public struct LightData |
{ |
public int pixelLightsCount; |
public int additionalPixelLightsCount; |
public int shadowLightIndex; |
public bool isSingleLight; |
public bool hasAdditionalLights; |
public bool shadowsRendered; |
} |
private PostProcessRenderContext m_PostProcessRenderContext; |
private CameraComparer m_CameraComparer = new CameraComparer(); |
private LightComparer m_LightComparer = new LightComparer(); |
private Mesh m_BlitQuad = null; |
private Material m_BlitMaterial = null; |
// instead this should be forced when using SRP, since all SRP use linear lighting.
GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity = true; |
// Sort cameras array by camera depth
Array.Sort(cameras, m_CameraComparer); |
foreach (Camera camera in cameras) |
{ |
cullingParameters.shadowDistance = Mathf.Min(m_ShadowSettings.maxShadowDistance, |
m_CurrCamera.farClipPlane); |
// emit scene view UI
// Emit scene view UI
VisibleLight[] visibleLights = m_CullResults.visibleLights.ToArray(); |
LightData lightData; |
VisibleLight mainLight = visibleLights[lightData.mainLightIndex]; |
if (mainLight.light.shadows != LightShadows.None) |
lightData.shadowsRendered = RenderShadows (ref m_CullResults, |
ref mainLight, lightData.shadowLightIndex, ref context); |
ref mainLight, lightData.mainLightIndex, ref context); |
} |
} |
RenderingConfiguration renderingConfig = SetupRendering(out postProcessLayer); |
bool postProcessEnabled = LightweightUtils.HasFlag(renderingConfig, RenderingConfiguration.PostProcess); |
if (lightData.shadowsRendered) |
SetupShadowShaderConstants(cmd, ref context, ref visibleLights[lightData.mainLightIndex], |
lightData.mainLightIndex, m_ShadowCasterCascadesCount); |
SetShaderKeywords(cmd, ref lightData, visibleLights); |
context.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); |
CommandBufferPool.Release(cmd); |
private void InitializeLightData(VisibleLight[] visibleLights, out LightData lightData) |
{ |
int lightsCount = visibleLights.Length; |
int maxPerPixelLights = Math.Min(m_Asset.MaxSupportedPixelLights, kMaxPerObjectLights); |
lightData.pixelLightsCount = Math.Min(lightsCount, maxPerPixelLights); |
lightData.vertexLightsCount = (m_Asset.SupportsVertexLight) ? Math.Min(lightsCount - lightData.pixelLightsCount, kMaxPerObjectLights) : 0; |
lightData.shadowsRendered = false; |
int visibleLightsCount = visibleLights.Length; |
// kMaxPerObjectLights + 1 main light
int maxSupportedPixelLights = Math.Min(m_Asset.MaxSupportedPixelLights, kMaxPerObjectLights + 1); |
int maxPixelLights = Math.Min(maxSupportedPixelLights, visibleLightsCount); |
if (lightsCount <= 1) |
if (maxPixelLights <= 1) |
// If 0 lights then mainLightIndex is initialized to -1
lightData.mainLightIndex = lightData.shadowLightIndex = lightsCount - 1; |
lightData.isSingleLight = true; |
return; |
lightData.mainLightIndex = maxPixelLights - 1; |
lightData.additionalPixelLightsCount = 0; |
lightData.isSingleLight = false; |
SortLights(visibleLights, out lightData.mainLightIndex, out lightData.shadowLightIndex); |
} |
private void SortLights(VisibleLight[] visibleLights, out int mainLightIndex, out int shadowLightIndex) |
{ |
int totalVisibleLights = visibleLights.Length; |
int maxVisibleLights = Math.Min(totalVisibleLights, kMaxVisibleLights); |
int[] lightIndexMap = m_CullResults.GetLightIndexMap(); |
int[] visibleLightHashes = new int[totalVisibleLights]; |
for (int i = 0; i < totalVisibleLights; ++i) |
visibleLightHashes[i] = visibleLights[i].GetHashCode(); |
for (int i = 0; i < totalVisibleLights; ++i) |
if (visibleLights[i].lightType == LightType.Directional) |
lightIndexMap[i] = -1; |
// Sorts on the following priority:
// Puntual lights as they need to be culled perobject
// Shadow casting lights
// Realtime < Mixed
// Light Intensity
Array.Sort(visibleLights, m_LightComparer); |
Dictionary<int, int> visibleLightsMap = new Dictionary<int, int>(); |
for (int i = 0; i < totalVisibleLights; ++i) |
visibleLightsMap.Add(visibleLights[i].GetHashCode(), i); |
// Lightweight pipeline only upload kMaxVisibleLights to shader cbuffer.
