// In unity we can have a mix of fully baked lightmap (static lightmap) + enlighten realtime lightmap (dynamic lightmap)
// for each case we can have directional lightmap or not.
// Else we have lightprobe for dynamic/moving entity. Either SH9 per object lightprobe or SH4 per pixel per object volume probe
// TODO: We use GetAbsolutePositionWS(positionRWS) to handle the camera relative case here but this should be part of the unity_ProbeVolumeWorldToObject matrix on C++ side (sadly we can't modify it for HDRenderPipeline...)
// TODO: We use GetAbsolutePositionWS(positionRWS) to handle the camera relative case here but this should be part of the unity_ProbeVolumeWorldToObject matrix on C++ side (sadly we can't modify it for HDRenderPipeline...)