// - we multiply the transmitted radiance by the transmittance.
float3 EvaluateTransmission(BSDFData bsdfData, float3 transmittance, float NdotL, float NdotV, float attenuation)
// Apply wrapped lighting to better handle thin objects at grazing angles.
float negatedNdotL = -NdotL;
// Apply wrapped lighting to better handle thin objects (cards) at grazing angles.
bool mixedThicknessMode = HasFeatureFlag(bsdfData.materialFeatures, MATERIAL_FEATURE_FLAGS_TRANSMISSION_MODE_MIXED_THICKNESS);
float backNdotL = mixedThicknessMode ? negatedNdotL : wrappedNdotL;
// Apply BSDF-specific diffuse transmission to attenuation. See also: [SSS-NOTE-TRSM]
// We don't multiply by 'bsdfData.diffuseColor' here. It's done only once in PostEvaluateBSDF().
attenuation *= INV_PI * F_Transm_Schlick(0, 0.5, NdotV) * F_Transm_Schlick(0, 0.5, abs(backNdotL));
attenuation *= INV_PI * F_Transm_Schlick(0, 0.5, NdotV) * F_Transm_Schlick(0, 0.5, max(0, -NdotL));
float intensity = max(0, attenuation * backNdotL); // Warning: attenuation can be greater than 1 due to the inverse square attenuation (when position is close to light)
float intensity = attenuation * wrappedNdotL;
return intensity * transmittance;