public static class CameraRenderTargetID |
{ |
// Camera color target uses to render opaques.
// It's the same as final color except when BeforeOpaque custom PostFX is enabled
public static int opaqueColor; |
public static int finalColor; |
public static int color; |
// Camera copy color texture. In case there is a single BeforeTransparent postFX
// we need use copyColor RT as a work RT.
public static int copyColor; |
// If soft particles are enabled
// If soft particles are enabled and no depth prepass is performed we need to copy depth.
public static int depthCopy; |
} |
private int m_ShadowMapRTID; |
private RenderTargetIdentifier m_CurrCameraColorRT; |
private RenderTargetIdentifier m_ShadowMapRT; |
private RenderTargetIdentifier m_OpaqueColorRT; |
private RenderTargetIdentifier m_FinalColorRT; |
private RenderTargetIdentifier m_OpaqueDepthRT; |
private RenderTargetIdentifier m_FinalDepthRT; |
private RenderTargetIdentifier m_ColorRT; |
private RenderTargetIdentifier m_CopyColorRT; |
private RenderTargetIdentifier m_DepthRT; |
private RenderTargetIdentifier m_CopyDepth; |
private RenderTargetIdentifier m_Color; |
private bool m_RequiredDepth = false; |
private const int kShadowDepthBufferBits = 16; |
private const int kCameraDepthBufferBits = 32; |
private ShadowSliceData[] m_ShadowSlices = new ShadowSliceData[kMaxCascades]; |
private static readonly ShaderPassName m_DepthPrePass = new ShaderPassName("DepthOnly"); |
private static readonly ShaderPassName m_LitPassName = new ShaderPassName("LightweightForward"); |
private static readonly ShaderPassName m_UnlitPassName = new ShaderPassName("SRPDefaultUnlit"); |
m_ShadowMapRTID = Shader.PropertyToID("_ShadowMap"); |
CameraRenderTargetID.opaqueColor = Shader.PropertyToID("_CameraOpaqueColorRT"); |
CameraRenderTargetID.finalColor = Shader.PropertyToID("_CameraColorRT"); |
CameraRenderTargetID.color = Shader.PropertyToID("_CameraColorRT"); |
CameraRenderTargetID.copyColor = Shader.PropertyToID("_CameraCopyColorRT"); |
m_OpaqueColorRT = new RenderTargetIdentifier(CameraRenderTargetID.opaqueColor); |
m_FinalColorRT = new RenderTargetIdentifier(CameraRenderTargetID.finalColor); |
m_OpaqueDepthRT = new RenderTargetIdentifier(CameraRenderTargetID.depth); |
m_FinalDepthRT = new RenderTargetIdentifier(CameraRenderTargetID.depthCopy); |
m_ColorRT = new RenderTargetIdentifier(CameraRenderTargetID.color); |
m_CopyColorRT = new RenderTargetIdentifier(CameraRenderTargetID.copyColor); |
m_DepthRT = new RenderTargetIdentifier(CameraRenderTargetID.depth); |
m_CopyDepth = new RenderTargetIdentifier(CameraRenderTargetID.depthCopy); |
m_PostProcessRenderContext = new PostProcessRenderContext(); |
m_CopyTextureSupport = SystemInfo.copyTextureSupport; |
InitializeLightData(visibleLights, out lightData); |
ShadowPass(visibleLights, ref context, ref lightData); |
ForwardPass(visibleLights, ref context, ref lightData, stereoEnabled); |
FrameRenderingConfiguration frameRenderingConfiguration; |
SetupFrameRendering(out frameRenderingConfiguration, stereoEnabled); |
SetupIntermediateResources(frameRenderingConfiguration, ref context); |
// SetupCameraProperties does the following:
// Setup Camera RenderTarget and Viewport
// VR Camera Setup and SINGLE_PASS_STEREO props
// Setup camera view, proj and their inv matrices.
