- Add a better mapping of roughness to mipmap for planar reflection
- The VolumetricLightingSystem now uses RTHandles, which allows to save memory by sharing buffers between different cameras (history buffers are not shared), and reduce reallocation frequency by reallocating buffers only if the rendering resolution increases (and suballocating within existing buffers if the rendering resolution decreases)
- Add a Volumetric Dimmer slider to lights to control the intensity of the scattered volumetric lighting
### Changed, Removals and deprecations
- Remove Resource folder of PreIntegratedFGD and add the resource to RenderPipeline Asset
publicreadonlyGUIContentaffectDiffuse=newGUIContent("Affect Diffuse","This will disable diffuse lighting for this light. Doesn't save performance, diffuse lighting is still computed.");
publicreadonlyGUIContentaffectSpecular=newGUIContent("Affect Specular","This will disable specular lighting for this light. Doesn't save performance, specular lighting is still computed.");
publicreadonlyGUIContentlightDimmer=newGUIContent("Dimmer","Aim to be used with script, timeline or animation. It allows dimming one or multiple lights of heterogeneous intensity easily (without needing to know the intensity of each light).");
publicreadonlyGUIContentvolumetricDimmer=newGUIContent("Volumetric Dimmer","Allows to reduce the intensity of the scattered volumetric lighting.");
publicreadonlyGUIContentfadeDistance=newGUIContent("Fade Distance","The distance at which the light will smoothly fade before being culled to minimize popping.");
publicreadonlyGUIContentspotInnerPercent=newGUIContent("Inner Percent","Controls size of the angular attenuation in percent of the base angle of the Spot light's cone.");
publicreadonlyGUIContentspotLightShape=newGUIContent("Shape","The shape use for the spotlight. Has an impact on the cookie transformation and light angular attenuation.");