return N; |
} |
// Generates an orthonormal (column-major) basis from a unit vector. |
// Generates an orthonormal (row-major) basis from a unit vector. TODO: make it column-major. |
// The resulting rotation matrix has the determinant of +1. |
// Ref: 'ortho_basis_pixar_r2' from http://marc-b-reynolds.github.io/quaternions/2016/07/06/Orthonormal.html |
real3x3 GetLocalFrame(real3 localZ) |
return real3x3(localX, localY, localZ); |
} |
// Generates an orthonormal (row-major) basis from a unit vector. TODO: make it column-major. |
// The resulting rotation matrix has the determinant of +1. |
real3x3 GetLocalFrame(real3 localZ, real3 localX) |
{ |
real3 localY = cross(localZ, localX); |