- The VolumetricLightingSystem now uses RTHandles, which allows to save memory by sharing buffers between different cameras (history buffers are not shared), and reduce reallocation frequency by reallocating buffers only if the rendering resolution increases (and suballocating within existing buffers if the rendering resolution decreases)
- Add a Volumetric Dimmer slider to lights to control the intensity of the scattered volumetric lighting
- Add UV tiling and offset support for decals.
- Add mipmapping support for volume 3D mask textures
### Changed, Removals and deprecations
- Remove Resource folder of PreIntegratedFGD and add the resource to RenderPipeline Asset
Debug.LogError(string.Format("VolumeTextureAtlas: Texture format of texture {0} : {1} does not match expected format of {2}",volumeTexture,volumeTexture.format,requiredTextureSize));
Debug.LogError(string.Format("VolumeTextureAtlas: Texture format of texture {0} : {1} does not match expected format of {2}",volumeTexture,volumeTexture.format,requiredTextureFormat));