7 年前
共有 10 个文件被更改,包括 108 次插入 和 336 次删除
using UnityEngine; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
namespace UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline |
{ |
public class UnlitsToHDUnlitUpgrader : MaterialUpgrader |
{ |
string Unlit_Color = "Unlit/Color"; |
string Unlit_Texture = "Unlit/Texture"; |
string Unlit_Transparent = "Unlit/Transparent"; |
string Unlit_Cutout = "Unlit/Transparent Cutout"; |
public UnlitsToHDUnlitUpgrader(string sourceShaderName, string destShaderName, MaterialFinalizer finalizer = null) |
{ |
RenameShader(sourceShaderName, destShaderName, finalizer); |
if (sourceShaderName == Unlit_Color) |
RenameColor("_Color", "_UnlitColor"); |
else // all other unlit have a texture
RenameTexture("_MainTex", "_UnlitColorMap"); |
if (sourceShaderName == Unlit_Cutout) |
{ |
RenameFloat("_Cutoff", "_AlphaCutoff"); |
SetFloat("_AlphaCutoffEnable", 1f); |
} |
else |
SetFloat("_AlphaCutoffEnable", 0f); |
SetFloat("_SurfaceType", (sourceShaderName == Unlit_Transparent)? 1f : 0f ); |
} |
public override void Convert(Material srcMaterial, Material dstMaterial) |
{ |
//dstMaterial.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontUnloadUnusedAsset;
base.Convert(srcMaterial, dstMaterial); |
HDEditorUtils.ResetMaterialKeywords(dstMaterial); |
} |
} |
} |
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icon: {instanceID: 0} |
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using UnityEngine; |
namespace UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline |
{ |
public class StandardSpecularToHDLitMaterialUpgrader : MaterialUpgrader |
{ |
public StandardSpecularToHDLitMaterialUpgrader() : this("Standard (Specular setup)", "HDRenderPipeline/Lit", LitGUI.SetupMaterialKeywordsAndPass) {} |
public StandardSpecularToHDLitMaterialUpgrader(string sourceShaderName, string destShaderName, MaterialFinalizer finalizer) |
{ |
RenameShader(sourceShaderName, destShaderName, finalizer); |
RenameTexture("_MainTex", "_BaseColorMap"); |
RenameColor("_Color", "_BaseColor"); |
RenameFloat("_Glossiness", "_Smoothness"); |
RenameFloat("_GlossMapScale", "SmoothnessRemapMax"); |
RenameTexture("_BumpMap", "_NormalMap"); |
RenameFloat("_BumpScale", "_NormalScale"); |
RenameColor("_EmissionColor", "_EmissiveColor"); |
RenameTexture("_EmissionMap", "_EmissiveColorMap"); |
RenameTexture("_DetailAlbedoMap", "DetailMap"); |
RenameFloat("_UVSec", "_UVDetail"); |
SetFloat("_LinkDetailsWithBase", 0); |
RenameFloat("_DetailNormalMapScale", "_DetailNormalScale"); |
RenameFloat("_Cutoff", "_AlphaCutoff"); |
RenameKeywordToFloat("_ALPHATEST_ON", "_AlphaCutoffEnable", 1f, 0f); |
SetFloat("_MaterialID", 4f); |
// the HD renderloop packs detail albedo and detail normals into a single texture.
// mapping the detail normal map, if any, to the detail map, should do the right thing if
// there is no detail albedo.
// Anything reasonable that can be done here?
RenameColor("_SpecColor", "_SpecularColor"); |
RenameTexture("_SpecGlossMap", "_SpecularColorMap"); |
//@TODO: Seb. Why do we multiply color by intensity
// in shader when we can just store a color?
// builtinData.emissiveColor * builtinData.emissiveIntensity
} |
public override void Convert(Material srcMaterial, Material dstMaterial) |
{ |
dstMaterial.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontUnloadUnusedAsset; |
base.Convert(srcMaterial, dstMaterial); |
//@TODO: Find a good way of setting up keywords etc from properties.
// Code should be shared with material UI code.
if ( srcMaterial.GetTexture("_OcclusionMap") != null || |
srcMaterial.GetTexture("_DetailMask") != null) |
{ |
Texture2D maskMap; |
// if there is a specular map, change the specular color to white
if (srcMaterial.GetTexture("_SpecGlossMap") != null ) dstMaterial.SetColor("_SpecularColor", Color.white); |
// Get the Smoothness value that will be passed to the map.
