |
namespace UnityEditor.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Fractal/Kaleidoscope Node")] |
class KaleidoscopeNode : BaseMaterialNode, IGeneratesFunction, IGeneratesBodyCode |
{ |
[SerializeField] |
private int m_Iterations = 6; |
private const string kPointInputName = "Point"; |
private const string kConstant1InputName = "Constant1"; |
private const string kConstant2InputName = "Constant2"; |
private const string kOutputSlotName = "Output"; |
public override bool hasPreview { get { return true; } } |
public override void OnCreate() |
{ |
name = "KaleidoscopeNode"; |
base.OnCreate(); |
// AddSlot(new Slot(SlotType.InputSlot, kPointInputName));
//AddSlot(new Slot(SlotType.InputSlot, kConstant1InputName));
//AddSlot(new Slot(SlotType.InputSlot, kConstant2InputName));
//AddSlot(new Slot(SlotType.OutputSlot, kOutputSlotName));
} |
public void GenerateNodeFunction(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputString = new ShaderGenerator(); |
foreach (var precision in m_PrecisionNames) |
{ |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("inline " + precision + "4 unity_kaleidoscope_" + precision + " (" + precision + "2 p, " + precision + "4 c1, " + precision + "4 c2, int iterations)", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("c1 = c1 * 2 - 1;", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("c2 = c2 * 2 - 1;", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("for (int n = 0; n < iterations; n++)", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("p = c1.xy + p * c1.zw + " + precision + "2(dot(p, c2.xy), dot(p, c2.zw));", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("if(p.x < p.y) p.xy = -p.yx;", false); |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("return " + precision + "4(p, 1, 1);", false); |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
} |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(outputString.GetShaderString(0), true); |
} |
public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputSlot = FindOutputSlot(kOutputSlotName); |
var pointInput = FindInputSlot(kPointInputName); |
var constant1Input = FindInputSlot(kConstant1InputName); |
var constant2Input = FindInputSlot(kConstant2InputName); |
if (outputSlot == null || pointInput == null || constant1Input == null || constant2Input == null) |
{ |
Debug.LogError("Invalid slot configuration on node: " + name); |
return; |
} |
string pointInputValue = GetSlotValue(pointInput, generationMode); |
string constant1InputValue = GetSlotValue(constant1Input, generationMode); |
string constant2InputValue = GetSlotValue(constant2Input, generationMode); |
string outName = GetOutputVariableNameForSlot(outputSlot, generationMode); |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(precision + "4 " + outName + " = unity_kaleidoscope_" + precision + "(" + pointInputValue + ".xy, " + constant1InputValue + ", " + constant2InputValue + ", " + m_Iterations + ");", false); |
} |
static float Slider(string title, float value, float from, float to) |
{ |
GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); |
GUILayout.Label(title); |
value = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(value, from, to, GUILayout.Width(64)); |
GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); |
return value; |
} |
/*public override void NodeUI() |
{ |
base.NodeUI(); |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
m_Iterations = (int)Slider("Iterations", (float)m_Iterations, 1, 50); |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) |
RegeneratePreviewShaders(); |
}* |
} |
} |
*/ |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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MonoImporter: |
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defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Math/Length Node")] |
public class LengthNode : Function1Input |
{ |
public LengthNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "LengthNode"; |
} |
protected override string GetFunctionName() { return "length"; } |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 52afae1b1271e864c9c6965dc738c2dd |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Math/Lerp Node")] |
public class LerpNode : Function3Input, IGeneratesFunction |
{ |
public LerpNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "LerpNode"; |
} |
protected override string GetFunctionName() {return "unity_lerp_" + precision; } |
public void GenerateNodeFunction(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputString = new ShaderGenerator(); |
foreach (var precision in m_PrecisionNames) |
{ |
outputString.AddShaderChunk(GetFunctionPrototype("first", "second", "s"), false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("return lerp(first, second, s);", false); |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
} |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(outputString.GetShaderString(0), true); |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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timeCreated: 1444218016 |
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executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
using System; |
using System.Linq; |
using UnityEngine; |
/* |
namespace UnityEditor.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Fractal/Mandelbrot Node")] |
class MandelbrotNode : BaseMaterialNode, IGeneratesFunction, IGeneratesBodyCode |
{ |
[SerializeField] |
private int m_Iterations = 6; |
private const string kPointInputName = "Point"; |
private const string kConstantInputName = "Constant"; |
private const string kOutputSlotName = "Output"; |
public override bool hasPreview { get { return true; } } |
public override void OnCreate() |
{ |
name = "MandelbrotNode"; |
base.OnCreate(); |
//AddSlot(new Slot(SlotType.InputSlot, kPointInputName));
//AddSlot(new Slot(SlotType.InputSlot, kConstantInputName));
//AddSlot(new Slot(SlotType.OutputSlot, kOutputSlotName));
} |
public void GenerateNodeFunction(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputString = new ShaderGenerator(); |
foreach (var precision in m_PrecisionNames) |
{ |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("inline " + precision + "4 unity_mandelbrot_" + precision + " (" + precision + "2 p, " + precision + "2 c, float limit, float scale, int iterations)", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk(precision + " zr = p.x * 4 - 2, zi = p.y * 4 - 2, dzr = 1, dzi = 0, r = 0, len2;", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("for (int n = 0; n < iterations; n++)", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk(precision + " tmp1 = 2 * zr * zi + c.y; zr = zr * zr - zi * zi + c.x; zi = tmp1;", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk(precision + " tmp2 = 2 * (dzr * zi + dzi * zr); dzr = 2 * (dzr * zr - dzi * zi) + 1; dzi = tmp2;", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("len2 = zr * zr + zi * zi;", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("if (len2 > 1000000 * limit) { r = n; break; }", false); |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("return scale * sqrt(len2 / (dzr * dzr + dzi * dzi)) * log(len2);", false); |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
