#pragma vertex Vert |
#pragma fragment Frag |
#pragma multi_compile _ FILTER_HORIZONTAL |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Include |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
#define N_PROFILES 8 |
#define N_SAMPLES 7 |
float _BilateralScale; // Uses world-space units |
float _DistToProjWindow; // The height of the projection window is 2 meters |
float _FilterHorizontal; // Vertical = 0, horizontal = 1 |
float4 _FilterKernels[N_PROFILES][N_SAMPLES]; // RGB = weights, A = radial distance |
float4 _FilterKernels[N_PROFILES][N_SAMPLES]; // RGB = weights, A = radial distance |
float4x4 _InvProjMatrix; |
SAMPLER2D(sampler_IrradianceSource); |
#define bilinearSampler sampler_IrradianceSource |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Implementation |
{ |
PositionInputs posInput = GetPositionInput(input.positionCS.xy, _ScreenSize.zw); |
float rawDepth = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_CameraDepthTexture, posInput.unPositionSS).r; |
float centerDepth = LinearEyeDepth(rawDepth, _ZBufferParams); |
float2 gBufferValue = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_GBufferTexture2, posInput.unPositionSS).ra; |
float radiusScale = gBufferValue.x; |
float profileID = gBufferValue.y * N_PROFILES; |
float filterRadius = radiusScale * _DistToProjWindow / centerDepth; |
float2 gBufferData = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_GBufferTexture2, posInput.unPositionSS).ra; |
float radiusScale = gBufferData.x * 0.01; |
int profileID = int(gBufferData.y * N_PROFILES); |
// Reconstruct the view-space position. |
float rawDepth = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_CameraDepthTexture, posInput.unPositionSS).r; |
float3 centerPosVS = ComputeViewSpacePosition(posInput.positionSS, rawDepth, _InvProjMatrix); |
// Compute the dimensions of the surface fragment viewed as a quad facing the camera. |
float fragWidth = ddx(centerPosVS.x); |
float fragheight = ddy(centerPosVS.y); |
float stepSizeX = rcp(fragWidth); |
float stepSizeY = rcp(fragheight); |
float x, y; |
sincos(PI / 3, y, x); |
float2 unitDirection = _FilterHorizontal ? float2(x, y) : float2(-y, x); |
float2 scaledDirection = filterRadius * unitDirection; |
float stepSize = stepSizeX; |
float2 unitDirection = float2(1, 0); |
#else |
float stepSize = stepSizeY; |
float2 unitDirection = float2(0, 1); |
#endif |
float2 scaledDirection = radiusScale * stepSize * unitDirection; |
// Premultiply with the inverse of the screen size. |
scaledDirection *= _ScreenSize.zw; |
float inv2MaxVariance = _FilterKernels[profileID][0].a; |
float3 sampleWeight = _FilterKernels[profileID][0].rgb; |
float2 samplePosition = posInput.unPositionSS; |
float2 samplePosition = posInput.unPositionSS; |
float3 sampleWeight = _FilterKernels[profileID][0].rgb; |
float3 centerIrradiance = sampleIrradiance; |
// Accumulate filtered irradiance (already weighted by (albedo / Pi)). |
float3 filteredIrradiance = sampleIrradiance * sampleWeight; |
{ |
sampleWeight = _FilterKernels[profileID][i].rgb; |
samplePosition = posInput.positionSS + scaledDirection * _FilterKernels[profileID][i].a; |
samplePosition = posInput.unPositionSS + scaledDirection * _FilterKernels[profileID][i].a; |
sampleWeight = _FilterKernels[profileID][i].rgb; |
sampleIrradiance = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_IrradianceSource, bilinearSampler, samplePosition, 0).rgb; |
rawDepth = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_CameraDepthTexture, bilinearSampler, samplePosition, 0).r; |
sampleIrradiance = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_IrradianceSource, samplePosition).rgb; |
rawDepth = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_CameraDepthTexture, samplePosition).r; |
// Ref #1: Skin Rendering by Pseudo–Separable Cross Bilateral Filtering. |
// Ref #2: Separable SSS, Supplementary Materials, Section E. |
float depthDiff = abs(sampleDepth - centerDepth); |
float scaleDiff = radiusScale * _DistToProjWindow * _BilateralScale; |
float t = saturate(depthDiff / scaleDiff); |
float zDistance = radiusScale * sampleDepth - (radiusScale * centerPosVS.z); |
sampleWeight *= exp(-zDistance * zDistance * inv2MaxVariance); |
// TODO: use real-world distances for weighting. |
filteredIrradiance += lerp(sampleIrradiance, centerIrradiance, t) * sampleWeight; |
filteredIrradiance += sampleIrradiance * sampleWeight; |
} |
return filteredIrradiance; |