string smoothnessTextureChannel = ( srcMaterial.GetFloat("_SmoothnessTextureChannel") == 0)?"_SpecGlossMap" : "_MainTex"; |
Texture2D smoothnessSource = (Texture2D) srcMaterial.GetTexture( smoothnessTextureChannel ); |
if (smoothnessSource == null || !TextureCombiner.TextureHasAlpha(smoothnessSource)) |
{ |
smoothnessSource = TextureCombiner.TextureFromColor(Color.white * srcMaterial.GetFloat("_Glossiness")); |
} |
TextureCombiner maskMapCombiner = new TextureCombiner( |
Texture2D.blackTexture, 1, |
TextureCombiner.GetTextureSafe(srcMaterial, "_OcclusionMap", Color.white), 4, |
TextureCombiner.GetTextureSafe(srcMaterial, "_DetailMask", Color.white), 4, |
smoothnessSource, 3 |
); |
string maskMapPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(srcMaterial); |
maskMapPath = maskMapPath.Remove(maskMapPath.Length-4) + "_MaskMap.png"; |
maskMap = maskMapCombiner.Combine( maskMapPath ); |
dstMaterial.SetTexture("_MaskMap", maskMap); |
} |
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_AORemapMin", 1f - srcMaterial.GetFloat("_OcclusionStrength")); |
if ( srcMaterial.GetTexture("_DetailAlbedoMap") != null || |
srcMaterial.GetTexture("_DetailNormalMap") != null |
) |
{ |
Texture2D detailMap; |
TextureCombiner detailCombiner = new TextureCombiner( |
TextureCombiner.GetTextureSafe(srcMaterial, "_DetailAlbedoMap", Color.grey), 4, |
TextureCombiner.GetTextureSafe(srcMaterial, "_DetailNormalMap", Color.grey), 1, |
TextureCombiner.midGrey, 1, |
TextureCombiner.GetTextureSafe(srcMaterial, "_DetailNormalMap", Color.grey), 0 |
); |
string detailMapPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(srcMaterial); |
detailMapPath = detailMapPath.Remove(detailMapPath.Length-4) + "_DetailMap.png"; |
detailMap = detailCombiner.Combine( detailMapPath ); |
dstMaterial.SetTexture("_DetailMap", detailMap); |
} |
// Blend Mode
int previousBlendMode = srcMaterial.GetInt("_Mode"); |
switch (previousBlendMode) |
{ |
case 0: // Opaque
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_SurfaceType", 0); |
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_BlendMode", 0); |
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_AlphaCutoffEnable", 0); |
break; |
case 1: // Cutout
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_SurfaceType", 0); |
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_BlendMode", 0); |
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_AlphaCutoffEnable", 1); |
break; |
case 2: // Fade -> Alpha
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_SurfaceType", 1); |
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_BlendMode", 0); |
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_AlphaCutoffEnable", 0); |
break; |
case 3: // Transparent -> alpha pre-multiply
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_SurfaceType", 1); |
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_BlendMode", 4); |
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_AlphaCutoffEnable", 0); |
break; |
} |
// Emission: Convert the HDR emissive color to ldr color + intensity
Color hdrEmission = srcMaterial.GetColor("_EmissionColor"); |
float intensity = Mathf.Max(hdrEmission.r, Mathf.Max(hdrEmission.g, hdrEmission.b)); |
if (intensity > 1f) |
{ |
hdrEmission.r /= intensity; |
hdrEmission.g /= intensity; |
hdrEmission.b /= intensity; |
} |
else |
intensity = 1f; |
dstMaterial.SetColor("_EmissiveColor", hdrEmission); |
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_EmissiveIntensity", intensity); |
HDEditorUtils.ResetMaterialKeywords(dstMaterial); |
} |
} |
} |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline |
{ |
public class StandardToHDLitMaterialUpgrader : MaterialUpgrader |
{ |
public StandardToHDLitMaterialUpgrader() : this("Standard", "HDRenderPipeline/Lit", LitGUI.SetupMaterialKeywordsAndPass) {} |
public StandardToHDLitMaterialUpgrader(string sourceShaderName, string destShaderName, MaterialFinalizer finalizer) |
{ |
RenameShader(sourceShaderName, destShaderName, finalizer); |
RenameTexture("_MainTex", "_BaseColorMap"); |
RenameColor("_Color", "_BaseColor"); |
RenameFloat("_Glossiness", "_Smoothness"); |
RenameTexture("_BumpMap", "_NormalMap"); |
RenameFloat("_BumpScale", "_NormalScale"); |
RenameTexture("_EmissionMap", "_EmissiveColorMap"); |
RenameTexture("_DetailAlbedoMap", "DetailMap"); |
RenameFloat("_UVSec", "_UVDetail"); |
SetFloat("_LinkDetailsWithBase", 0); |
RenameFloat("_DetailNormalMapScale", "_DetailNormalScale"); |
RenameFloat("_Cutoff", "_AlphaCutoff"); |
RenameKeywordToFloat("_ALPHATEST_ON", "_AlphaCutoffEnable", 1f, 0f); |
SetFloat("_MaterialID", 1f); |
// the HD renderloop packs detail albedo and detail normals into a single texture.