} |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(outputString.GetShaderString(0), true); |
} |
public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var validSlots = ListPool<Slot>.Get(); |
GetValidInputSlots(validSlots); |
var outputSlot = outputSlots.FirstOrDefault(x => x.name == kOutputSlotName); |
var pointInput = validSlots.FirstOrDefault(x => x.name == kPointInputName); |
var constantInput = validSlots.FirstOrDefault(x => x.name == kConstantInputName); |
ListPool<Slot>.Release(validSlots); |
if (outputSlot == null || pointInput == null || constantInput == null) |
{ |
Debug.LogError("Invalid slot configuration on node: " + name); |
return; |
} |
//TODO: This will break if there is NO input connected, use default in that case
var pointProvider = pointInput.edges[0].fromSlot.node as BaseMaterialNode; |
var pointName = pointProvider.GetOutputVariableNameForSlot(pointInput.edges[0].fromSlot, generationMode); |
var constantProvider = constantInput.edges[0].fromSlot.node as BaseMaterialNode; |
var constantName = constantProvider.GetOutputVariableNameForSlot(constantInput.edges[0].fromSlot, generationMode); |
string outName = GetOutputVariableNameForSlot(outputSlot, generationMode); |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(precision + "4 " + outName + " = unity_mandelbrot_" + precision + "(" + pointName + ".xy, " + constantName + ".xy, " + constantName + ".z, " + constantName + ".w, " + m_Iterations + ");", false); |
} |
static float Slider(string title, float value, float from, float to) |
{ |
GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); |
GUILayout.Label(title); |
value = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(value, from, to, GUILayout.Width(64)); |
GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); |
return value; |
} |
/*public override void NodeUI() |
{ |
base.NodeUI(); |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
m_Iterations = (int)Slider("Iterations", (float)m_Iterations, 1, 50); |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) |
RegeneratePreviewShaders(); |
}* |
} |
}*/ |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Math/Maximum Node")] |
public class MaximumNode : Function2Input |
{ |
public MaximumNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "MaximumNode"; |
} |
protected override string GetFunctionName() { return "max"; } |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 1de46e012f3608843978529b36704c2b |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
using UnityEngine.MaterialGraph; |
namespace UnityEditor.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Math/Minimum Node")] |
public class MinimumNode : Function2Input |
{ |
public MinimumNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "MinimumNode"; |
} |
protected override string GetFunctionName() { return "min"; } |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 79ffed9a70f191f4c966a6eb3ae10d07 |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Math/Multiply Node")] |
public class MultiplyNode : Function2Input, IGeneratesFunction |
{ |
public MultiplyNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "MultiplyNode"; |
} |
protected override string GetFunctionName() |
{ |
return "unity_multiply_" + precision; |
} |
public void GenerateNodeFunction(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputString = new ShaderGenerator(); |
foreach (var precision in m_PrecisionNames) |
{ |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("inline " + precision + outputDimension + " " + GetFunctionName() + " (" + precision + input1Dimension + " arg1, " + precision + input2Dimension + " arg2)", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("return arg1 * arg2;", false); |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
} |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(outputString.GetShaderString(0), true); |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 088fb5bde3ece0f4190136b3ab43f7c4 |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Input/Normal Node")] |
public class NormalNode : AbstractMaterialNode |
{ |
public NormalNode(IGraph theOwner) : base(theOwner) |
{ |
name = "Normal"; |
UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization(); |
} |
public sealed override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() |
{ |
AddSlot(new MaterialSlot(kOutputSlotName, kOutputSlotName, SlotType.Output, 0, SlotValueType.Vector3, new Vector4(0,0,1,1))); |
RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(new[] {kOutputSlotName}); |
} |
private const string kOutputSlotName = "Normal"; |
public override bool hasPreview |
{ |
get { return true; } |
} |
public override PreviewMode previewMode |
{ |
get { return PreviewMode.Preview3D; } |
} |
public override string GetOutputVariableNameForSlot(MaterialSlot s) |
{ |
return "o.Normal"; |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 5b34601661908b3499c4c5e2ecd61f75 |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Math/Normalize Node")] |
class NormalizeNode : Function1Input |
{ |
public NormalizeNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "NormalizeNode"; |
} |
protected override string GetFunctionName() { return "normalize"; } |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 7eb73d726827e2c41ae4d68018bc97e1 |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine; |
/* |
namespace UnityEditor.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Fractal/Perlin Node")] |
class PerlinNode : TextureNode, IGeneratesFunction, IGeneratesBodyCode |
{ |
public override bool hasPreview { get { return true; } } |
[SerializeField] |
private int m_Iterations = 4; |
[SerializeField] |
private float m_Decay = 0.5f; |
[SerializeField] |
private float m_Frequency = 2.0f; |
public override void OnCreate() |
{ |
name = "Perlin"; |
base.OnCreate(); |
} |
public void GenerateNodeFunction(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputString = new ShaderGenerator(); |
foreach (var precision in m_PrecisionNames) |
{ |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("inline " + precision + "4 unity_perlin_" + precision + " (" |
+ "sampler2D textureID, " |
+ "int iterations, " |
+ precision + " decay, " |
+ precision + " frequency, " |
+ precision + "2 p" |
+ ")", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk(precision + "4 sum = " + precision + "4(0, 0, 0, 0);", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk(precision + " amp = 0.5;", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("for(int n = 0; n < iterations; n++)", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("sum += amp * tex2D (textureID, p);", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("p *= frequency;", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("amp *= decay;", false); |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("return sum;", false); |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
} |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(outputString.GetShaderString(0), true); |
} |
/* public override void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputSlot = FindOutputSlot(kOutputSlotName); |
if (outputSlot == null) |
return; |
var uvSlot = FindInputSlot(kUVSlotName); |
if (uvSlot == null) |
return; |
