
Implement GetViewReflectedNormal()

Evgenii Golubev 7 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 43 次插入3 次删除
  1. 6
  2. 40


return saturate(x * FLT_MAX) * 2.0 - 1.0;
// Orthonormalize the basis vectors using the Gram-Schmidt process.
// We assume that the length of the surface normal is sufficiently close to 1.
// return orthonormalize tangent
// Orthonormalizes the tangent frame using the Gram-Schmidt process.
// We assume that both the tangent and the normal are normalized.
// Returns the new tangent (the normal is unaffected).
float3 Orthonormalize(float3 tangent, float3 normal)
return normalize(tangent - dot(tangent, normal) * normal);


return N;
// Inputs: normalized normal and view vectors.
// Outputs: front-facing normal, and the new non-negative value of the cosine of the view angle.
// Important: call Orthonormalize() on the tangent and recompute the bitangent afterwards.
float3 GetViewReflectedNormal(float3 N, float3 V, out float NdotV)
// Fragments of front-facing geometry can have back-facing normals due to interpolation,
// normal mapping and decals. This can cause visible artifacts from both direct (negative or
// extremely high values) and indirect (incorrect lookup direction) lighting.
// There are several ways to avoid this problem. To list a few:
// 1. Setting { NdotV = max(<N,V>, SMALL_VALUE) }. This effectively removes normal mapping
// from the affected fragments, making the surface appear flat.
// 2. Setting { NdotV = abs(<N,V>) }. This effectively reverses the convexity of the surface.
// It also reduces light leaking from non-shadow-casting lights. Note that 'NdotV' can still
// be 0 in this case.
// It's important to understand that simply changing the value of the cosine is insufficient.
// For one, it does not solve the incorrect lookup direction problem, since the normal itself
// is not modified. There is a more insidious issue, however. 'NdotV' is a constituent element
// of the mathematical system describing the relationships between different vectors - and
// not just normal and view vectors, but also light vectors, half vectors, tangent vectors, etc.
// Changing only one angle (or its cosine) leaves the system in an inconsistent state, where
// certain relationships can take on different values depending on whether 'NdotV' is used
// in the calculation or not. Therefore, it is important to change the normal (or another
// vector) in order to leave the system in a consistent state.
// We choose to follow the conceptual approach (2) by reflecting the normal around the
// (<N,V> = 0) boundary if necessary, as it allows us to preserve some normal mapping details.
NdotV = dot(N, V);
float NdotV1 = abs(NdotV);
float3 N1 = N - 2 * NdotV * V;
bool front = NdotV >= 0;
NdotV = front ? NdotV : NdotV1;
return front ? N : N1;
// Generates an orthonormal right-handed basis from a unit vector.
// Ref: http://marc-b-reynolds.github.io/quaternions/2016/07/06/Orthonormal.html
float3x3 GetLocalFrame(float3 localZ)
