8 年前
共有 13 个文件被更改,包括 958 次插入 和 0 次删除
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("Procedural/AACheckerboard")] |
public class AACheckerboardNode : AnyNode<AACheckerboardNode.Definition> |
{ |
public class Definition : IAnyNodeDefinition |
{ |
public string name { get { return "AACheckerboard"; } } |
public AnyNodeProperty[] properties |
{ |
get |
{ |
return new AnyNodeProperty[] |
{ |
// slotId is the 'immutable' value we used to connect things
new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 0, name = "inUVs", description = "Input UV coords", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector2, value =, state = AnyNodePropertyState.Slot }, |
new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 1, name = "A", description = "color A", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector4, value= new Vector4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f), state = AnyNodePropertyState.Constant }, |
new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 2, name = "B", description = "color B", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector4, value= new Vector4(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f), state = AnyNodePropertyState.Constant }, |
new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 3, name = "aaTweak", description = "AA Tweak", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector3, value= new Vector4(0.05f, 3.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),state = AnyNodePropertyState.Constant }, |
new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 4, name = "frequency", description = "Frequency", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector2, value =, state = AnyNodePropertyState.Constant }, |
}; |
} |
} |
public AnyNodeSlot[] outputs |
{ |
get |
{ |
return new AnyNodeSlot[] |
{ |
new AnyNodeSlot { slotId= 5, name = "outColor", description = "Output color", slotValueType = SlotValueType.Vector4, value = } |
}; |
} |
} |
public string hlsl |
{ |
get |
{ |
return |
"float4 derivatives = float4(ddx(inUVs), ddy(inUVs));\n" + |
"float2 duv_length = sqrt(float2(dot(derivatives.xz, derivatives.xz), dot(derivatives.yw, derivatives.yw)));\n" + |
"float width = 0.5f;\n" + |
"float2 distance3 = 2.0f * abs(frac(inUVs.xy * frequency) - 0.5f) - width;\n" + |
"float2 scale = aaTweak.x / duv_length.xy;\n" + |
"float2 blend_out = saturate((scale - aaTweak.zz) / (aaTweak.yy - aaTweak.zz));\n" + |
"float2 vector_alpha = clamp(distance3 * scale.xy * blend_out.xy, -1.0f, 1.0f);\n" + |
"float alpha = saturate(0.5f + 0.5f * vector_alpha.x * vector_alpha.y);\n" + |
"outColor= lerp(A, B, alpha.xxxx);"; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 7c311b074714f8d468c9bfbf8f91619d |
timeCreated: 1495731579 |
licenseType: Pro |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
using System; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Serializable] |
public class AnyNodeSlot |
{ |
public int slotId; |
public string name; |
public string description; |
public SlotValueType slotValueType; |
public Vector4 value; |
public MaterialSlot toMaterialSlot() |
{ |
return new MaterialSlot(slotId, name, name, Graphing.SlotType.Output, slotValueType, value); |
} |
public string getTypeDecl(AbstractMaterialNode.OutputPrecision precision) |
{ |
switch (slotValueType) |
{ |
case SlotValueType.sampler2D: |
break; |
case SlotValueType.Dynamic: |
break; |
case SlotValueType.Vector1: |
return precision + ""; |
case SlotValueType.Vector2: |
return precision + "2"; |
case SlotValueType.Vector3: |
return precision + "3"; |
case SlotValueType.Vector4: |
return precision + "4"; |
} |
return null; |
} |
}; |
[Serializable] |
public enum AnyNodePropertyState |
{ |
Constant = 0, |
Exposed = 1, |
Slot = 2, |
}; |
[Serializable] |
public class AnyNodeProperty |
{ |
public int slotId; |
public string name; |
public string description; |
public PropertyType propertyType; |
public Vector4 value; |
public AnyNodePropertyState state; |
public MaterialSlot toMaterialSlot() |
{ |
// convert property type to slotvaluetype...