var uvName = "IN.meshUV0"; |
if (uvSlot.edges.Count > 0) |
{ |
var fromNode = uvSlot.edges[0].fromSlot.node as BaseMaterialNode; |
uvName = fromNode.GetOutputVariableNameForSlot(uvSlot.edges[0].fromSlot, generationMode); |
} |
string body = "unity_perlin_" + precision + "(" + GetPropertyName() + ", " + m_Iterations + ", " + m_Decay + ", " + m_Frequency + ", " + uvName + ".xy)"; |
visitor.AddShaderChunk("float4 " + GetOutputVariableNameForSlot(outputSlot, generationMode) + " = " + body + ";", true); |
} |
* |
static float Slider(string title, float value, float from, float to) |
{ |
GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); |
GUILayout.Label(title); |
value = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(value, from, to, GUILayout.Width(64)); |
GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); |
return value; |
} |
/* |
public override float GetNodeUIHeight() |
{ |
return EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; |
} |
public override bool NodeUI(Rect drawArea) |
{ |
base.NodeUI(drawArea); |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
m_Iterations = (int)Slider("Iterations", (float)m_Iterations, 1, 8); |
m_Decay = Slider("Decay", m_Decay, -1f, 1f); |
m_Frequency = Slider("Frequency", m_Frequency, 0f, 5f); |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) |
RegeneratePreviewShaders(); |
}* |
} |
}*/ |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Math/Power Node")] |
public class PowerNode : Function2Input |
{ |
public PowerNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "PowerNode"; |
} |
protected override string GetFunctionName() { return "pow"; } |
} |
} |
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userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Math/Quantize Node")] |
class QuantizeNode : Function2Input, IGeneratesFunction |
{ |
public QuantizeNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "QuantizeNode"; |
} |
protected override string GetFunctionName() {return "unity_quantize_" + precision; } |
public void GenerateNodeFunction(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputString = new ShaderGenerator(); |
foreach (var precision in m_PrecisionNames) |
{ |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("inline " + precision + "4 unity_quantize_" + precision + " (" + precision + "4 input, " + precision + "4 stepsize)", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("return floor(input / stepsize) * stepsize;", false); |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
} |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(outputString.GetShaderString(0), true); |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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MonoImporter: |
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icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Math/Reflect Node")] |
class ReflectNode : Function2Input, IGeneratesFunction |
{ |
public ReflectNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "ReflectNode"; |
} |
protected override string GetInputSlot1Name() {return "Normal"; } |
protected override string GetInputSlot2Name() {return "Direction"; } |
protected override string GetOutputSlotName() {return "Reflection"; } |
protected override string GetFunctionName() {return "unity_reflect_" + precision; } |
public void GenerateNodeFunction(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputString = new ShaderGenerator(); |
foreach (var precision in m_PrecisionNames) |
{ |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("inline " + precision + "4 unity_reflect_" + precision + " (" + precision + "4 normal, " + precision + "4 direction)", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk(precision + "3 vn = normalize(normal.xyz);", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk(precision + "3 vd = normalize(direction.xyz);", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("return half4 (2 * dot(vn, vd) * vn - vd, 1.0);", false); |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
} |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(outputString.GetShaderString(0), true); |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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MonoImporter: |
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icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Input/Screen Pos Node")] |
public class ScreenPosNode : AbstractMaterialNode, IGeneratesVertexToFragmentBlock |
{ |
public ScreenPosNode(IGraph theOwner) : base(theOwner) |
{ |
name = "ScreenPos"; |
UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization(); |
} |
private const string kOutputSlotName = "ScreenPos"; |
public override bool hasPreview { get { return true; } } |
public override PreviewMode previewMode |
{ |
get { return PreviewMode.Preview3D; } |
} |
public sealed override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() |
{ |
AddSlot(new MaterialSlot(kOutputSlotName, kOutputSlotName, SlotType.Output, 0, SlotValueType.Vector4, Vector4.zero)); |
RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(new[] { kOutputSlotName }); |
} |
public override string GetOutputVariableNameForSlot(MaterialSlot slot) |
{ |
return "IN.screenPos"; |
} |
public void GenerateVertexToFragmentBlock(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
string temp = precision + "4 screenPos"; |
if (generationMode == GenerationMode.Preview2D) |
temp += " : TEXCOORD1"; |
temp += ";"; |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(temp, true); |
} |
} |
} |
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MonoImporter: |
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executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Math/Sin Node")] |
class SinNode : Function1Input |
{ |
public SinNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "SinNode"; |
} |
protected override string GetFunctionName() {return "sin"; } |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 2b10d839969f5484cad9632519dc7324 |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Input/Sine Time Node")] |
public class SinTimeNode : AbstractMaterialNode, IRequiresTime |
{ |
public SinTimeNode(IGraph theOwner) : base(theOwner) |
{ |
name = "Sine Time"; |
UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization(); |
} |
private const string kOutputSlotName = "SinTime"; |
public sealed override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() |
{ |
AddSlot(new MaterialSlot(kOutputSlotName, kOutputSlotName, SlotType.Output, 0, SlotValueType.Vector4, Vector4.one)); |
RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(new[] {kOutputSlotName}); |
} |
public override bool hasPreview |
{ |
get { return true; } |
} |
public override string GetOutputVariableNameForSlot(MaterialSlot s) |
{ |
return "_SinTime"; |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: f80af444cd4235c419b356216d784b57 |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Math/SmoothStep Node")] |
class SmoothStepNode : Function3Input, IGeneratesFunction |
{ |
public SmoothStepNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "SmoothStepNode"; |
} |
protected override string GetFunctionName() {return "unity_smoothstep_" + precision; } |