// Setup properties: _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ProjectionParams, _ScreenParams, _ZBufferParams, unity_OrthoParams
// Setup camera world clip planes props
// setup HDR keyword
// Setup global time properties (_Time, _SinTime, _CosTime)
context.SetupCameraProperties(m_CurrCamera, stereoEnabled); |
if (LightweightUtils.HasFlag(frameRenderingConfiguration, FrameRenderingConfiguration.DepthPass)) |
DepthPass(ref context); |
ForwardPass(visibleLights, frameRenderingConfiguration, ref context, ref lightData, stereoEnabled); |
// Release temporary RT
var cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get("After Camera Render"); |
cmd.ReleaseTemporaryRT(CameraRenderTargetID.finalColor); |
cmd.ReleaseTemporaryRT(CameraRenderTargetID.opaqueColor); |
cmd.ReleaseTemporaryRT(CameraRenderTargetID.color); |
cmd.ReleaseTemporaryRT(CameraRenderTargetID.copyColor); |
context.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); |
CommandBufferPool.Release(cmd); |
} |
} |
private void ForwardPass(VisibleLight[] visibleLights, ref ScriptableRenderContext context, ref LightData lightData, bool stereoEnabled) |
private void DepthPass(ref ScriptableRenderContext context) |
FrameRenderingConfiguration frameRenderingConfiguration; |
SetupFrameRendering(out frameRenderingConfiguration, stereoEnabled); |
SetupIntermediateResources(frameRenderingConfiguration, ref context); |
SetupShaderConstants(visibleLights, ref context, ref lightData); |
CommandBuffer cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get("Depth Prepass"); |
cmd.SetRenderTarget(m_DepthRT); |
context.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); |
CommandBufferPool.Release(cmd); |
// SetupCameraProperties does the following:
// Setup Camera RenderTarget and Viewport
// VR Camera Setup and SINGLE_PASS_STEREO props
// Setup camera view, proj and their inv matrices.
// Setup properties: _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ProjectionParams, _ScreenParams, _ZBufferParams, unity_OrthoParams
// Setup camera world clip planes props
// setup HDR keyword
// Setup global time properties (_Time, _SinTime, _CosTime)
context.SetupCameraProperties(m_CurrCamera, stereoEnabled); |
var opaqueDrawSettings = new DrawRendererSettings(m_CurrCamera, m_DepthPrePass); |
opaqueDrawSettings.sorting.flags = SortFlags.CommonOpaque; |
var opaqueFilterSettings = new FilterRenderersSettings(true) |
{ |
renderQueueRange = RenderQueueRange.opaque |
}; |
context.DrawRenderers(m_CullResults.visibleRenderers, ref opaqueDrawSettings, opaqueFilterSettings); |
} |
private void ForwardPass(VisibleLight[] visibleLights, FrameRenderingConfiguration frameRenderingConfiguration, ref ScriptableRenderContext context, ref LightData lightData, bool stereoEnabled) |
{ |
SetupShaderConstants(visibleLights, ref context, ref lightData); |
RendererConfiguration rendererSettings = GetRendererSettings(ref lightData); |
private void AfterOpaque(ref ScriptableRenderContext context, FrameRenderingConfiguration config) |
{ |
if (!LightweightUtils.HasFlag(config, FrameRenderingConfiguration.RequireDepth)) |
if (!m_RequiredDepth) |
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(CameraRenderTargetID.depth, m_OpaqueDepthRT); |
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(CameraRenderTargetID.depth, m_DepthRT); |
// When only one opaque effect is active we need setup a intermediate opaque RT and then blit it to final RT when
// in the postfx.
// When only one opaque effect is active we need to blit to a work RT. We blit to copy color.
// TODO: We can check if there are more than one opaque postfx and avoid an extra blit.
RenderPostProcess(cmd, m_OpaqueColorRT, m_FinalColorRT, true); |
m_CurrCameraColorRT = (m_IsOffscreenCamera) ? BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget : m_FinalColorRT; |
RenderPostProcess(cmd, m_ColorRT, m_CopyColorRT, true); |
m_CurrCameraColorRT = (m_IsOffscreenCamera) ? BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget : m_ColorRT; |
if (m_Asset.SupportsSoftParticles) |
if (LightweightUtils.HasFlag(config, FrameRenderingConfiguration.DepthCopy)) |
RenderTargetIdentifier colorRT = (m_IsOffscreenCamera) ? BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget : m_FinalColorRT; |
CopyTexture(cmd, m_OpaqueDepthRT, m_FinalDepthRT, m_CopyDepthMaterial); |
SetupRenderTargets(cmd, colorRT, m_FinalDepthRT); |
RenderTargetIdentifier colorRT = (m_IsOffscreenCamera) ? BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget : m_ColorRT; |
CopyTexture(cmd, m_DepthRT, m_CopyDepth, m_CopyDepthMaterial); |
SetupRenderTargets(cmd, colorRT, m_CopyDepth); |
} |
context.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); |
m_Asset.RenderScale < 1.0f || m_CurrCamera.allowHDR; |
m_ColorFormat = m_CurrCamera.allowHDR ? RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf : RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32; |
m_RequiredDepth = false; |
m_CameraPostProcessLayer = m_CurrCamera.GetComponent<PostProcessLayer>(); |
m_CameraPostProcessLayer = m_CurrCamera.GetComponent<PostProcessLayer>(); |
bool msaaEnabled = m_Asset.MSAASampleCount > 1 && (m_CurrCamera.targetTexture == null || m_CurrCamera.targetTexture.antiAliasing > 1); |
if (postProcessEnabled || softParticlesEnabled) |
if (postProcessEnabled) |
{ |
m_RequiredDepth = true; |
intermediateTexture = true; |
configuration |= FrameRenderingConfiguration.PostProcess; |
if (m_CameraPostProcessLayer.HasOpaqueOnlyEffects(m_PostProcessRenderContext)) |
configuration |= FrameRenderingConfiguration.BeforeTransparentPostProcess; |
// Resolving depth msaa requires texture2DMS. Currently if msaa is enabled we do a depth pre-pass.