SlotValueType slotValueType = SlotValueType.Dynamic; |
switch (propertyType) |
{ |
case PropertyType.Color: |
slotValueType = SlotValueType.Vector4; |
break; |
case PropertyType.Texture: |
slotValueType = SlotValueType.sampler2D; |
break; |
case PropertyType.Cubemap: |
slotValueType = SlotValueType.sampler2D; |
break; |
case PropertyType.Float: |
slotValueType = SlotValueType.Vector1; |
break; |
case PropertyType.Vector2: |
slotValueType = SlotValueType.Vector2; |
break; |
case PropertyType.Vector3: |
slotValueType = SlotValueType.Vector3; |
break; |
case PropertyType.Vector4: |
slotValueType = SlotValueType.Vector4; |
break; |
case PropertyType.Matrix2: |
slotValueType = SlotValueType.Matrix2; |
break; |
case PropertyType.Matrix3: |
slotValueType = SlotValueType.Matrix3; |
break; |
case PropertyType.Matrix4: |
slotValueType = SlotValueType.Matrix4; |
break; |
} |
return new MaterialSlot(slotId, name, name, Graphing.SlotType.Input, slotValueType, value); |
} |
public PropertyChunk toPropertyChunk() |
{ |
switch (propertyType) |
{ |
case PropertyType.Color: |
break; |
case PropertyType.Texture: |
break; |
case PropertyType.Cubemap: |
break; |
case PropertyType.Float: |
return new FloatPropertyChunk(name, description, value.x, PropertyChunk.HideState.Visible); |
case PropertyType.Vector2: |
case PropertyType.Vector3: |
case PropertyType.Vector4: |
return new VectorPropertyChunk(name, description, value, PropertyChunk.HideState.Visible); |
case PropertyType.Matrix2: |
case PropertyType.Matrix3: |
case PropertyType.Matrix4: |
break; |
} |
return null; |
} |
public string getTypeDecl(AbstractMaterialNode.OutputPrecision precision) |
{ |
switch (propertyType) |
{ |
case PropertyType.Color: |
case PropertyType.Texture: |
case PropertyType.Cubemap: |
return null; |
case PropertyType.Float: |
return precision + ""; |
case PropertyType.Vector2: |
return precision + "2"; |
case PropertyType.Vector3: |
return precision + "3"; |
case PropertyType.Vector4: |
return precision + "4"; |
case PropertyType.Matrix2: |
case PropertyType.Matrix3: |
case PropertyType.Matrix4: |
break; |
} |
return null; |
} |
} |
public interface IAnyNodeDefinition |
{ |
string name { get; } |
AnyNodeProperty[] properties { get; } |
AnyNodeSlot[] outputs { get; } |
string hlsl { get; } |
} |
public class AnyNodeBase : AbstractMaterialNode |
{ |
// local copy of the definition data -- some of it is state that gets modified by the user
// TODO: really we should break the properties and slots into static definition data and mutable user data -- separate structs
[SerializeField] |
protected AnyNodeProperty[] m_properties; |
[SerializeField] |
protected AnyNodeSlot[] m_outputSlots; |
public IEnumerable<AnyNodeProperty> properties |
{ |
get |
{ |
return m_properties; |
} |
} |
public int propertyCount |
{ |
get { return m_properties.Length; } |
} |
public void setPropertyState(AnyNodeProperty p, AnyNodePropertyState state) |
{ |
if (p.state != state) |
{ |
if ((p.state == AnyNodePropertyState.Slot) && (state != AnyNodePropertyState.Slot)) |
{ |
// Removing slot
RemoveSlot(p.slotId); |
} |
else if ((p.state != AnyNodePropertyState.Slot) && (state == AnyNodePropertyState.Slot)) |
{ |
// Adding slot
AddSlot(p.toMaterialSlot()); |
} |
p.state = state; |
} |
} |
} |
// [Title("Abstract Any Node")]
public class AnyNode<DEFINITION> : |
AnyNodeBase |
, IGeneratesBodyCode |
, IGeneratesFunction |
/* , IMayRequireMeshUV |
, IOnAssetEnabled // TODO
, IMayRequireNormal // TODO