public void GenerateNodeFunction(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputString = new ShaderGenerator(); |
foreach (var precision in m_PrecisionNames) |
{ |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("inline " + precision + "4 unity_smoothstep_" + precision + " (" + precision + "4 input, " + precision + "4 edge1, " + precision + "4 edge2)", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("return smoothstep(edge1, edge2, input);", false); |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
} |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(outputString.GetShaderString(0), true); |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: a9ced96a233d64541b3c5d374a057d6b |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
/* |
namespace UnityEditor.MaterialGraph |
{ |
public class SubGraphIOBaseNode : BaseMaterialNode |
{ |
GUIContent kTempContent = new GUIContent("+"); |
public virtual void AddSlot() |
{ |
} |
public void FooterUI(GraphGUI host) |
{ |
// TODO: make it pretty
GUIStyle style = this is SubGraphOutputsNode ? |
Styles.GetNodeStyle("shader in", Styles.Color.Aqua, false) : |
Styles.GetNodeStyle("shader out", Styles.Color.Aqua, false); |
var pos = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(kTempContent, style); |
int id = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive); |
Event evt = Event.current; |
if (evt.type == EventType.Layout || evt.type == EventType.Used) |
return; |
switch (evt.GetTypeForControl(id)) |
{ |
case EventType.MouseUp: |
if (pos.Contains(evt.mousePosition) && evt.button == 0) |
{ |
AddSlot(); |
evt.Use(); |
} |
break; |
case EventType.Repaint: |
style.Draw(pos, kTempContent, id); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
*/ |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 329dc46f2903e364da6c6d6500b0cfee |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
/* |
namespace UnityEditor.MaterialGraph |
{ |
public class SubGraphInputsNode : SubGraphIOBaseNode, IGenerateProperties |
{ |
public override void OnCreate() |
{ |
name = "SubGraphInputs"; |
title = "Inputs"; |
// position = new Rect(BaseMaterialGraphGUI.kDefaultNodeWidth * 4, BaseMaterialGraphGUI.kDefaultNodeHeight * 2, Mathf.Max(300, position.width), position.height);
base.OnCreate(); |
} |
public override void AddSlot() |
{ |
//AddSlot(new Slot(SlotType.OutputSlot, GenerateSlotName(SlotType.OutputSlot)));
} |
public override void GeneratePropertyBlock(PropertyGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
base.GeneratePropertyBlock(visitor, generationMode); |
if (!generationMode.IsPreview()) |
return; |
foreach (var slot in outputSlots) |
{ |
if (slot.edges.Count == 0) |
continue; |
var defaultValue = GetSlotDefaultValue(slot.name); |
if (defaultValue != null) |
defaultValue.GeneratePropertyBlock(visitor, generationMode); |
} |
} |
public override void GeneratePropertyUsages(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode, ConcreteSlotValueType slotValueType) |
{ |
base.GeneratePropertyUsages(visitor, generationMode, slotValueType); |
if (!generationMode.IsPreview()) |
return; |
foreach (var slot in outputSlots) |
{ |
if (slot.edges.Count == 0) |
continue; |
var defaultValue = GetSlotDefaultValue(slot.name); |
if (defaultValue != null) |
defaultValue.GeneratePropertyUsages(visitor, generationMode, slotValueType); |
} |
} |
protected override void CollectPreviewMaterialProperties (List<PreviewProperty> properties) |
{ |
base.CollectPreviewMaterialProperties(properties); |
foreach (var slot in outputSlots) |
{ |
if (slot.edges.Count == 0) |
continue; |
var defaultOutput = GetSlotDefaultValue(slot.name); |
if (defaultOutput == null) |
continue; |
var pp = new PreviewProperty |
{ |
m_Name = defaultOutput.inputName, |
m_PropType = PropertyType.Vector4, |
m_Vector4 = defaultOutput.defaultValue |
}; |
properties.Add (pp); |
} |
} |
} |
}*/ |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: af738716871e4a345ac8edc429a3b665 |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
/*using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Linq; |
using UnityEditor.Graphs; |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace UnityEditor.MaterialGraph |
{ |
//[Title("Sub-graph/Sub-graph Node")]
public class SubGraphNode : BaseMaterialNode, IGeneratesBodyCode, IGeneratesVertexToFragmentBlock, IGeneratesFunction, IGeneratesVertexShaderBlock |
{ |
[SerializeField] |
private MaterialSubGraph m_SubGraphAsset; |
public MaterialSubGraph subGraphAsset { get { return m_SubGraphAsset; } } |
public override PreviewMode previewMode |
{ |
get |
{ |
if (subGraphAsset == null) |
return PreviewMode.Preview2D; |
var nodes = ListPool<BaseMaterialNode>.Get(); |
var preview3D = subGraphAsset.outputsNode.CollectChildNodesByExecutionOrder(nodes).Any(x => x.previewMode == PreviewMode.Preview3D); |
ListPool <BaseMaterialNode >.Release(nodes); |
return preview3D ? PreviewMode.Preview3D : PreviewMode.Preview2D; |
} |
} |
public const int kMaxSlots = 16; |
public override void OnCreate() |
{ |
base.OnCreate(); |
name = "SubGraph"; |
position = new Rect(position.x, position.y, Mathf.Max(300, position.width), position.height); |
} |
static string GetInputSlotName(int n) |
{ |
return string.Format("I{0:00}", n); |
} |
static string GetOutputSlotName(int n) |
{ |
return string.Format("O{0:00}", n); |
} |
/* public override IEnumerable<Slot> GetValidInputSlots() |
{ |
// We only want to return the input slots that are internally wired to an output slot
return base.GetValidInputSlots().Where(slot => m_SubGraphAsset.InputInternallyWired(slot.name, this)).ToList(); |
}* |
public override void NodeUI(GraphGUI host) |
{ |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
m_SubGraphAsset = (MaterialSubGraph)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(GUIContent.none, m_SubGraphAsset, typeof(MaterialSubGraph), false); |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && m_SubGraphAsset != null) |
{ |
SubGraphChanged(m_SubGraphAsset); |
} |
} |
private void SubGraphChanged(MaterialSubGraph sender) |
{ |
RefreshSlots(SlotType.InputSlot, inputSlots.ToList(), sender.inputsNode.slots, (s) => true); |
RefreshSlots(SlotType.OutputSlot, outputSlots.ToList(), sender.outputsNode.slots, sender.OutputInternallyWired); |
pixelGraph.RevalidateGraph(); |
} |
private void RefreshSlots(SlotType type, IEnumerable<Slot> current, IEnumerable<Slot> updated, Func<string, bool> slotFilter) |
{ |
var innerOutputSlots = updated.Where(n => slotFilter(n.name)).ToArray(); |
foreach (var slot in innerOutputSlots) |
{ |
var s = current.FirstOrDefault(n => n.name == slot.name); |
if (s != null) |
s.title = slot.title; |
// else
// AddSlot(new Slot(type, slot.name, slot.title));
} |
var danglingSlots = current.Except(innerOutputSlots, (ls, rs) => ls.name == rs.name).ToArray(); |
foreach (var slot in danglingSlots) |
RemoveSlot(slot); |
} |
public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderGenerator shaderBodyVisitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
if (m_SubGraphAsset == null) |
return; |
var outputString = new ShaderGenerator(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("// Subgraph for node " + GetOutputVariableNameForNode(), false); |
// Step 1...
