Clean/update for distortion + add a transparent depth prepass
- Rename All ForwardDisplayDebug to ForwardDebugDisplay
- Clean/factor code for distortion and SetEnablePass
- Add support for a RenderTransparentDepthPrepass (can be use for hair)
- Distortion pass is now consider as always a separate pass (no MRT
during particles rendering)
// If we have a layered shader, any UV can be use for this. To reduce the number of variant we groupt UV0/UV1 and UV2/UV3 instead of having variant for UV0/UV1/UV2/UV3
// When UVX is present, we assume that UVX - 1 ... UV0 is present
publicstaticGUIContentalphaCutoffEnableText=newGUIContent("Alpha Cutoff Enable","Threshold for alpha cutoff");
publicstaticGUIContentalphaCutoffText=newGUIContent("Alpha Cutoff","Threshold for alpha cutoff");
publicstaticGUIContentalphaCutoffShadowText=newGUIContent("Alpha Cutoff Shadow","Threshold for alpha cutoff in case of shadow pass");
publicstaticGUIContentalphaCutoffPrepassText=newGUIContent("Alpha Cutoff Prepass","Threshold for alpha cutoff in case of depth prepass");
publicstaticGUIContenttransparentDepthPrepassEnableText=newGUIContent("Enable transparent depth prepass","It allow to ");
publicstaticGUIContentdoubleSidedEnableText=newGUIContent("Double Sided","This will render the two face of the objects (disable backface culling) and flip/mirror normal");
publicstaticGUIContentdistortionEnableText=newGUIContent("Distortion","Enable distortion on this shader");
publicstaticGUIContentdistortionOnlyText=newGUIContent("Distortion Only","This shader will only be use to render distortion");
// #pragma shader_feature _DOUBLESIDED_ON - We have no lighting, so no need to have this combination for shader, the option will just disable backface culling
// TODO: TEMP: Velocity has a flow as it doens't have normal. This need to be fix. In the mean time, generate fix normal so compiler doesn't complain - When fix, think to also enable ATTRIBUTES_NEED_NORMAL in LitVelocityPass.hlsl