, IMayRequireTangent |
, IMayRequireBitangent |
, IMayRequireScreenPosition |
, IMayRequireViewDirection |
, IMayRequireWorldPosition |
, IMayRequireVertexColor |
, IMayRequireViewDirectionTangentSpace |
*/ |
where DEFINITION : IAnyNodeDefinition, new() |
{ |
private DEFINITION m_definition; |
public string node_name |
{ |
get |
{ |
return; |
} |
} |
public string node_hlsl |
{ |
get |
{ |
return m_definition.hlsl; |
} |
} |
public AnyNode() |
{ |
m_definition = new DEFINITION(); |
m_properties =; |
m_outputSlots = m_definition.outputs; |
UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization(); |
} |
public sealed override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() |
{ |
// update displayed name of the node
name = node_name; |
// check new properties and slot definitions -- we want to forward data from the old ones
// (just in case the definitions have changed)
AnyNodeProperty[] new_properties=; |
AnyNodeSlot[] new_outputs= m_definition.outputs; |
foreach (AnyNodeSlot s in new_outputs) |
{ |
// try to find matching slot
AnyNodeSlot old_slot= Array.Find(m_outputSlots, x => x.slotId == s.slotId); |
if (old_slot != null) |
{ |
s.value = old_slot.value; |
} |
} |
foreach (AnyNodeProperty p in new_properties) |
{ |
// try to find matching old property
AnyNodeProperty old_property = Array.Find(m_properties, x => x.slotId == p.slotId); |
if (old_property != null) |
{ |
p.state = old_property.state; |
p.value = old_property.value; |
} |
} |
// now that we've copied the old data into the new properties, start using the new properties
m_properties = new_properties; |
m_outputSlots = new_outputs; |
List<int> validSlotIds = new List<int>(); |
// add output slots first
foreach (AnyNodeSlot s in m_outputSlots) |
{ |
// add slot to node
AddSlot(s.toMaterialSlot()); |
validSlotIds.Add(s.slotId); |
} |
// add input slots
foreach (AnyNodeProperty p in m_properties) |
{ |
// if this property is an input slot
if (p.state == AnyNodePropertyState.Slot) |
{ |
// add slot to node
AddSlot(p.toMaterialSlot()); |
validSlotIds.Add(p.slotId); |
} |
} |
RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(validSlotIds); |
} |
public override void GeneratePropertyBlock(PropertyGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
// add uniform shader properties -- constants and textures
foreach (AnyNodeProperty p in m_properties) |
{ |
// only exposed properties go in the property block
if (p.state == AnyNodePropertyState.Exposed) |
{ |
PropertyChunk property = p.toPropertyChunk(); ; |
if (property != null) |
{ |
visitor.AddShaderProperty(property); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
public override void GeneratePropertyUsages(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
foreach (AnyNodeProperty p in m_properties) |
{ |
// only exposed properties go in the property usage (hlsl declaration)
if ((p.state == AnyNodePropertyState.Exposed) || |
(p.state == AnyNodePropertyState.Constant && generationMode.IsPreview())) // constant properties are exposed in preview mode for fast iteration update
{ |
string typeDecl = p.getTypeDecl(precision); |
if (typeDecl != null) |
{ |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(typeDecl + " " + + ";", true); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
public override void CollectPreviewMaterialProperties(List<PreviewProperty> property_list) |
{ |
base.CollectPreviewMaterialProperties(property_list); |
// properties.AddRange(subGraph.GetPreviewProperties()); // ???