// We tell the pipe to disable remaining lights by setting it to -1.
for (int i = 0; i < totalVisibleLights; ++i) |
else |
int index = visibleLightsMap [visibleLightHashes[i]]; |
if (lightIndexMap[i] != -1) |
lightIndexMap[i] = (index < kMaxVisibleLights) ? index : -1; |
lightData.mainLightIndex = GetMainLightIndex(visibleLights); |
lightData.additionalPixelLightsCount = maxPixelLights - 1; |
m_CullResults.SetLightIndexMap(lightIndexMap); |
lightData.vertexLightsCount = (m_Asset.SupportsVertexLight) ? Math.Min(visibleLightsCount - maxPixelLights, kMaxPerObjectLights) : 0; |
lightData.hasAdditionalLights = (lightData.additionalPixelLightsCount + lightData.vertexLightsCount) > 0; |
lightData.shadowsRendered = false; |
} |
// How main light is decided:
// 1) If shadows are enabled and at least a shadow light is present:
// Main light is a shadow light. Directional shadow light has priority over the other supported
// shadow lights types.
// Lightweight pipeline only supports 1 single directional shadow light.
// Any additional pixel lights don't cast shadows.
// 2) If shadows are disabled or no shadow light is present then main light is the main brighest directional
// 3) If neither a shadow light or main light is first visible light.
private int GetMainLightIndex(VisibleLight[] lights) |
{ |
mainLightIndex = -1; |
if (shadowsEnabled && visibleLights[0].light.shadows != LightShadows.None) |
mainLightIndex = 0; |
int mainDirectional = -1; |
int mainShadowLight = -1; |
int lightIter = 0; |
for (; lightIter < maxVisibleLights; ++lightIter) |
for (int i = 0; i < lights.Length; ++i) |
if (visibleLights[lightIter].lightType == LightType.Directional) |
if (shadowsEnabled && LightweightUtils.IsSupportedShadowType (lights[i].lightType) && lights[i].light.shadows != LightShadows.None) |
if (mainLightIndex == -1 || |
(mainLightIndex == 0 && visibleLights[lightIter].light.shadows != LightShadows.None)) |
mainLightIndex = lightIter; |
break; |
// Shadow Type priority: Soft > Hard > None
if (mainShadowLight < 0 || lights[i].light.shadows > lights[mainShadowLight].light.shadows) |
mainShadowLight = i; |
} |
if (lights[i].lightType == LightType.Directional) |
{ |
if (mainDirectional < 0 || lights[i].light.intensity > lights[mainDirectional].light.intensity) |
mainDirectional = i; |
// Main light and shadow lights are always the same. However,
// there an incovinience of the shadow caster pass takes the original
// shadow light index. After sorting lights that index is lost. We
// retrieve it by getting looking for the main light hash in the light hash list
shadowLightIndex = -1; |
if (shadowsEnabled && mainLightIndex != -1) |
if (mainShadowLight >= 0) |
int shadowLightHash = visibleLights[mainLightIndex].GetHashCode(); |
for (int i = 0; i < totalVisibleLights; ++i) |
if (visibleLightHashes[i] == shadowLightHash) |
{ |
shadowLightIndex = i; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (mainDirectional > 0 && lights[mainDirectional].light.shadows != LightShadows.None) |
return mainDirectional; |
else |
return mainShadowLight; |
} |
if (mainDirectional > 0) |
return mainDirectional; |
return 0; |
} |
private void InitializeLightConstants(VisibleLight[] lights, int lightIndex, out Vector4 lightPos, out Vector4 lightColor, out Vector4 lightSpotDir, |
cmd.SetGlobalVector("_GlossyEnvironmentColor", glossyEnvColor); |
if (m_Asset.AttenuationTexture != null) cmd.SetGlobalTexture("_AttenuationTexture", m_Asset.AttenuationTexture); |
if (lightData.mainLightIndex != -1) |
SetupMainLightConstants(cmd, lights, lightData.mainLightIndex, ref context); |
// Main light has an optimized shader path for main light. This will benefit games that only care about a single light.
