
Fixed normal bias.

Felipe Lira 7 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 48 次插入26 次删除
  1. 68
  2. 6


bias = light.shadowBias * proj.m22 * 0.5f * sign;
// Currently only square pot cascades resolutions are used.
float texelSizeX = proj.m00 * 0.5f / cascadeResolution;
float texelSizeY = proj.m11 * 0.5f / cascadeResolution;
double frustumWidth = 2.0 / (double)proj.m00;
double frustumHeight = 2.0 / (double)proj.m11;
float texelSizeX = (float)(frustumWidth / (double)cascadeResolution);
float texelSizeY = (float)(frustumHeight / (double)cascadeResolution);
float texelSize = Mathf.Max(texelSizeX, texelSizeY);
// Since we are applying normal bias on caster side we want an inset normal offset

Debug.LogWarning("Only spot and directional shadow casters are supported in lightweight pipeline");
Vector3 lightDirection = -visibleLight.localToWorld.GetColumn(2);
cmd.SetGlobalVector("_LightDirection", new Vector4(lightDirection.x, lightDirection.y, lightDirection.z, 0.0f));
private void SetupShadowReceiverConstants(CommandBuffer cmd, ref VisibleLight shadowLight)

m_ShadowSlices[cascadeIndex].atlasX = (cascadeIndex % 2) * shadowResolution;
m_ShadowSlices[cascadeIndex].atlasY = (cascadeIndex / 2) * shadowResolution;
m_ShadowSlices[cascadeIndex].shadowResolution = shadowResolution;
m_ShadowSlices[cascadeIndex].shadowTransform = Matrix4x4.identity;
var matScaleBias = Matrix4x4.identity;
matScaleBias.m00 = 0.5f;
matScaleBias.m11 = 0.5f;
matScaleBias.m22 = 0.5f;
matScaleBias.m03 = 0.5f;
matScaleBias.m23 = 0.5f;
matScaleBias.m13 = 0.5f;
int atlasX = (cascadeIndex % 2) * shadowResolution;
int atlasY = (cascadeIndex / 2) * shadowResolution;
float atlasWidth = (float)m_ShadowSettings.shadowAtlasWidth;
float atlasHeight = (float)m_ShadowSettings.shadowAtlasHeight;
// Later down the pipeline the proj matrix will be scaled to reverse-z in case of DX.
// We need account for that scale in the shadowTransform.
// Currently CullResults ComputeDirectionalShadowMatricesAndCullingPrimitives doesnt
// apply z reversal to projection matrix. We need to do it manually here.
matScaleBias.m22 = -0.5f;
proj.m20 = -proj.m20;
proj.m21 = -proj.m21;
proj.m22 = -proj.m22;
proj.m23 = -proj.m23;
var matTile = Matrix4x4.identity;
matTile.m00 = (float)m_ShadowSlices[cascadeIndex].shadowResolution /
matTile.m11 = (float)m_ShadowSlices[cascadeIndex].shadowResolution /
matTile.m03 = (float)m_ShadowSlices[cascadeIndex].atlasX / (float)m_ShadowSettings.shadowAtlasWidth;
matTile.m13 = (float)m_ShadowSlices[cascadeIndex].atlasY / (float)m_ShadowSettings.shadowAtlasHeight;
Matrix4x4 worldToShadow = proj * view;
var textureScaleAndBias = Matrix4x4.identity;
textureScaleAndBias.m00 = 0.5f;
textureScaleAndBias.m11 = 0.5f;
textureScaleAndBias.m22 = 0.5f;
textureScaleAndBias.m03 = 0.5f;
textureScaleAndBias.m23 = 0.5f;
textureScaleAndBias.m13 = 0.5f;
m_ShadowSlices[cascadeIndex].shadowTransform = matTile * matScaleBias * proj * view;
// Apply texture scale and offset to save a MAD in shader.
worldToShadow = textureScaleAndBias * worldToShadow;
var cascadeAtlas = Matrix4x4.identity;
cascadeAtlas.m00 = (float)shadowResolution / atlasWidth;
cascadeAtlas.m11 = (float)shadowResolution / atlasHeight;
cascadeAtlas.m03 = (float)atlasX / atlasWidth;
cascadeAtlas.m13 = (float)atlasY / atlasHeight;
// Apply cascade scale and offset
worldToShadow = cascadeAtlas * worldToShadow;
m_ShadowSlices[cascadeIndex].atlasX = atlasX;
m_ShadowSlices[cascadeIndex].atlasY = atlasY;
m_ShadowSlices[cascadeIndex].shadowResolution = shadowResolution;
m_ShadowSlices[cascadeIndex].shadowTransform = worldToShadow;
private void RenderShadowSlice(CommandBuffer cmd, ref ScriptableRenderContext context, int cascadeIndex,


// x: global clip space bias, y: normal world space bias
float4 _ShadowBias;
float3 _LightDirection;
struct VertexInput

float3 positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld(v.position.xyz);
float3 normalWS = TransformObjectToWorldDir(v.normal);
float invNdotL = 1.0 - saturate(dot(_LightDirection, normalWS));
float scale = invNdotL * _ShadowBias.y;
positionWS = normalWS * _ShadowBias.yyy + positionWS;
positionWS = normalWS * scale.xxx + positionWS;
float4 clipPos = TransformWorldToHClip(positionWS);
// _ShadowBias.x sign depens on if platform has reversed z buffer