foreach (AnyNodeProperty p in m_properties) |
{ |
switch (p.propertyType) |
{ |
case PropertyType.Float: |
case PropertyType.Vector2: |
case PropertyType.Vector3: |
case PropertyType.Vector4: |
property_list.Add( |
new PreviewProperty |
{ |
m_Name =, |
m_PropType = p.propertyType, |
m_Vector4 = p.value |
}); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
public string GetFunctionName() |
{ |
return "unity_any_" + node_name + "_" + precision; |
} |
protected virtual string GetFunctionPrototype() |
{ |
string result = "inline void " + GetFunctionName() + "("; |
// inputs (slots & properties) first
bool comma = false; |
foreach (AnyNodeProperty p in m_properties) |
{ |
string typeDecl = p.getTypeDecl(precision); |
result += "in " + typeDecl + " " + + ", "; |
comma = true; |
} |
// then 'globals'
// then outputs
foreach (AnyNodeSlot s in m_outputSlots) |
{ |
string typeDecl = s.getTypeDecl(precision); |
result += "out " + typeDecl + " " + + ", "; |
comma = true; |
} |
// remove last comma, if any
if (comma) |
{ |
result= result.Remove(result.Length - 2); |
} |
result += ")"; |
return result; |
} |
public void GenerateNodeFunction(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputString = new ShaderGenerator(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk(GetFunctionPrototype(), false); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk(node_hlsl, false); |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(outputString.GetShaderString(0), true); |
} |
public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) |
{ |
var outputString = new ShaderGenerator(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("// AnyNode '" + node_name + "'", false); |
// declare and initialize output slot variables
foreach (AnyNodeSlot s in m_outputSlots) |
{ |
var typeDecl = s.getTypeDecl(OutputPrecision.@float); // precision
if (typeDecl != null) |
{ |
outputString.AddShaderChunk( |
typeDecl |
+ " " |
+ GetVariableNameForSlot(s.slotId) |
+ " = 0;", false); // TODO non float type default value?
} |
} |
// open new context, in case our property names conflict with something
outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
// add static declarations for contant properties
foreach (AnyNodeProperty p in m_properties) |
{ |
if (p.state != AnyNodePropertyState.Constant || generationMode.IsPreview()) // except in preview mode...
continue; |
string typeDecl= p.getTypeDecl(precision); |
if (typeDecl != null) |
{ |
switch (p.propertyType) |
{ |
case PropertyType.Color: |
break; |
case PropertyType.Texture: |
break; |
case PropertyType.Cubemap: |
break; |
case PropertyType.Float: |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(typeDecl + " " + + " = " + p.value.x + ";", true); |
break; |
case PropertyType.Vector2: |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(typeDecl + " " + + " = " + typeDecl + "(" + p.value.x + ", " + p.value.y + ");", true); |
break; |
case PropertyType.Vector3: |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(typeDecl + " " + + " = " + typeDecl + "(" + p.value.x + ", " + p.value.y + ", " + p.value.z + ");", true); |
break; |
case PropertyType.Vector4: |
visitor.AddShaderChunk(typeDecl + " " + + " = " + typeDecl + "(" + p.value.x + ", " + p.value.y + ", " + p.value.z + ", " + p.value.w + ");", true); |
break; |
case PropertyType.Matrix2: |
case PropertyType.Matrix3: |
case PropertyType.Matrix4: |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
// call function
outputString.AddShaderChunk(GetFunctionName() + "(", false); |
outputString.Indent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("// input slots and properties", false); |
bool first = true; |
foreach (AnyNodeProperty p in m_properties) |
{ |
string inputVariableName; |
if (p.state == AnyNodePropertyState.Slot) |
{ |
inputVariableName = GetSlotValue(p.slotId, generationMode); |
} |
else |
{ |
// constant or property
inputVariableName =; |
} |
outputString.AddShaderChunk((first ? "" : ",") + inputVariableName, false); |
first = false; |
} |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("// output parameters", false); |
foreach (AnyNodeSlot s in m_outputSlots) |
{ |
outputString.AddShaderChunk((first ? "" : ",") + GetVariableNameForSlot(s.slotId), false); |
first = false; |
} |
outputString.AddShaderChunk(");", false); // TODO: get rid of parameter hack
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.Deindent(); |
outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
// done splicing translated hlsl! yay
visitor.AddShaderChunk(outputString.GetShaderString(0), true); |
} |
public override bool hasPreview |
{ |
get { return true; } |
} |