// find out which output slots are actually used
//TODO: Be smarter about this and only output ones that are actually USED, not just connected
//var validOutputSlots = NodeUtils.GetSlotsThatOutputToNodeRecurse(this, (graph as BaseMaterialGraph).masterNode);
var validOutputSlots = outputSlots.Where(x => x.edges.Count > 0); |
foreach (var slot in validOutputSlots) |
{ |
outputString.AddShaderChunk( |
"float4 " |
+ GetOutputVariableNameForSlot(slot, generationMode) |
+ " = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);", false); |
} |
// Step 2...
// Go into the subgraph
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
// Step 3...
// For each input that is used and connects through we want to generate code.
// First we assign the input variables to the subgraph
foreach (var slot in slots) |
{ |
if (!slot.isInputSlot) |
continue; |
// see if the input connects all the way though to the output
// if it does allow generation
var inputWired = m_SubGraphAsset.InputInternallyWired(slot.name, this); |
if (!inputWired) |
continue; |
var varName = m_SubGraphAsset.GetInputVariableNameForSlotByName(slot.name, this, generationMode); |
var varValue = "float4(0, 0, 0, 0);"; |
var slotDefaultValue = GetSlotDefaultValue(slot.name); |
if (slotDefaultValue != null) |
{ |
varValue = slotDefaultValue.GetDefaultValue(generationMode, concreteInputSlotValueTypes[slot.name]); |
} |
bool externallyWired = slot.edges.Count > 0; |
if (externallyWired) |
{ |
var fromSlot = slot.edges[0].fromSlot; |
var fromNode = slot.edges[0].fromSlot.node as BaseMaterialNode; |
varValue = fromNode.GetOutputVariableNameForSlot(fromSlot, generationMode); |
} |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("float4 " + varName + " = " + varValue + ";", false); |
} |
// Step 4...
// Using the inputs we can now generate the shader body :)
var bodyGenerator = new ShaderGenerator(); |
m_SubGraphAsset.GenerateNodeCode(bodyGenerator, this); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk(bodyGenerator.GetShaderString(0), false); |
// Step 5...
// Copy the outputs to the parent context name);
foreach (var slot in validOutputSlots) |
{ |
bool internallyWired = m_SubGraphAsset.OutputInternallyWired(slot.name); |
if (internallyWired) |
{ |
outputString.AddShaderChunk( |
GetOutputVariableNameForSlot(slot, generationMode) |
+ " = " |
+ m_SubGraphAsset.GetOutputVariableNameForSlotByName(slot.name, this, generationMode) |
+ ";", false); |
} |
} |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("// Subgraph ends", false); |
shaderBodyVisitor.AddShaderChunk(outputString.GetShaderString(0), true); |
} |
public void GenerateVertexToFragmentBlock(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
m_SubGraphAsset.GenerateVertexToFragmentBlock(visitor, GenerationMode.SurfaceShader); |
} |
public void GenerateNodeFunction(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
m_SubGraphAsset.GenerateNodeFunction(visitor, GenerationMode.SurfaceShader); |
} |
public void GenerateVertexShaderBlock(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
m_SubGraphAsset.GenerateVertexShaderBlock(visitor, GenerationMode.SurfaceShader); |
} |
public override void GeneratePropertyBlock(PropertyGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
base.GeneratePropertyBlock(visitor, generationMode); |
m_SubGraphAsset.GeneratePropertyBlock(visitor, GenerationMode.SurfaceShader); |
} |
public override void GeneratePropertyUsages(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode, ConcreteSlotValueType slotValueType) |
{ |
base.GeneratePropertyUsages(visitor, generationMode, slotValueType); |
m_SubGraphAsset.GeneratePropertyUsages(visitor, GenerationMode.SurfaceShader, slotValueType); |
} |
protected override void CollectPreviewMaterialProperties (List<PreviewProperty> properties) |
{ |
base.CollectPreviewMaterialProperties(properties); |
properties.AddRange(m_SubGraphAsset.GetPreviewProperties()); |
} |
} |
}*/ |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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MonoImporter: |
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executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
/*using UnityEditor.Graphs; |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace UnityEditor.MaterialGraph |
{ |
public class SubGraphOutputsNode : SubGraphIOBaseNode |
{ |
public override void OnCreate() |
{ |
base.OnCreate(); |
name = "SubGraphOutputs"; |
title = "Outputs"; |
//position = new Rect(BaseMaterialGraphGUI.kDefaultNodeWidth * 8, BaseMaterialGraphGUI.kDefaultNodeHeight * 2, Mathf.Max(300, position.width), position.height);
} |
public override void AddSlot() |
{ |
//AddSlot(new Slot(SlotType.InputSlot, GenerateSlotName(SlotType.InputSlot)));
} |
} |
} |
*/ |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 12f42b98cfc8a394ca51a63cdd53d2cb |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Math/Subtract Node")] |
class SubtractNode : Function2Input, IGeneratesFunction |
{ |
public SubtractNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "SubtractNode"; |
} |
protected override string GetFunctionName() {return "unity_subtract_" + precision; } |
public void GenerateNodeFunction(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputString = new ShaderGenerator(); |
foreach (var precision in m_PrecisionNames) |
{ |
outputString.AddShaderChunk(GetFunctionPrototype("arg1", "arg2"), false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("return arg1 - arg2;", false); |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
} |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(outputString.GetShaderString(0), true); |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: b251c305a044f49438dff356f1e7bb84 |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using UnityEditor; |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Channels/Swizzle Node")] |
public class SwizzleNode : Function2Input |
{ |
[SerializeField] |
private int[] m_SwizzleChannel = new int[4]; |
public SwizzleNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "SwizzleNode"; |
} |
/* |
public override float GetNodeUIHeight(float width) |
{ |
return EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; |
} |
public override GUIModificationType NodeUI(Rect drawArea) |
{ |
base.NodeUI(drawArea); |
string[] channelNames = {"X", "Y", "Z", "W"}; |
string[] values = {"0", "1", "Input1.x", "Input1.y", "Input1.z", "Input1.w", "Input2.x", "Input2.y", "Input2.z", "Input2.w"}; |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++) |
m_SwizzleChannel[n] = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(drawArea.x, drawArea.y, drawArea.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), channelNames[n] + "=", m_SwizzleChannel[n], values); |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) |
{ |
pixelGraph.RevalidateGraph(); |
return GUIModificationType.Repaint; |
} |
return GUIModificationType.None; |
} |
*/ |
protected override string GetFunctionName() |
{ |
return ""; |
} |
protected override string GetFunctionCallBody(string inputValue1, string inputValue2) |
{ |
string[] inputValues = { inputValue1, inputValue2 }; |
string[] channelNames = { "x", "y", "z", "w" }; |
string s = precision + "4("; |
for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++) |
{ |
int c = m_SwizzleChannel[n]; |
if (c < 2) |
s += c; |
else |
{ |
c -= 2; |
s += inputValues[c >> 2] + "." + channelNames[c & 3]; |
} |
s += (n == 3) ? ")" : ","; |
} |
return s; |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 408ee761513fda7449bb3e428095726a |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Linq; |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Input/Texture Node")] |
public class TextureNode : PropertyNode, IGeneratesBodyCode, IGeneratesVertexShaderBlock, IGeneratesVertexToFragmentBlock |
{ |
protected const string kOutputSlotRGBAName = "RGBA"; |
protected const string kOutputSlotRName = "R"; |
protected const string kOutputSlotGName = "G"; |
protected const string kOutputSlotBName = "B"; |
protected const string kOutputSlotAName = "A"; |
protected const string kUVSlotName = "UV"; |
[SerializeField] |
public Texture2D m_DefaultTexture; |
[SerializeField] |
public TextureType m_TextureType; |
private List<string> m_TextureTypeNames; |
public override bool hasPreview { get { return true; } } |
public TextureNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "Texture"; |
LoadTextureTypes(); |
} |
public override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() |
{ |
LoadTextureTypes(); |
AddSlot(new MaterialSlot(kOutputSlotRGBAName, kOutputSlotRGBAName, SlotType.Output, 0, SlotValueType.Vector4, Vector4.zero)); |
AddSlot(new MaterialSlot(kOutputSlotRName, kOutputSlotRName, SlotType.Output, 1, SlotValueType.Vector1, Vector4.zero)); |
AddSlot(new MaterialSlot(kOutputSlotGName, kOutputSlotGName, SlotType.Output, 2, SlotValueType.Vector1, Vector4.zero)); |
AddSlot(new MaterialSlot(kOutputSlotBName, kOutputSlotBName, SlotType.Output, 3, SlotValueType.Vector1, Vector4.zero)); |
AddSlot(new MaterialSlot(kOutputSlotAName, kOutputSlotAName, SlotType.Output, 4, SlotValueType.Vector1, Vector4.zero)); |
AddSlot(new MaterialSlot(kUVSlotName, kUVSlotName, SlotType.Input, 0, SlotValueType.Vector2, Vector4.zero)); |
RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(validSlots); |
} |
protected string[] validSlots |
{ |
get { return new[] {kOutputSlotRGBAName, kOutputSlotRName, kOutputSlotGName, kOutputSlotBName, kOutputSlotAName, kUVSlotName}; } |
} |
private void LoadTextureTypes() |
{ |
if (m_TextureTypeNames == null) |
m_TextureTypeNames = new List<string>(Enum.GetNames(typeof(TextureType))); |
} |
// Node generations
public virtual void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var uvSlot = FindInputSlot(kUVSlotName); |
if (uvSlot == null) |
return; |
var uvName = "IN.meshUV0.xy"; |
var edges = owner.GetEdges(GetSlotReference(uvSlot.name)).ToList(); |
if (edges.Count > 0) |
{ |
var edge = edges[0]; |
var fromNode = owner.GetNodeFromGuid<AbstractMaterialNode>(edge.outputSlot.nodeGuid); |
var slot = fromNode.FindMaterialOutputSlot(edge.outputSlot.slotName); |
uvName = ShaderGenerator.AdaptNodeOutput(fromNode, slot, generationMode, ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector2, true); |
} |
string body = "tex2D (" + propertyName + ", " + uvName + ")"; |
if (m_TextureType == TextureType.Bump) |
body = precision + "4(UnpackNormal(" + body + "), 0)"; |
visitor.AddShaderChunk("float4 " + GetVariableNameForNode() + " = " + body + ";", true); |
} |
public override string GetOutputVariableNameForSlot(MaterialSlot s) |
{ |
string slotOutput; |
switch (s.name) |
{ |
case kOutputSlotRName: |
slotOutput = ".r"; |
break; |
case kOutputSlotGName: |
slotOutput = ".g"; |
break; |
case kOutputSlotBName: |
slotOutput = ".b"; |
break; |
case kOutputSlotAName: |
slotOutput = ".a"; |
break; |
default: |
slotOutput = ""; |
break; |
} |
return GetVariableNameForNode() + slotOutput; |
} |
public void GenerateVertexToFragmentBlock(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var uvSlot = FindInputSlot(kUVSlotName); |
if (uvSlot == null) |
return; |
var edges = owner.GetEdges(GetSlotReference(uvSlot.name)); |
if (edges.Any()) |
UVNode.StaticGenerateVertexToFragmentBlock(visitor, generationMode); |
} |
public void GenerateVertexShaderBlock(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var uvSlot = FindInputSlot(kUVSlotName); |
if (uvSlot == null) |
return; |
var edges = owner.GetEdges(GetSlotReference(uvSlot.name)); |
if (edges.Any()) |
UVNode.GenerateVertexShaderBlock(visitor); |
} |
// Properties
public override void GeneratePropertyBlock(PropertyGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
visitor.AddShaderProperty(new TexturePropertyChunk(propertyName, description, m_DefaultTexture, m_TextureType, false, exposed)); |
} |
public override void GeneratePropertyUsages(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode, ConcreteSlotValueType slotValueType) |
{ |
