publicstaticGUIContentheightMapAmplitudeText=newGUIContent("Height Map Amplitude","Height Map amplitude in world units.");
publicstaticGUIContentheightMapCenterText=newGUIContent("Height Map Center","Center of the heightmap in the texture (between 0 and 1)");
publicstaticGUIContentheightMapAmplitudeText=newGUIContent("Height Map Amplitude","Height Map amplitude in world units (distance between minimum and maximum value in the texture).");
publicstaticGUIContentheightMapCenterText=newGUIContent("Height Map Base","Base of the heightmap in the texture (between 0 and 1)");
publicstaticGUIContenttexWorldScaleText=newGUIContent("World scale","Tiling factor applied to Planar/Trilinear mapping");
// indentation around base color is a workaround for a bug in material properties UI where the color picker is not indented properly and gets cropped (and unusable in layered shader UI)
// Remove when bug is fixed.
if(materialID==null||// Will be the case for Layered materials where we only support standard and the parameter does not exist