public struct ZonalHarmonicsL2 |
{ |
public float[] coeffs; |
}; |
} |
public static ZonalHarmonicsL2 GetHenyeyGreensteinPhaseFunction(float asymmetry) |
{ |
return sh; |
} |
// Undoes coefficient normalization to obtain the canonical values of SH.
public static SphericalHarmonicsL2 DenormalizeSH(SphericalHarmonicsL2 sh) |
// Undoes coefficient rescaling due to the convolution with the clamped cosine kernel
// to obtain the canonical values of SH.
public static SphericalHarmonicsL2 UndoCosineRescaling(SphericalHarmonicsL2 sh) |
{ |
float sqrtPi = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.PI); |
const float c4 = 0.13656855382400988382f; // 1/16 * sqrt(15/Pi)
// Compute the inverse of SphericalHarmonicsL2::kNormalizationConstants.
// See SetSHEMapConstants() in "Stupid Spherical Harmonics Tricks". Note that we do not multiply by 3 here.
// See SetSHEMapConstants() in "Stupid Spherical Harmonics Tricks".
float[] invNormConsts = { 1.0f / c0, -1.0f / c1, 1.0f / c1, -1.0f / c1, 1.0f / c2, -1.0f / c2, 1.0f / c3, -1.0f / c2, 1.0f / c4 }; |
for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) |
// Premultiplies the SH with the polynomial coefficients of SH basis functions,
// which avoids using any constants during SH evaluation.
// The resulting evaluation takes the form:
// c_0 + c_1 y + c_2 z + c_3 x + c_4 x y + c_5 y z + c_6 (3 z^2 - 1) + c_7 x z + c_8 (x^2 - y^2)
public static SphericalHarmonicsL2 PremultiplySH(SphericalHarmonicsL2 sh) |
// (c_0 - c_6) + c_1 y + c_2 z + c_3 x + c_4 x y + c_5 y z + c_6 (3 z^2) + c_7 x z + c_8 (x^2 - y^2)
public static SphericalHarmonicsL2 PremultiplyCoefficients(SphericalHarmonicsL2 sh) |
{ |
const float k0 = 0.28209479177387814347f; // {0, 0} : 1/2 * sqrt(1/Pi)
const float k1 = 0.48860251190291992159f; // {1, 0} : 1/2 * sqrt(3/Pi)
void SetPreconvolvedAmbientLightProbe(CommandBuffer cmd, float asymmetry) |
{ |
SphericalHarmonicsL2 probeSH = DenormalizeSH(RenderSettings.ambientProbe); |
SphericalHarmonicsL2 probeSH = UndoCosineRescaling(RenderSettings.ambientProbe); |
SphericalHarmonicsL2 finalSH = PremultiplySH(Convolve(probeSH, phaseZH)); |
SphericalHarmonicsL2 finalSH = PremultiplyCoefficients(Convolve(probeSH, phaseZH)); |
// Reorder coefficients in the MAD form:
// HornerForm[c_0 + c_1 y + c_2 z + c_3 x + c_4 x y + c_5 y z + c_6 (3 z^2 - 1) + c_7 x z + c_8 (x^2 - y^2)]
// = z (3 c_6 z + c_7 x + c_2) + y (-c_8 y + c_5 z + c_4 x + c_1) + x (c_8 x + c_3) + (c_0 - c_6)
Vector4[] coeffs = new Vector4[9]; |
// Pack coefficients so that we can use Peter-Pike Sloan's shader code.
// See SetSHEMapConstants() in "Stupid Spherical Harmonics Tricks".
Vector4[] coeffs = new Vector4[7]; |
const int r = 0, g = 1, b = 2; |
// Constant + linear
for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) |
{ |
coeffs[c].x = finalSH[c, 3]; |
coeffs[c].y = finalSH[c, 1]; |
coeffs[c].z = finalSH[c, 2]; |
coeffs[c].w = finalSH[c, 0] - finalSH[c, 6]; |
} |
coeffs[0] = new Vector3(finalSH[r, 0], finalSH[g, 0], finalSH[b, 0]) |
- new Vector3(finalSH[r, 6], finalSH[g, 6], finalSH[b, 6]); |
coeffs[1] = new Vector3(finalSH[r, 3], finalSH[g, 3], finalSH[b, 3]); |
coeffs[2] = new Vector3(finalSH[r, 8], finalSH[g, 8], finalSH[b, 8]); |
coeffs[3] = new Vector3(finalSH[r, 1], finalSH[g, 1], finalSH[b, 1]); |
coeffs[4] = new Vector3(finalSH[r, 4], finalSH[g, 4], finalSH[b, 4]); |
coeffs[5] = new Vector3(finalSH[r, 5], finalSH[g, 5], finalSH[b, 5]); |
// Avoid reduplicating c_8.
coeffs[6] = new Vector3(finalSH[r, 2], finalSH[g, 2], finalSH[b, 2]); |
coeffs[7] = new Vector3(finalSH[r, 7], finalSH[g, 7], finalSH[b, 7]); |
coeffs[8] = new Vector3(finalSH[r, 6], finalSH[g, 6], finalSH[b, 6]) * 3.0f; |
// Quadratic (4/5)
for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) |
{ |
coeffs[3 + c].x = finalSH[c, 4]; |
coeffs[3 + c].y = finalSH[c, 5]; |
coeffs[3 + c].z = finalSH[c, 6] * 3.0f; |
coeffs[3 + c].w = finalSH[c, 7]; |
} |
// Quadratic (5)
coeffs[6].x = finalSH[0, 8]; |
coeffs[6].y = finalSH[1, 8]; |
coeffs[6].z = finalSH[2, 8]; |
coeffs[6].w = 1.0f; |
cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray(HDShaderIDs._AmbientProbeCoeffs, coeffs); |
} |