public VolumetricLightingPreset preset { get { return (VolumetricLightingPreset)Math.Min(ShaderConfig.s_VolumetricLightingPreset, (int)VolumetricLightingPreset.Count); } } |
ComputeShader m_VolumeVoxelizationCS = null; |
ComputeShader m_VolumetricLightingCS = null; |
List<VBuffer> m_VBuffers = null; |
float m_VBufferNearPlane = 0.5f; // Distance in meters; dynamic modifications not handled by reprojection
float m_VBufferFarPlane = 64.0f; // Distance in meters; dynamic modifications not handled by reprojection
const float k_LogScale = 0.5f; |
const float k_LogScale = 0.5f; // Tweak constant, controls the logarithmic depth distribution
m_VolumeVoxelizationCS = asset.renderPipelineResources.volumeVoxelizationCS; |
m_VolumetricLightingCS = asset.renderPipelineResources.volumetricLightingCS; |
m_VBuffers = new List<VBuffer>(); |
m_VisibleVolumeBounds = new List<OrientedBBox>(); |
{ |
if (preset == VolumetricLightingPreset.Off) return; |
m_VolumeVoxelizationCS = null; |
m_VolumetricLightingCS = null; |
for (int i = 0, n = m_VBuffers.Count; i < n; i++) |
// Collect all visible finite volume data, and upload it to the GPU.
HomogeneousDensityVolume[] volumes = Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(HomogeneousDensityVolume)) as HomogeneousDensityVolume[]; |
foreach (HomogeneousDensityVolume volume in volumes) |
for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(volumes.Length, k_MaxVisibleVolumeCount); i++) |
HomogeneousDensityVolume volume = volumes[i]; |
// Only test active finite volumes.
if (volume.enabled && volume.parameters.IsLocalVolume()) |
{ |
densityVolumes.properties = m_VisibleVolumeProperties; |
return densityVolumes; |
} |
public void VoxelizeDensityVolumes(DensityVolumeList densityVolumes) |
{ |
} |
// Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Close-packing_of_equal_spheres