protected const string k_EmissiveIntensity = "_EmissiveIntensity" ;
protected const string k_AlbedoAffectEmissive = "_AlbedoAffectEmissive" ;
// Coat
protected const string k_CoatEnable = "_CoatEnable" ;
protected const string k_CoatSmoothness = "_CoatSmoothness" ;
protected const string k_CoatIor = "_CoatIor" ;
protected const string k_CoatThickness = "_CoatThickness" ;
protected const string k_CoatExtinction = "_CoatExtinction" ;
// SSS
protected const string k_DiffusionProfile = "_DiffusionProfile" ;
protected const string k_SubsurfaceMask = "_SubsurfaceMask" ;
protected const string k_Smoothness2Range = "_SmoothnessBRange" ;
protected const string k_LobeMix = "_LobeMix" ;
// Anisotropy
protected const string k_Anisotropy = "_Anisotropy" ;
//// transparency params
//protected MaterialProperty transmissionEnable = null;
new Property ( this , k_AlbedoAffectEmissive , "Albedo Affect Emissive" , "Specifies whether or not the emissive color is multiplied by the albedo." , false ) ,
} ) ,
//new GroupProperty(this, "_Coat", "Coat", new BaseProperty[]
// new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "SmoothnessCoat", "smoothnessCoat", false, false),
// new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Index Of Refraction", "iorCoat", false, false),
// new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Normal", "normal Coat", false, false),
new GroupProperty ( this , "_Coat" , "Coat" , new BaseProperty [ ]
new Property ( this , "_CoatEnable" , "Coat Enable" , "Enable coat layer with true vertical physically based BSDF mixing" , false ) ,
new Property ( this , "_CoatSmoothness" , "Coat Smoothness" , "Top layer smoothness" , false ) ,
new Property ( this , "_CoatIor" , "Coat IOR" , "Index of refraction" , false ) ,
new Property ( this , "_CoatThickness" , "Coat Thickness" , "Coat thickness" , false ) ,
new Property ( this , "_CoatExtinction" , "Coat Absorption" , "Coat absorption tint (the thicker the coat, the more that color is removed)" , false ) ,
} ) ,
new GroupProperty ( this , "_SSS" , "Sub-Surface Scattering" , new BaseProperty [ ]
new Property ( this , k_LobeMix , "Lobe Mix" , "Lobe Mix" , false ) ,
} ) ,
//new GroupProperty(this, "_Anisotropy", "Anisotropy", new BaseProperty[]
// new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Anisotropy Strength", "anisotropy strength", false),
// new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Rotation", "rotation", false),
// new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Tangent", "tangent", false),
new GroupProperty ( this , "_Anisotropy" , "Anisotropy" , new BaseProperty [ ]
new Property ( this , k_Anisotropy , "Anisotropy" , "Anisotropy of base layer" , false ) ,
} ) ,
new GroupProperty ( this , "_Transmission" , "Transmission" , new BaseProperty [ ]
//CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_USE_UV2", requireUv2);
//CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_USE_UV3", requireUv3);
CoreUtils . SetKeyword ( material , "_USE_TRIPLANAR" , requireTriplanar ) ;
bool anisotropyEnabled = material . HasProperty ( k_Anisotropy ) & & ( material . GetFloat ( k_Anisotropy ) ! = 0.0f ) ;
// TODO: When we have a map, also test for map for enable. (This scheme doesn't allow enabling from
// neutral value though, better to still have flag and uncheck it in UI code when reach neutral
// value and re-enable otherwise).
bool coatEnabled = material . HasProperty ( k_CoatEnable ) & & ( material . GetFloat ( k_CoatEnable ) > 0.0f ) ;
bool dualLobeEnabled = material . HasProperty ( k_LobeMix ) & & ( material . GetFloat ( k_LobeMix ) > 0.0f ) ;
// Note that we don't use the materialId (cf Lit.shader) mechanism in the UI
CoreUtils . SetKeyword ( material , "_MATERIAL_FEATURE_ANISOTROPY" , anisotropyEnabled ) ;
CoreUtils . SetKeyword ( material , "_MATERIAL_FEATURE_COAT" , coatEnabled ) ;
CoreUtils . SetKeyword ( material , "_MATERIAL_FEATURE_DUAL_LOBE" , dualLobeEnabled ) ;
} // namespace UnityEditor