// Lightweight pipeline also supports only a single shadow light, if available it will be the main light.
if (lightData.mainLightIndex != -1) |
{ |
SetupMainLightConstants (cmd, lights, lightData.mainLightIndex, ref context); |
if (lightData.shadowsRendered) |
SetupShadowShaderConstants (cmd, ref context, ref lights[lightData.mainLightIndex], m_ShadowCasterCascadesCount); |
} |
if (!lightData.isSingleLight) |
if (lightData.hasAdditionalLights) |
SetupAdditionalListConstants(cmd, lights, ref lightData, ref context); |
} |
private void SetupAdditionalListConstants(CommandBuffer cmd, VisibleLight[] lights, ref LightData lightData, ref ScriptableRenderContext context) |
{ |
int maxLights = Math.Min(kMaxVisibleLights, lights.Length); |
int totalLightCount = lights.Length; |
int maxLights = Math.Min(kMaxVisibleLights, totalLightCount); |
for (int i = 0; i < maxLights; ++i) |
InitializeLightConstants(lights, i, out m_LightPositions[i], out m_LightColors[i], out m_LightSpotDirections[i], out m_LightAttenuations[i]); |
int[] lightIndexMap = m_CullResults.GetLightIndexMap(); |
int lightIter = 0; |
for (int i = 0; i < totalLightCount; ++i) |
{ |
if (i == lightData.mainLightIndex || lightIter >= maxLights) |
{ |
lightIndexMap[i] = -1; |
continue; |
} |
cmd.SetGlobalVector("globalLightCount", new Vector4 (lightData.pixelLightsCount, lightData.vertexLightsCount, 0.0f, 0.0f)); |
InitializeLightConstants(lights, i, out m_LightPositions[lightIter], out m_LightColors[lightIter], out m_LightSpotDirections[lightIter], out m_LightAttenuations[lightIter]); |
lightIndexMap[i] = lightIter; |
lightIter++; |
} |
m_CullResults.SetLightIndexMap(lightIndexMap); |
cmd.SetGlobalVector("globalLightCount", new Vector4 (lightData.additionalPixelLightsCount, lightData.vertexLightsCount, 0.0f, 0.0f)); |
cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray ("globalLightPos", m_LightPositions); |
cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray ("globalLightColor", m_LightColors); |
cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray ("globalLightAtten", m_LightAttenuations); |
private void SetupShadowShaderConstants(CommandBuffer cmd, ref ScriptableRenderContext context, ref VisibleLight shadowLight, int shadowLightIndex, int cascadeCount) |
private void SetupShadowShaderConstants(CommandBuffer cmd, ref ScriptableRenderContext context, ref VisibleLight shadowLight, int cascadeCount) |
{ |
Vector3 shadowLightDir = Vector3.Normalize(shadowLight.localToWorld.GetColumn(2)); |
cmd.SetGlobalMatrixArray("_WorldToShadow", shadowMatrices); |
cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray("_DirShadowSplitSpheres", m_DirectionalShadowSplitDistances); |
cmd.SetGlobalVector("_ShadowLightDirection", new Vector4(-shadowLightDir.x, -shadowLightDir.y, -shadowLightDir.z, 0.0f)); |
cmd.SetGlobalVector("_ShadowData", new Vector4(shadowLightIndex, bias, normalBias, 0.0f)); |
cmd.SetGlobalVector("_ShadowData", new Vector4(0.0f, bias, normalBias, 0.0f)); |
cmd.SetGlobalFloatArray("_PCFKernel", pcfKernel); |
} |
LightweightUtils.SetKeyword (cmd, "_MAIN_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT", mainLightIndex != -1 && visibleLights[mainLightIndex].lightType == LightType.Directional); |
LightweightUtils.SetKeyword (cmd, "_MAIN_SPOT_LIGHT", mainLightIndex != -1 && visibleLights[mainLightIndex].lightType == LightType.Spot); |
LightweightUtils.SetKeyword (cmd, "_MAIN_POINT_LIGHT", mainLightIndex != -1 && visibleLights[mainLightIndex].lightType == LightType.Point); |
LightweightUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, "_ADDITIONAL_LIGHTS", !lightData.isSingleLight); |
LightweightUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, "_ADDITIONAL_PIXEL_LIGHTS", lightData.additionalPixelLightsCount > 0); |
string[] shadowKeywords = new string[] { "_HARD_SHADOWS", "_SOFT_SHADOWS", "_HARD_SHADOWS_CASCADES", "_SOFT_SHADOWS_CASCADES" }; |
for (int i = 0; i < shadowKeywords.Length; ++i) |
RendererConfiguration GetRendererSettings(ref LightData lightData) |
{ |
RendererConfiguration settings = RendererConfiguration.PerObjectReflectionProbes | RendererConfiguration.PerObjectLightmaps | RendererConfiguration.PerObjectLightProbe; |
if (!lightData.isSingleLight) |
if (lightData.hasAdditionalLights) |
settings |= RendererConfiguration.PerObjectLightIndices8; |
return settings; |
} |