Evgenii Golubev
8 年前
共有 6 个文件被更改,包括 207 次插入 和 72 次删除
Shader "Hidden/HDRenderPipeline/CombineSubsurfaceScattering" |
{ |
Properties |
{ |
_FilterWidth("", Float) = 20 |
_BilateralScale("", Float) = 0.1 |
[HideInInspector] _DstBlend("", Float) = 1 // Can be set to 1 for blending with specular |
} |
SubShader |
{ |
Pass |
{ |
Stencil |
{ |
Ref 1 // StencilBits.SSS |
Comp Equal |
Pass Keep |
} |
ZTest Always |
ZWrite Off |
Blend One [_DstBlend] |
#pragma target 4.5 |
#pragma only_renderers d3d11 ps4 metal // TEMP: unitl we go futher in dev |
#pragma vertex Vert |
#pragma fragment Frag |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Include |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
#include "Common.hlsl" |
#include "Assets/ScriptableRenderLoop/HDRenderPipeline/ShaderVariables.hlsl" |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Inputs & outputs |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
float _FilterWidth; // Uses world-space units |
float _BilateralScale; // Uses world-space units |
float _FilterHorizontal; // Vertical = 0, horizontal = 1 |
float _DistToProjWindow; // The height of the projection window is 2 meters |
TEXTURE2D(_CameraDepthTexture); |
TEXTURE2D(_IrradianceSource); |
SAMPLER2D(sampler_IrradianceSource); |
#define bilinearSampler sampler_IrradianceSource |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Implementation |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
struct Attributes |
{ |
uint vertexId : SV_VertexID; |
}; |
struct Varyings |
{ |
float4 positionCS : SV_Position; |
}; |
Varyings Vert(Attributes input) |
{ |
Varyings output; |
// Generate a triangle in homogeneous clip space, s.t. |
// v0 = (-1, -1, 1), v1 = (3, -1, 1), v2 = (-1, 3, 1). |
float2 uv = float2((input.vertexId << 1) & 2, input.vertexId & 2); |
output.positionCS = float4(uv * 2 - 1, 1, 1); |
return output; |
} |
#define N_SAMPLES 17 |
static const float4 kernel[] = { |
float4(0.536343, 0.624624, 0.748867, 0), |
float4(0.00317394, 0.000134823, 3.77269e-005, -2), |
float4(0.0100386, 0.000914679, 0.000275702, -1.53125), |
float4(0.0144609, 0.00317269, 0.00106399, -1.125), |
float4(0.0216301, 0.00794618, 0.00376991, -0.78125), |
float4(0.0347317, 0.0151085, 0.00871983, -0.5), |
float4(0.0571056, 0.0287432, 0.0172844, -0.28125), |
float4(0.0582416, 0.0659959, 0.0411329, -0.125), |
float4(0.0324462, 0.0656718, 0.0532821, -0.03125), |
float4(0.0324462, 0.0656718, 0.0532821, 0.03125), |
float4(0.0582416, 0.0659959, 0.0411329, 0.125), |
float4(0.0571056, 0.0287432, 0.0172844, 0.28125), |
float4(0.0347317, 0.0151085, 0.00871983, 0.5), |
float4(0.0216301, 0.00794618, 0.00376991, 0.78125), |
float4(0.0144609, 0.00317269, 0.00106399, 1.125), |
float4(0.0100386, 0.000914679, 0.000275702, 1.53125), |
float4(0.00317394, 0.000134823, 3.77269e-005, 2), |
}; |
float4 Frag(Varyings input) : SV_Target |
{ |
PositionInputs posInput = GetPositionInput(input.positionCS.xy, _ScreenSize.zw); |
float rawDepth = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_CameraDepthTexture, posInput.unPositionSS).r; |
float cDepth = LinearEyeDepth(rawDepth, _ZBufferParams); |
float widthScale = _FilterWidth * _DistToProjWindow / cDepth; |
// Compute the filtering direction. |
float2 unitDirection = _FilterHorizontal ? float2(1, 0) : float2(0, 1); |
float2 scaledDirection = widthScale * unitDirection; |
// Premultiply with the inverse of the screen size. |
scaledDirection *= _ScreenSize.zw; |
// Take the first (central) sample. |
float3 sWeight = kernel[0].rgb; |
float2 sPosition = posInput.unPositionSS; |
float3 sIrradiance = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_IrradianceSource, sPosition).rgb; |
float3 cIrradiance = sIrradiance; |
// Accumulate filtered irradiance (already weighted by (albedo / Pi)). |
float3 filteredIrradiance = sIrradiance * sWeight; |
[unroll] |
for (int i = 1; i < N_SAMPLES; i++) |
{ |
sWeight = kernel[i].rgb; |
sPosition = posInput.positionSS + scaledDirection * kernel[i].a; |
sIrradiance = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_IrradianceSource, bilinearSampler, sPosition, 0).rgb; |
rawDepth = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_CameraDepthTexture, bilinearSampler, sPosition, 0).r; |
// Apply bilateral filtering. |
float sDepth = LinearEyeDepth(rawDepth, _ZBufferParams); |
float dDepth = abs(sDepth - cDepth); |
float dScale = _FilterWidth * _DistToProjWindow * _BilateralScale; |
float t = saturate(dScale * dDepth); |
filteredIrradiance += lerp(sIrradiance, cIrradiance, t) * sWeight; |
} |
return float4(false ? cIrradiance : filteredIrradiance, 1.0); |
} |
} |
} |
Fallback Off |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 867b36db983aa0548889a66f8d685ff6 |
timeCreated: 1485184880 |
licenseType: Pro |
ShaderImporter: |
defaultTextures: [] |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
#include "Common.hlsl" |
uint screenWidth, screenHeight; |
RWTexture2D<float3> diffuseFilterSource; |
RWTexture2D<float4> specularSourceAndColorTarget; |
#define GROUP_SIZE 256 |
#pragma kernel FilterHorizontalAndCombine |
[numthreads(GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1)] |
void FilterHorizontalAndCombine(uint3 threadID : SV_DispatchThreadID) |
{ |
uint2 screenPos = threadID.xy; |
if (screenPos.x >= screenWidth || screenPos.y >= screenHeight) return; |
float3 diffuseLighting = diffuseFilterSource[screenPos]; |
float4 specularLighting = specularSourceAndColorTarget[screenPos]; |
float3 color = specularLighting.rgb + diffuseLighting; |
float alpha = specularLighting.a; |
specularSourceAndColorTarget[screenPos] = float4(color, alpha); |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 7b82788b274d2e64f8516c36e42d2a6a |
timeCreated: 1485165439 |
licenseType: Pro |
ComputeShaderImporter: |
currentAPIMask: 4 |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
Reference in new issue