float y = 1.5707921083647782 + x * (-0.9995697178013095 + x * (0.778026455830408 + x * (-0.6173111361273548 + x * (0.4202724111150622 + x * (-0.19452783598217288 + x * 0.04232040013661036)))));
real x = abs(V1oV2);
real y = 1.5707921083647782 + x * (-0.9995697178013095 + x * (0.778026455830408 + x * (-0.6173111361273548 + x * (0.4202724111150622 + x * (-0.19452783598217288 + x * 0.04232040013661036)))));
if (V1oV2 < 0)
// Not normalized by the factor of 1/TWO_PI.
// Ref: Improving radiosity solutions through the use of analytically determined form-factors.
float IntegrateEdge(float3 V1, float3 V2)
real IntegrateEdge(real3 V1, real3 V2)
// 'sinSqSigma' is the sine^2 of the half of the opening angle of the sphere as seen from the shaded point.
// 'sinSqSigma' is the sine^2 of the real of the opening angle of the sphere as seen from the shaded point.
// Caution: When going from world space to view space, unity is right handed in view space and the determinant of the matrix is negative
// For cubemap capture (reflection probe) view space is still left handed (cubemap convention) and the determinant is positive.
// The lighting code assume that 1 Unity unit (1uu) == 1 meters. This is very important regarding physically based light unit and inverse square attenuation
// space at the end of the variable name
// WS: world space
// uniform have _ as prefix + uppercase _LowercaseThenCamelCase
// Do not use "in", only "out" or "inout" as califier, no "inline" keyword either, useless.
// When declaring "out" argument of function, they are always last
// headers from ShaderLibrary do not include "common.hlsl", this should be included in the .shader using it (or Material.hlsl)
// These structures need to be align on float4 to respect various packing rules from sahder language.
// This mean that these structure need to be padded.
// These structures need to be align on float4 to respect various packing rules from shader language. This mean that these structure need to be padded.
// Rules: When doing an array for constant buffer variables, we always use float4 to avoid any packing issue, particularly between compute shader and pixel shaders
// i.e don't use SetGlobalFloatArray or SetComputeFloatParams
// The function of the shader library are stateless, no uniform decalare in it.
// Any function that require an explicit precision, use float or half qualifier, when the function can support both, it use real (see below)
// If a function require to have both a half and a float version, then both need to be explicitly define
#ifndef real
#define real half
#define real2 half2
#define real3 half3
#define real4 half4
#define real2x2 half2x2
#define real2x3 half2x3
#define real3x2 half3x2
#define real3x3 half3x3
#define real3x4 half3x4
#define real4x3 half4x3
#define real4x4 half4x4
// Do not use "in", only "out" or "inout" as califier, not "inline" keyword either, useless.
// The lighting code assume that 1 Unity unit (1uu) == 1 meters. This is very important regarding physically based light unit and inverse square attenuation
// When declaring "out" argument of function, they are always last
#define real float
#define real2 float2
#define real3 float3
#define real4 float4
// headers from ShaderLibrary do not include "common.hlsl", this should be included in the .shader using it (or Material.hlsl)
#define real2x2 float2x2
#define real2x3 float2x3
#define real3x2 float3x2
#define real3x3 float3x3
#define real3x4 float3x4
#define real4x3 float4x3
#define real4x4 float4x4
// Rules: When doing an array for constant buffer variables, we always use float4 to avoid any packing issue, particularly between compute shader and pixel shaders
// i.e don't use SetGlobalFloatArray or SetComputeFloatParams
// (But these kind of platform should use regular render loop and not news shaders).
// RGBM lightmaps are currently always gamma encoded, so we use a constant of range^2.2 = 5^2.2
#define LIGHTMAP_RGBM_RANGE 34.493242f
#define LIGHTMAP_RGBM_RANGE 34.493242
// DLRD lightmaps are currently always gamma encoded, so we use a constant of 2.0^2.2 = 4.59
// DLDR lightmaps are currently always gamma encoded, so we use a constant of 2.0^2.2 = 4.59
// TODO: This is the max value allowed for emissive (bad name - but keep for now to retrieve it) (It is 8^2.2 (gamma) and 8 is the limit of punctual light slider...), comme from UnityCg.cginc. Fix it!
// Ask Jesper if this can be change for HDRenderPipeline
// Same goes for emissive packed as an input for Enlighten with another hard coded multiplier.
// TODO: This function is used with the LightTransport pass to encode lightmap or emissive
real PerceptualRoughnessToMipmapLevel(real perceptualRoughness, real NdotR)
float m = PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness(perceptualRoughness);
real m = PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness(perceptualRoughness);
float n = (2.0 / max(FLT_EPS, m * m)) - 2.0;
real n = (2.0 / max(FLT_EPS, m * m)) - 2.0;
// Remap from n_dot_h formulation to n_dot_r. See section "Pre-convolved Cube Maps vs Path Tracers" --> https://s3.amazonaws.com/docs.knaldtech.com/knald/1.0.0/lys_power_drops.html
n /= (4.0 * max(NdotR, FLT_EPS));
// The inverse of the *approximated* version of perceptualRoughnessToMipmapLevel().
// surface gradient from an on the fly TBN (deriv obtained using tspaceNormalToDerivative()) or from conventional vertex level TBN (mikktspace compliant and deriv obtained using tspaceNormalToDerivative())
float2 ParallaxOcclusionMapping(float lod, float lodThreshold, int numSteps, float3 viewDirTS, PerPixelHeightDisplacementParam ppdParam, out float outHeight)
real2 ParallaxOcclusionMapping(real lod, real lodThreshold, int numSteps, real3 viewDirTS, PerPixelHeightDisplacementParam ppdParam, out real outHeight)
real3 ADD_FUNC_SUFFIX(ADD_NORMAL_FUNC_SUFFIX(SampleUVMappingNormal))(TEXTURE2D_ARGS(textureName, samplerName), UVMapping uvMapping, real scale, real param)