// Light direction for directional is opposite to the forward direction
directionalLightData . forward = light . light . transform . forward ;
// Rescale for cookies and windowing.
directionalLightData . up = light . light . transform . up * 2 / additionalData . shapeWidth ;
directionalLightData . right = light . light . transform . right * 2 / additionalData . shapeLeng th ;
directionalLightData . up = light . light . transform . up * 2 / additionalData . shapeHeight ;
directionalLightData . right = light . light . transform . right * 2 / additionalData . shapeWid th ;
directionalLightData . positionWS = light . light . transform . position ;
directionalLightData . color = GetLightColor ( light ) ;
directionalLightData . diffuseScale = additionalData . affectDiffuse ? diffuseDimmer : 0.0f ;
return 1.0f - Mathf . Clamp01 ( distanceToCamera * scale + bias ) ;
public bool GetLightData ( CommandBuffer cmd , ShadowSettings shadowSettings , Camera camera , GPULightType gpuLightType , VisibleLight light , HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData , AdditionalShadowData additionalshadowData , int lightIndex )
public bool GetLightData ( CommandBuffer cmd , ShadowSettings shadowSettings , Camera camera , GPULightType gpuLightType ,
VisibleLight light , HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData , AdditionalShadowData additionalshadowData ,
int lightIndex , ref Vector3 lightDimensions )
var lightData = new LightData ( ) ;
lightData . up = light . light . transform . up ;
lightData . right = light . light . transform . right ;
lightData . size = new Vector2 ( additionalLightData . shapeLength , additionalLightData . shapeWidth ) ;
lightDimensions . x = additionalLightData . shapeWidth ;
lightDimensions . y = additionalLightData . shapeHeight ;
lightDimensions . z = light . range ;
lightData . size . x = light . range ;
lightData . right * = 2.0f / additionalLightData . shapeLength ;
lightData . up * = 2.0f / additionalLightData . shapeWidth ;
lightData . right * = 2.0f / additionalLightData . shapeWidth ;
lightData . up * = 2.0f / additionalLightData . shapeHeight ;
else if ( lightData . lightType = = GPULightType . ProjectorPyramid )
float frustumHeight ;
float frustumWidth ;
float frustumWidth , frustumHeight ;
if ( additionalLightData . aspectRatio > = 1.0f )
frustumHeight = 2.0f * Mathf . Tan ( spotAngle * 0.5f * Mathf . Deg2Rad ) ;
frustumHeight = frustumWidth / additionalLightData . aspectRatio ;
lightData . size = new Vector2 ( frustumWidth , frustumHeight ) ;
// Adjust based on the new parametrization.
lightDimensions . x = frustumWidth ;
lightDimensions . y = frustumHeight ;
// Rescale for cookies and windowing.
lightData . right * = 2.0f / frustumWidth ;
// These are the neutral values allowing GetAngleAnttenuation in shader code to return 1.0
lightData . angleScale = 0.0f ;
lightData . angleOffset = 1.0f ;
if ( lightData . lightType = = GPULightType . Rectangle | | lightData . lightType = = GPULightType . Line )
lightData . size = new Vector2 ( additionalLightData . shapeWidth , additionalLightData . shapeHeight ) ;
float distanceToCamera = ( lightData . positionWS - camera . transform . position ) . magnitude ;
// TODO: we should be able to do this calculation only with LightData without VisibleLight light, but for now pass both
public void GetLightVolumeDataAndBound ( LightCategory lightCategory , GPULightType gpuLightType , LightVolumeType lightVolumeType , VisibleLight light , LightData lightData , Matrix4x4 worldToView )
public void GetLightVolumeDataAndBound ( LightCategory lightCategory , GPULightType gpuLightType , LightVolumeType lightVolumeType ,
VisibleLight light , LightData lightData , Vector3 lightDimensions , Matrix4x4 worldToView )
var range = light . range ;
var range = lightDimensions . z ;
var lightToWorld = light . localToWorld ;
Vector3 positionWS = lightData . positionWS ;
Vector3 positionVS = worldToView . MultiplyPoint ( positionWS ) ;
if ( gpuLightType = = GPULightType . ProjectorPyramid )
Vector3 lightPosToProjWindowCorner = ( 0.5f * lightData . size . x ) * vx + ( 0.5f * lightData . size . y ) * vy + 1.0f * vz ;
Vector3 lightPosToProjWindowCorner = ( 0.5f * lightDimensions . x ) * vx + ( 0.5f * lightDimensions . y ) * vy + 1.0f * vz ;
cs = Vector3 . Dot ( vz , Vector3 . Normalize ( lightPosToProjWindowCorner ) ) ;
si = Mathf . Sqrt ( 1.0f - cs * cs ) ;
else if ( gpuLightType = = GPULightType . Line )
Vector3 dimensions = new Vector3 ( lightData . size . x + 2 * range , 2 * range , 2 * range ) ; // Omni-directional
Vector3 dimensions = new Vector3 ( lightDimensions . x + 2 * range , 2 * range , 2 * range ) ; // Omni-directional
Vector3 extents = 0.5f * dimensions ;
bound . center = positionVS ;
lightVolumeData . lightAxisX = xAxisVS ;
lightVolumeData . lightAxisY = yAxisVS ;
lightVolumeData . lightAxisZ = zAxisVS ;
lightVolumeData . boxInnerDist = new Vector3 ( lightData . size . x , 0 , 0 ) ;
lightVolumeData . boxInnerDist = new Vector3 ( lightDimensions . x , 0 , 0 ) ;
Vector3 dimensions = new Vector3 ( lightData . size . x + 2 * range , lightData . size . y + 2 * range , range ) ; // One-sided
Vector3 dimensions = new Vector3 ( lightDimensions . x + 2 * range , lightDimensions . y + 2 * range , range ) ; // One-sided
Vector3 extents = 0.5f * dimensions ;
Vector3 centerVS = positionVS + extents . z * zAxisVS ;
else if ( gpuLightType = = GPULightType . ProjectorBox )
Vector3 dimensions = new Vector3 ( lightData . size . x , lightData . size . y , range ) ; // One-sided
Vector3 dimensions = new Vector3 ( lightDimensions . x , lightDimensions . y , range ) ; // One-sided
Vector3 extents = 0.5f * dimensions ;
Vector3 centerVS = positionVS + extents . z * zAxisVS ;
continue ;
Vector3 lightDimensions = new Vector3 ( ) ; // X = length or width, Y = height, Z = range (depth)
if ( GetLightData ( cmd , shadowSettings , camera , gpuLightType , light , additionalLightData , additionalShadowData , lightIndex ) )
if ( GetLightData ( cmd , shadowSettings , camera , gpuLightType , light , additionalLightData , additionalShadowData , lightIndex , ref lightDimensions ) )
switch ( lightCategory )
// Then culling side. Must be call in this order as we pass the created Light data to the function
GetLightVolumeDataAndBound ( lightCategory , gpuLightType , lightVolumeType , light , m_lightList . lights [ m_lightList . lights . Count - 1 ] , worldToView ) ;
GetLightVolumeDataAndBound ( lightCategory , gpuLightType , lightVolumeType , light , m_lightList . lights [ m_lightList . lights . Count - 1 ] , lightDimensions , worldToView ) ;
// We make the light position camera-relative as late as possible in order
// to allow the preceding code to work with the absolute world space coordinates.