using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering ;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline ;
using UnityEditor ;
using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls ;
namespace UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline
private SerializedProperty m_DrawDistanceProperty ;
private SerializedProperty m_FadeScaleProperty ;
public class DecalBoundsHandle : BoxBoundsHandle
protected override Bounds OnHandleChanged ( HandleDirection handle , Bounds boundsOnClick , Bounds newBounds )
// special case for Y axis because decal mesh is centered at 0, -0.5, 0
if ( handle = = HandleDirection . NegativeY )
m_Translation = Vector3 . zero ;
m_Scale = newBounds . size ;
else if ( handle = = HandleDirection . PositiveY )
m_Translation = ( newBounds . center + newBounds . extents - ( m_Center + 0.5f * m_Size ) ) ;
m_Scale = ( m_Size + m_Translation ) ;
m_Translation = newBounds . center - m_Center ;
m_Scale = newBounds . size ;
return newBounds ;
public void SetSizeAndCenter ( Vector3 inSize , Vector3 inCenter )
// boundsOnClick implies that it gets refreshed only if the handle is clicked on again, but we need actual center and scale which we set before handle is drawn every frame
m_Center = inCenter ;
m_Size = inSize ;
center = inCenter ;
size = inSize ;
private Vector3 m_Center ;
private Vector3 m_Size ;
public Vector3 m_Translation ;
public Vector3 m_Scale ;
private DecalBoundsHandle m_Handle = new DecalBoundsHandle ( ) ;
private void OnEnable ( )
// Update material editor with the new material
m_MaterialEditor = ( MaterialEditor ) CreateEditor ( m_DecalProjectorComponent . Mat ) ;
void OnSceneGUI ( )
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
var mat = Handles . matrix ;
var col = Handles . color ;
Handles . color = Color . white ;
// decal mesh is centered at (0, -0.5, 0)
// zero out the local scale in the matrix so that handle code gives us back the actual scale
Handles . matrix = Matrix4x4 . TRS ( m_DecalProjectorComponent . transform . position , m_DecalProjectorComponent . transform . rotation , Vector3 . one ) * Matrix4x4 . Translate ( new Vector3 ( 0.0f , - 0.5f * m_DecalProjectorComponent . transform . localScale . y , 0.0f ) ) ;
// pass in the scale
m_Handle . SetSizeAndCenter ( m_DecalProjectorComponent . transform . localScale , Vector3 . zero ) ;
m_Handle . DrawHandle ( ) ;
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
// adjust decal transform if handle changed
m_DecalProjectorComponent . transform . Translate ( m_Handle . m_Translation ) ;
m_DecalProjectorComponent . transform . localScale = m_Handle . m_Scale ;
Repaint ( ) ;
Handles . matrix = mat ;
Handles . color = col ;
public override void OnInspectorGUI ( )