public override PreviewMode previewMode |
{ |
get |
{ |
return PreviewMode.Preview2D; |
} |
} |
bool RequiresMeshUV(UVChannel channel) |
{ |
return false; |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 38b06780b4d2b274b91e1c2c5627f95d |
timeCreated: 1495627163 |
licenseType: Pro |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("UV/RadialShearNode")] |
public class RadialShearNode : AnyNode<RadialShearNode.Definition> |
{ |
public class Definition : IAnyNodeDefinition |
{ |
public string name { get { return "RadialShear"; } } |
public AnyNodeProperty[] properties |
{ |
get |
{ |
return new AnyNodeProperty[] |
{ |
// slotId is the 'immutable' value we used to connect things
new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 0, name = "inUVs", description = "Input UV coords", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector2, value =, state = AnyNodePropertyState.Slot }, |
new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 1, name = "center", description = "UV radial center point", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector2, value= new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f), state = AnyNodePropertyState.Constant }, |
new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 2, name = "shearAmount", description = "Shear amount", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector2, value=, state = AnyNodePropertyState.Constant }, |
new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 3, name = "offset", description = "UV offset", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector2, value=, state = AnyNodePropertyState.Constant }, |
}; |
} |
} |
public AnyNodeSlot[] outputs |
{ |
get |
{ |
return new AnyNodeSlot[] |
{ |
new AnyNodeSlot { slotId= 4, name = "outUVs", description = "Output UV texture coordinates", slotValueType = SlotValueType.Vector2, value = } |
}; |
} |
} |
public string hlsl |
{ |
get |
{ |
return |
"float2 delta = inUVs - center;\n" + |
"float delta2 = dot(delta.xy, delta.xy);\n" + |
"float2 delta_offset = delta2 * shearAmount;\n" + |
"outUVs = inUVs + float2(delta.y, -delta.x) * delta_offset + offset;"; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 568baa0401e6eee42a35609013ee8100 |
timeCreated: 1495728068 |
licenseType: Pro |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("UV/ScaleOffset")] |
public class ScaleOffsetNode : AnyNode<ScaleOffsetNode.Definition> |
{ |
public class Definition : IAnyNodeDefinition |
{ |
public string name { get { return "ScaleOffset"; } } |
public AnyNodeProperty[] properties |
{ |
get |
{ |
return new AnyNodeProperty[] |
{ |
// slotId is the 'immutable' value we used to connect things
new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 0, name = "inUVs", description = "Input UV coords", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector2, value =, state = AnyNodePropertyState.Slot }, |
new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 1, name = "scale", description = "UV scale", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector2, value=, state = AnyNodePropertyState.Constant }, |
new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 2, name = "scaleCenter", description = "UV scale center", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector2, value= new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f), state = AnyNodePropertyState.Constant }, |
new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 3, name = "offset", description = "UV offset", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector2, value=, state = AnyNodePropertyState.Constant }, |
}; |
} |
} |
public AnyNodeSlot[] outputs |
{ |
get |
{ |
return new AnyNodeSlot[] |
{ |
new AnyNodeSlot { slotId= 4, name = "outUVs", description = "Output UV texture coordinates", slotValueType = SlotValueType.Vector2, value = } |
}; |
} |
} |
public string hlsl |
{ |
get |
{ |
return |
"float4 xform= float4(scale, offset + scaleCenter - scaleCenter * scale);\n" + |
"outUVs = inUVs * xform.xy +;"; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 28273174b61bbd246b556e236deb7556 |
timeCreated: 1495726779 |
licenseType: Pro |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Title("UV/SphereWarpNode")] |
public class SphereWarpNode : AnyNode<SphereWarpNode.Definition> |
{ |
public class Definition : IAnyNodeDefinition |
{ |
public string name { get { return "SphereWarp"; } } |
public AnyNodeProperty[] properties |
{ |
get |
{ |
return new AnyNodeProperty[] |
{ |
// slotId is the 'immutable' value we used to connect things
new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 0, name = "inUVs", description = "Input UV coords", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector2, value =, state = AnyNodePropertyState.Slot }, |
new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 1, name = "center", description = "UV radial center point", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector2, value= new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f), state = AnyNodePropertyState.Constant }, |
new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 2, name = "warpAmount", description = "Warp amount", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector2, value=, state = AnyNodePropertyState.Constant }, |
new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 3, name = "offset", description = "UV offset", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector2, value=, state = AnyNodePropertyState.Constant }, |
}; |
} |
} |
public AnyNodeSlot[] outputs |
{ |
get |
{ |
return new AnyNodeSlot[] |
{ |
new AnyNodeSlot { slotId= 4, name = "outUVs", description = "Output UV texture coordinates", slotValueType = SlotValueType.Vector2, value = } |
}; |
} |
} |
public string hlsl |
{ |
get |
{ |
return |
"float2 delta = inUVs - center;\n" + |
"float delta2 = dot(delta.xy, delta.xy);\n" + |
"float delta4 = delta2 * delta2;\n" + |
"float2 delta_offset = delta4 * warpAmount;\n" + |
"outUVs = inUVs + delta * delta_offset + offset;"; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: dfd538e33eb01974fad49a2533f8cff8 |
timeCreated: 1495729511 |
licenseType: Pro |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using RMGUI.GraphView; |
using UnityEditor.Graphing.Drawing; |
using UnityEditor; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.MaterialGraph; |
namespace UnityEditor.MaterialGraph.Drawing |
{ |
class AnyNodeControlPresenter : GraphControlPresenter |
{ |
public override void OnGUIHandler() |
{ |
base.OnGUIHandler(); |
var tNode = node as UnityEngine.MaterialGraph.AnyNodeBase; |
if (tNode == null) |
return; |
var properties =; |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
UnityEngine.Graphing.ModificationScope modificationScope = UnityEngine.Graphing.ModificationScope.Node; |
foreach (AnyNodeProperty p in properties) |
{ |
AnyNodePropertyState newState = (AnyNodePropertyState) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(, p.state); |
if (newState != p.state) |
{ |
tNode.setPropertyState(p, newState); |
modificationScope = UnityEngine.Graphing.ModificationScope.Graph; |
} |
bool disabled = p.state == AnyNodePropertyState.Slot; |
EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(disabled); |
{ |
switch (p.propertyType) |
{ |
case PropertyType.Color: |
break; |
case PropertyType.Texture: |
break; |
case PropertyType.Cubemap: |
break; |
case PropertyType.Float: |
p.value.x = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("", p.value.x); |
break; |
case PropertyType.Vector2: |
{ |
Vector2 result = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field("", new Vector2(p.value.x, p.value.y)); |
p.value.x = result.x; |
p.value.y = result.y; |
} |
break; |
case PropertyType.Vector3: |
p.value = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("", p.value); |
break; |
case PropertyType.Vector4: |
p.value = EditorGUILayout.Vector4Field("", p.value); |
break; |
case PropertyType.Matrix2: |
// p.value = EditorGUILayout.Matrix2Field("", p.value);
break; |
case PropertyType.Matrix3: |
// p.value = EditorGUILayout.Matrix3Field("", p.value);
break; |
case PropertyType.Matrix4: |
// p.value = EditorGUILayout.Matrix4Field("", p.value);
break; |
} |
} |
EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); |
} |
bool changed= EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck(); |
if (changed) |
{ |
if (tNode.onModified != null) |
tNode.onModified(tNode, modificationScope); |
} |
} |
public override float GetHeight() |
{ |
var tNode = node as UnityEngine.MaterialGraph.AnyNodeBase; |
if (tNode == null) |
return EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing; |
return (EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing) * tNode.propertyCount * 2 |
+ EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing; |
} |
} |
[Serializable] |
public class AnyNodePresenter : PropertyNodePresenter |
{ |
protected override IEnumerable<GraphElementPresenter> GetControlData() |
{ |
var instance = CreateInstance<AnyNodeControlPresenter>(); |
instance.Initialize(node); |
return new List<GraphElementPresenter>(base.GetControlData()) { instance }; |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: ce4472789956d684f89df3578d7d1d6d |
timeCreated: 1495707441 |
licenseType: Pro |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
Reference in new issue