// mapping the detail normal map, if any, to the detail map, should do the right thing if
// there is no detail albedo.
// Moved to convert function
// Metallic uses [Gamma] attribute in standard shader but not in Lit.
// @Seb: Should we convert?
// RenameFloat("_Metallic", "_Metallic");
//@TODO: Seb. Why do we multiply color by intensity
// in shader when we can just store a color?
// builtinData.emissiveColor * builtinData.emissiveIntensity
} |
public override void Convert(Material srcMaterial, Material dstMaterial) |
{ |
dstMaterial.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontUnloadUnusedAsset; |
base.Convert(srcMaterial, dstMaterial); |
//@TODO: Find a good way of setting up keywords etc from properties.
// Code should be shared with material UI code.
if ( srcMaterial.GetTexture("_MetallicGlossMap") != null || |
srcMaterial.GetTexture("_OcclusionMap") != null || |
srcMaterial.GetTexture("_DetailMask") != null) |
{ |
Texture2D maskMap; |
// Get the Smoothness value that will be passed to the map.
string smoothnessTextureChannel = ( srcMaterial.GetFloat("_SmoothnessTextureChannel") == 0)?"_MetallicGlossMap" : "_MainTex"; |
Texture2D smoothnessSource = (Texture2D) srcMaterial.GetTexture( smoothnessTextureChannel ); |
if (smoothnessSource == null || !TextureCombiner.TextureHasAlpha(smoothnessSource)) |
{ |
smoothnessSource = TextureCombiner.TextureFromColor(Color.white * srcMaterial.GetFloat("_Glossiness")); |
} |
TextureCombiner maskMapCombiner = new TextureCombiner( |
TextureCombiner.GetTextureSafe(srcMaterial, "_MetallicGlossMap", Color.white), 4, |
TextureCombiner.GetTextureSafe(srcMaterial, "_OcclusionMap", Color.white), 4, |
TextureCombiner.GetTextureSafe(srcMaterial, "_DetailMask", Color.white), 4, |
smoothnessSource, 3 |
); |
string maskMapPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(srcMaterial); |
maskMapPath = maskMapPath.Remove(maskMapPath.Length-4) + "_MaskMap.png"; |
maskMap = maskMapCombiner.Combine( maskMapPath ); |
dstMaterial.SetTexture("_MaskMap", maskMap); |
} |
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_AORemapMin", 1f - srcMaterial.GetFloat("_OcclusionStrength")); |
if ( srcMaterial.GetTexture("_DetailAlbedoMap") != null || |
srcMaterial.GetTexture("_DetailNormalMap") != null |
) |
{ |
Texture2D detailMap; |
TextureCombiner detailCombiner = new TextureCombiner( |
TextureCombiner.GetTextureSafe(srcMaterial, "_DetailAlbedoMap", Color.grey), 4, |
TextureCombiner.GetTextureSafe(srcMaterial, "_DetailNormalMap", Color.grey), 1, |
TextureCombiner.midGrey, 1, |
TextureCombiner.GetTextureSafe(srcMaterial, "_DetailNormalMap", Color.grey), 0 |
); |
string detailMapPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(srcMaterial); |
detailMapPath = detailMapPath.Remove(detailMapPath.Length-4) + "_DetailMap.png"; |
detailMap = detailCombiner.Combine( detailMapPath ); |
dstMaterial.SetTexture("_DetailMap", detailMap); |
} |
// Blend Mode
int previousBlendMode = srcMaterial.GetInt("_Mode"); |
switch (previousBlendMode) |
{ |
case 0: // Opaque
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_SurfaceType", 0); |
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_BlendMode", 0); |
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_AlphaCutoffEnable", 0); |
break; |
case 1: // Cutout
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_SurfaceType", 0); |
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_BlendMode", 0); |
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_AlphaCutoffEnable", 1); |
break; |
case 2: // Fade -> Alpha
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_SurfaceType", 1); |
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_BlendMode", 0); |
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_AlphaCutoffEnable", 0); |
break; |
case 3: // Transparent -> alpha pre-multiply
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_SurfaceType", 1); |
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_BlendMode", 4); |
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_AlphaCutoffEnable", 0); |
break; |
} |
// Emission: Convert the HDR emissive color to ldr color + intensity
Color hdrEmission = srcMaterial.GetColor("_EmissionColor"); |
float intensity = Mathf.Max(hdrEmission.r, Mathf.Max(hdrEmission.g, hdrEmission.b)); |
if (intensity > 1f) |
{ |
hdrEmission.r /= intensity; |
hdrEmission.g /= intensity; |
hdrEmission.b /= intensity; |
} |
else |
intensity = 1f; |
dstMaterial.SetColor("_EmissiveColor", hdrEmission); |
dstMaterial.SetFloat("_EmissiveIntensity", intensity); |
HDEditorUtils.ResetMaterialKeywords(dstMaterial); |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue