bsdfData.perceptualRoughness = PerceptualSmoothnessToPerceptualRoughness(surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness);
bsdfData.roughness = PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness(bsdfData.perceptualRoughness);
bsdfData.materialId = surfaceData.materialId;
bsdfData.diffuseColor = surfaceData.baseColor;
if (bsdfData.materialId == MATERIALID_LIT_STANDARD)
struct PreLightData
float NdotV;
float3 R;
float ggxLambdaV;
// Aniso
float anisoGGXLambdaV;
float3 anisoNormalWS;
float3 anisoR; // TODO: check if this is needed, I don't think we use R anymore for other thing than imagebased lighting
// image based lighting
float3 specularDFG;
// image based lighting
// These variables aim to be use with EvaluateBSDF_Env
float3 iblNormalWS; // Normal to be use with image based lighting
float3 iblR; // Reflction vector, same as above.
float3 specularDFG; // Store preconvole BRDF for both specular and diffuse
float diffuseDFG;
// TODO: if we want we can store ambient occlusion here from SSAO pass for example that can be use for IBL specular occlusion
PreLightData GetPreLightData(float3 V, float3 positionWS, Coordinate coord, BSDFData bsdfData)
PreLightData preLightData = (PreLightData)0;
PreLightData preLightData;
preLightData.NdotV = GetShiftedNdotV(bsdfData.normalWS, V);
preLightData.NdotV = GetShiftedNdotV(bsdfData.normalWS, V); // Note: May not work with speedtree...
preLightData.R = reflect(-V, bsdfData.normalWS);
// Check if we precompute anisotropy too (should not be necessary as if the variables are not used they will be optimize out, but may avoid
float iblNdotV = preLightData.NdotV;
float3 iblNormalWS = bsdfData.normalWS;
// Check if we precompute anisotropy too
preLightData.TdotV = dot(bsdfData.tangentWS, bsdfData.normalWS);
preLightData.BdotV = dot(bsdfData.bitangentWS, bsdfData.normalWS);
preLightData.TdotV = dot(bsdfData.tangentWS, V);
preLightData.BdotV = dot(bsdfData.bitangentWS, V);
preLightData.anisoNormalWS = GetAnisotropicModifiedNormal(bsdfData.normalWS, bsdfData.tangentWS, V, bsdfData.anisotropy);
// We need to take into account the modified normal for faking anisotropic here.
float anisoNdotV = GetNdotV(preLightData.anisoNormalWS, V); // TODO: is it necessary here to use the GetNDotV function
preLightData.anisoR = reflect(-V, preLightData.anisoNormalWS); // TODO: check if this is needed, I don't think we use R anymore for other thing than imagebased lighting
GetPreIntegratedDFG(anisoNdotV, bsdfData.roughness, bsdfData.fresnel0, preLightData.specularDFG, preLightData.diffuseDFG);
GetPreIntegratedDFG(preLightData.NdotV, bsdfData.roughness, bsdfData.fresnel0, preLightData.specularDFG, preLightData.diffuseDFG);
iblNormalWS = GetAnisotropicModifiedNormal(bsdfData.normalWS, bsdfData.tangentWS, V, bsdfData.anisotropy);
// NOTE: If we follow the theory we should use the modified normal for the different calculation implying a normal (like NDotV) and use iblNormalWS
// into function like GetSpecularDominantDir(). However modified normal is just a hack. The goal is just to stretch a cubemap, no accuracy here.
// With this in mind and for performance reasons we chose to only use modified normal to calculate R.
// iblNdotV = GetNdotV(iblNormalWS, V);
// We need to take into account the modified normal for faking anisotropic here.