visitor.AddShaderChunk("sampler2D " + propertyName + ";", true); |
} |
/* |
public override float GetNodeUIHeight(float width) |
{ |
return EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 2; |
} |
public override GUIModificationType NodeUI(Rect drawArea) |
{ |
LoadTextureTypes(); |
base.NodeUI(drawArea); |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
m_DefaultTexture = EditorGUI.MiniThumbnailObjectField( new Rect(drawArea.x, drawArea.y, drawArea.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), new GUIContent("Texture"), m_DefaultTexture, typeof(Texture2D), null) as Texture2D; |
var texureChanged = EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck(); |
drawArea.y += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
m_TextureType = (TextureType) EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(drawArea.x, drawArea.y, drawArea.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), (int) m_TextureType, m_TextureTypeNames.ToArray(), EditorStyles.popup); |
var typeChanged = EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck(); |
if (typeChanged) |
{ |
pixelGraph.RevalidateGraph(); |
return GUIModificationType.Repaint; |
} |
return texureChanged ? GUIModificationType.Repaint : GUIModificationType.None; |
} |
public override bool DrawSlotDefaultInput(Rect rect, Slot inputSlot) |
{ |
var uvSlot = FindInputSlot(kUVSlotName); |
if (uvSlot != inputSlot) |
return base.DrawSlotDefaultInput(rect, inputSlot); |
var rectXmax = rect.xMax; |
rect.x = rectXmax - 70; |
rect.width = 70; |
EditorGUI.DrawRect(rect, new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.7f)); |
GUI.Label(rect, "From Mesh"); |
return false; |
} |
*/ |
public override PreviewProperty GetPreviewProperty() |
{ |
return new PreviewProperty |
{ |
m_Name = propertyName, |
m_PropType = PropertyType.Texture2D, |
m_Texture = m_DefaultTexture |
}; |
} |
public override PropertyType propertyType { get { return PropertyType.Texture2D; } } |
} |
} |
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using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Input/Time Node")] |
public class TimeNode : AbstractMaterialNode, IRequiresTime |
{ |
private const string kOutputSlotName = "Time"; |
private const string kOutputSlotNameX = "Time.x"; |
private const string kOutputSlotNameY = "Time.y"; |
private const string kOutputSlotNameZ = "Time.z"; |
private const string kOutputSlotNameW = "Time.w"; |
public TimeNode(IGraph theOwner) : base(theOwner) |
{ |
name = "Time"; |
} |
public override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() |
{ |
AddSlot(new MaterialSlot(kOutputSlotName, kOutputSlotName, SlotType.Output, 0, SlotValueType.Vector4, Vector4.zero)); |
AddSlot(new MaterialSlot(kOutputSlotNameX, kOutputSlotNameX, SlotType.Output, 1, SlotValueType.Vector1, Vector4.zero)); |
AddSlot(new MaterialSlot(kOutputSlotNameY, kOutputSlotNameY, SlotType.Output, 2, SlotValueType.Vector1, Vector4.zero)); |
AddSlot(new MaterialSlot(kOutputSlotNameZ, kOutputSlotNameZ, SlotType.Output, 3, SlotValueType.Vector1, Vector4.zero)); |
AddSlot(new MaterialSlot(kOutputSlotNameW, kOutputSlotNameW, SlotType.Output, 4, SlotValueType.Vector1, Vector4.zero)); |
RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(validSlots); |
} |
protected string[] validSlots |
{ |
get { return new[] {kOutputSlotName, kOutputSlotNameX, kOutputSlotNameY, kOutputSlotNameZ, kOutputSlotName}; } |
} |
public override string GetOutputVariableNameForSlot(MaterialSlot s) |
{ |
switch (s.name) |
{ |
case kOutputSlotNameX: |
return "_Time.x"; |
case kOutputSlotNameY: |
return "_Time.y"; |
case kOutputSlotNameZ: |
return "_Time.z"; |
case kOutputSlotNameW: |
return "_Time.w"; |
default: |
return "_Time"; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
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MonoImporter: |
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userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Input/UV Node")] |
public class UVNode : AbstractMaterialNode, IGeneratesVertexToFragmentBlock, IGeneratesVertexShaderBlock, IGeneratesBodyCode |
{ |
private const string kOutputSlotName = "UV"; |
public override bool hasPreview { get { return true; } } |
public UVNode(IGraph theOwner) : base(theOwner) |
{ |
name = "UV"; |
} |
public override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() |
{ |
AddSlot(new MaterialSlot(kOutputSlotName, kOutputSlotName, SlotType.Output, 0, SlotValueType.Vector4, Vector4.zero)); |
RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(new[] {kOutputSlotName}); |
} |
public static void StaticGenerateVertexToFragmentBlock(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
string temp = "half4 meshUV0"; |
if (generationMode == GenerationMode.Preview2D) |
temp += " : TEXCOORD0"; |
temp += ";"; |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(temp, true); |
} |
public void GenerateVertexToFragmentBlock(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
StaticGenerateVertexToFragmentBlock(visitor, generationMode); |
} |
public static void GenerateVertexShaderBlock(ShaderGenerator visitor) |
{ |
visitor.AddShaderChunk("o.meshUV0 = v.texcoord;", true); |
} |
public void GenerateVertexShaderBlock(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
GenerateVertexShaderBlock(visitor); |
} |
public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputSlot = FindMaterialOutputSlot(kOutputSlotName); |
string uvValue = "IN.meshUV0"; |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(precision + "4 " + GetOutputVariableNameForSlot(outputSlot) + " = " + uvValue + ";", true); |
} |
} |
} |
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userData: |
using System; |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Channels/Unpack Normal Node")] |
internal class UnpackNormalNode : Function1Input |
{ |
public UnpackNormalNode(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "UnpackNormalNode"; |
} |
public override bool hasPreview |
{ |
get { return false; } |
} |
protected override string GetInputSlotName() {return "PackedNormal"; } |
