#include "../Lit/LitData.hlsl"
#if defined(_TERRAINLIT_4_LAYERS)
#define _LAYER_COUNT 4
#elif defined(_TERRAINLIT_3_LAYERS)
#define _LAYER_COUNT 3
#elif defined(_TERRAINLIT_2_LAYERS)
#define _LAYER_COUNT 2
#define _LAYER_COUNT 1
#define LAYERS_HEIGHTMAP_ENABLE (defined(_HEIGHTMAP0) || defined(_HEIGHTMAP1) || (_LAYER_COUNT > 2 && defined(_HEIGHTMAP2)) || (_LAYER_COUNT > 3 && defined(_HEIGHTMAP3)))
float3 BlendLayeredVector3(float3 x0, float3 x1, float3 x2, float3 x3, float weight[4])
float3 result = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
result = x0 * weight[0] + x1 * weight[1];
float3 result = x0;
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 2
result = result * weight[0] + x1 * weight[1];
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 3
result += (x2 * weight[2]);
float BlendLayeredScalar(float x0, float x1, float x2, float x3, float weight[4])
float result = 0.0;
result = x0 * weight[0] + x1 * weight[1];
float result = x0;
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 2
result = result * weight[0] + x1 * weight[1];
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 3
result += x2 * weight[2];
return result;
// In the case of subsurface profile index, the goal is to take the index with the hights weights.
// Or the last found in case of equality.
float BlendLayeredDiffusionProfile(float x0, float x1, float x2, float x3, float weight[4])
int diffusionProfileId = x0;
float currentMax = weight[0];
diffusionProfileId = currentMax < weight[1] ? x1 : diffusionProfileId;
currentMax = max(currentMax, weight[1]);
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 3
diffusionProfileId = currentMax < weight[2] ? x2 : diffusionProfileId;
currentMax = max(currentMax, weight[2]);
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 4
diffusionProfileId = currentMax < weight[3] ? x3 : diffusionProfileId;
return diffusionProfileId;
#define SURFACEDATA_BLEND_DIFFUSION_PROFILE(surfaceData, name, mask) BlendLayeredDiffusionProfile(MERGE_NAME(surfaceData, 0) MERGE_NAME(., name), MERGE_NAME(surfaceData, 1) MERGE_NAME(., name), MERGE_NAME(surfaceData, 2) MERGE_NAME(., name), MERGE_NAME(surfaceData, 3) MERGE_NAME(., name), mask);
#define PROP_BLEND_SCALAR(name, mask) BlendLayeredScalar(name##0, name##1, name##2, name##3, mask);
void GetLayerTexCoord(float2 texCoord0, float2 texCoord1, float2 texCoord2, float2 texCoord3,
#if _LAYER_COUNT < 3
height2 = 0.0;
#if _LAYER_COUNT < 2
height1 = 0.0;
void ComputeMaskWeights(float4 inputMasks, out float outWeights[_MAX_LAYER])
float masks[_MAX_LAYER];
masks[0] = inputMasks.a;
masks[1] = inputMasks.r;
#if _LAYER_COUNT > 2
masks[2] = inputMasks.g;
masks[2] = 0.0;
outWeights[0] = inputMasks.r;
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 2
outWeights[1] = inputMasks.g;
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 3
outWeights[2] = inputMasks.b;
#if _LAYER_COUNT > 3
masks[3] = inputMasks.b;
masks[3] = 0.0;
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 4
outWeights[3] = inputMasks.a;
// calculate weight of each layers
// Algorithm is like this:
// Top layer have priority on others layers
// If a top layer doesn't use the full weight, the remaining can be use by the following layer.
float weightsSum = 0.0;
for (int i = _LAYER_COUNT - 1; i >= 0; --i)
outWeights[i] = min(masks[i], (1.0 - weightsSum));
weightsSum = saturate(weightsSum + masks[i]);
// Caution: Blend mask are Layer 1 R - Layer 2 G - Layer 3 B - Main Layer A
// Caution:
// Blend mask are Main Layer A - Layer 1 R - Layer 2 G - Layer 3 B
// Value for main layer is not use for blending itself but for alternate weighting like density.
// Settings this specific Main layer blend mask in alpha allow to be transparent in case we don't use it and 1 is provide by default.
float4 blendMasks = SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_TEXTURE2D(_Control, sampler_Control, layerTexCoord.blendMask);
blendMasks = blendMasks.gbar;
// Wind uses vertex alpha as an intensity parameter.
// So in case Layered shader uses wind, we need to hardcode the alpha here so that the main layer can be visible without affecting wind intensity.
// It also means that when using wind, users can't use vertex color to modulate the effect of influence from the main layer.
float4 maskVertexColor = vertexColor;
#if defined(_VERTEX_WIND)
// For multiplicative vertex color blend mask. 1.0f is the neutral value
maskVertexColor.a = 1.0f;
blendMasks *= maskVertexColor;
#if defined(_VERTEX_WIND)
// For additive vertex color blend mask. 0.5f is the neutral value (0.5 * 2.0 - 1.0 = 0.0)
maskVertexColor.a = 0.5f;
blendMasks = saturate(blendMasks + maskVertexColor * 2.0 - 1.0);
return blendMasks;
return SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_TEXTURE2D(_Control, sampler_Control, layerTexCoord.blendMask);
float GetInfluenceMask(LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord, bool useLodSampling = false, float lod = 0)
float GetMaxHeight(float4 heights)
float maxHeight = max(heights.r, heights.g);
float maxHeight;
#if _LAYER_COUNT >= 4
#elif _LAYER_COUNT >= 3
#elif _LAYER_COUNT >= 2
maxHeight = max(heights.r, heights.g);
maxHeight = heights.r;
return maxHeight;
void ComputeLayerWeights(FragInputs input, LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord, float4 inputAlphaMask, float4 blendMasks, out float outWeights[_MAX_LAYER])
#if defined(_DENSITY_MODE)
// Note: blendMasks.argb because a is main layer
float4 opacityAsDensity = saturate((inputAlphaMask - (float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - blendMasks.argb)) * 20.0); // 20.0 is the number of steps in inputAlphaMask (Density mask. We decided 20 empirically)
float4 opacityAsDensity = saturate((inputAlphaMask - (float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - blendMasks)) * 20.0); // 20.0 is the number of steps in inputAlphaMask (Density mask. We decided 20 empirically)
blendMasks.argb = lerp(blendMasks.argb, opacityAsDensity, useOpacityAsDensityParam);
blendMasks = lerp(blendMasks, opacityAsDensity, useOpacityAsDensityParam);
surfaceData.tangentWS = normalize(input.worldToTangent[0].xyz); // The tangent is not normalize in worldToTangent for mikkt. Tag: SURFACE_GRADIENT
surfaceData.subsurfaceMask = 0;
surfaceData.thickness = 1;
surfaceData.diffusionProfile = SURFACEDATA_BLEND_DIFFUSION_PROFILE(surfaceData, diffusionProfile, weights) ;
surfaceData.diffusionProfile = 0 ;