if (msaaEnabled) |
configuration |= FrameRenderingConfiguration.DepthPass; |
} |
// In case of soft particles we need depth copy. If depth copy not supported fallback to depth prepass
if (softParticlesEnabled) |
configuration |= FrameRenderingConfiguration.RequireDepth; |
m_RequiredDepth = true; |
if (postProcessEnabled) |
{ |
configuration |= FrameRenderingConfiguration.PostProcess; |
if (m_CameraPostProcessLayer.HasOpaqueOnlyEffects(m_PostProcessRenderContext)) |
configuration |= FrameRenderingConfiguration.BeforeTransparentPostProcess; |
} |
bool supportsDepthCopy = m_CopyTextureSupport != CopyTextureSupport.None && m_Asset.CopyDepthShader.isSupported; |
// currently fallback to depth prepass if msaa is enabled since. We need texture2DMS to support depth resolve.
configuration |= (msaaEnabled || !supportsDepthCopy) ? FrameRenderingConfiguration.DepthPass : FrameRenderingConfiguration.DepthCopy; |
// When post process or soft particles are enabled we disable msaa due to lack of depth resolve
// One can still use PostFX AA
else if (m_Asset.MSAASampleCount > 1) |
if (msaaEnabled) |
{ |
configuration |= FrameRenderingConfiguration.Msaa; |
intermediateTexture = !LightweightUtils.PlatformSupportsMSAABackBuffer(); |
int rtWidth = (int)((float)m_CurrCamera.pixelWidth * renderScale); |
int rtHeight = (int)((float)m_CurrCamera.pixelHeight * renderScale); |
if (LightweightUtils.HasFlag(renderingConfig, FrameRenderingConfiguration.RequireDepth)) |
if (m_RequiredDepth) |
if (m_Asset.SupportsSoftParticles) |
if (LightweightUtils.HasFlag(renderingConfig, FrameRenderingConfiguration.DepthCopy)) |
// All RT are required to be bound with same amount of samples. We cannot resolve depth msaa.
msaaSamples = 1; |
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(CameraRenderTargetID.finalColor, rtWidth, rtHeight, kCameraDepthBufferBits, |
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(CameraRenderTargetID.color, rtWidth, rtHeight, kCameraDepthBufferBits, |
m_CurrCameraColorRT = m_FinalColorRT; |
m_CurrCameraColorRT = m_ColorRT; |
} |
// When postprocessing is enabled we might have a before transparent effect. In that case we need to
{ |
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(CameraRenderTargetID.opaqueColor, rtWidth, rtHeight, kCameraDepthBufferBits, |
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(CameraRenderTargetID.copyColor, rtWidth, rtHeight, kCameraDepthBufferBits, |
m_CurrCameraColorRT = m_OpaqueColorRT; |
} |
} |
rtDesc.colorFormat = m_ColorFormat; |
rtDesc.msaaSamples = msaaSamples; |
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(CameraRenderTargetID.finalColor, rtDesc, FilterMode.Bilinear); |
//if (LightweightUtils.HasFlag(renderingConfig, FrameRenderingConfiguration.PostProcess))
// cmd.GetTemporaryRT(CameraRenderTargetID.opaqueColor, rtDesc, FilterMode.Bilinear);
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(CameraRenderTargetID.color, rtDesc, FilterMode.Bilinear); |
} |
private void SetupShaderConstants(VisibleLight[] visibleLights, ref ScriptableRenderContext context, ref LightData lightData) |
if (!m_IsOffscreenCamera) |
colorRT = m_CurrCameraColorRT; |
if (LightweightUtils.HasFlag(renderingConfig, FrameRenderingConfiguration.RequireDepth)) |
depthRT = m_OpaqueDepthRT; |
if (m_RequiredDepth && !LightweightUtils.HasFlag(renderingConfig, FrameRenderingConfiguration.DepthPass)) |
depthRT = m_DepthRT; |
} |
SetupRenderTargets(cmd, colorRT, depthRT); |
m_PostProcessRenderContext.flip = true; |
if (opaqueOnly) |
{ |
cmd.Blit(m_CopyColorRT, m_ColorRT); |
} |
else |
m_CameraPostProcessLayer.Render(m_PostProcessRenderContext); |
} |