publicstaticGUIContentlockWithObjectScaleText=newGUIContent("Lock with object scale","Displacement mapping will take the absolute value of the scale of the object into account.");
publicstaticGUIContentlockWithTilingRateText=newGUIContent("Lock with height map tiling rate","Displacement mapping will take the absolute value of the tiling rate of the height map into account.");
publicstaticGUIContentenableMotionVectorForVertexAnimationText=newGUIContent("Enable MotionVector For Vertex Animation","This will enable an object motion vector pass for this material. Useful if wind animation is enabled or if displacement map is animated");
// Material ID
publicstaticGUIContentmaterialIDText=newGUIContent("Material type","Subsurface Scattering: enable for translucent materials such as skin, vegetation, fruit, marble, wax and milk.");