preLightData.iblR = reflect(-V, iblNormalWS);
GetPreIntegratedDFG(iblNdotV, bsdfData.roughness, bsdfData.fresnel0, preLightData.specularDFG, preLightData.diffuseDFG);
// preLightData.ambientOcclusion = _AmbientOcclusion.Load(uint3(coord.unPositionSS, 0)).x;
// _preIntegratedFG and _CubemapLD are unique for each BRDF
void EvaluateBSDF_Env( float3 V, float3 positionWS, PreLightData prelightData, EnvLightData lightData, BSDFData bsdfData,
if (bsdfData.materialId == MATERIALID_LIT_ANISO)
// Use fake aniso normal
// We can overwrite locally the normal without problem
bsdfData.normalWS = bsdfData.anisoNormalWS;
prelightData.R = prelightData.anisoR;
// TODO: test the strech from Tomasz
// float shrinkedRoughness = AnisotropicStrechAtGrazingAngle(bsdfData.roughness, bsdfData.perceptualRoughness, NdotV);
// Note: As explain in GetPreLightData we use normalWS and not iblNormalWS here (in case of anisotropy)
float3 rayWS = GetSpecularDominantDir(bsdfData.normalWS, prelightData.iblR, bsdfData.roughness);
// Perform box collision to parallax correct the cubemap
// invTransform go from worldspace to local box space without scaling
float3 positionLS = mul(float4(positionWS, 1.0), lightData.invTransform).xyz;
float3 dirLS = mul(prelightData.R, (float3x3)lightData.invTransform);
float2 intersections = BoxRayIntersect(positionLS, dirLS, -lightData.extend, lightData.extend);
diffuseLighting = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
specularLighting = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
float3 R = rayWS;
float weight = 1.0;
if (intersections.y > intersections.x)
if (lightData.shapeType == ENVSHAPETYPE_BOX)
float3 R = positionLS + intersections.y * dirLS;
// local offset
R = R - light.localOffset;
// worldToLocal assume no scaling
float3 positionLS = mul(lightData.worldToLocal, float4(positionWS, 1.0)).xyz;
float3 rayLS = mul((float3x3)lightData.worldToLocal, rayWS);
float3 boxOuterDistance = lightData.innerDistance + float3(lightData.blendDistance, lightData.blendDistance, lightData.blendDistance);
float dist = BoxRayIntersectSimple(positionLS, rayLS, -boxOuterDistance, boxOuterDistance);
// No need to normalize for fetching cubemap
R = (positionWS + dist * rayWS) - lightData.capturePointWS; // TODO: check that
float mip = perceptualRoughnessToMipmapLevel(bsdfData.perceptualRoughness);
R = GetSpecularDominantDir(bsdfData.normalWS, R, bsdfData.roughness);
// TODO: add distance based roughness
float4 preLD = UNITY_SAMPLE_ENV_LOD(tex, float4(R, lightData.sliceIndex), mip);
specularLighting.rgb = preLD.rgb * prelightData.specularDFG;
// Apply specular occlusion on it
specularLighting.rgb *= bsdfData.specularOcclusion;
// Calculate falloff value, so reflections on the edges of the Volume would gradually blend to previous reflection.
// Also this ensures that pixels not located in the reflection Volume AABB won't
// accidentally pick up reflections from this Volume.
float distFade = DistancePointBox(positionLS, -lightData.innerDistance, lightData.innerDistance);
weight = saturate(1.0 - distFade / max(lightData.blendDistance, 0.0001)); // avoid divide by zero
// Smooth weighting
weight = smoothstep01(weight);
else if (lightData.shapeType == ENVSHAPETYPE_SPHERE)
float sphereRadius = lightData.innerDistance.x;
float2 intersections;
SphereRayIntersect(intersections, positionWS - lightData.positionWS, R, sphereRadius);
// TODO: check if we can have simplified formula like for box
// No need to normalize for fetching cubemap
R = (positionWS + intersections.y * rayWS) - lightData.capturePointWS;
float distFade = length(positionWS - lightData.positionWS);
weight = saturate(((sphereRadius + lightData.blendDistance) - distFade) / max(lightData.blendDistance, 0.0001)); // avoid divide by zero
float mip = perceptualRoughnessToMipmapLevel(bsdfData.perceptualRoughness);
float4 preLD = UNITY_SAMPLE_ENV_LOD(_EnvTextures, float4(R, lightData.sliceIndex), mip);
specularLighting.rgb = preLD.rgb * prelightData.specularDFG;
// Apply specular occlusion on it
specularLighting.rgb *= bsdfData.specularOcclusion;
specularLighting.a = weight;
specularLighting = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);