
Added a few comments

Thomas Hourdel 7 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 13 次插入0 次删除
  1. 13


// This holds all the matrix data we need for rendering, including data from the previous frame
// (which is the main reason why we need to keep them around for a minimum of one frame).
// HDCameras are automatically created & updated from a source camera and will be destroyed if
// not used during a frame.
public class HDCamera
public readonly Camera camera;

public Matrix4x4 invProjectionMatrix { get; private set; }
public Vector4 invProjectionParam { get; private set; }
// The only way to reliably keep track of a frame change right now is to compare the frame
// count Unity gives us. We need this as a single camera could be rendered several times per
// frame and some matrices only have to be computed once. Realistically this shouldn't
// happen, but you never know...
// Always true for cameras that just got added to the pool - needed for previous matrices to
// avoid one-frame jumps/hiccups with temporal effects (motion blur, TAA...)
bool m_FirstFrame;
public HDCamera(Camera camera)

static Dictionary<Camera, HDCamera> m_Cameras = new Dictionary<Camera, HDCamera>();
static List<Camera> m_Cleanup = new List<Camera>(); // Recycled to reduce GC pressure
// Grab the HDCamera tied to a given Camera and update it.
public static HDCamera Get(Camera camera)
HDCamera hdcam;

return hdcam;
// Look for any camera that hasn't been used in the last frame and remove them for the pool.
public static void CleanUnused()
int frameCheck = Time.frameCount - 1;