protected override string GetOutputSlotName() {return "Normal"; } |
protected override string GetFunctionName() |
{ |
return "UnpackNormal"; |
} |
protected override string GetFunctionCallBody(string inputValue) |
{ |
return precision + "4(" + GetFunctionName() + " (" + inputValue + ")" + ", 0)"; |
} |
} |
} |
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userData: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Input/Vector 1 Node")] |
public class Vector1Node : PropertyNode, IGeneratesBodyCode |
{ |
[SerializeField] |
private float m_Value; |
private const string kOutputSlotName = "Value"; |
public Vector1Node(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "V1Node"; |
UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization(); |
} |
public sealed override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() |
{ |
AddSlot(new MaterialSlot(kOutputSlotName, kOutputSlotName, SlotType.Output, 0, SlotValueType.Vector1, Vector4.zero)); |
RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(new[] { kOutputSlotName }); |
} |
public override PropertyType propertyType |
{ |
get { return PropertyType.Float; } |
} |
public float value |
{ |
get { return m_Value; } |
set { m_Value = value; } |
} |
public override void GeneratePropertyBlock(PropertyGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
if (exposed) |
visitor.AddShaderProperty(new FloatPropertyChunk(propertyName, description, m_Value, false)); |
} |
public override void GeneratePropertyUsages(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode, ConcreteSlotValueType valueType) |
{ |
if (exposed || generationMode.IsPreview()) |
visitor.AddShaderChunk("float " + propertyName + ";", true); |
} |
public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
if (exposed || generationMode.IsPreview()) |
return; |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(precision + " " + propertyName + " = " + m_Value + ";", true); |
} |
public override PreviewProperty GetPreviewProperty() |
{ |
return new PreviewProperty |
{ |
m_Name = propertyName, |
m_PropType = PropertyType.Float, |
m_Float = m_Value |
}; |
} |
} |
} |
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icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Input/Vector 2 Node")] |
public class Vector2Node : PropertyNode, IGeneratesBodyCode |
{ |
private const string kOutputSlotName = "Value"; |
[SerializeField] |
private Vector2 m_Value; |
public Vector2Node(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "V2Node"; |
UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization(); |
} |
public sealed override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() |
{ |
AddSlot(new MaterialSlot(kOutputSlotName, kOutputSlotName, SlotType.Output, 0, SlotValueType.Vector2, Vector4.zero)); |
RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(new[] { kOutputSlotName }); |
} |
public override PropertyType propertyType |
{ |
get { return PropertyType.Vector2; } |
} |
public Vector2 value |
{ |
get { return m_Value; } |
set { m_Value = value; } |
} |
public override void GeneratePropertyBlock(PropertyGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
if (exposed) |
visitor.AddShaderProperty(new VectorPropertyChunk(propertyName, description, m_Value, false)); |
} |
public override void GeneratePropertyUsages(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode, ConcreteSlotValueType valueType) |
{ |
if (exposed || generationMode.IsPreview()) |
visitor.AddShaderChunk("float2 " + propertyName + ";", true); |
} |
public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
if (exposed || generationMode.IsPreview()) |
return; |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(precision + "2 " + propertyName + " = " + precision + "2 (" + m_Value.x + ", " + m_Value.y + ");", true); |
} |
public override PreviewProperty GetPreviewProperty() |
{ |
return new PreviewProperty |
{ |
m_Name = propertyName, |
m_PropType = PropertyType.Vector2, |
m_Vector4 = m_Value |
}; |
} |
} |
} |
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MonoImporter: |
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defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Input/Vector 3 Node")] |
public class Vector3Node : PropertyNode, IGeneratesBodyCode |
{ |
private const string kOutputSlotName = "Value"; |
[SerializeField] |
private Vector3 m_Value; |
public Vector3Node(IGraph owner) : base(owner) |
{ |
name = "V3Node"; |
UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization(); |
} |
public sealed override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() |
{ |
AddSlot(new MaterialSlot(kOutputSlotName, kOutputSlotName, SlotType.Output, 0, SlotValueType.Vector3, Vector4.zero)); |
RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(new[] { kOutputSlotName }); |
} |
public override PropertyType propertyType |
{ |
get { return PropertyType.Vector3; } |
} |
public Vector3 value |
{ |
get { return m_Value; } |
set { m_Value = value; } |
} |
public override void GeneratePropertyBlock(PropertyGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
if (exposed) |
visitor.AddShaderProperty(new VectorPropertyChunk(propertyName, description, m_Value, false)); |
} |
public override void GeneratePropertyUsages(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode, ConcreteSlotValueType valueType) |
{ |
if (exposed || generationMode.IsPreview()) |
visitor.AddShaderChunk("float3 " + propertyName + ";", true); |
} |
public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
if (exposed || generationMode.IsPreview()) |
return; |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(precision + "3 " + propertyName + " = " + precision + "3 (" + m_Value.x + ", " + m_Value.y + ", " + m_Value.z + ");", true); |
} |
public override PreviewProperty GetPreviewProperty() |
{ |
return new PreviewProperty |
{ |
m_Name = propertyName, |
m_PropType = PropertyType.Vector3, |
m_Vector4 = m_Value |
}; |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue